Encounter With Corrupt Cops Ch. 02


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The two cops and Keshia can clearly tell that I'm cumming. They don't even need to hear my loud moans either as my body jerks and bucks to show how I'm taking this forced orgasm. Yet this time I don't care how stupid I look as I cum. In a weird way, it feels that this is the correct way for me to have an orgasm now. That I need to be exposed and helpless with whomever wants to watch, watching.

My orgasm is intense, but thankfully it doesn't last long. Much like a firecracker, it explodes into a great show, but ends very quickly. And as soon as it does, the asshole cop stops shoving the dildo in and out of my ass, his arm no doubt tired. But to prove how much of an asshole he is, he leaves it inside me, no doubt wanting me to share in Keshia's humiliation of having something in your ass all the time.

When I'm finally able to think again, I see that Keshia's stopped sucking the cop's dick. I then see why, as she has fresh cum all over her face. Judging by how she looks, I'm guessing the cop aimed for her face when he did this, to make sure he got as much coverage as possible. And boy, her face is coated with not many spots free of cum.

"My turn," my Cop says as he steps in front of me. I'm still panting from my orgasm as he grabs my hair with both hands and pulls downward. Like with Keshia, my head is pulled down to his exposed cock as it sticks out of his zipper. My face comes closer and closer to his hard cock, knowing what I'm going to have to do. And so, giving in like Keshia has, I open my mouth and take his cock in my mouth.

My lips close on his manhood as I begin to move my head up and down his shaft. Doing this is extremely painful as my arms stretch on their bonds, badly. I have no doubt if I am pulled down much further, my arms will probably pop out of socket. But like the whore I am, I suck his cock.

His hard member goes over my lips again and again. My tongue helps by licking his cock head and then trailing down the bottom. And the entire time, I hum lightly to make my mouth sort of like a vibrator, but for his cock. I do every trick I can to please him, knowing it's my only point in life.

I know I am doing a decent job when I hear him moan. It's a low, masculine moan that has so much bass in it. Right after he puts his hand on my head, which I know is something men do to show they are enjoying a blowjob. Not to mention it's their way to show they are in control during a blowjob.

The cop then begins to thrust when my head goes down, forcing his cock deeper into my mouth. He holds my head hard at this, facefucking me in a very lewd manner. It makes me feel so dirty and nasty, as if I'm living up to the whore status they've given me.

Unlike the other cop, who took a long while with Keshia, my cop pulls his cock out of my mouth after not even a minute. He slides it out and holds it in his hand to begin to jack off. As he does this in front of my face, he aims his manhood, right towards my eyes.

A moment later he cums. I was prepared for this, making sure my eyes were closed. Sure enough, thick stream after thick stream of cum shoots out, landing all over my face. Each time one stream comes out, he aims his manhood in a different part of my face, so the next stream lands in a different place.

When he finishes, it feels like my entire face is covered in cum, which is probably is. I feel the warmth of the goo too, where it clings to my face. Some even lands over my lips, where I can taste the all too familiar salty taste. It makes me stop moving as any small movement will make the cum cover even more of my used face.

I'm then treated to him wiping his cock off in my hair. He grabs a handful of my once clean long hair and uses it as a rag for his manhood. Over and over he wipes his cock off, grabbing new hair each time. Once he figures his cock is clean, he lets go of my hair which is now dirty and tangled and walks off.

Finally I am able to stand up to take some of the pressure off my stretched out arms. Oh, how they burn with being strung up like this. Not to mention how my entire body feels worn, tired and bruised. Like every inch of me has been used for their pleasure of some sort, even if that pleasure was spanking me.

"Please...will you let us go now?" I manage to croak out a few moments later, after the two cops fix their pants and put their cocks away.

When I say this, I feel cum go into my mouth. I try to spit it out, but don't want to make too much noise as they seem to be looking for any issue to punish me. If they hear me spitting, they could do something like wipe all the cum off my face and put it in my mouth.

"I dunno. What do you say, should we let them go?" Cop A asks in a mocking manner to Cop B. Both stand with their backs to the road, looking over Keshia and I. They stand in a very cop fashion as they have their arms crossed and chests out. Basically trying to look as intimidating as possible.

"We...we won't tell. And we've been good. We let you do everything you wanted without fighting. So please...let us go," I beg softly, not seeing why they would want to keep us any longer. They got themselves off time and again. And they have to know that if they kidnap us much longer, someone is going to miss us. That would mean people backtracking where we are and finding out what happened.

"I guess so," Cop B answers in a bored tone. Hearing this makes my heart lift. It lifts so much that I turn to look at Keshia. The poor girl's face is dripping with cum, as it's moved downward on her. It literally seems to be coating all of her and can't feel good, as it's happening to me as well.

Keshia eyes flick to me, where I see a hardened emotion. She doesn't believe they are going to let us go. It's very clear from the look on her face she knows this is a trick. And the look she gives me seems to say for me not to fall for it.

"We will need to take steps to protect ourselves. To at least give us a head start," Cop B states, to which Cop A smile widens. At hearing this, my stomach sinks as Keshia is right. They do have something horrible planned. Something that I know I'm not going to like.

"Is that ok to you? Do you agree to those terms?" Cop A asks very seriously, to which I roll my eyes. Again, they are mocking me. Making it seem like we actually have any sort of choice in this.

But as I turn my head to not look at them I get the feeling they want a response. Again, I know they are looking for any reason to punish us more, so I have to play their game. If I don't, there's no telling what they may do.

"Yes, I agree," I say weakly, my face reddening as they laugh at my response.

"How bout you?" Cop A asks Keshia, who is resting her back against the tree. I'm not sure if she does it on purpose or because she was previously told too, but she has her legs spread very wide. It's almost as if she telling them to go ahead and come up and fuck her again if that's what they want.

"Do whatever you want," Keshia mutters, showing attitude. Again, the cops laugh, showing they love the power they have over us. I bet anything making us answer has made their cocks hard again.

One cop moves to Keshia and begins to cut away at her bonds while the other walks to their cruiser. Once he reaches the cruiser, he opens the trunk, where he pulls out a coil of rope. Seeing this does scare me as that rope could be for anything. And whatever it is going to be, it'll be bad.

I'm very surprised when Keshia is untied completely. She's freed from the tree and even allowed to rub her wrists to get feeling back in them. The cop even walks away from her as he heads for me, giving her the perfect opportunity to run off. Not that she does, or even could at this moment.

The cop cuts me free as well. I groan in pain as I hunch over, every inch of me hurting or sore. I too rub my wrists but also rub over my body, trying to get better feeling in certain places. It's been most of the day I've been tied to that damn tree.

"Alright, step forward BDSM whore," Cop A tells Keshia as he stands on the side of the road. Both cops stand next to each other now and uncoil the rope. Keshia walks forward at the order, her head down and face still coated in cum. Her hands are at her sides but she doesn't swing them as she walks, showing she is keeping them at her sides on purpose. But without a word she walks barefoot out of the side of the forest, over the grass and up to the two cops as if presenting herself.

I watch as Keshia is made to put her hands out, where the cop wraps her wrists with rope. As she stands there letting herself get tied up, I wiggle, still feeling the dildo that is still in my ass. I hope they remove it as if I ask them too, they most likely won't.

"Alright, Fat Tits, you next," Cop A orders while looking at me. I walk the short distance, just like Keshia. My bare feet step on twigs and dirt as I move towards them, wondering what in the world they have planned. I really don't know as Keshia just stands there, her wrists tied together.

Once I'm close enough, Cop B grabs my upper arm and pulls. He pulls me forward, where I smack into Keshia's back. It's a hard bump too, where she grunts as she wasn't expecting it. She would have fallen over if the other cop hadn't held her.

"Stay Fido," Cop B says as if I'm a dog. I'm continuously pressed against Keshia's back now, where I can feel the warmth of her bare skin. All of my front is pressed against her front to the point that her hair is very much in my face, getting cum all over it.

The rope leading to Keshia's wrists is tossed between both of our legs for some reason. I'm not sure what they mean to do, but have a feeling my poor womanhood isn't going to like it. Nor is my ass, which still has the damn dildo inside.

"Ouch," I whimper as my hands are grabbed and yanked behind my back. Only they make me fold my arms so my forearms are touching side by side. This makes my arms go to my upper back in a very painful manner.

Now I feel rope being wrapped around my arms as they start to bind me. They wrap is around all of my arms over and over again, making sure to bind me tight. From my wrists, to my forearm all the way to my elbow, the rope is wrapped around and around, making it impossible for me to move my arms now.

Keshia starts to whimper for some reason. It's a very strange whimper as it isn't of pain or concern. It's more like she's being molested again, but the cops aren't touching her. And then I feel it and I make the same exact whimper. The rope that goes from her wrists is now very taut and is running right between our legs. And they made sure to position it perfectly so it goes right between my pussy lips, which I'm sure is the same for Keshia.

As the length of rope is made tighter as they wrap it more around my arms, I see what they've done. In a weird sick way, it is almost genius as a sexual torture. They are binding us together, with the rope basically giving us a wedgie.

Keshia has it worse by far with the rope. I'm not able to confirm, but I'm pretty sure her wrists are pressed against her abdomen, where the rope no doubt runs over her clit before running under her. Since I'm shorter, the rope just barely glazes my own clit but makes solid contact between my pussy lips. With us tied so close together, there's not going to be much relief, especially if we don't move as one.

The cop finishes tying my hands, where I feel the rope trying to pull my arms downward as the rope is so taut. The stretched rope goes between my ass cheeks, where it presses against the bottom of the fucking dildo, making sure it stays in my poor ass. The rope then goes through my pussy lips where it touches my clit before traveling between Keshia's legs. And I'm sure her own hands feel the same pull of the rope as I do, only if she moves, she'll be rubbing against her womanhood.

"Now, you have to give us a ten count head start, ok?" Cop A says and laughs a loud and asshole laugh at us. Keshia and I, who are forced to press our bodies together, don't respond. We just stand in this humiliating manner, cum on both of our faces, our abused bodies still completely naked and helpless.

"Go! You have ten seconds!" Cop B laughs and slaps my bare ass, hard. With my ass still sore from the whipping from earlier. I yelp in pain at this.

Keshia, feeling the blow tries to move forward. When she does, I nearly trip over her and her feet/legs, but I manage to catch myself. It then takes us a few moments to start to walk as one, with both of us having to take small, fast steps or risk tripping the other. I think I have it worse as I have to spread my legs wide as I walk to avoid running into Keshia's feet.

And so, on the side of this dirt road, we both do our best to run. We move as fast as we can, hearing the cops laughing at how stupid we look. Both of us whimper and whine as the rope moves all the time, pressing against very sensitive parts, in which I'm scared I may cum again from how humiliating it is.

My own tits are pressed against Keshia's back so they don't move as they are so smushed. But I know Keshia's must be bouncing painfully without any sort of bra. It has to hurt double since they are tied up with those weighted clamps on her nipples. Hell, I can even hear the clinking of the metal, as well as her tits slapping against her as they bounce down against her.

"S-S-Stop," Keshia finally says after about 20 seconds of running/walking. She starts to slow down, to which I am forced to do the same or risk us falling over.

"You ok? What's wrong?" I ask, trying to glance behind to see what the cops are doing. They haven't moved at all. They still watch us from behind their car, except one of them is filming us on his cell. They are still very close as we can't move fast at all.

"I..I...I need...a minute," Keshia tells me in a deep, low tone. Then I feel goosebumps form all over her body. She gets very cold, then very warm. She then tries to bend over, but clearly can't. From this, I hear her moan soft moans and groans, as if trying to fight something.

She's orgasming. The fucking rope made her orgasm. Knowing how embarrassing this is, I don't say anything more as she cums. I just let her feel it, hoping it is at least fast so we can keep going. It gets awkward to be pressed so close together to someone like this as they orgasm.

"O-O-Ok, let's go," Keshia says after a few long moments, her orgasm either over or fading fast. She starts to walk again, where I shadow her footsteps. Once again we do our short, fast steps as my legs are spread wide.

As I tilt my head to look in front of Keshia, I feel my heart sink. I can't even see the end of the road. We are so far down this road that I can't even see the entrance. How many miles is it? And where is it even going to end up at? Even if we reach it, will we get help?!

Feeling pathetic and stupid like this, I feel my own orgasm building. It's not so much because of the way the rope presses against me or move, it's everything. It's being naked with cum on my face. It's being tied up to another woman. It's having my tits pressed so hard against her back they touch my chin. It's being laughed at by those fucking cops.

All that I'm feeling blends together to make the orgasm grow and grow. To make it worse, the stupid rope does indeed touch my clit each time I move. At first I was able to ignore it, but it's been worn down and I can't help but submit to it. It feels like a finger moving back and forth on my tender clit.

"P-P-Please...hold...h-h-hold for a moment," I beg Keshia as my own orgasm flares to life, sending rippling waves of pleasure all over me again. I feel my own body get super warm, which she probably feels as we are pressed against each other.

Keshia, having figured what the issue is, stops without saying anything. She stands as still as possible, knowing any movement she makes would make it worse...or better...for me. And so, tied up and helpless, I orgasm with her body pressed against me.

In one of the weirdest feelings ever, I almost lean over and kiss Keshia's neck. There's just something so beautiful about her that makes me want to do it. To kiss and lick her there, and run my lips to her ear lobe. I know it's because of the orgasm that I want to do this, as I'm not sure how sexy it would be at the moment.

"Ok, I'm ready," I tell Keshia, breathless, as my orgasm fades. It fades, but the odd feeling to kiss Keshia doesn't. Knowing how this isn't the time, I push that thought down as I move in time with her as we try to go down the road.

And so the two of us walk like this down the road, helpless. I hold out hope that someone will come by to help us. That a nice, sane person will see us and free us. But I doubt Keshia holds this same hope, and I don't blame her.

After a few minutes, I have to stop again as Keshia is about to cum again. This time she moans clearly as there's really no point to hide it. We both know what is happening. As she cums, I try to hang onto the hope that we will get out of this without anything more happening, but I know my luck isn't that good.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Five stars but needs a darker part 3 to wrap it up properly.

StirCrazy19StirCrazy19about 1 year ago

Keshia, key, she, ah phonetically speaking, and the nameless workaholic, data manager finally synchronize their rope rubbing orgasms. Having explosive climaxes in unison, building a bond between the two victims, that neither knew could exist. But who the pair of bound together quivering submissives, driving down the road at breakneck speed, but the cashier. Gotta read part 3 of Keshia's bindr story.

StirCrazy19StirCrazy19about 1 year ago

Are there any more stories, that have Keisha from the bindr experience storyline. I would like to see her used and abused in similar fashions in the future. A humiliated black woman, degraded in a sea of white. I got to see my therapist today!

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