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I let my eyes wander from her fiery eyes, down her bound neck, to the soft swell of her small breasts, down the concave arc of her slim muscular torso and core. Her hips were arched, pressed out by the edge of the counter and presenting as if an offering her smoothly shaved sex to my eyes, from there her firm thighs diverged spreading apart, knees slightly bent to support the arched pose.

"Uh, yeah," I said, nearly speechless as my eyes lifted back upwards retracing the line backwards.

"Do you think I do?" She asked with a small quiet voice.

At that point my eyes had refocused on her breasts and then to her nipples, rock hard and jutting up to the ceiling. My hands reached for the nubs and brushed the hard nubs with my fingertips as she moaned softly at the contact. My finger and thumb of each hand pulled the hard nipples firmly.

"Apparently." I replied

"Mmnnnnnh," she enthused, licking her lips, "good man."

I released the nipples and heard her hiss slightly at the release and looked up into her eyes.

"Do you still want to use the flogger? Richard?" she asked with fire behind her irises.

I nodded, and reached for it, pulling it from the counter beside her. My pulse was raising to the point I could feel it in my ears as I felt the leather grip in my hand.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because you need it." I answered, without really thinking, letting the leather traces slide across the skin of her abdomen.

"But you don't?" she asked with narrow accusing eyes.

"I need..." I started then paused.

I thought about what I was about to do, a flash of reasons flowing through my aroused brain. I had never really thought about the connection I suddenly felt with this beautiful woman bound by my hand. Her body visibly aroused by the restrictive position, and willing to endure the smart contact of a leather whip held in my grip. There was a shift of power in that moment, that is hard to explain, a point where she had willingly given me a part of her, and I had grasped it firmly. It wasn't about my wants, or her needs, I suddenly understood.

"No... We need it." I said softly, almost to myself.


I made quick work of making the kids their breakfast, delivering one of my daughters to a test for school, then returned home to relax a bit before things really got hectic in the evening.

While folding clothes, and watching golf on the television, I picked up my phone and dashed off a quick text:

Richard: This is Richard. From breakfast Munch. Thanks for your number.

I started folding more clothes, not expecting an immediate response, but soon my phone buzzed.

Emily: omg! Are you stalking me? *g*

Richard: only a little, did you not wish to be?

Emily: I'm not sure, are you a good stalker?

Richard: never done it before, but I'ma quick study.

Emily: lol.

Emily: How are you?

Richard: okay, a bit stressed, lots on my mind today. I wasn't at my best this morning.

Emily: what's the problem, chum.

Richard: I'm not sure I want to burden my stalkee with personal stuff...

Richard: at least not so soon in the process...

Emily: doesn't have to be a photograph, a charcoal sketch is fine.

Richard: my drawing sucks

I tossed my phone on the sofa, and picked up a pile of folded clothes to put them away, and when I came back to the living room my phone was buzzing, a call from Emily.

"Hello?" I said curiously.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry," Emily said softly, "I just got the feeling you needed to talk about it."

I laughed lowly, "I probably do, but I hardly know you. I might need to have a beer in hand to confess to a stranger."

"Well I don't have any beer, but I have some nice whiskey."

"Darlin, it's just past noon! Do you take me for a lush?"

"Ah, sweetie, I was hoping you could regale me with your woes. Maybe later tonight? I feel like having company."

I paused at that, she was a lovely thing to look at. Seemed a bit odd to have her inviting me over for a drink. However, it also fit into the culture of a Munch meeting, they are mostly informal meetings, and a place where two people could agree to a more private date and get to know one another better.

"That's sounds intriguing," I said, "I'm busy until after eight, then probably wouldn't be able to go anywhere till near nine."

"Nine it is then, I'll send you my address."

"Do you want me to bring anything?"

"Just you, handsome, and some stories."

"That sounds very nice, I think that'll be just what I need after the rest of this day."

"Glad to be of service, see you at nine."

A couple of seconds late my cell buzzed with her address. I clicked on the text and brought up a map on my phone, and I saw she was only about a mile away from my house. After playing taxi to all my kids it would be nice to take a walk, and her house was just the right distance.

I went through the rest of the day with a spring in my step, and was a bit less grumpy around my kids. I really didn't mind taking them places, and since one of my kids was learning to drive, I only had to be a passenger most of the time. I started checking my watch as I ticked off the events, and realized I'd probably have a bit of free time before nine o'clock.

After all the kids were delivered, picked up, rearranged, fed and returned to their mother's house. I returned home, and took a shower, and picked out a semi-flattering casual outfit, walked down the street a little after 8:30.

The night was one of the spring nights in the south which is not too hot, and not too cool, a breeze but not windy. The sun had just dipped below the horizon, and I enjoyed the walking in the gloaming. Her neighborhood was a bit more upscale than my small apartment, but not overly pretentious. The porch light was on, which made me feel she was looking forward to my presence as I was to hers.

*knock knock*

She appeared at the door talking on her cell phone, and lifted a finger to her lips. She motioned me inside and waved me towards the kitchen, then headed back down a hallway and disappeared. I heard her voice talking some financial mumbo jumbo, in a precise and measured tone. She sounded like she knew exactly what she was doing.

I suddenly felt insecure. I started wondering what the heck I was doing at her house, in her kitchen, listening to her talk some serious sounding business. I looked around and the counters were all clean, on the kitchen table was a bottle of whiskey and two tumblers. Suddenly I felt very thirsty. I poured a finger of the amber liquid in each glass, and then sniffed my glass. I heard her coming back just as I tipped the bottom of my glass up and downed the drink.

"Do you know how much a glass of that costs?" she asked smiling, not mad, more curious.

"I dunno, 8 bucks? 20?"

"Try 40, and you'd be closer. She explained refilling my glass, it's meant to be sipped not guzzled."

She handed my glass back to me, and I sheepishly took it. "Yes, ma'am."

"Do I look like a ma'am?" she laughed, "I'm not dominant at all. C'mon handsome, lets go sit in the living room."

She grabbed the bottle and walked through the door, and I followed her, more than a little self-conscious. She moved like a cat, athletic, confident, and curled into the corner of the sofa and looked up at me with steady even eyes. I slide beside her and took a careful sip of the amber liquid letting the taste of it wet my tongue.

"You haven't been to many Munches," she stated confidently, "I'd have noticed you before."

"Only since my divorce was final," I confessed, "just a few months. I thought I might see what a more... vigorous sex life was like."

"And?" she questioned with a smile in her eyes.

"Well, I've yet to really experience it," I confessed.


"We need it," I said again with more confidence, straightening up and leveling my eyes into hers.

Her eyes closed and a purr like growl escaped her lips when i spoke the words. I took that as an encouragement and took a moment to pull off my shirt, and push my trousers and boxers off. Her head tilted back and watched as i undressed, her tongue tracing along her lips as her eyes focused on my cock.

I retrieved the flogger and drew my hand back and swept the flogger across her chest. My eyes lowered to her breasts that shook with that first tentative blow. My hand followed through, then reversed automatically swinging back across her chest with a harder slap. Time slowed down for a moment, as I watched her nipples bend and give to the sweep of the leather straps then rise hard again after they passed. Her skin blushed slightly, and I saw her muscles tense from her chest to her shoulders, trying to move but held helpless by my knots.

Feeling more confident with each swing, I moved up across her shoulders swinging harder and hearing the slap of leather against skin. The grip shifting in my hand as the device transmitted the shock of the strike back through it's handle. The power shift I felt in the moment she'd asked the question seemed to amplify, and I reversed that power and slug it back into her with each punishing strike. My sweeps lowered down her torso, abusing her breasts then sweeping in loud slaps against her stretched abdomen.

Emily lowered her chin as she tightened her abdominal muscles. I watched her firm muscles pop and ripple under her skin as she struggled against the forced arch and tried to absorb the withering stings of the leather straps. I continued lower and brought the traces hard along her hips, darkening the skin into a dusky rose then down across her thighs. My eyes lowered to her open and exposed sex, visibly aroused. Her puffy labia lips were stretched by the sweeps of the traces in one direction, then pulled back on the reciprocal stroke.

"Richard!, Richard!!!" she panted as I the flogger brushed over her her most sensitive parts. Her thighs tightened as she tried to lift her knees to protect herself, but held fast isometrically by the ropes around her ankles. I stopped my strokes and listened, my breath rapid and fast. I looked at her with tight eyes and listened.

"Please..." she started her face blushing deeper that the red exertion of her struggle, "I.. I... Please, take my throat, and hold it tight."

I lifted my hand to her throat, wrapping my fingers along the rough columns of the rope binding her to the sink's faucet. I leaned over her and applied some of my weight and listened as her voice grew fainter.

"Spank me there... again... up..." she pleaded with her eyes as she spoke, and I understood what she needed, and felt my erection pulse as another invisible bolt of power transferred between us.

I swept the flogger down, the traces trickling down her torso and across her exposed and open sex then reversed the sway and snapped my wrist, smacking the bulk of the leather straps against her sex with a loud splat. Emily yipped her neck snapping against my hand, as I gripped her neck harder, robbing her of a breath, and silencing a scream.

I spanked the flogger against her again and again. Her body shivered under the onslaught of blows, my eyes drifted down to where the leather made contact with her skin and watched how her hips rolled against the counter, lifting into each hard stroke I brought against her. Her whole body writhing at the touch of straps of leather smacking her sex hard. Her mouth was wide open and moans escaped between thin inhalations of breath as my hand constricted her airway. I struck her twice more then dropped the flogger to the hard surface of the bathroom floor.

I turned to her, my hand at her neck released its hold while the fingers that gripped the flogger cupped against her hot sex. I swiveled against her, my body finally touching hers, my erection firm against her thigh as I lowered my mouth to hers and kissed her deeply, thrusting my tongue between her lips hungrily. My fingers wriggling between her hot lips, oozing their aroused wetness around my thick digits.

"Does doing that to me, turn you on?" she asked as I drew my lips back my head lowering to look at my damp hand.

I saw only clear fluid. Arousal, not blood, soaked my fingers and I quickly pressed them back into her sex and wormed the fingertips inside her. I could only nod in agreement to her question, words trapped in my head. I used my other hand to slot the head of my cock into the dripping opening to her cunt, then thrust my hips hard driving my fevered cock deep into her.

"Aaaauuughhh! FUCK YES" she exclaimed as my cock was thrust deep.

I brought both hands to her neck, thumbs vertically against the column of her neck and pressed into her neck as my hips began to draw back and stroke in, finding the right angle then increasing in pace and frequency.

"Squeeze, Squeezee HAAAaarddd" she said her fiery eyes locked on mine as I rutted up into her.

My hips drew back and pounded in hard. I bent my knees as I drew back, then lifted my hips as I straightened up, slamming deeply up into her. Her body shook as I powered my hips, my mass, my entire being into her with each firm hard stroke. He eyes closed as I fucked her savagely, her breathing thin from the compression of my hands around her airway.

My ears hummed with the flow of blood pulsing through my body, wet sounds of her sex accepting my cock into its depths followed by the smack of skin hitting skin was all I heard. My eyes locked onto her face as I choked her and fucked her, feeling the power flow from her, swirl through me and reflect back into her in an infinite feedback loop that over powered my senses.

"FUUCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK" I roared as I felt my peak charge towards me, and then release. Simultaneously Emily's cunt walls jerked and squeezed my cock, her orgasm flooding her hot juice around my spewing cockhead. I saw red, black, and stars flash through across my vision as my body shifted into primal reflexive jerks as my own orgasm overpowered me.

I slammed in tight, my cock still pulsing and pumping its seed into her womb, I let go of her throat and wrapped my arms around her hips, pulling myself on to her, compressing her with my body, as my voice found words again.

"damn..." I said softly, "FUCK FUCK"

"mmmmmm" she said breathlessly, "thank you."

I lifted my eyes to hers, with a question, "Thank me?"

She nodded a smile of contentment crossing her face, and I replied, "You're welcome."

I started loosening the knots, removing the rope from her neck, then kneeling to untie her ankles, before standing up and wrapping my arms around her to loosen the first knots I'd ever placed on a woman before. I looked down at her and kissed her lips deeply.

I wordlessly slid my hands behind her knees and shoulders and lifted her small sturdy frame into my arms. She draped her arms around my neck to hold on, and curled her neck into my chest. I carried her over to the full steaming bathtub, a deep well of water and slipped her feet first into the hot liquid.

"Aiighhhhnnnnnhh," she complained as her skin felt sting of the heat and the irritation of her freshly abraded skin.

She stood thigh deep in the water, bent slightly holding the edge of tub with her hands and looked over her shoulder, asking softly, "Join me?"

I stepped into the tub behind her and lowered myself into the steamy waters, sitting against the bottom and spreading my thighs apart. I reached for her hips and drew her back, letting her ease into the water. A few small moans of irritation as her tender skin adapted to the heat then she settled back against my chest. I wrapped my arms around her abdomen and pulled her close. My lower legs lifting and entwining around her lower legs. My body physically entangling her as much as she had entangled me with the new experiences.

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nyteramblernyteramblerabout 2 years ago

Dam this one needs another chapter to many loose ends.

PlaynhrdPlaynhrdover 5 years ago
well done

I do not comment often, but I completely enjoyed this story, its circular narrative, its nice use of timing and imagery, the and the implied conspiracy of the characters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Nicely done, even with your several typos and mis-spellings. You got the interaction correctly, even though I don't care for "breath play." Keep them cumming

kinky_little_kittenkinky_little_kittenalmost 11 years ago

i love this piece it is evocative and appealing on many levels.

Amazing work!

mel_pomenemel_pomenealmost 11 years ago
I loved it - thank you

I particularly liked the dedication - it made me smile ;) ! To a Dom I know - nicely done.

Good work, four stars and thanks again.

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