Escape from Hyrulla Ch. 05


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Adam could feel her gratitude for indulging her desire to cum onto her body, as well as her insecurity about her fetish. Xerea could sense his acceptance of her and how beautiful he thought she looked with cum dripping off her face and tits. Adam knew Xerea was thrilled her sister found him but admitted she was jealous of her sister for having constant access to his delicious jism. Xerea felt his longing for Xanxaa but also how glad he was to have this time to become closer to her.

They were both groaning together as their naked, sweaty bodies, sprinkled with gooey drops of cum, continued to pound against each other. Her humongous breasts swung uncontrollably in every direction as her body jerked and spasmed with sexual pleasure. Several thrusts later, Adam moaned with satisfaction as he unleashed another load of jizz inside her, which filled her entire vagina before trickling down out of her and onto her inner thighs.

She lay down on top of him, both of their hearts racing with activity, and turned her head so it could gently rest on his damp, brawny pectorals. He pulled the blanket over them and then ran his fingers through her white hair to comb her rumpled locks. Their shallow breathing became deeper and slower, and soon both their eyes closed and took a mid-morning nap in the warmth of each other's body.


Xanxaa leaned forward so she could rub her enormous tits up and down the man's torso. She was straddling a young man, although his appearance resembled a teenage boy, in the records section of the Department of Legality, the nineteenth government worker she had visited that day. It was late in the afternoon and so far, no one was able to give her any additional information about Adam's indictment that she didn't already know. The baby-faced boy in records, however, was barely out of college and his body had a jubilant exuberance that is innate with youthfulness. Ever since Adam went on the run, she had experienced vicious and cruel abuse of her body, and she wanted to be touched in a more loving way, but she also needed information that she feared was impossible to find. The young man was thrilled when she climbed on top of him and he agreed readily when, after he told her there was no further documents he could give her, she asked if she could stay connected with him longer.

She leaned her head back as he burrowed his face between her massive breasts and sunk his fingers deep into the soft flesh of her jiggling tits. Her hips gently moved up and down over his shaft, and she felt him throbbing inside her tight, soaking wet pussy. He squeezed her huge mounds hard when she clenched her groin around his cock until he climaxed with an explosion of cum inside her.

Xanxaa leaned back further, putting her hands behind her on his knees for support, as he kept grinding his dick into her drenched cunt. He clasped her bouncing tits harder and she moaned with pleasure when he bit her hardened nipples. The young man gnawed on her aureoles, which made her gasp breathlessly, and the rhythm of their bodies plunging into each other became a little faster. She loved the feel of his dick stimulating her pussy, but it made her miss Adam even more.

Being a skilled diplomat, Xanxaa had lots of experience probing people's minds telepathically with a subtle touch so that they would not realize she was digging for information. It was even harder with Hryullians, since they too are telepaths, so she had to be especially careful when burrowing into their inner thoughts undetected. She could see he was an honest worker doing his job as competently as he knew how, trying to help everyone to the best of his ability. Still, she hoped there was something he saw in some document somewhere, even unconsciously, that might help her in her quest to exonerate Adam.

The man eagerly grabbed her hips to support her as they started pounding each other harder. Xanxaa grabbed the chair behind his shoulders and threw her hair forward so it draped over both their faces. She could feel the heat of their breath merging together while her smooth skin trembled with carnal lust. The chair beneath him was squeaking louder as if it might become wrenched apart from their intensifying movements. She could feel her wetness covering his cock as she slid up and down over his hardened rod. When she nuzzled her head into his shoulder and gently bit his neck, he groaned with approval and began hammering her even more ferociously.

Her enormous tits flailed against his face and chest and her disheveled hair bounced over the heads as though her reddish strands were dancing around them. She pressed her forehead against his, wanting to feel her bond with Adam again and feel their souls intertwine into one, but as nice as this moment was, she would never feel that same connection until she was back in his arms.

She stood up for only a few seconds so she could turn around and straddle his legs with her back to him. When she lowered her moist cunt over his cock, he let out a boisterous grunt and pulled her backwards gently by her hair so she rested against his body. She squirmed with delight when he reached around and squeezed her breasts from behind as he drove himself inside her. Putting her hands on top of his, she tightly clenched her tits until the two of them together were clawing at her nipples. Xanxaa arched her back so he could ram his cock into her sopping wet pussy as hard as he wanted.

The feeling of him sliding in and out of her from behind as he fondled her tits was a wonderful respite from the hours of disappointment going from one government office to another. She tried to find other detectives who might know something about Adam's case, law clerks who might have insight about his indictment and how it can be appealed without a trial, and some lawyers at the Diplomatic Center who might have insight about how to deal with his case. And now she was in the Records Center, hopelessly trying to find names of witnesses, notes about the case, or anything else in the investigation that might help her. As she fucked the young man, however, he verified what she had already learned, that the investigation was kept sealed until trial and could not be retrieved.

Xanxaa leaned forward until her shoulders were near her knees. As she held the desk in front of her, he gripped her hips and hammered her ass with all of his might. Her huge tits hung below her chest and were rocking back and forth. "Harder!" she begged, and he slammed himself into her backside like a rabid animal frothing at the mouth. Her breasts were now thrashing around her torso and every muscle in her soft, naked body was trembling from the vigorous slams. Her shapely buttocks quivered as he pounded himself into her, and she moaned with satisfaction. "Harder!" she screamed as she stood up and spread her legs for him, and the young boy jumped out of his chair so now he had more leverage to forcefully pummel her cunt as much as she wanted.

She could feel his shaft throbbing inside her, so she wasn't surprised when he groaned loudly while cum shot out of him mixing with her vagina juices to produce a lubricant that made his cock feel like silky velvet rubbing against her pussy. Jism flooded inside her and she squeezed her groin muscles so her vagina was even tighter as he moved himself around inside her.

The young man was covered in sweat as he tried to keep up the frenetic pace of ramming his cock inside her cunt, but it wasn't long before he slumped back into his chair exhausted and depleted. She smiled at him, a little disappointed that he didn't have Adam's stamina, but grateful for the affectionate way he fucked her. She knew she was going to have to go to Xerig's place that night, where he would undoubtedly be mercilessly vicious with her soft, tender body, so she enjoyed having this moment of being touched kindly by someone more empathetic and compassion. She looked over her shoulder with a smile, "Thank you," she whispered alluringly before sauntering out the door.


Adam was standing in the back corner of the ballroom, near the bar filled with liquors and cordials. It was right before the opening of the tasting, and Adam took a final swig of his Hryullian fruit liqueur. He had arrived at the venue an hour before the doors opened and was given instructions by the head waiter, which included an offer for one free drink from the bar before the event began. Adam did not enjoy most Hryullian high-alcohol drinks, but fruit liqueurs were tart enough for him to savor the taste without the burning in his throat.

He did not order his drink when he first arrived, and instead watched the other males without looking like that's what he was doing. He saw stretch and play with their cocks to keep themselves erect and build up cum, and some applied oil on their skin to give their bodies a sexier shine. Adam had opted for a mask, and he was given a feathered mask that covered the top half of his face, leaving his mouth exposed. He had been drinking water all day long to hopefully prevent himself from becoming dehydrated from all the jism he was about to generate, but still he wanted to keep a couple of bottles near him tonight. Ten minutes before the start, Adam took a Ztyffr pill, which would exponentially increase his capacity to produce cum, and he wedged two more into the side of the mask for later. He ordered his drink and had gradually sipped his cordial for the last few minutes so not too much alcohol would go into his brain all at once. Now that the doors were about to open, however, he felt his nervousness swelling in his chest and he downed the rest of the fruit liqueur in one gulp before going to his table.

Adam saw Madam Xolle, the only time he had seen her that evening so far, walk up to the front doors and open them so patrons could come in, and the crowd distributed themselves evenly around the room. Two Hryullian women sat down at Adam's table and smiled up at him while they waited for him to offer his cock to them. He looked down at their naked bodies and their large, bulging tits and tried to make his cock become more erect. The women chuckled to each other, and one reached out and stroked his shaft. He thought of Xanxaa and her fantastically sexy body as the woman's soft fingers gripping him made him become harder. When she ran her tongue along his shaft and then plunged his cock into her mouth, he could feel his dick throbbing in her throat.

The way she sucked him felt a little awkward to him, but he kept thinking about Xanxaa and what it would be like to see her voluptuous body again and have her lips surrounding his shaft and her humongous tits bouncing into his face. Soon he could feel a load of cum filling his quivering erection. A few seconds later, he grunted as an immense load of jism burst out of him and into her mouth. His eyes were closed to concentrate on images of Xanxaa, but he heard the woman humming with admiration. She handed his cock to the other woman in time for another burst, and she too moaned with approval. He clenched his groin muscles to hold his cum in as the two women left and another woman sat down. As soon as she put her mouth over his cock, he released a massive load of semen into her throat, and she happily guzzled it all down as more jism poured out of him.

Another woman sat down and he held his muscles long enough for him to go to her place at the table and let her surround his shaft with her lips before he unleashed a giant stream of cum into her mouth. The loud murmurs of delight from all the women had attracted the attention of the other patrons, and it didn't take long before a line had formed at Adam's table. He presented his cock from one person to the next, doing his best to withhold ejaculating until the next pair of lips had firmly enveloped his shaft. Each time he erupted with more cum, the woman receiving his load would groan approvingly and she would lick his cock and scrotum in appreciation.

In the first hour, over eighty women had sat down to sample his cum. But by the end of the hour, most people had sampled all the men in the venue and would return to those tables where the cum was most delectable. In the second hour, patrons tended to linger for extended periods of time and drink much more of his jism, so he serviced fewer women but he felt as though he ejaculated twice as much volume. Most of the patronage were Hryullian women, but there were a dozen different species there and while Adam mostly enjoyed the different textures of tongues rubbing on this cock, there were a couple of beings whose mouths were less than hospitable to his tender dick. A small crowd persisted in huddling around Adam's table, waiting for the opportunity to sit down in front of him and guzzle more of his cum.

Before the second hour was over, he had taken one of the Ztyffr pills from his mask out and swallowed it as women continued sucking enthusiastically on his cock. He made sure to hold back and only allow his jism to spray out when there was someone's open mouth around his shaft inviting him to erupt his gooey, sticky goodness into her throat. He tried not to focus on anyone's comments, but he couldn't help but overhear how most conversations discussed how delectable his cum was compared to the other men, and his combination of bitter saltiness with a sticky, creamy texture was amazingly delicious. There were a few women who were less than impressed, but the majority of women thought his cum was by far the most appealing.

The combination of the Ztyffr along with the relentless stimulation of all the women licking and sucking his cock made his ability to produce cum increase substantially. The muscles in his groin and cock were becoming more fatigued as the night went on, and with the constant stimulation, he was finding it increasingly difficult to stop his stream of jism between women. He would painfully hold his cum and drink some gulps of water until he could find the next woman to ram his shaft into, and the sudden release of his sticky juices resulted in floods that overwhelmed their mouths and gushed out over their chins and onto the tablecloth.

More and more women waited for the opportunity to drink more of his cum, and when the fourth hour approached, he took another pill and swallowed a large amount of water to keep his supply steady. Dozens of women had covered his cock with their lips and he noticed subtle differences, from the wetness of their mouths to the strength of their facial muscles to the texture of their tongues. He found the variety to be interesting to compare, and he appreciated the feeling of all of them in some way. Of course, he missed the comforting feeling of Xanxaa's lips sucking on him, as well as Xerea, and every other woman fell short of them.

The muscles in Adam's groin were weary and spent, so he was no longer able to withhold his jism briefly anymore. As each woman approached him, she would have to maneuver his cock into her mouth so that the least amount of cum was lost. They moaned with appreciation as the stream of jism splashed into their throat, and most of them gulped many, many times before releasing his dick for the next person. He wasn't sure how much longer he could last but feeling all their tongues against his throbbing shaft was so marvelous that he continued gushing cum out for everyone who was waiting.

He was well into his fifth hour when the venue had already officially closed its doors and only two other men had enough stamina to remain, but over a dozen women were still waiting for another turn to swallow his ejaculate. Adam continued drinking as much water as he could, but he was beyond exhausted. He kept thinking of Xanxaa's curvy body and her incredible tits to maintain his erection and give every client the mouthful she wanted.

When the last woman guzzled a large wad of his cum and left his table, Adam knelt down on the table and fought the urge to pass out. The room was a little hazy and his sense of balance had escaped his brain for a few moments. He recovered from his dizziness and one of the bartenders gave him a protein cream shake for his efforts. As he descended the stairs off the table and worked to establish his footing on the floor, Madam Xolle approached him, "Your stamina and endurance are quite impressive. Every comment I received about you was enthusiastically positive. You have most definitely earned your pay, and then some." She handed him 450 coins as payment for the evening, and then added another 50 because of his overwhelming popularity. "I'm sure you are quite depleted, and I understand if you cannot return tomorrow. If you think you are resilient enough to come back, however, I can give you an additional, and substantial, bonus."

Adam was incredibly exhausted, so he instinctively wanted to say he couldn't. But knowing that he and Xanxaa would need a lot of cash if they were survive off of Hryulla where money was necessary, he told her with a cheerful, if weary, grin to expect him tomorrow.

Xerea was waiting for him outside when he emerged from the building. She and Adam had planned on him doing four hours, but she had been waiting for over an hour and could immediately sense how fatigued he was as he came near her. She didn't listen to his assurances that he was completely fine and she threw his arm around her neck and shoulder so she could help keep him steady as they walked the extended distance back to their hotel. They didn't talk very much, but he did tell her about his experience and how appreciative Madam Xolle was of his perseverance.

When they arrived at their room, Adam immediately lay down on the mattress. Xerea cocked her head when she heard some music playing outside. She went over to the window and lifted up a few inches, and an instrumental song full of long sultry notes filled the room. Adam couldn't tell if it was live or a recording, but it was loud enough so he could hear every note clearly. Xerea put her arms over her head and swished her hips a little in rhythm with the music, and then held out her hand to Adam. "I know you're probably tired," Xerea said with concern, "but do you have the energy to dance with me?"

Adam squeezed her hand affectionately but then let her go. "I'm sorry, I can barely move." He remembered the times that he, Xanxaa, and Xerea used to go to various dance clubs. Adam never felt like he had any sense of rhythm, but he always loved to watch Xanxaa move her voluptuous body. Xerea, however, moved with an exuberant grace that was absolutely enthralling.

Xerea grinned at him with a little disappointment, but nodded, "I understand. You need to rest." She turned off the overhead light and then walked over to the window where the music was still flowing in.

"Wait," he whispered. She turned with her hands on the window handles, ready to close the window, and gave him a confused look. "Dance for me." The smirk on her face sent a message that she thought Adam was teasing her, so she turned toward the window again to close it. "Please." That one word mixed with the melodies swirling in the air around them, and she gave him a heartfelt smile.

Xerea put her hands over her head again, and slowly moved her hips from side to side alongside the seductive music lingering around her. The only light in the room came from the ambient light in the outside street of the bars and stores still open so late at night. Her curvaceous, naked body was covered in shadow except for the glow from the street below. As she slowly gyrated her groin around in long, deliberate circles, her enormous breasts swayed and bounced in unison. She turned her body every so often so the shadows on her gorgeous body shifted, making every movement somehow more pronounced.

She eased her arms down and slid her hands over her chest and slowly squeezed her enormously round, swinging flesh. Her nipples were full erect and when she slid her hands down her body and over her twisting hips, her two gigantic tits were released and began jiggling as though they were trying to dance as well.