Every Schoolboy's Dream Ch. 04


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She pulled back to look at me.

"You don't think you're moving too fast?"

I thought about me, laying on Kasey's bed, making out with her - as her mother rode my cock until I filled her with danger-sauce.

"It's definitely been a bit of a wild ride," I said, only realizing - after the words had come out of my mouth - what a double entendre it was. "She is one of the most analytical girls I think I've ever met."

"She's beautiful."

"She is - but she isn't stuck up."

"You've liked her for a while."

"Until she hit me with this spreadsheet thing, I didn't even think she knew I existed. As it turns out, she had really done her homework - no pun intended."

Mom giggled.

"I'm having an egg sandwich and a glass of Sunny D. You want some?"

"That would be great."

Since she was already standing at the stove, I grabbed the carton of eggs and the juice jug for her - and went to collect a plate, fork, and glass. Mom cracked two eggs into the still-warm skillet.

I threw two slices of bread into the toaster, poured our juice, and returned the cold-stuff to the fridge.

As we ate, I told her about taking Kasey home and discovering Grandma Williams' car - although I didn't mention what I'd done.

"That's why you stayed there?"

"Yeah. Her grandma's nasty - and Kasey & her mom both get really anxious whenever she's around. I thought I'd stay in case the witch showed up at the door. The car was gone when I came home though."

"She definitely seems to have an overactive interest in what's going on in that house," mom said.

I didn't say anything else. This was the first time I had mentioned Grandma Williams and the story was sordid enough that I didn't want to give mom everything - because I'd have to be careful about not revealing things I should be keeping quiet.

I thought back to what my dad's mom had said about the woman, however, and just about shot my Sunny D out of my nose as I was finishing my juice.

"You okay?!" mom gasped, jumping up.

I was laughing as I ran to grab a paper towel to clean myself.

"Yeah - just thinking about something Grandma Mitchell said about Kasey's grandma. Apparently, she remembers her from school."

"If my mother-in-law doesn't like her, there must be a reason," mom said.

"Grandma said she obviously hasn't changed much over the years," I said, paraphrasing generously.

"Oh, my!" mom replied.

~~~ Friday ~~~

At five o'clock, mom & I got into her car to head to #24 Mulberry.

On the way there, it started to rain. Since I'd tentatively planned to go putt-putting, I needed a new idea. Mom wasn't too hot on mini-golf anyway - so she wasn't disappointed.

I texted Kasey. She checked with her mom - but their first suggestion was also an outdoor activity.

I thought about how much fun the wedding party had, doing the escape room challenge, and asked Kasey if she thought the four of us could handle one by ourselves. She said she thought her mom would like it - and I was pretty sure mine would as well.

We let the moms pick the room. It was a blow-out! We were out of the room with 15 minutes to spare - and Kasey & I barely even got to help. The moms however, had a heyday - and were unabashedly joyful about their victory. The girl at the counter told us that only one other group had beaten that room with a faster time.

We bought the two of them T-shirts that proclaimed their triumph - with the name of the room emblazoned across the front.

Mrs. Williams immediately ripped off her blouse to don the new shirt - briefly flashing her lacy boulder-holder to everyone in the lobby during the exchange. I was just glad she'd been wearing a bra!

Mom excused herself to the ladies' room and came back wearing her new shirt as well.

We got in the car and headed to Benny's for dinner. Mrs. Williams rode up front with mom - and Kasey rode in the back with me.

The two of us were just holding hands - and sitting close - but my future mother-in-law kept looking back at us like we were having sex. Kasey finally stuck her tongue out at her mom and she turned to face the front.

We walked into Benny's to see that the place looked completely different - well - not completely. The kitchen, the counter, and the seating was the same - but the menus were now digital - and the old cash register had been replaced with a tablet.

Cindy giggled and showed me that she could undock the device to take our order at the table.

Paul waved from the booth in the back - where it looked like he'd set up a whole computer shop.

Benny came out to say hello to mom - and to meet Mrs. Williams. He was gushing about all of the updates that Paul had made.

We left Cindy's dad talking to the moms and went back to see Paul. When she stood next to him, he reached around and grabbed her butt. She leaned down and gave him a kiss.

She told us that her dad was so excited about everything Paul was doing that she was secretly worried that the two of them were in love - and she was just the side-bitch.

Paul had updated Benny's website - adding online ordering - with a printer in the kitchen that spat out a ticket for each order - so Benny could keep them all straight.

He had also managed to bring the restaurant's inventory & ordering system into the new century. Cindy said her dad was amazed at how the computer had already ordered what they needed - before Benny even knew they were running low.

They'd had signs made for two parking spaces, devoted solely to curbside-pickup - and were going to be getting three more for when things were busy - and things were busier than ever!

The online ordering had almost doubled their sales. Cindy said her dad was so happy that he'd taken Paul's suggestion to close on Mondays & Tuesdays without blinking an eye.

Everybody's stress was much more manageable - now that they got a break each week - even with them being busier the other days.

Paul had grabbed a couple big-screen TVs on the cheap during Prime Day and had moved Benny's menus from analog to digital. Everybody was happy about not having to dig out a step-ladder to update prices - and customers seemed to go crazy over the pictures Paul had added for each menu-item.

Cindy confided that her dad had asked her if she was "taking good care" of the boy - to make sure he stuck around. He'd even taken her to the doctor to get her on the pill. Paul started blushing when she mentioned that part. She leaned over and whispered, "Two more days. You'd better be ready." He turned as red as a beet - but he was smiling from ear to ear.

We got back to the table to find that Benny had already headed off - hearing the kitchen printer coughing up a fresh round of requests.

Cindy grabbed the tablet to take our orders while Paul & Benny argued over which of them was going to pay for our meal.

Despite Kasey claiming she was going to pick a smaller sandwich - the last time we had come - she ordered the same thing I did, saying that she just wanted leftovers to take home. Mrs. Williams - and my mom - went with the "junior" version.

Kasey and I sat side-by-side - each of us across the table from our future mother-in-law. The moms, of course, were pestering us for more details on all of the wedding plans - since it was just over a week away.

When the food came, Mrs. Williams didn't use a knife to cut her sandwich in half. She looked at me lustily, opened her mouth wide, and shoved as much in as she could. Under the table, she had slipped her foot from her sandal. As she wedged the meat-monster between her lips - and stared into my eyes - she was stroking my cock with her bare foot.

There was no way I was going to be able to eat while she was doing that, so I calmly waited for her to finish - hoping she didn't finish me first.

She finally gnawed a bite off of the beast-burger and started to chew. I picked up half of mine to grab a quick bite before she decided to try for Round 2.

She didn't foot-fuck me anymore - while we were sitting there - but she took a really long time sucking her fingers clean when her food had disappeared. I swear she licked (and sucked) every finger at least twice. Thankfully, my mom didn't seem to notice the sexy show her seat-mate was giving me. Kasey did, however, but she kept quiet. I assume she was hoping not to draw extra attention to the scene - but maybe she was just enjoying her mother teasing me - yet again.

I admit that I had been a little curious about how the evening's arrangements were going to go - but I've gotta admit that I was surprised when mom pulled into the drive, put her car in park, and went to the trunk to grab an overnight bag.

Apparently, the moms had arranged for a slumber-party of sorts.

We started out at the kitchen table, finishing off the shakes that we'd brought home from Benny's, while playing cards.

After that, everyone changed into jammies and gathered in the front room.

Kasey and I snuggled on the couch while the mom's took over the recliners. We dimmed the lights and talked until after midnight. At that point, Kasey and her mom grabbed a couple more throws and some pillows.

Kasey got one end of the couch - while I got the other. The moms reclined their chairs and tucked in for the night.

I had warned Kasey and her mom - when my mother had gone to change into her pajamas - that she snored loudly.

Within a few minutes, however, they got the first real taste of what that meant. Kasey ended up grabbing a tissue and wedging small chunks of it into her ears.

~~~ Playing with Fire ~~~

Sometime - in the wee hours of the morning - I woke up to the feeling of hot, wet suction on my penis.

I leaned my head up to find Mrs. Williams kneeling between my knees - with her head & shoulders covered by the bottom half of my small blanket.

Not five paces away, my mother was lying, unconscious, in a recliner - with her head thrown back, her mouth hanging open, and the sounds of a sawmill billowing out of her throat.

Mrs. Williams was being quiet. There was no head-bobbing. There was no "gak, gak, gak" - as the head of my cock bounced off the roof of her mouth. There was just the endless, powerful suction along my entire cock - as she slid her face forward & backward, forward & backward - over & over & over again - as she slowly fucked my penis with her lips, mouth, tongue, and throat.

I couldn't moan. I couldn't groan. I wanted to reach for her head - to tell her to stop - but I didn't want her to stop - not until I was done.


It wasn't as if Kasey or my mother were going to be confused about what was happening - if they woke up and looked over at me - at us. Mrs. Williams was, quite obviously, sucking my dick.

So, I threw the throw to the floor.

It had to have been suffocatingly-hot under there - and I didn't want this sexy seductress to have any reason to stop what she was doing.

If she noticed the blanket being removed, she didn't act like it. The pace of her mouth - fucking itself onto and off of my aching cock - never faltered.

My entire length was thrumming - anxious for what was coming.

My former Anatomy teacher stared into my eyes as she sucked my cock in & out of her mouth. Her lips & tongue added slippery friction to the glorious gripping her throat muscles were giving my glans.

I noticed her hand was moving and looked down to see that she was fingering her naked pussy - the pussy she had shaved two weeks ago. She had no clothes on! Not a stitch! Fuck! If mom woke up, it was the end of the charade.

I watched the full breasts of my lover sway - back & forth - as my dick passed over her lips - to be buried deep in her throat - only for her to lick down its length as she pulled back once more.

She shuddered as her orgasm arrived.

Her mouth stuttered on my cock - which amplified the stimulation.

But it was her jiggling breasts - her frantic fingers - and the look on her face - as her climax claimed her - that set my balls to belching my seed down this wanton woman's tight throat.

I reached over and grabbed the back of her head - to make sure the cannon-blasts bypassed her mouth and headed straight for her stomach.

Based on her face, she was still lost to her own crescendo - and drowning her in cock-snot would be poor manners.

Mom stirred - and stopped snoring - as the last burst of semen left my penis and fired down Mrs. Williams' throat.

I froze.

I was sitting/laying on the couch - next to my fiancé - holding the back of my mother-in-law's head - with my rigid rod rammed down her throat - as the last of my man-milk filled her belly.

She mumbled in her sleep, pulled the throw up a little, relaxed, and went back to snoring.


I looked down to see Mrs. Williams grinning at me - with her mouth full - as I held her face on my still-stiff cock.

She started to pull back and I released my grip. She retreated - until only the crown was in her mouth - which she sucked one more time.

Silently, she crawled up my body - pressing her mouth to my own - which prevented me from crying out in alarm as she slid my cock inside of her juicy twat.

("For fuck's sake!")

I was fairly certain that every ounce of semen had been vacuumed - forcefully - from my body - and there was no way this woman - this sexy bitch - this hot-as-fuck MILF - was going to be able to coax any more from me.

Apparently, that was not part of this Science teacher's equation. Unable to speak - because of what her lips & mouth were doing to mine - I was helpless - as I listened to the squelching sounds of my slippery rod sliding in & out of my mother-in-law's pussy as she fucked her needy twat on my battered cock.

"In for a penny, in for a pound," I thought, and grabbed her perfect ass, groping & grasping as she used me as a human dildo.

Finally convinced that I wasn't going to scream, she stopped kissing me and laid her head on my shoulder - her mouth millimeters from my ear.

"I came so hard," she whispered, ".. and you're going to make me cum again."

I held my lips closed tightly - to remind myself not to moan.

"What will happen if your mother wakes up?" she teased. "Will she tell the world what a whore I am? How I'm addicted to my son-in-law's cock? Will the school district fire me for fucking one of my students?"

Mom stirred again and my lover gasped in my ear - I thought she had seen something - and a terrible jolt pounded through my chest - but she was just fucking with me.

The adrenaline coursed through my veins, making - if it were possible - my cock even harder.

My shameless lover started fucking me faster. How were the two of them not hearing this - how were they not waking up?

My heart was pounding in my chest.

My dick was swollen and sore - aching from trying to grow more surface area for this woman's pussy to stimulate and stroke.

I wasn't sure how she had managed it but my fun-bag was full again. My testes were painful from being overworked - but excited to be back in the game once more.

Her body felt so right. There was never a time when I didn't want to fuck this woman - to feel her body against mine - skin to skin - or to have my manhood buried deep in her vagina - trying to reach inside of her womb - to deliver my seed - to fill her - to breed her.

Lost in my own mind, I hadn't realized how loud she had gotten. Her breath was ragged. She was racing to oblivion.

She squeaked and her body tensed. Her pussy squirted on me - and that was the end.

For the second time in God only knows how many minutes, my testicles were firing every drop of semen they could produce into my lover's trembling tightness.

I grabbed her head and kissed her hard - to keep the curse words from spewing from my mouth the way my seed was spewing from my penis.

When the tension had finally passed, I held her cheek to my chest and gasped for breath - smelling the tang of our sex in the air.

My bride-to-be's mother raised herself up, gave me a gentle kiss, and climbed off of my body.

She reached down, grabbed my throw, threw it on top of me, walked back to her recliner, and picked up her pajamas.

I watched, by the soft glow of the nightlight on the stairs, as my adult lover slid her sexy, naked body back into her fuzzy PJs.

She sat down, laid the recliner back, pulled her blanket up to her neck, winked at me, and closed her eyes.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Story is becoming silly with Mrs Williams sucking and fucking him in front of his sleeping mother. Ditto for their friends father taking her to the doctor to get on the pill. The ceiling is bothered some because the story makes such a big attempt to make the people seem normal with normal activities and enjoyments such as seeing which is and visits to the zoo. Also there is only so many ways that the hottest woman in the world can screw the school boy. The series has pretty much running scores and is becoming boring.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Quite a decent story, but I do SO wish that authors would learn the difference between the verbs 'lay' and 'lie'!

E.g. 'she was laying on the bed.' Laying what? An egg?

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

There are too many dashes (-) in some of the sentences. Some don't make sense; use commas or periods to break up the flow as that seemed to be what you were using them for.

That mother-in-law is bloody insatiable. I bet the daughter will be even more so when she finally gives it up. Like being freed from her sex cage and unleashed at long last. Gonna be toit!

BiologoBiologo8 months ago

“When it hit, my body went rigid. Only my testes, my ductus deferens, and my urethra were working - expelling the seed from my body with as much force as they could muster.“

Actually a male ejaculation begins with, and is largely powered by, contractions of the prostrate, which also produce most of the seminal fluid. The testes provide little; men with vasectomies (that’s the cutting and tying/cauterizing of the ducta deferentia) produce a volume of fluid only about 1% less than when they were intact.

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