Extending the MILF List Ch. 13


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"That's right." I said.

Ellen laughed. "Tough luck, lover boy, she's gone. Something came up and your friend's mother lover walked out of the office a couple hours ago."

"I know. So? What is your point?"

Ellen's laugh lingered for a moment then died. "Oh. Oh!" She said softly. "Who...?"

"You volunteering?" I pressed, just to be a butt.

"I...I...I..." Ellen Collier stuttering tickled me.

"Too late. You've been replaced." My eyes were on Portia who sat on one ass cheek, legs crossed in that sexy fashion some women have, leaning in to hear my side of the conversation. She could nearly punch in a new number with her tits she was so close. "Besides, I need a little midnight lovin', not the wild strawberry brand."

"Fuck you, Sonny."

I thought about extending this banter but my cock vetoed me. "The camera, Ellen. Not for nothing but I have to trust you in this, that you know what you are doing."

"Sonny, you are the last guy I'd bait and switch with. I told Sammy the other day that of course if you called and wanted to play I'd make a play date in a heartbeat. He got all bullfroggy on me until I pointed out that you had so much pussy on the line, I doubted Sammy'd ever get elbowed out of line by you. He's a smart kid and figured that right out. Since, since I sent him off last night, I don't think he has any cause to complain. I like him but he's so young...and his mother's son, my bosses son."

I did not want to get into this particular therapy session. "The camera?"

"Right. Two minutes. I'll text you when the coast is clear. What do you have in mind?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I said and hung up. I saw no reason to be too coy. I stood up and offered Portia a hand.

"Shall we go, Mrs. Kline. I believe I have something that might interest you."

She blinked several times before putting her hand in mine and letting me draw her up to her feet. I led past the receptionist who blushed and looked away. We went through the door and I escorted her back to Alissa's office. I opened the door and ushered her into the dim room. She saw Ahmay sitting in the far chair and stopped abruptly.

"Oh Jesus." She breathed. "Now I know there's a god." She looked back at me. "I prayed for this and viola, here it is."

"Before you QED this proof for god, missy, you need to hear my proposal."

"I'll do anything with you, Sonny. I am, after all, sort of obligated now, aren't I?"

I nodded. "You are but not by me. For my part, I want you to want to but if not, there is no breach as far as I am concerned." My phone twinked and I checked it, just to be sure and yes, I had a text telling me the camera's were blinded. I texted back asking after the mics and received confirmation that we were not being recorded except by nosy angels.

I took Portia and guided her to the desk. I turned her and pushed her ass against the edge. "Listen. Just for a moment."

She nodded, glancing at Ahmay.

I glanced at Ahmay. The woman was panting like she'd been chased around the desk a few times.

"This is my friend. She is a virgin. She, she wants to watch a man and a woman have sex, as, as a matter of interest, before she, before she consents to...ah..."

Portia nodded, cutting me off and saving me from finding the right word. "I understand. You want to demonstrate technique with me?" She winked at me, using the eye away from Ahmay.

I nodded. "That's essentially correct." I said softly.

"Jesus loves me." Ahmay whispered.

"Me, too." Portia muttered in full sympathy with Ahmay but I was not clear about her exact role in the sentiment.

I looked over at Ahmay and then back at Portia, finding I was unsure what to do next.

Portia seemed to understand my predicament. "Kiss me." She said softly. "Let's start with a kiss."

I nodded. Portia pushed off the edge of the desk and looped her arms around my neck. She looked up at me, eyes twinkling. She leaned in a little, brushing breasts against my chest. She closed her eyes and lifted her chin a little.

I felt rather than saw Ahmay rise and move over to the side, still well beyond arm's reach. I bent over this sensuously frank woman and kissed her carefully on the lips. It was a soft, careful kiss. Her lips were full and lush, doughy but alive. She drew back and looked over at Ahmay. I felt a shiver go through Portia's slender frame. Her breasts were hot against my chest.

"When you did me last time, it was the first time I ever had sex with anyone else in the room, watching me. I...god, I liked it so much! I never knew having eyes on you could be nearly as good as having hands you." Portia was panting. She leaned forward and kissed me again, a slight brush of her lips on mine. "Now I have dreams about people watching me have sex. I have this one, I'm on a bus. It's crowded and someone is handling me, his hand is on my ass and then between my legs. The crowd thins till he and I are the only two people standing. He lifts up my skirt and enters me, with a finger, I mean. I feel his cock on my side and I bend forward. I am looking this old woman right in the eyes when he shoves into me. I wake up."

Portia Kline stretched her neck and kissed me again, another gentle brush of her lips on mine. "Since, since that day, though, I dream of it again, what you did. What I did. Both. I wake up crazy aroused. Several times I sucked Wilfred hard and rode him for a while. He enjoyed it till he realized I was reliving having you inside me. I think that bothered him a little."

I kissed her, pushing harder against her lips. I touched them with my tongue. I pulled back. "Can you blame him?"

She shook her head. "I am married to him, after all. I remind him that I am fucking him more than ever before, since he signed my ass over to you. That shuts him up. You, you have been good for our sex life. I do love that dough boy, I do but god, you do something to me he will never do. I think he is realizing that he can benefit if he keeps his mouth shut and lets me have you as you wish. Your leavings are better than any main course he can make in our kitchen. Wilfred is no fool, bumbling idiot that he is."

"Do you always talk this much?" Ahmay said.

I heard the chagrin in her voice. I looked over at her, pulling Portia against me. Her body molded against me and she shimmied her hips, grinding her pussy against My very hard cock.

"Ahmay, the first thing you need to know is that the primary sex organ is between your ears, and mine. Most people never share what is in their mind, they just search around for someone to match what is in their mind. Then they use them to see if they can make them fit that fantasy. When, if you find someone who can figure out your fantasy and comply with it, then, then you have something."

Portia giggled. "You talk like such a sex sage, Sonny. You're just a kid." Then she kissed the side of my neck. "Listen to him, girl. He knows what he's talking about." Her hands moved to the sides of my face and she turned it, pulling my lips to hers. She kissed me soundly. Her body surged against me, grinding at me like a boat against a dock bumper.

The kiss deepened. Her tongue found mine. Mine found hers. We tangoed back and forth across her teeth and mine. Her hands clutched my face. Her hips bumped against me. To that moment my hands held her by the upper arms. I dropped one to her ass and cupped it. Her ass cheek fit into my hand, scratching the itch to feel the plump fullness in my hand. Suddenly I felt the flash of ardor rise up in me like a great condor in sunlight. I felt the shadow falling on me, the dark desire to plunder this woman and take my pleasure from her, with her.

The kiss shattered and Portia fell back onto the desk, her hands behind her keeping her upright. She blinked and blinked. "Goddamn you can kiss, Sonny. I felt that between my toes, oh, and between my legs." She whispered. "I want you." She said simply. "Please, undress me. Take me. Have me. Fuck me. Show this girl what makes the birds sing and the bees buzz."

Portia sat still, unmoving, waiting, her body tilted back onto the desk.

I did not move. Well, my cock kept leaping around, it had a mind of its own. I grunted with the pleasure of the attenuated moment.

For the longest time no one moved. I was conscious of Ahmay's breathing, heavy and tense in the otherwise quiet room. Portia kept licking her lips but she remained totally quiescent. I let the moment stretch. When it ended, it did so with a shuddering need wracking my body. I wanted this woman. I wanted to plant my flag near her pubic mound and claim her for god and cuntry.

Her dress was chic and tight, however, and required a maneuver or two to manage the sudden need welling up in me.

"Suck him first." Ahmay said.

I wondered if she knew what I was feeling? If such feelings were broadcast from the brain could another attuned brain pick them up? With the proper key such signals could be translated and decoded. If that were so, it seemed Ahmay had infiltrated me completely and penetrated my security. She had a list and she wanted to tick off as many things to see with her eyes as she could. Suddenly I understood her. Her restrictions were all self-imposed, designed to accentuate the entire voyeuristic experience. If she let go of those restrictions, this unalloyed experience would be compromised by empirical experience, she'd throw caution to the wind and fuck me to death.

"Suck him. I want to see you suck him."

Portia smiled. Suddenly she shifted. Her flexible nature, the personality that let a young, beautiful woman open her legs for the likes of Wilfred Kline appeared. The voracious woman who trailed me into the gloom of this office vanished as she pushed me back a step, making room for her to get to her knees before me.

She placed her hands on my thighs and looked up at me. The day had seeped away and the little light that remained glinted off her liquid black eyes. She licked her lips. We all waited.

Finally Portia looked over at Ahmay. "What next." Her question could have been off putting but the tone she wrapped around the words made the request sensuous and tense with a desire to be commanded to do what we all wanted.

"Unzip his pants." Ahmay said, he voice steady but with little burrs around the syllables as she breathed them out.

Portia's hands crept up my thighs, moving more to the front as they rose so that they met at the top of my fly. They fumbled for the zipper tab and pulled it down the arch of my very hard cock. The length lay along the zipper and its unhitching vibration communicated pleasure directly to me. All of me held our breath.

When it was done and my cock swelled out the gap in my pants, Portia sat back and looked at my feet. She untied my shoes and took them off. She sat higher and unbuckled my pants, her need for commands forgotten. She only remembered that ploy when my pants were at my knees. She looked over at Ahmay and grinned.

"Sorry. I got carried away."

Ahmay's eyes were on my cock. They shifted to Portia and she smiled, a little like she was crapping and talking at the same time, the distraction in her eyes looked consonant with what was happening before her. Ahmay's smile flickered.

"You are a very beautiful woman."

"You are too." Portia returned, realizing too late that she'd chipped in on a soliloquy.

"You want him. You want to feel his cock on your lips. You want to suck his cock and feel him respond. You want to feel his dick on the roof of your mouth. It will affect you deep down, down where you really want it but, but having him in your mouth, that will arouse you and when you feel the blaze of his desire to take you, you'll realize you want it too, what he wants. You'll give it to him."

Ahmay panted around her words. Her breasts shifted and surged as she talked.

Portia sat up and pulled my briefs out and down, exposing my cock. With two fingers she pushed it against my body and then ran her tongue up the length clear to the head and then down again. At my balls, she broadened her tongue and with the broad, hot pad, swabbed up me again.

I saw stars.

When she released my cock, I was sure it was going to just drop off, she'd tuck it in her purse and take it home. It felt so much like she owned it, like she had an owner's appreciation and concern for it. I love private ownership rights!

She gripped my cock with one hand, her scorching fingers wrapped around it. I felt nothing but the heat of her hand on my cock. The rest of me lost all feeling. I was just a cock in her hands. Her other hand weighed my balls, wobbling then back and forth with her fingers. The sensation robbed me of what reason I had left. Without instructions one hand extended out and came to rest on the back of Portia's head. I felt the stiff discipline of her midnight hair, coiffed to seduce, delight and attract, in a different order.

She pulled my cock down. Slowly, so slowly I thought she was teasing me. When I opened my eyes, however, I found her playing to the audience. Ahmay leaned on one hand, palm flat on the desk, her weight forward as though she were pouring herself out her eyes.

Portia bent my cock down till the end was even with her eyes. Then the bitch gave me little butterfly kisses on the end of my cock. God, I wanted more, so much more. She relented, rose up and kissed the end of my cock with lips and tongue. She pushed the head past her scarlet lips, sucking gently as it entered her mouth. She made a smacking sound. I groaned, the sound originating in my spleen and pulsing through me, rattling me like a train rattles a tenement next to the tracks.

Down, down, down into her mouth my cock descended. Portia rose higher and higher, pressing her mouth farther and farther down till the head of my cock bumped against the back of her mouth. She gulped once, inhaled and pushed deeper, taking the head into her throat. For a moment she struggled and then backed away, clearing it from her lips to gasp and pant. She kissed the arch before her face, reflexively. I grunted and wanted more. Her tongue licked around the head. I pushed against her hands. She held me away, grasped my cock with one hand and lowered it again.

She turned her head and rubbed the end in her ear.

I couldn't help it. I laughed. The feeling was so odd, not ticklish but funny.

"Do you want him to come? Shall I spit or swallow?" Portia asked casually, rubbing my cock around the curled surface of her ear, like she was cleaning it. The fall of her hair though, that feeling captured my attention and held it.

"I uh...I don't know." Ahmay said.

Portia nodded. She was not wresting control from the other woman but she was not passive and helpless in the face of indecision either. She turned her head, rose up and brushed my cock against her shoulder and then planted her mouth onto it again. She shoved it deep into her mouth. She groaned as it penetrated down into her throat. She took it in one stroke and held me there.

She sucked around it and then backed off. My body zinged with the sensations she created. She bobbed her head, up and down, up and down, thrusting my cock deep into her tight mouth over and over again. I grunted as she pressed down finally.

My orgasm winkled into existence, a singular thing that seemed to hover out there like a pixie over a lily pond. Portia sucked me deep and the bobbing stopped. She sensed my pending orgasm and latched onto me like a vacuum, sucking hard, pulsing at my cock. I came. The light and airy orgasm turned into a stout flood and I erupted.

Portia gagged, surprised by the infusion of cum down her throat in such profusion. She backed off, arching her back to keep cum from dribbling off her chin onto her dress. Her tongue slashed at the effluvium bubbling around my cock. She regained her composure and sucked, slurping cum back into her mouth, licking frantically as I continued to pulse. My hips pulsed and surged, I grunted and moaned, fighting to keep my eyes open, watching as Portia Kline sucked my cock dry.

I lost my balance and staggered backwards. Portia released me. I sat with a thud on the chair behind me.

"Oh my gosh." Ahmay breathed, her eyes were on me, on my cock. She straightened and took a step towards me but Portia intercepted her. Portia crawled between my knees and rose up between them where I sat. She leaned forward and inspected my cock.

"Honey, some tissues please. I seemed to have made a mess."

Ahmay, now taking orders, found the tissue box and handed it to Portia. Portia cleaned me off, tossing the tissues onto the floor. The room smelled like man cum.

"He smells like a swimming pool." Ahmay said. "I, I never saw that before."

Portia's eyes were on me. "Me neither. I'd, I'd like to some day." She winked. "Know who I am thinking about?" She muttered. "Dannielle." She said, without even hesitating to let me guess. I felt slighted. "I'd love to see her with your cock in her mouth."

I groaned.

"Who's Dannielle?" Ahmay asked, feeling slighted too, I was sure.

Portia rocked back onto her heels and stood up. "It's time. Time for putting the sausage in Portia." She chortled.

I reached down and stripped off my trousers, but left my socks on. The room was chilly. I pulled my shirt over my head and I was naked, except for socks, that is. Socks don't really count unless you have that fetish, right?

I stood up, ending up inches from Portia. She stood still, right there before me, her eyes on me.

"I want dick." She whispered. "Please, Mr. Duncan, will you fuck me?"

I moaned. I had an answer. Her hand rose up and she gripped my fully hard cock. God, her hand felt like fire. I swear my cock grew another inch in her hand.

"Take, take off her clothing." Ahmay said softly. "Be careful of her dress. It is beautiful."

That was a complication I hadn't counted on. Now I had to be careful of clothing to fit Ahmay's sensibility. Still, I was naked and Portia Kline was still fully dressed, so the concept was sound. We stood close, her breasts just about touching me. She leaned in.

"Unzip me." She whispered. Her languid voice slouched about us. I regarded the words as a suggestion. I placed my hands on her hips. They were firm, the dress felt metallic and cool. I moved my hands around and clutched her ass cheeks, one in each hand. The detente we had observed to that point dissolved. She shifted against me, pressing her tits into my bare chest.

She gasped a little and then sighed. "I can feel the heat from your body in my boobs." Portia whispered. "I, god, sometimes I get this feeling, like I have now. I want to feel my boobs pressed against a man, against your bare skin. I want to feel you on top of me, between my legs. It, when I feel that, it burns in my brain and that becomes the only thing I can think about. I, I feel it so strongly and want it so badly that if, if you just make the slightest of indications that you want it to, you can have it."

I squeezed her ass, hard. She slapped my wrists.

"Not that." She groused then smiled at me, her eyes shone in the gloom. She looked over at Ahmay. "She told you to undress me. So undress me. I want to feel your mouth on me." Her face turned to Ahmay again. "Do you mind? I want him to go down on me."

"Oh. Oh yes." Ahmay breathed. Her voice sounded like velvet feels but stretched tight, like Portia's dress across the bulge of her ass.

I bent to Portia's mouth and kissed her. "I am going to take off your dress." I whispered but loud enough for Ahmay to hear.


"Then I am going to remove your bra."


"Then I am going to kiss your breasts. I will mark you, them, and suck your nipples."

"Oh, oh my yes!"

"Then I will...are you wearing panties?"

"Yes. Of course, with hose."

"I will remove your panties and sit you on the desk and taste you again. When you are slick and hot and ready, I will stand up between your legs and enter you."
