Extending the MILF List Ch. 19


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I reached around Miriam and grasped her by the wrists. I straightened her arms and the bra toppled down them. I let go of her and the bra whispered down her cool skin and off and out of sight. My hands itched, desiring to feel the skin of her body, of her breasts. I cupped her breasts and she gasped, her hands rose to cover the back of my hands, holding me against her body. She groaned softly. I withdrew my hands and skimmed the panties down her legs, bending behind her to remove them off her feet.

Miriam was nude.

She shook like an elm in a hail storm.

I looked past her at Imogen and saw something phenomenal in her eyes. Lust. Naked, unmitigated, unmistakable lust and the bitch wasn't looking at me, she was looking at naked Miriam. I shrugged. I am not greedy, I'd be happy to share. However, I am not above teasing and titillating from time to time. Titillate. That word is an onomatopoeia. Well, close anyway, real close.

I turned Miriam. She was in a sexual trance. Her eyes were half open, half closed. She moved like smoke on a windless day and just as light. With the lightest of nudges she whispered against me and I kissed her. Her mouth was open at the start, her tongue probed past my teeth and l met it and returned the embassy of lust. She groaned. I groaned. She was naked in my arms, climbing against me, I was still clothed. I ran my hands down her back to the bulbs of her ass, clutching them and then sliding back up her fine textured skin to her shoulders. She wanted more but I pushed her gently back, till her knees were against the bed.

Sam was fucking Ellen still but making sounds like his tour of delight was nearly done. Ellen watched us with hooded eyes, closing them from time to time as a new spasm wrestled around inside her. By now, she was merely holding on, not really moving at all but letting Sam chase himself around inside her.

Casually, I undressed. Naked, I used my hands to turn Miriam around and bent her over the copulating couple. Sam began to come. He ground down between Ellen's legs and groaned, galloping into a full shimmy, as he pumped her full of cum. Ellen's hips bobbed under him as though her pussy was swallowing each gob of cum as he passed it into her. Her legs clutched at him, pulling them together while he groaned. The white of her legs on the black of his back, ass and legs pulled at my eyes, making their copulation something artistic, like a minimalist fuck except neither one were minimizing anything. If anything, they were baroque or art deco, all French flourishes and English excess, flowing together in a storm of erotic passion...but I'm getting rhapsodic when the moment was the prelude to getting down to business, that is, double-fucking Miriam. I hadn't exactly promised but I just love popping someone's fantasy cherry, first her and hers then Ellen would get to take a father and son into her body at the same time. Shit, that made me all misty and shit. I had this image of my long deceased father butt fucking my sisters while I got to watch from between their spasming legs. I bet they'd have fucked him before I got out of grammar school, the minxes. I shook my head. Pay attention for fuck sake!

I positioned, Miriam over them and felt between her legs. She cooed, shifting to give me better access. She was so slick if I'd been running I surely would have slipped and fallen in. I pushed a finger into her and she sloshed, erupting around my finger. I felt her running over, coating my knuckle and the back of my hand. I repositioned myself and entered her, thrusting my cock through her goo and deep into her. She lurched before me and then leaned into me, taking me deep into her pussy. I held her by the hips and pulled her back against me.

Sam, on the bed, was coasting, moaning as he bobbed idly between Ellen's legs. He finally shifted and got to his elbows so Ellen could get a nice deep breath again, which sounded more like a bathtub emptying. He turned and found Miriam's body bent over them and tried to look around her to see what I was doing. I pulled free of Miriam. She keened with the loss.

I stepped back and looked past the naked tableau before me at Imogen. She stared at me as though she had x-ray vision, although I'm not sure what she could have been looking for, I was pretty well on display as it was. Her face looked like she was about to speak but I moved and my motion silenced her, since it was towards her side of the bed.

Sam, meanwhile, rolled onto his back beside Ellen. She lay, one leg crooked to the side and the other out straight so they looked like the numeral four. She didn't move but watched me, looking occasionally at Miriam who had straightened and stood beside the bed, her naked body shimmering with her undisguised desire. Ellen reached up and took her hand.

"Do me." Ellen whispered.

"Oh god!" That wasn't Miriam, it was Imogen. I arrived beside her but she put out a hand, placing her palm against my stomach as if holding me back, like I was about to frighten the fish or something.

Miriam carefully got onto the bed, carefully levered herself between Ellen's legs and proceeded to lick and kiss the woman's pussy. Ellen closed her eyes and lay back, her body vibrating with this new sensation. Sam lay still beside them, a little confused about what to do. When he looked at me, I just patted the air as though to say stay put and don't make a sound. He got it and lay back, his cock at half mast.

I moved behind Imogen.

Ellen's eyes opened, as though they were spotlights at a prison. They fixed on me and I knew it was pointless to run. Imogen wore a maxi wrap that tied at her waist but gaped in front, around her breasts and left her legs visible, glittering with the sheen of her stocking if she stood just right. The little cut away in front was very inviting and I'd noticed it before. Now, all I cared about was how to get it off. It had a simple tie, a line around her middle tied to a like one in the back that held it together. When I pulled that tie loose, the dress wafted open, like a curtain malfunctioning, dangling over her tits and then slipping free, showing her clearly. Ellen and Sam were both watching us now, though Ellen's face kept crinkling and occasionally her hips bobbed under Miriam, making the brunette's head bob between Ellen's legs.

Sam wasn't moving an inch.

Imogen didn't move either while I unwrapped her. She let me slip the dress off her shoulders. She wore a simple bra that came loose and her fine tits breathed a sigh, I swear I heard them whispering their thanks for my liberating efforts. She, however, wore a garter belt around her waist over a tiny little thong and attached to the dark blue stockings encasing her legs. Rather than untangle her further, I simply grasped the string on the thong around her waist and pulled. It gave me the finger and snickered. It wasn't meant to break easily.

"On the table, I have a pocket knife." Sam whispered.

I was embarrassed but not enough to let it inhibit me. If found the little cigar cutter and opened it. The blade was sharp and sliced through the thong string without any effort at all. I pulled the thong from between Imogen's legs and put it with the knife on the table against the window curtains there. She didn't speak, she didn't move.

I felt between her legs. Like daughter like mother. This time I did the daughter first but there was little difference. Imogen was gushing like her daughter. She bent over before I put my hands on her back, leaning over Sam, dangling her tits over his face. I couldn't see him but she went still, waiting for me to enter her, so I did. She accepted me like a small town welcomes a movie star. I slid deep into her, opening her up and sliding in deep until we were sealed together, her ass bunched between us, swelled up, full and soft against me. I gripped her by the waist and thrust into her several times. She groaned and then growled when I pulled out of her.

"Blow him." I whispered.

"Yeah, blow me." I heard Sam echo. "Great fucking idea!"

I stepped away from her and she got on the bed, crouching between his legs, fingering his black cock. She bent down and it disappeared from my view with a wet sucking sound. Her head descended and Sam's eyes rolled up in his head. I don't know if he was acting or not. I decided I needed to be wearing something, naked as I was, I worried about catching my death. I moved to the end of the bed and dragged Imogen's legs off the end.

She understood, propping herself on her elbows between Sam's legs. Miriam lapped at Ellen's puddled pussy and Ellen studied me like an anthropologist at a frat party. I got Imogen's body positioned properly and I entered her. She was soupy but when I slid into her, she tightened, clamping down on me like I was looking for something she didn't want me to find. I groaned when she did. She had incredible control, her internal muscles seized on me and held onto me. I liked, no loved the attention. I grasped her by the hips and fucked her, ramming into her while she sucked on Sam's cock.

Imogen had skills because she never once inhaled when she was better off exhaling. I pounded against her, all wrapped up in the lure of orgasm, convinced it was time to fill Imogen with my cum. Wrong again.

"Sonny. Sonny. Sonny!" Ellen's voice got my attention the third time, mostly because she screamed at me.

I coasted to a stop, panting with my efforts.

"What? What is so bloody important that you stop a guy right as he is in the home stretch? Jesus fuck a duck!" I was a little miffed. I admit it.

"Her. Do the daughter."

Miriam's head came up.

"In the ass, I mean." Ellen whispered now but everyone heard.

"Oh fuck me." Sam muttered.

"We aren't ignoring you. You get the other side. Miriam wants to be the meat in a man sandwich, if you don't mind."

I knew the answer to that query. Sam needed to know it and I knew Ellen was testing to see if he'd back out. I knew what she was after. Hell, so did Sam but plans are like desserts, they are usually just to make us feel good, not to nurture our health. The people who can follow their own plans and not blow shit up run the world. Not me, though, I was an itinerant motherfucker and you know, it seems there are mother's everywhere just waiting to be given a lick and a promise before they open their legs and dare you to hit their little bull's eye...or is it a cow's eye? I hate this gender shit, makes me crazy.

"I don't mind." Sam squeaked. He did, he squeaked like a poodle with a chew toy.

I pulled out of Imogen. She lifted her face off Sam's cock.

"What about her?" Sam asked.

I didn't know which "her" he was referring to since I was busy helping Imogen stand up.

"We'll take care of everyone. For now, just lay there and let Miriam cowboy you."

We all moved, like the ballet that stage hands do during a play, moving everything just so to get where it needs to be at the right time and with a minimum of fuss but so no one notices and no attention is pulled away from the main event on center stage.

I stood back and watched Miriam get astride Sam Honeywell and mount him, taking his cock into her pussy. She groaned as she slid down onto him. He groaned as his cock penetrated the young woman. Imogen had gotten off the bed and stood beside me. Ellen slipped off the bed and walked to the toy cabinet and opened it up. A moment later she tossed a tube at me.

"You need to replenish. We're getting low on supplies." She sneered at my lack of response.

Miriam was mounted on Sam but had bent over and was kissing him. His dark hands grasped her by the waist, then moved down to cover her ass, helping her ride him. She began to moan as her body bobbed up and down on Sam's, taking his cock up inside her with each motion.

"God, they look hot. My turn later but now, she wants a little pressure from behind." Ellen spoke from my side. "We'll get the pillows under him, hang tight till the runway is ready." Neither one of us moved. "God, imagine pale, white little me between Sammy and his dad. It'll look like an Oreo, well, maybe one that just got run over by a steam roller."

I snickered like a six grader seeing a bra strap. I was thinking of Mercy and Patricia on this runway. My mind whirled, realizing that I'd just been handed a new duo to fuck. I hadn't given Jamie and our trade much thought, not sure why but it might have had something to do with the Travers women.

Ellen patted me on the ass.

"Giddy up, little doggy." She said softly. "Time to be the brown dirt cowboy!"

Imogen gasped.

"My god, is that what that means? Is that what Elton John meant with that old album, Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy?"

Ellen just laughed.

I lined up for my landing, my landing gear was down and locked in place. Sam's black legs were wide and Miriam's were wider. She was nearly doing the splits over him, her thighs flying out to the side. Ellen smacked me on the shoulder.

"Hey, knucklehead, forgetting something?" She held up the tube of lube I'd laid on the night stand.

"Oh. Right." My mind wasn't right. That rattled me that I was lining up to do Miriam's ass dry. Fuck, I was getting tired or worn out or maybe just plain jaded?

Ellen got some lube on her hands and handed it to Imogen.

"I'll do him." Ellen said, her eyes serious and tight. "You do her." She indicated Miriam.

Imogen looked liked she'd been offered a rabid cat to shave. She held the lube tube by the end staring at her daughter riding Sam with clear relish. Miriam's hips rocked and rolled over him, grinding her body down on him, her hands planted on his chest, his dark fingers spidering over the white of her ass, directing her.

Ellen drifted over to me where I stood at the end of the bed. She slathered lube on my cock.

"Come on, Mrs. Travers. Miriam is waiting for it."

Miriam, clearly tuned into the conversation, leaned over Sam and arched her back, exposing her ass hole. Ellen and I stared at Imogen until she glanced our way and realized we were giving her the look. She uncapped the lube, looked down at it and then crawled carefully onto the bed. Miriam flinched when Imogen's finger touched her ass hole, a little dimpled eye winking at us. When Imogen pushed her finger past the security check, Miriam moaned.

"Oh my god, I can feel that in my throat."

Sam pulled her down into a kiss immediately to see if he could feel it too. Imogen leaned into probing the woman's ass, pushing her finger in deep and then withdrawing and adding more lube. Over and over until the woman squelched with her finger's passage in and out of her ass. Sam and Miriam broke the kiss so Miriam could groan and keen at once, a curious duet coming out of her.

"My gosh, you're right, you do feel it in your throat." Sam muttered. "Wow. What will you feel like when his cock is inside you?"

Miriam moaned again her hips shimmying over him.

"Mrs. Travers, I think that's enough lube." Ellen muttered.

Imogen looked back at us and smiled bashfully.

"I, I've never done that before, put my finger in someone's ass."

I giggled and Ellen poked me in the ribs with her elbow. I didn't know why but I had to admit I deserved it.

Imogen got off the bed.

"Your majesty, your ass is ready." Ellen gestured at Miriam's bobbing ass. "I hope you can hit a moving target." She snickered and then laughed when Miriam's body stilled. Miriam moaned softly. "She's waiting, sire, don't keep her waiting."

Ellen gave me a little shove. My knees were against the bed so I didn't have any room to be pushed except onto my face. Still, I absorbed the impetus and used it to get onto the bed again behind them. Miriam's body quivered like she was cold. When I put my hands on her back, Sam moved his hands to her shoulders and then one to the back of the head. They began to kiss, both making little sounds like they were tasting a strange new delicacy and had to let the cook know they approved. I moved my hands down to her ass and peeled her open. Her little winking eye gleamed with lube. She was stuffed full of black cock.

"Fuck her." Ellen, the delicate, said. "Ram her in the ass."

"Okay, okay, don't rush me. I was just admiring the view."

"Jesus, Sonny are you turning into some sort of fucking artist?" She laughed uproariously at that. I twisted to look at her and saw the aghast look on Imogen's face. I decided I'd better get to work, or whatever.

The sounds of Sam and Miriam kissing on the bed before me touched me, as though someone turned up the volume on my hearing. I shuffled forward and my cock head touched the back of her thigh. Her rump wiggled, like she was wagging some imaginary tail I couldn't see. I clamped down on her ass, holding it still because I had no hope of hitting a moving target. I knew that for certain.

I used a hand to direct the end of my cock to her rear entrance. A great shudder passed through Miriam's body and thence to me, traveling through my cock like a radio signal on a wire. I pushed.

Miriam cried out but her ass tilted backwards, capping my cock with her butthole. I pushed inside her. She clinched, then relaxed, clinched and relaxed, almost like her ass pulsed with the sensation of my cock penetrating her. I gripped her hips and pulled back on her body. She lifted and rolled back. My cock slid into her ass. It clamped down on me, slick and hot, tight as a midget's ear. I groaned.

"Fuck, he, he's in my ass!" Miriam cried out. Her body jerked but didn't really move. I had her pierced and my hands held her ass. I pushed forward. She rocked with the pressure but then she opened up and half of my cock slipped into her before she tightened down on me again. I pulled back an inch and pressed forward. The penetration proceeded, a tight, slight fight to fill her ass with cock. Inch by inch my cock entered her. She groaned. Miriam was still but she continued to quiver, shaking, shivering and moaning. I had a moment of concern and hesitated just before she bowed her back, backing her ass a little way off my cock and then she arched her back and shoved herself onto me. I agreed with her impulse and pushed my cock deeper, shoving it deep into her body, smoothly and continually until her ass bunched up pleasantly between us. I was buried in her ass.

"Oh my god, I am so full of cock." Miriam whispered, her voice panting with passion. "My god, I love that feeling. Two cocks, one in my ass, one in my twat! I have two cocks in me. I am being fucked by two men at the same time!"

"Chatty little Cathy isn't she?"

I looked at Ellen, a little amazed that she had the gall to take note of Miriam's loquaciousness, given her own ability to carry on a running commentary regardless of the rest of us. I groaned. My body jerked and slammed down onto Miriam. She squeaked.

"You, you make Howard Cosell look like a mime." I muttered over my shoulder at Ellen.

She giggled in a way that didn't connect with what I said. I was just preparing to start pumping Miriam's ass when I felt the bed move. First, the back of my neck started to tickle and then it ran down my spine and ended up twinkling my balls. The bed shifted behind me and I felt it sag and then a pair of hands were gripping my ass.

I breathed deep and exhaled, determined to be a sport, a little curious but a little apprehensive, to tell the truth. I felt a draft up my ass. Then I felt a finger probing me, the sharp end of a finger nail and then the slick gooeiness of lube. The finger pushed into me. I grunted, shivering, a shiver that ran down and into Miriam. She rose up, bending her back below the ribs, leaving her ass perfectly pointed at me.

"Oh god, Sonny, fuck me!" She cried, her voice twisted tight. I decided to ignore the hands on my ass. I pulled back from Miriam's fine ass and then slapped us together. It sounded like a door slamming closed. She cried out, her body pinned between us. I rooted down into her, feeling her writhe around me, clinching and chewing as if testing the accommodation she made to hold me inside her. I felt Sam rising up under her, piercing her from beneath, ramming his cock up into her. She shook with it. The finger in my ass pushed further into me. Something popped.