Extra Credit

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Shy teacher is manhandled by the boys in her class.
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Ms. Tille Bitton sat at her desk, quietly grading papers. School was over but she wasn't alone in her classroom. Graduation was just around the corner and there were a few students that needed to raise their grade in her class in order to graduate. She told them if they stayed after school, she would give them extra credit assignments to catch up. If they really wanted to graduate, this was their only shot.

Most teachers wouldn't want to work the extra hours after school but Tille didn't mind. She had nothing better to do at home. She had always been the quiet, timid type. Never outgoing, she didn't easily make friends. Relationships were even harder. She was 33 years old and she could count the number of men she had dated on one hand. By this point, she had basically given up. She was probably going to be forever alone, living with only the company of her three cats.

Her pen drifted over the paper she was grading when she heard the sound of a chair scraping across the tiled classroom floor. Looking up from the paper, she saw Veronica Cunduff approaching.

"Finished already?" Tille asked.

"I guess," Veronica muttered, handing the paper over. The girl was dressed completely in black from head to toe. She had a bright purple streak in her dark hair and black eyeshadow. Tille always felt kind of intimated by her but she did her best not to show it.

"I really appreciate you making the effort to raise your grade," she said, taking the paper from Veronica.

"Whatever," Veronica muttered. With her backpack over her shoulder, she turned and left the classroom. Tille sighed and looked down at the paper. The first page was finished but when she flipped to the second, she saw it was only half completed. She frowned. Some kids couldn't be helped..

She pushed the paper aside and glanced over her small classroom. There were only three students remaining. Maddox McCain, Flint Walsh and Chris Randolf. Chris was a quiet kid. Never spoke up in class. Always kept his eyes lowered. He reminded her a lot of herself. Maddox and Flint were the complete opposite. Maddox was the star quarterback of the school's football team. Flint was on the team as well. Running back. Tille didn't know much about football but she knew their type. Arrogant jocks that thought the world revolved around them.

Well it didn't revolve around them, did it? Because they were both failing, and unlike some of her fellow teachers, she refused to up their grade simply because they were jocks. If they wanted to graduate, they needed to work for it. There were no free passes in her class.

Turning her attention back to her papers, she went back to work. Several minutes passed until suddenly the silence in the room was broken.

"I-I... I said no," Chris stammered.

"And I don't give a fuck," Maddox said. He stood from his desk in an instant. Despite being a student, you wouldn't know it. Tall, lean and muscular, he could easily pass for someone in his twenties. He had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. His face was clean shaven, and he had that clean cut, preppy boy look that the girl students flocked to. Tille would never in a million years admit it out loud, but he was an attractive young man.

"Maddox, please..." Chris said. His body was tense as he lowered himself and leaned away from Maddox.

"What's going on here?" Tille said loudly, her voice echoing across the room.

"Don't worry about it, Ms. B," Flint said. Tille hated when he called her that.

"Ms. Bitton," she corrected him. "Maddox, take your seat."

Maddox turned to look at her, a bitter scowl on his face. It was a sexy expression. Like a magazine model giving her a smoldering look. The kid had no right being so handsome. He gave Chris a shove on his shoulder then turned and sat back down.

"Does anyone want to tell me what's going on? Chris?" she asked.

Chris glanced over at Maddox, who gave him a look of warning.

"It's... It's nothing," Chris said quickly.

Tille let out a sigh. She was sure it was more than nothing but she debated on whether or not she wanted to get involved. She was the teacher. The authority here. But if she was being honest, she always felt uncomfortable around Maddox. Part of it was due to her secret attraction to him. She knew it was wrong to be attracted to a student. Another part of it was his explosive personality. She could tell he was used to getting what he wanted and he hated when something didn't go his way. When she told him she wouldn't give him a passing grade, he exploded on her, slinging his chair across the way, calling her a bitch and storming out of the room. She should have reported him for that but she didn't... Because the next day, he came in, said he was sorry, and agreed to take the extra credit class.

Now, here he was again, trying to cause trouble.

"Well... get back to work," she said to them, with a sigh.

Quiet settled over the room again. Three more papers were graded when she heard what sounded like whispering. She lifted her eyes from her desk and saw Maddox with not one paper on his desk, but two. Chris was looking uncomfortable at his own desk and when he caught her eyes, he quickly looked away. She realized then what was happening. Maddox was cheating!

She stood from her desk and approached the boys, who were all three sitting close to each other. The desks trailed down the classroom in five lines. Maddox and Flint sat in one line, and Chris was across from them.

"What is this? Are you cheating?" she accused, her heels clicking across the hard floor before coming to a stop in front of Maddox's desk.

Maddox should have looked guilty. He was caught. But there was no shame behind his blue eyes. He only smirked at her and said, "So what if I am?"

Tille felt heat spread across her face. Her cheeks flushed and she had to look away from him. "Maddox, you know I can't allow that."

"Why not?" Maddox said arrogantly.

"Because!" she snapped, suddenly looking back at him. "I told you, if you want to pass my class, you have to earn your grade."

Maddox looked at her in a way he never had before. It was a look that began at her face and traveled over her body. His bright blue eyes brushed softly over her sky blue blouse, then caressed her hips as they drifted over the simple and conservative navy colored skirt she was wearing. Something about that look excited her and scared at the same time. He should not be looking at her like that!

"There has to be another way for me to earn my grade," he finally said.

Tille swallowed hard. Logically, there was only one way he could raise his grade. The extra credit assignments. He knew that.

"You... You have to do your own work. That's the only way you can pass," she said nervously. She still couldn't bring herself to hold eye contact with him.

Suddenly Maddox was rising from his desk. The action startled her and she took a step away from him. Even while wearing heels, he towered over her. He wasn't broad like a linebacker. He was lean and stout with large biceps used for throwing footballs. He had wide shoulders and a thin waist. All hard muscle. But he didn't need to be a brick wall of a man to make her feel intimidated.

"Maddox, please take your seat," she said quietly.

"Com'on, Ms. Bitton. We can figure something else out, right?" he said. Suddenly his voice sounded more seductive. Or was that her imagination? Her heart began to race inside her chest and she felt ashamed when she realized she had become damp between her legs.

"No. I'm serious. Sit down or you're going to have to leave," she said, doing her best to sound stern. She lifted her head and looked up at him with confidence. Or at least, she tried to.

"I'm not going anywhere until you change my grade," he said. That arrogant smirk on his face made her want to slap him and kiss him at the same time. What was wrong with her?!

"That's it," she said. She began walking back towards her desk. She was surprised when strong arms came around her from behind and lifted her off the ground. She screamed in panic, before a hand was clamped over her mouth, hushing her in an instant.

"Flint, lock the door," Maddox said.

Flint didn't hesitate to do what he was told. He rose from his desk and walked over to the door. He glanced out into the hallway, probably checking to see if anyone had heard her scream, then he pushed the door shut and locked it.

"What're you... You can't! Let her go!" Chris stammered.

"You shut the fuck up, limp dick," Maddox snapped, and Chris flenched away from the harsh words. "If you would have just let me copy your paper, this wouldn't be happening right now."

Tille continued to struggle against him but it was no use. He was much stronger than her. She kicked and squirmed but somehow feeling his arms wrapped so tightly around her... it only seemed to increase her arousal. She could feel her panties becoming wet. She felt instant shame upon that realization.

"You sure about this, Maddox?" Flint asked as he came back over. Tille looked at him with pleading eyes, begging him to help her.

"Bitch has it coming. You seriously think you're gonna fail me?" Maddox said, first speaking to Flint, then turning his head and speaking that question into her ear.

Flint gave a shrug. He had always been Maddox's lackey and it didn't seem he had any intentions of changing that now.

Maddox carried her forward to her desk and pushed her onto it, face down. A pencil holder and her name plaque were knocked onto the floor. Her cheek pressed against one of the papers she had been grading. "Maddox, please don't do this. We... we can talk about your grade!"

"You've made it more than clear that you don't wanna talk, teach," Maddox said. She felt his firm hand against the small of her back. She wiggled against it and clawed at her desk, desperate to get free, but she was completely at her student's mercy.

"Flint! Chris! Don't let him do this!" she pleaded to the others.

"Chris ain't gonna do shit." Flint laughed. "And I'm kind of curious to see how this goes down."

Suddenly, Maddox's hand left her back and she felt her skirt being pulled upwards. Cold air assaulted her ass and she immediately pushed herself up from the desk, only to be harshly shoved right back down against it.

"Maddox, please..." she begged.

This time no words. Only a hand. It dipped in between her thighs, cupping her sex through her soaked panties.

"What the fuck?" Maddox said, with an amused scoff. "She's totally into this!"

"No way," said Flint.

"She's soaked! I swear!" Maddox said.

Shame came over her like a tidal wave. Her face was so heated you could probably boil an egg on it. Then suddenly a hand again. This one rougher. Flint had come forward and reached between her legs to see for himself.

"Holy shit... Ms. B is a slut," he laughed, taking his hand back.

"Stop! I'm not... I... I... Please, just stop..." she said desperately.

"Yo Chris, you wanna check this out?" Maddox asked, glancing over his shoulder at the other student. Chris only shook his head. His eyes were tightly closed. "Your loss."

In panic, Tille reached behind herself in an attempt to cover her exposed rump with her hands. Maddox caught her by the wrists and shoved her arms back onto the desk. Leaning over her, she could feel his hard on pressing into her asscheeks. His strong, youthful back leaned over her, and his mouth came up against her ear.

"I never would have pegged you for closet slut... but I gotta say, it's turning me on." His hot breath drifted into her ear.

She felt both ashamed and horrified by his words. She wasn't a slut! This.. this wasn't like her. It had been a while since she had slept with a man. She was lonely. Lonely for male attention. And maybe she did think Maddox was hot. But she knew it was wrong. Like this was wrong!

"I'm not..." she said quietly. She imagined herself speaking those words with confidence but they came out sounding anything but.

"Yeah. Yeah, you are," he whispered arrogantly right back to her. Gosh, why did she think he sounded hot? "You want this, don't you? You think I didn't know you had a crush on me?"

Tille's eyes went wide. He knew? He knew?! How? She had been so careful! She never tried to indulge in her attraction to him. It was wrong on so many levels. And even if it wasn't, she knew his type. And his type would never like someone like her. When she went to high school, she had been ignored by all the cute boys. That's what she was used to. How it would always be.

So how did he know?

Maybe he didn't. Maybe he was bluffing.

Mustering up some strength, she said, "Maddox, let me go."

"I don't think I will. Admit it, teach. You've been dying for this cock," he said, and to go along with his words, she felt him thrust his hips against her panty clad ass. His erection, hard and wanting, caressed her asscheeks through his jeans.

Oh, that felt good...

Fresh lubricant saturated her panties. She could feel her folds swelling. The heat in her center pulsing with desire and need.

But no.

No, this could not be happening. He was her student!

"Maddox, stop!! Someone is going to come in!" she exclaimed. Louder this time, as she tried to fight the sexual urges that had suddenly come over her.

"Flint'll stand watch. Right?" Maddox said, pulling back to stand up straight.

"Yeah, I got this," Flint agreed. He stepped over to stand near the door but he stood in a way that he could keep an eye on both the door and her desk. He had no intention of missing the show.

Quickly Tille tried to push herself up again. Maddox pushed her right back down in an instant. She wouldn't admit it but the rough way he was handling her only turned her on even more. He was so strong and powerful... Gosh, was this really happening? Did she seriously want her student to fuck her?

His hands grabbed her panties and yanked them down her legs. She squeaked out a noise of surprise, suddenly feeling very exposed. She tried again to push her skirt down, and this time he let her. But it was short lived because the next thing she knew, her skirt was being yanked down like her panties.

"Damn, who would have thought Ms. Bitton would have such a nice ass?" Maddox said. She felt his bare hand slap hard against her cheek, causing her to jump from the harsh and sudden sting. Then he groped her ass cheek, rubbing and massaging the sting away. She closed her eyes and bit down on her lip, trying hard not to focus on how good that made her feel.

"Not me. She always hides it under those shitty skirts." Flint scoffed, still standing by the door. Chris hadn't left his desk. There was literally nowhere for him to go with Flint blocking the only exit.

"Tell me about it," Maddox laughed from behind her. He slapped a hand to her other cheek, and repeated the same action. Massaging it after. His fingers brushed under her cheek, so near her sensitive opening that was dripping with her natural juices. She grit her teeth down, trying hard to hold in the way her breathing had started to pick up.

When his hand was pulled back, she heard the clinging of metal. His belt. And then his zipper. Her heart rate sped up and she pushed herself up once again. A masculine sound of frustration came from behind her as he paused what he was doing with his pants. She felt his hand on her back, pushing her back down.

"Chris, get the fuck over here," he said.

"Maddox, don't. Leave him... leave him out of this," she said in a weak tone.

"Chris! Get the fuck over here or I'll have the whole football team kick your scrawny ass!" Maddox shouted, angry and mean. He was a natural leader. The type that did and took what he wanted, no matter the consequences. He ordered people around, and they had no choice but to obey him. In his moment, that couldn't be any more sexy... Gosh, did she want him...

Chris jumped up from his desk and nervously walked over. He refused to look at her. His entire posture screamed fear and nervousness. Maddox grabbed him at the shoulder and shoved him toward the side of the desk.

"Hold her down. I'm tired of her trying to get up," he ordered him.

"What...? No, I-I... I can't!" Chris said.

"You can and you fucking will, if you know what's good for you!" Maddox snapped.

Chris flinched but said nothing more. He walked around to the front of the desk. He glanced at her with apologetic eyes, then leaned down to hesitantly put his hands on her shoulders, holding her in place.

"Chris, it's... it's okay," she said, feeling the maternal urge to make him feel better. It wasn't okay, though. It was far from okay. What Maddox was doing was wrong. But why did it feel so fucking right...?

She heard Maddox go back to his pants, and then she felt something warm and fleshy rub against her sopping folds. She couldn't stifle the moan that came from her lips as she recognized what that was.

"That's it. I knew you wanted this cock..." Maddox said arrogantly. She felt him rub the tip of his dick up and down her entrance, both teasing her and coating himself with her lubricant. Ohhhh... it felt so good... She could only imagine how it would feel to have him inside of her.

"Tell me, teach. Tell me how much you want it," Maddox commanded her. His tone had taken on a lustful edge, and oh, did he sound sexy! She nearly gave him what he wanted before she realized what she was doing.


No, she could not tell a student she wanted his cock!

"I won't..." she said defiantly. Her tone gave her away. Where she had sounded upset before, now there was desire dripping from her lips. She wanted him. Oh, did she want him inside of her...

"Are you sure...?" he asked. The bulbous head of his dick pressed firmly against her entrance. It dipped into her entrance just enough to send a rush of pleasure washing over her before he pulled it back and away. She wiggled her hips anxiously without even thinking about it. "Cause I can stop, if that's what you really want..."

Her mind said, yes, tell him to stop before this went any further. But her pussy wanted nothing more for him to plunge that youthful dick hard inside of her! It had been too long since she had sex. And never had she had anyone take her in such a way as this. The men she was with before were timid and cautious. Polite. Honestly, sex with them had been boring. This now, it excited her in ways she had never felt before. Never even imagined!

She wanted him. She wanted him inside her right now, right this instant!

"No..." she said. The word came out in a tiny whisper.

"What was that?" Maddox asked. His hard dick slid in between her legs, using the slickness of her arousal to slide all the way to her clit and then he took it away again. She moaned again and spread her legs wider apart.

"Please..." she breathed out.

"Please what?" he asked.

"Please... I... " She glanced up at Chris, who... had somehow looked different now. Maybe a little excited? She averted her eyes away from him.

"Alright. I guess she doesn't want it, guys," Maddox said, pulling back away from her completely. The rush of cold air against her backside made her feel empty and alone.

"Wait!" she said suddenly. She wiggled her hips desperately. "I... I do want it."

Flint chuckled from the doorway. "Fuck, she's such a slut."

"Oh yeah, she is!" Maddox said proudly. She felt him slide back up against her ass. He spread her legs with his feet, and she welcomed the action without even thinking about it. "Tell me how bad you want my cock."

"I want it so bad, Maddox. Please. Fill me with your... your cock..." she said. And the words sounded like another person. This wasn't her.

Or was it...? Had Maddox somehow awakened a part of her that she had kept hidden and suppressed all of this time? A naughty part of her that loved how rough and wrong this was?

"I know you do, baby," came his voice. Low and seductive. She felt his cockhead press against her opening and then with one hard thrust, he plunged deep inside of her.