Fae War Ch. 08


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Getting no response, she tried again, "Hey, I'm worried about you. Are you OK?"

She thought she heard the stirring of fabric, followed by a groan.

"Why do you care?" a weak, male voice said.

"Well, I'm a nurse, so it's just normal for me to care about the well-being of others," she answered, not knowing how else to engage her fellow prisoner.

"Huh," he replied, "you're not much good to me locked in a different cell."

"Are you hurt, or sick?" Erin asked.

"Where have you been? I thought everyone was required to watch my beating," the man asked without emotion. It sounded like he was moving again, and he mumbled sounds of pain.

"They beat you?" Erin asked, incredulously. Then with dawning realization that she would probably suffer the same fate, she continued, "I was just kidnapped this morning."

"Wait," the man said, trying to turn his head, "You're a nurse, and they just kidnapped you," he hesitated, "Are you Erin?"

"How'd you know my name?"

"I'm Franco, a council member. I've always known about you," he answered, sounding warm and friendly, "but I'm sorry you're here. Do you know what's going on?"

"Franco, where did I hear that name?" Erin mused, "Oh! I remember, you defected to the rebels."

"Never!" he proclaimed, "I would never join the murdering bastards!" Franco huffed and seemed sincerely affronted. "I was captured, same as you."

"I'm sorry to upset you," Erin began, "but our people believe that you are a traitor," she went on gently, "I'm sure we can clear it up after we escape."

"There is no chance of escape, your Highness," Franco replied, again sounding weak and beaten. "The only way out of this compound is through the shack, and it is well guarded."

Erin decided it was best to not discuss anything about Garrett or his plan, in case they were monitored. She let Franco's words hang in the air for a long time before responding.

"We have to hold out hope our people will find a way to get us out. I won't leave without you, Franco."

"Thank you, my Queen, but if you have any chance to leave, don't hesitate on my account. You are of far greater value."

Erin was bothered by that immediately. She didn't like the idea of being more valuable than anyone else.

"I will get you out of here," she stressed.

"Thank you, your Highness."

"And my name is Erin. I don't like all this 'highness' crap."

"My apologies, Erin," Franco replied, sounding very tired.

The door into their hallway swung opened with a bang and a squeaky cart was pushed in by a very hairy man. He stopped at Franco's cell to push a tray under the bars at the door, then moved to Erin's cell. He grinned maliciously at her, showing bad teeth. Erin shuddered, which seemed to delight him.

"Here's your dinner, Queenie," he growled out at her as he shoved another tray under the door to her cell.

Erin was strangely comforted by the fact there were locked bars separating her from this man.

After he turned and left, Erin investigated her tray. The food was simple, but looked fresh and felt warm. After sniffing each item, she nibbled at the broccoli and potatoes. They tasted fine, so she sat down to eat in earnest, happy to have something in her stomach. By the sound of it, Franco was eating his tray of food as well.

"How long have you been here?" Erin asked.

"About eight days, I think. They took me on my way home from the council on a Wednesday. They tried to get information from me through spells and drugs before they started beating me," he said, dejectedly, before continuing with determination, "I am proud to say I never told them anything useful."

"Wow," Erin commented, impressed. She felt she needed to say something, as queen, but it felt so strange. She tried, "I'm very impressed with your resolve, and strength."

"Thank you, Erin," he replied, sounding shy.

Erin sat wondering if she could stand up to magic, chemicals, and torture. She hoped she wouldn't have to. She really didn't know anything. Her only value was her parentage, which may save her from the worst treatment. If only she knew more about this whole war, she might be able to actually do something. She considered asking Franco to tell her more about the history of the conflict, but remembered how tired he sounded, and decided to let him rest instead.

There were no windows and no clocks in the cells, so Erin had trouble calculating the passage of time. She estimated it was about 9 p.m. when the door opened again. This time three young women came through. They were carrying folded fabric. They entered Erin's cell and immediately started pulling at Erin's bloody clothing.

"Let's get you out of this mess, and cleaned up for the celebration," one of the women said.

"What celebration?" Erin asked, not unhappy to be able to shed her torn and dirty clothing.

"We are celebrating your capture and the end to our banishment," one of the women replied with a big smile.

Erin estimated the women were her age or younger, so they had likely lived their entire lives in this compound. Life here must be hard, to engender such happiness in someone who had never known any other way.

"Why do you assume this is the end of your banishment? Nothing has really changed. The council has been holding you at bay for twenty years. Why would having me here instead of living in the human world change that?" Erin asked, a little belligerently.

The girls looked confused. Apparently they simply believed what they had been told, unable or unprepared to reason it out for themselves. Erin felt sad for them, and believed it was probably in her own best interests to keep them happily deluded.

"Though, I guess if the council feels I am valuable, they will likely be willing to negotiate with you to see me safely returned."

That seemed to lighten the girls' moods again, and they proceeded to strip Erin and wash her bloody midsection. When they were satisfied with her cleanliness, they started to dress her in a farce of a princess gown. The top was little more than a string bikini with gauzy chiffon flowing from it and the only thing covering her lower torso under the filmy skirt was a glittering thong that matched the bikini top. Erin had never worn anything so gaudy or risqué in her entire life. If Riahn's plan was to make her appear ridiculous in front of the rebel people, this outfit accomplished the goal well.

The young women finished by placing sequined slippers on Erin's feet, and a cheap tiara on her head. They then led her from her cell and to the door into the main hallway.

Erin considered this might be her opportunity to run, until the girl in front knocked on the door and it was opened by two hulking men. Erin immediately recognized the hairy man with bad teeth that had brought her dinner. She shuddered at his touch when he grabbed her elbow to escort her to the festivities.

They made their way out of the building and further into the compound. Eventually the buildings ended leaving them in a large field filled with people, and in the center, the largest bonfire Erin had ever seen. She was led to a raised dais next to the raging flames, and sat on a rough wood chair that again was a parody of a throne. A separate dais held the throne that had been in the shack/meeting room. It glowed softly just as it had earlier.

Hairy man pulled out a roll of duct tape and secured Erin's forearms to the arms of her chair.

"I guess I won't be dancing then?" she asked sarcastically.

Hairy man looked at her as if he might strike her, when he reconsidered and ran a hand across her breasts instead. Erin tried to twist away, but there was nowhere to go with her arms secured to the chair. She started to yell at him, but thought better of it and only scowled. He wanted to get a rise out of her. She determined to sit silently, head up, regardless of what they did to her.

Someone yelled for Derrick, and hairy man glanced up, then trotted off in the direction of several other big goons. Erin looked at the gathering. Just like at the meeting, there was a strange mix of humanoid and animal participants. In the darkness, with the bright firelight flicking, Erin couldn't be sure if any of the elementals were present or not. There were many more beings than at the meeting, but that seemed to be because children were present.

Riahn walked casually up to Erin's spot and stood beside the rough wooden throne. The people closest noticed and stilled, looking expectantly toward her. Slowly the quite attention spread until everyone was focused on Riahn and Erin.

"We celebrate a great victory!" Riahn began, in a voice that didn't need amplification to reach those farthest away. "We will soon see the end of our forced exile, and the establishment of a true council where every species is represented. I will lead us into a time of great prosperity: a time in which each of you can act freely as is your nature, and in which we claim our rightful superiority over mere humans." Riahn paused for cheering and applause. "Let the festival begin!"

The response was terrifying: Wild cheering over-layered by animal roars pierced the night. Bodies moved in eerie stop motion in the flickering light from the fire. Erin turned to look toward the other throne, rather than be intimidated by the raucous crowd. It seemed to glow brighter as she gazed at it.

Erin remained bound to her chair as the celebration continued around her. Eventually she noticed the children were gone, and there were fewer humanoid shapes amid the crowd. A drink was brought out in barrels that seemed to have the effect of alcohol on the partiers. People also began to throw something powdered into the fire that smelled odd, and made Erin's head spin.

As the hour progressed, and the drink exerted its effects, the rebels became bolder and started to shout at Erin, some even coming up on the dais to taunt her. Feeling the disorientation from the chemical thrown in the fire, Erin found herself in a nightmare where large predators glared at her hungrily, licking their lips and snarling. Panthers and lions prowled her stage, sniffing her, licking her, prodding her legs apart with razor-sharp claws to huff her essence.

Then the wolves came. If the cats had been terrifying in their controlled power, the wolves were horrifying in their blatant excitement. Small groups would jump effortlessly on the dais, circling Erin, snarling and snapping at her and at one another. Their wet noses pried into Erin's body, snuffling and huffing, licking, and occasionally nipping, at her sensitive parts.

Erin attempted to distance herself from what was happening on her dais, trying to focus on a point out amid the partiers. The drug had made her slow, and created a surreal haze at the edges of her vision. What she saw gazing into the crowd only added to the dream effect. Animals were mating wildly, with other animals as well as with humanoids. Everywhere Erin turned, the celebrants were in a frenzy of sexual domination over one another, rolling and biting, mounting and submitting.

A particularly large wolf was between Erin's legs when her bleary eyes returned to the stage. The filmy layers of her skirt had been relentlessly pushed farther and farther up her body by the various animals until they were gathered at her waist, her lower half bare except for the tiny thong.

The wolf grinned at Erin maliciously, then shoved its nose into her sex. It sniffed and nuzzled and licked in an invasive and highly stimulating manner until Erin was squirming and moaning in her chair.

A voice entered Erin's mind, reminding her she was supposed to be guarding her thoughts, but not allowing her to. "I will never forget you, my Queen, and now I can track you anywhere."

With that equivocal statement, the wolf took one last deep lick from Erin's center and jumped back to the ground, followed by the remaining three wolves on her stage. She sat alone, aroused, and confused for several minutes as the rebels acted out their unbridled excitement before her. Without warning, a voice came from beside her.

"We are going to get you out of here now, while everyone is otherwise occupied."

Erin jerked her head to see a huge owl using its sharp beak to cut the tape holding her arm to the chair. Before she had time to question it, she realized a large rodent of some type was releasing her other arm as well.

"How? There's a hundred rebels all around us!" She hissed urgently. Fear jolted through her fog of drug-induced arousal.

"Not all around us," the rodent, apparently a beaver, replied, pointing behind them.

Erin's eyes swept past the fornicating crowd and looked behind the dais, into a dark void in the crowd, where only a few animals stood tensely, on guard. Her arms came free, and the owl took flight silently, guiding Erin into the darkness. When she didn't move to follow, the beaver nudged her forward.

Taking a deep breath, then regretting it as her lungs flooded with the enticing chemical, Erin leapt from the stage and hurried to follow the owl toward the dark edge of the forest. Her nerves were abuzz with a combination of fear and arousal. The scent of sex lay heavily across the field, the heat of the fire a pressure on her back, pushing her toward the darkness.

Suddenly, Erin felt as though she was slogging through thick mud, though the field looked just as it had. She jumped backwards as two huge owls hovered soundlessly before her.

"This will hurt, but we understand you can heal yourself. Don't cry out!" one said before they both sunk their talons deep into her shoulders and began to lift her from the ground.

The pain was excruciating, and mixed as it was with her arousal, it caused a moan to escape her lips, but she fought the urge to scream. The owls circled high into the air before they took off in a direction. Erin hung limply, trying to do the deep breathing she had taught to her patients when they suffered pain.

It wasn't even a minute before the owls began their descent. Erin saw the glittering reflection of the sky in water, and suddenly feared they planned on dropping her from some height. Before she had time to think, the owls set her lightly onto a pile of pine needles.

Erin collapsed from the pain when the owls disengaged from her flesh. She immediately concentrated on healing the deep wounds beneath her collarbone. She felt a reigniting of the arousal as her own healing power swirled around her, caressing her breasts and neck as she healed the piercings. It created an erotic pleasure as she felt the wounds knit together.

A sound drew her from her experience and she realized she was surrounded by wolves. Fear gripped her. That was when the beautiful white wolf with the iceberg blue eyes stepped forward.

"We need to move quickly. Climb on my back and hold on to my fur tightly," it said into her head.

Erin did as she was told, feeling awkward, knowing the body below hers was a man's, as well as an animal's. Garrett took off as soon as she was seated and they splashed through the shallows of a river for a long while. His body rippled with strength below hers in warm contrast to the splashing water.

Erin was soon freezing, but refused to speak up because she knew what these people were risking to rescue her. It wasn't until her teeth were chattering that Garrett looked back at her.

"I forget you don't have a fur coat. We've gone far enough to risk a break. We will stop and give you a chance to warm up," Garrett said.

Erin could see the silent signal that went among the wolves. They slowed, several spreading out to patrol while two gathered close to Garrett. A spot was quickly chosen under a pine, where needles padded the ground softly.

Garrett softly shook Erin off his back without speaking, nudging her to lie down. Then he pressed his body up to hers along her front, while one of the other two pressed along her back. The third wolf lay across her feet and lower legs. It immediately felt warm and reassuring.

Still under the effects of the drug, the scenes played out before her, the intimate licking of the animals and the pervasive scent of sex, Erin found herself petting Garrett's soft fur and nuzzling into his neck. The wolf at her feet scented the air, and then laid its head on her thigh, its snout a few inches from her sex.

Garrett's voice in her mind spoke softly.

"Fae celebrations are heady affairs. We are an uninhibited people, especially the Weres. It would actually be a very good idea for each of my wolves to scent you as those at the celebration did."

While presented as a statement, there was a questioning tone to the last, allowing Erin the freedom to choose whether this group sniffed and licked at her. Already warmed by the bodies of the wolves, and dizzy with desire, Erin simply rolled slightly, opening her thighs to the wolf already positioned near her core.

Oddly, that wolf moved away, and Garrett moved to between Erin's legs. He sniffed and licked up each thigh to her center where he buried his snout in her, licking several times. Erin through her head back and moaned, gripping the fur of the wolf still half at her back.

Garrett moved back beside her, and the wolf behind her moved into place. Each wolf took a turn, sniffing and licking at her in a manner meant to keep her excited and on the edge. Garrett whispered each wolf's name to her, but Erin was in such a haze she didn't really notice until what turned out to be the last wolf moved into place. Garrett introduced Sophie, the first female among the pack.

Sophie sniffed and licked much as the others had done, but she didn't move away after two or three laps. Erin now moaned with every lick, her hips widely spread, her hands deeply grasping the fur of the wolves on either side of her. Sophie continued to minister to Erin's rapidly growing need, piercing Erin's core deeply, then leisurely stroking up and over her lower lips, flicking her clit each time. Erin begged for release, and Sophie responded, increasing the speed and pressure of her tongue until Erin's orgasm broke over her like waves pounding a beach in a storm.


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
No thanks

Well that went from moderately interesting to really fucked up very fast. Shifters are obviously going to be comfortable with nudity but WTAF she supposed to be their new Queen AND she isn’t a shifter. That last scene went so far beyond the line that lines have been banned, never to be heard of or spoken about ever again.

If you’re going to get that kind of freaky at least warn readers and put bestiality in the tags, at least that would allow readers to skip offensive material.

Tess (UK)

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Have to agree

with can'tfightfate. I didn't particularly enjoy the mauling in the woods. I understand that sexuality is "the way of their people," and Erin was even reacting to the aphrodisiac fire smoke, but that whole scene kinda bothers me.

cantfightfatecantfightfateover 12 years ago
So much for her being

completely pure for Luka. Didn't he say there were rules? I wonder what this will mean for their mating? He will be pissed when he finds out.

I know she was drugged but I found that sex scene to be a bit gratuitous and I'm surprised the wolves that rescued her would take advantage of her in that way. It kind of left a bad taste in my mouth.

I'm still looking forward to the next chapter though. Hopefully she reunites with Luka and leaves these other people behind. She's not thinking clearly.

QueenSparrowQueenSparrowover 12 years ago

I am absolutely loving this! Fantastic read and can't wait to read more!

katgoddess1katgoddess1over 12 years ago

That certainly was an interesting escape. Very inventive and done with an impressive lack of violence. Not to mention the interesting new friends made in the process! I can't wait to see you top that!

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