Fake Memories of a Desert Rave 01 - Alyssa Pt. 01

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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/27/2016
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Fake Memories of Burning Man


These stories are based on what I believe would be the reactions of real ex-girlfriends, but the situations are fictional. Names and details have been changed to protect their privacy.

Burning Man is an enormous week-long art festival taking place in the Nevada desert. It combines large art pieces, music, performance art, as well as a wild party scene. The festival is a two-mile wide horse-shoe of tents and camps, with the central empty space (the "Playa") forming the main display area for the art pieces. The open end of the horse-shoe leads to the Deep Playa, a wide open expanse where more art pieces are scattered. The space is wide enough that bicycles are required to travel from place to place.

There is no commerce allowed. Everything is freely given and shared. People set up bars, chill tents, performance spaces or any form of hospitality they can dream of. Emphasis is placed on participation, silliness is the norm, and nudity is accepted (but not required). Some of the larger dance camps are enormous and run by professionals, so the night time parties are some of the best in the world.

In reality there is a police presence which prevents wilder antics, but in my version the risks of arrest are nil.


Alyssa - part 1

Alyssa and I had parked and claimed our small patch of desert, quickly setting up our tent and shade structure. I had stretched a large tarp over the car, the tent and the small kitchen area we had set up. Alyssa was supposed to set up the camping chairs and the kitchen, but she kept being distracted by the scenery. I couldn't blame her.

For a bunch of old drugged-out hippies, the people who set up the festival had down a great job. Broad avenues curved along the entire length of the campground, while streets cut across at regular intervals, like the markings of a giant clock. Campers were kept within their allocated spaces, which made the whole place feel more like a city than a campground.

People were setting up near us, but the real action was in the street. Dozens of people were walking or bicycling past us, each dressed in some outlandish fashion. There were no store-bought costumes; these were hand-made outfits, a mix of thrift store fashion and carefully crafted pieces. Men and women were parading around in steampunk chic, wild fantastical beasts or foam robots, with a heavy dose of Mad Max thrown in. It was hot, so most people wore little. Those who had not put much effort in their clothing wore sarongs or colorful shorts. The men were shirt-free, the women in frilly bras or cut-off T shirts. But everywhere was color.

Alyssa was smiling broadly as she watched people go by. Her jaw dropped when suddenly an art car drove by, some converted school bus now covered in blue gauze and fake wood to look like a sailing ship, the roof turned into a deck where dozens of people danced to the tunes of blaring speakers. Alyssa turned to me, excitedly pointing at the passing land ship.

"Did you see that?" she exclaimed.

I just smiled and nodded, pleased at her reaction.

Alyssa was a wire thin blond, a toned professional dancer with the typical body of a ballerina, all narrow hips and small bust as required by the dance troupe she worked with. She was pretty, her features a little too strong to be considered beautiful. But she was smart and funny and hungry to try new things, which made her a wonderful companion. Right now she was wearing kaki shorts and a t-shirt, her hiking boots still on her feet. She looked like a tourist and that had to change.

My chores done, I pulled out our plastic bin of clothing. I was ready for this, this being my third Burn. I stripped naked, wrapped a sarong around my waist, sprayed on some sunscreen and slapped a wide hat on my head. I was ready. It felt wonderful to be nearly naked in this heat. Wonderful and freeing.

"Let's go explore!" I said.

I pulled out our bikes from the roof rack, loaded-up my knapsack with water and snacks, strapped on my goggles and was ready to go. Alyssa grabbed a hat and off we went.

We pedaled around for a few hours, taking on the sights. Alyssa was mostly open-mouthed with wonder as we cruised by the massive art pieces scattered around the Playa. Some were kinetic and moved, others burst into flames. Some you could climb, others were interactive, with lights or sounds erupting as you went by.

Alyssa went from grinning broadly to mock horror as we cruised by a completely naked couple. Everywhere we passed brilliantly dressed people. Most were wearing crazy mish-mash of pieces which created a wild, fun and colorful effect. Personally I couldn't wait to wear a pair of outlandish pants I had found at a thrift store; they were made of bright blue silk and patterned with dragons and Chinese motifs. I'm pretty sure they were meant to be somebody's grandma's pajamas. I loved them.

"I feel so boring!" she yelled out to me as we crossed the Playa on our bikes.

"I told you to come shopping with me!" I yelled back.

We spent the day bicycling around, getting a feel for the scene. I was just relaxing and enjoying the sights. Alyssa was biking around, mind blown every five minutes or so.

"Having fun?" I asked her.

"This is wild!" she replied.

"Wait until night falls" I yelled out.

Dusk found us back at our camp, famished and dusty. I busied myself with cooking us a quick supper while Alyssa foraged through her bin of clothes.

"What should I wear?" she yelled out from the back of the car, were we kept our supplies.

"Layers and whatever you find fun." I answered, stirring the rice and beans.

Alyssa had never been an extravagant dresser. She had a pair of black leather pants that looked great on her, but that was the extreme edge of her wardrobe. She was a jeans and T-shirt kind of girl. Summer saw her break out dresses, but everything she own was geared towards practicality and comfort. Nothing that matched the wilds of the Playa.

Luckily for her, I had made a few strategic purchases.

i pulled out a six-pack of cotton boy-shorts, comfy and colorful. I had a full complement of sarongs and scarves, but for her I pulled out a tutu. It was a costume one, not a real ballerina tutu, just a ring of pink tulle held by an elastic band. I threw a few tank tops and halter-tops at her, followed by a couple of thigh-high tights with silly prints on them. My favorite was the kitten on a field of stars, shooting lasers out of his eyes. It made me laugh.

"Where did all this come from?" she exclaimed.

"Now you can't say I never did anything nice for you." I said with a grin before returning to my cooking.

She disappeared inside our tent. A few minutes later, she came out and I had to smile.

"Ta-da!" she said, posing.

She had put on the tutu over a pair of blue boy shorts, with a pair of rainbow striped thigh highs. Tall lace-up moccasins came up other calf. She had a short, tight pale blue T-shirt on top, and she was obviously bra-less. Her thick nipples were poking through the thin fabric. She was beaming, a silly grin on her face.

"How do I look?" she asked.

"Fantastic! Absolutely, deliciously, ridiculous. And I mean that as a compliment." I replied.

I went to her, pulling her close to me to kiss her. I ran my hands over the back of her legs, where a few inches of naked flesh were exposed between the thigh-highs and the shorts. As our lips and tongues met, my fingers drew circles across her thighs.

I cupped her ass with both hands, pulling her even closer to me. I could feel myself getting hard. Only the thin sarong I was wearing separated me from her. She looked into my eyes, grinding her hips into my hardening cock. I knew that look.

I pushed her against the open trunk of the little SUV we had came in. Behind her was the pile of clothing and supplies we had stuffed in the car. The flaps of the tarp I had stretched out hid us from the street, mostly. Behind us was a sea of tents and RVs. We were hardly in a private place.

I broke our kiss to look at her, a wicked smile on my face. I slid my hand over her small breast, my thumb circling her hard nipple. Her breath quickened. I leaned in to give her a soft,slow kiss. her eyes closed. I pulled away, which made her groan in disappointment.

I kneeled at her feet. She murmured some faint objections.

I lifted the tutu, revealing the long strong thighs I knew were beneath it. I stared at the blue boy-shorts that covered her mound. The thing is, they weren't shorts. They were underwear. A thin cotton layer was all that separated me from the treasure underneath. The outline of her pubic hair could be seen through the fabric, a short puffy mohawk above her sex.

I leaned in and blew softly through the soft cotton, my mouth wide open to flood her pussy with moist heat. She moaned.

"Stop" she moaned softly, pulling at my hair.

"Do you want me to stop?" I asked, while diving deeper between her thighs.

I nuzzled her clit with my nose, pushing her lips apart with a soft kiss. She moaned again, her legs floating apart. I hooked a finger under the fabric and pulled the crotch of her shorts aside.Her pussy was revealed to me in all its glory. For such a thin girl, she had wonderfully puffy outer lips, giving her pussy a real presence. It wasn't just a slit at the bottom of her belly; it was a mouth that called out to you. The pinker inner lips poked out like a cat's tongue.

A rectangle of dark blonde curls crowned the whole thing, a thick and soft matt of hair that pointed at her crotch. I leaned in, opened my mouth, and took a long lick along the entire length. I let my tongue rest on her hardening clit. She moaned appropriately.

I suckled at her clit, gently sucking it into my mouth. I took another long lick of her pussy, tasting her wetness.

I pulled away and stood up. She was leaning halfway back into the pile of clothes and canned goods that filled the back of the car. Her head was thrown back, eyes closed. She bit her lip.

"You bastard.' she said, her voice hoarse with desire.

"I'm not done yet." I replied.

I pulled her closer to me, puling her shorts off of one leg, letting them hang on her foot. I lifted my sarong, letting my hard cock spring free.I placed the tip of it against her wet slit. She leaned forward, shuffling forward and throwing her arms around my neck, burying her head in my shoulder.

"People will see." she whispered.

"Who cares." I whispered back, and pushed in.

She gasped. I slid in halfway in a single thrust, pulled back, pushed in again. I pulled her closer still until our bellies touched. She wrapped her legs around my waist. I started a slow rhythm, cock deep in her warmth. I could feel her juices dripping down my balls, cooling and almost cold compared to the heat building up in her.

I ground the base of my cock against her clit. She held on tighter to my head, her fingers curled into my hair. There wasn't enough friction to make me cum, but she was well on her way to her own orgasm. I pinched her nipple. She groaned. I rolled it between two fingers. Her hips started to rock faster, grinding her clit against me.

She squealed, clutching at me, burying her scream into my shoulder, cuming hard and silent.

I laid her back down, still twitching with pleasure. She let herself sprawl out, arms thrown over her face, legs open on either side of my hips. I was still half-way buried in her, her pussy swollen, the lips of her sex wrapped around the thickness of my cock.

I started pumping in and out of her.

She half-rose, eyes closed, her hand on my chest. I grabbed hold of her knees, pulling them up and open, drawing her closer to me.

"Let's..let's go in the tent. People..." she struggled to speak.

"They can't see." I panted, thrusting faster now into her.

She opened her eyes, looking around. The car was tucked away, the street hidden by the car itself, the tarp providing another layer of privacy. Behind us was our neighbors tents, but no one was there that we could see. Around us were all the sounds of the people who were traveling by, barely a dozen feet away.

I pushed hard into her. She gasped and held on to my neck. Our bodies were bowed out, slapping together in a hard and fast rhythm. My hands held her legs obscenely open, her knees almost by her ears, pulling her into me. She held on, her eyes fixed on my cock as her pussy swallowed very inch, push after push, the wet slap of flesh coming louder and louder.

Finally I came exploding into her. As he felt her pussy be flooded with my cum, she was racked by an orgasm. She threw herself back, hands clawing at the sides of the car. She screamed once, a loud gasp she tried to silence.

A few people whooped and cheered from somewhere behind the tarp. A short round of applause rang out. Alyssa covered her face with her hands, embarrassed.

When I finally got my breath back, I pulled out of her. Her pussy was red and open, my cum slowly dripping out of her. She stayed on her back, breathing heavily.

"Welcome to Burning Man." I said.

She started laughing.


We went out dancing that night. She threw a red silk coat over her outfit in case it got cold. It was padded for warmth, with a large hood. It came to mid thigh, held closed with two large buttons. She looked adorable in it, her tutu spreading out form under it.

I had thrown on my ridiculous silk Chinese pants and a coat. Off we went, lights strapped to various body parts so that we could see in the pitch dark of the desert night.

There were dozens of places to dance at night. Some camps had set up DJ booths facing a bare patch of desert, inviting people to dance in the circle of lights they threw. Other larger camps had built gigantic domes, some a good sixty feet tall and covered in parachute fabric. Inside were top notch sound systems and light projections, with DJs from all over the world spinning for the colorful crowd of burners.

We spent hours jumping from dance camp to dance camp. Alyssa threw herself into the dancing, letting the hard rhythms push her around. She was a dancer and danced with a skill and a freedom that few people had. I loved watching her move, a big smile on her face.

We crashed that night, with barely enough energy for a cuddle.


The next few days were a blur of fun. We biked around, climbed everything we could, drank free booze, and generally behaved like happy children. The sky was an incredible blue, only sometimes marked by high flying clouds. Dust storms would sweep over the camps, sometimes lasting a few seconds, sometimes many minutes. Thankfully we only suffered a few of those.

Alyssa started to feel more comfortable wearing less. By day two she was riding out in her boy-shorts and tank tops, a scarf thrown over her shoulders in case of dust storm. I loved watching her ass in those shorts. She had these long strong legs that ended in the perkiest of butts, firm and taut from her dancing. She was thin, but not skinny.

One day, we found ourselves in the Deep Playa, the region far away for the crescent of tents. Large sculptures were scattered around, but each was a good distance from the other, requiring several minutes of bike riding to reach the next.

We reached a wooden statue of a boot. It was a good twelve feet tall, and we proceeded to climb it, finding a hidden trap door at the top that led to a tiny decorated tea-room inside the shoe itself. Two child-sized chairs were clustered around a tiny table were someone had left a dusty set of tea cups. Fabric was hung across the inside walls, softening the rough wood of the boot. Pillows were thrown on the ground, creating a cozy nest. Sunshine came through the loose wooden boards, lighting the interior.

Alyssa squealed with delight at finding this hidden gem. She started reading messages that had been scrawled on the walls. Some were funny, others were love poems. I plopped down on a pillow, watching her.

The roof was low, so she had to bend over to not bonk her head as she read the messages. She turned away from me and that firm ass was facing me. The plump mound of her pussy peeked out from between her thighs, barely held by the thin cotton.I scooted forward and ran my hand along her legs. She looked at me quizzically over her shoulders. I hooked my finger in the elastic band of her shorts and pulled.

She made a face as if to scold a naughty child, but she didn't resist as I pulled her shorts over her ass and halfway down her thighs. Her pussy was right in front of me, so I kissed it. She moaned, letting her head hang. She held onto the walls of the boot.

I kissed the soft naked lips of her sex, my tongue darting inside of her. My hands snaked forward to cup her breasts, finding her nipples hard against my palm. I kissed her pussy again. She squirmed, rolling her hips. I let go of one breast to pull her shorts down and off, tossing them in a corner. Immediately she spread her legs open.

Her pussy parted like a hungry mouth. I attacked it with my lips, tongue fucking her as deep as I could. I wanted to make her cum, in this strange place in the Deep Playa, but I didn't know how long we had before anyone showed up. This was no time for subtlety.

I dove further to find her clit, rubbing it roughly with my tongue. She pressed her ass against my face, one hand on my head, pulling me deeper into her. She was going to cum soon, I could feel the tremor in her thighs start to build. But I pulled away, grabbing her hand and pulling her on top of me. I was sitting on a pillow so she straddled me, legs to either side of my waist.

Since I was wearing only my sarong, she easily pushed the fabric away to reach my hard cock. She guided it straight into her pussy, sitting heavily on my lap, impaling herself on it in one go.

Planting her feet on the ground, she started pumping up and down, my cock slurping in and out of her wet pussy.

I stopped her just long enough to pull her tank top off. Her small breasts popped out, free and firm, each a perfect handful topped with a thick pink nipple. I tossed the tank top aside and dove for a nipple, licking it, swirling my tongue around it. Alyssa moaned, then resumed her pumping, fucking herself on my cock.

We both froze when we saw a shadow move.

Someone was outside. As they walked around the boot their shadow was cast through the slats and into our little cubby hole. We waited with baited breath, Alyssa still on my lap, my cock buried inside of her.

We heard the sounds we dreaded. Whoever was out there was climbing on the sculpture, which meant that they would soon discover the little tea room we were in. Alyssa sprang off my lap and started looking for her clothes. But I had tossed them aside, somewhere amongst the pillows. I was safely covered by my sarong again.

The trap door opened, letting a bright shaft of light streak in.

"Hello?" said a female voice.

"Hello." I replied.

I motioned to Alyssa to sit on a pillow and loosen her large scarf from around her neck. The two ends hung to her waist, covering her breasts. The pillows were so low and plump that it forced her to sit with her knees pulled up almost to her chin. Her thighs were therefore covered by the scarf too. If she didn't move too much, she would retain some cover.

A pair of legs emerged from above, taking the short ladder down with tentative steps.

"Can I come down?" the stranger said.

"Come on down, just watch your head on the ceiling." I called out.

The stranger turned out to be a slightly plump young woman, dressed in layers of white fabric. She was pretty, with dark hair framing a round, smiling face. A large camera was strapped across her neck.

"Oh my God!" she exclaimed when she was finally able to look around.

"Isn't this place cool? It's a tea room!" I said as I pointed out the tiny furniture.