Fellowship Ch. 02


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I licked up and down her lips now, flicking my tongue across her sensitive clit. Then I concentrated directly on her swollen pearl for a little while, jiggling it with the tip of my tongue. When I heard her breathing beginning to get heavier, I put one finger on either side of her clit and squeezed gently as I drew my tongue against her. She gasped, and I gradually increased the pressure of my tongue against her delicate center. From the corner of my eyes, I could see Miss Larsson's slender toned legs quivering erratically. It looked like she was slowly being electrocuted!

I realized just then that I was starting to get as excited as she was. I reached one hand down and started rubbing my clit in rhythm with my tongue. I could feel Miss Larsson's legs tensing, so I started moving my tongue faster, hoping she'd cum before I did. A moment later, she moaned, "Ohhh, Ciara!" and cried out while her body flinched hard. I came at the same time, groaning deeply.

We'd been laying there for a minute or so, trying to recover when I heard a noise behind me. Miss Treadway had been standing there, watching us. I wondered for how long.

"I see you two have been really getting to know each other while I've been gone. Naughty girls!" She chuckled.

She brought a cold glass of water over to the nightstand and set it beside the clock radio after offering a drink to both of us. That was when I noticed that she was wearing the harness Miss Larsson donned earlier. That monstrous vein covered tool Miss Larsson used to fuck me now hung lewdly between Miss Treadway's lean muscled legs. I knew then that my lover wanted a turn with me.

"Come with me over here, princess."

That was when I noticed the chair that was in the corner of the room. Funny, I thought. I didn't notice seeing it when we got down here. But how could I have missed it? It was an armchair upholstered to match the rest of the room. The chair was wide and sturdy, almost wide enough to fit two of us side by side on it if we didn't mind being a little squished.

Miss Treadway brought me over to the chair. She sat down in it with a bit of a flourish. That false erection bobbed slightly between her legs as she moved. She looked magnificent; like an athletic goddess, a Diana perched majestically on her throne. Miss Larsson was behind me now. She grasped my sides as I positioned myself onto the chair facing my lover. Her soft words encouraged me to lower myself onto my lover's well lubricated rubber prick. A loud gasp emanated from my lips. I felt so connected to her, so full! Miss Treadway embraced me now as she started to slowly bounce me up and down on her dildo. As she did this, I felt Miss Larsson move my hair to once side so she could access my neck. I was groaning loudly from the pleasure of feeling the other woman kissing my neck while Miss Treadway fucked me.

"That's it, sweetheart," Miss Treadway whispered ravenously. "Take it all. Give yourself to me, angel. No tears...that's it, dear!"

I could feel Miss Larsson's hands slipping around me, cupping my breasts and rubbing my nipples as she kissed my ear and my cheek. I tried to brace myself against my lover's thrusts. I was surprised how slow and gentle she was this time. Maybe it was Miss Larsson's presence that kept me from being pained and fearful. Both of them were driving me crazy!

Miss Treadway slowly pushed me upward so that the length of her dildo was almost out of my body. Now only the head of her cock remained inside. Then she said:

"Loving Christ, we are truly blessed to be given such a gift of love from such a beautiful young woman...you are our Fire, the Word made flesh. Keep our fire of passion and grow it...let us all become instruments of love..."

Then my lover slowly plunged her tool back inside me, and I cried out. She gradually increased her tempo while Miss Larsson caressed me and whispered words of love and reassurances in my ear, prickling my naked skin with goosebumps. Miss Treadway was deeply kissing me as she drove herself into me. As I bounced on her rubber cock, I wished that I could keep her inside me forever. I wanted her to really impregnate me like a man so that I could bear her children and know that I really was connected to her forever. But I knew how ridiculous of an idea that was.

I was sort of jealous because a few of us found out, about two weeks before Coach Stalcup was fired, that Cassie Carlson was pregnant. Cassie is one of the most popular girls at North Haskell. She was a cheerleader and a member of peer mediators. But all of that came to a crashing halt the day she found out she was pregnant. She ended up dropping out, and now she was attending night school. It was really weird. As far as anyone knew, Cassie wasn't even seeing anyone.

After several more minutes, I could feel my body start to climax from my lover's expert fucking. Miss Treadway drove her cock deep inside me as I came. She stayed inside me while I rode out another mind blowing orgasm, still kissing me deeply, until I was completely spent. Miss Larsson helped me to withdraw myself from Miss Treadway's rubber cock. She put her arm around my body as I moved off my lover's lap, and we went back over to the bed. When Miss Treadway got up off of the chair, I thought she was going to put on a bathrobe and head into the bathroom. Instead, she took the harness off and let it fall to the floor. She joined us on the bed.

"Ciara, you're looking a little upset. Should we stop? What do you think, Birgitta?"

I felt myself panic all of a sudden. I shook my head violently.

"No—no, CJ please!" I cried. Jesus, I thought. Is this really me?

"But you still feel that fellowship runs contrary to God's design for his followers."

Miss Treadway's eyes sharpened and her voice regained some of its professionalism.

"No! I...understand that scripture says that we need each other...a community of equals for strength. Don't stop, please CJ! I don't want to!"

This wasn't coming from me, was it? I didn't know where the hell it came from! A bemused look crossed Miss Larsson's face as she and Miss Treadway exchanged another heated kiss.

"Are you still turned on?" Miss Treadway asked as she broke her kiss with Miss Larsson.

She had me dead to rights. My body was like a blob of molten hot metal. I felt all of this pressure inside, and all of my senses were alive like never before! I stared at both teachers. I stared at their mature taut bodies, their nearly flat breasts, their strong hands. God, I wanted them! I wanted them both! The orgasm I just had didn't satisfy me—it just enraged the aching that was already there. For a split second, I got chills. It seemed like I had always felt this way, and would always feel this way. I had a desire that wouldn't die. I couldn't think straight anymore. I could barely put a coherent sentence together. What in the fuck did these two gym teachers do to me? For a few seconds, I actually heard myself whimpering, mewling like a kitten.

"Come here, sweetheart."

Miss Treadway was beckoning to me with one finger. I looked into her steely eyes and they stared back with that familiar look of hostile superiority.

"Please...God has given me to you." I said softly, feeling a little sheepish about the words I was using. "It's his will. You said so."

Oh God, oh God, oh God! What did they do to me? Who am I? They changed me! I watched as though I was in a trance while Miss Treadway used her fingers to masturbate for me. She slickened the pink flesh of her pussy with her juices as Miss Larsson held her colleague, kissing her tenderly. The blond gym teacher started caressing her breasts, causing the nipples to stand at attention. Miss Treadway held her fingers out to me now.

"Show me. Suck on my fingers and show me that you are mine."

I wasted no time as I took her slender fingers into my mouth, bending my tongue around each digit and bathing them in saliva like one of those lollipops I used to get down at Monson's Pharmacy when I was a kid. The strong smelling musk on her fingers tasted light and sharp, and incredibly intense. This is for me, I thought. I felt so savage and powerful and loved. My tongue swiped harder and harder, and my teeth began nipping at her fingertips. Miss Treadway started breathing more heavily and raggedly, her face became a mask of pleasure mixed with the momentary pain from my biting. I could hear soft moans escaping her, building steadily until I bit her a little too hard in my excitement. Miss Treadway yanked her fingers away from my hungry mouth. All the while I eyed the full dark bush of hair between her legs.

I pushed Miss Treadway back onto the mattress although I didn't have to push very hard. She went down quite easily. Miss Larsson watched intently as I moved in on the target of my lust. The blond gym teacher was touching herself now, playing with herself while she made out with my lover, and the sight of it was driving me completely insane.

"Take me, Ciara!"

It was all Miss Treadway said, all she had to say. I moaned feverishly as I sank between her legs and tasted her. I was further away from myself than I ever was. I didn't know what the hell I was doing, I just knew that what I was doing was God's destiny for me. My tongue and lips did all kinds of tricks that I never knew I could do before. I kissed her outer lips with just a little pressure, and lifted my flattened tongue slowly up and down her slit. I twisted my tongue around and around her clit, sucking it in and out before plunging back to her hole once more. Every once in a while, she would moan loudly and say "Such a wonderful little student assistant," or "That's my good little girl, my angel, my wife!" I was in heaven! I just wanted her hear her again. I wanted to taste her salty sharp juices and hear her praise. Forever. I explored every part of her hot, wet mound with my tongue like it was my only toy.

The feeling was totally amazing! I'd never felt anything so perfect, so true! My body was driven by an unseen force, perhaps God's love, and with every lick, my pussy pulsed, like her juices themselves were bringing me closer. Then, I could feel it coming on again inside of me, just as she started to tense up, her pussy spilling forth, and I could feel her coming.

She was shaking, then she stiffened and she groaned furiously:

"Oh—God in heaven help me! You dirty fucking girl!"

It sounded so far away because the waves of my orgasm were roaring through me, all the way to my core, and now I was shaking and moaning and groaning and SHREAKING! It was weird because I never even touched myself! My orgasm mixed with Miss Treadway's and for a moment, all I heard were her groans and my moans together like a chorus. Everything disappeared, and all that was left was an eerie wall of sound.

My head was full of fireworks still when she beckoned for me to come up into her arms. Again, her eyes burrowing into mine like a torch, a serene smile crossed her lips and she said:

"That was wonderful, Ciara."

Then to Miss Larsson she said:

"She's such a good student isn't she?" Like I had turned in a perfect paper in future leaders' class! Like I had run a six minute mile! Like I had done the most pull ups during presidential fitness week!

From anyone else, the words would mean nothing, but when Miss Treadway said it, it reverberated to the back of my skull and down to my nipples, my stomach, my pussy, all the way down to my bare feet. I felt so powerful and powerless with desire all at once. Then she brought my face closer, and her lips met mine, and I opened them and eagerly accepted her tongue into my mouth and gave her mine. We shared a long, slow, kiss. Our lips moving gently across each other as our tongues danced. I had never felt so lustful, so magical, or so happy in my entire life!

Miss Treadway and Miss Larsson both held me now in an intimate embrace, our bodies wrapped tightly around each other. We stayed like this for the length of several songs on the radio, cradling each other's bodies and kissing passionately.

We spent the rest of the night in bed exploring each other's bodies and pleasuring each other over and over while Miss Treadway and Miss Larsson taught me the importance of our fellowship. I learned that in their bible study group, fellowshipping is common. The practice ensured a strong bond between members and the church. But each member tended to pair off or group up with the same members, sticking only to their chosen clique. I breathed a sigh of relief when Miss Treadway assured me that the group never interfered with each other's pairings. I had no desire to fellowship with Miss Horst or any of those other women in the group!


During the final two weeks of my senior year, things started to drastically change. For one thing, Jason Pope actually had a change of heart after dumping me before going to the prom. He said that he felt really bad about what happened, and he shouldn't have tried to pressure me so hard for sex like he did. He tried to reason that he still really likes me a lot, and that he was just nervous, but I didn't buy it. He asked me to give him another chance, but I said no. Since my disastrous date, Miss Treadway and Miss Larsson have been hounding him really hard any time the opportunity presented itself.

One day, I was in the hall talking to Jason as I walked to Mr. Beale's class. Miss Treadway appeared seemingly out of thin air in the crush of students trying to make it to their next class. Right away, she started riding him about tucking his shirt in and not "bothering my girls when you should be getting to class." I was so embarrassed I thought I'd die right there!

A couple days later, Miss Larsson cornered Jason in the cafeteria during lunch. I wasn't there to see it, but I heard from Sara Bess that she gave him a detention just because she heard him sitting at a table with some of his friends talking about which girl in his 4th hour class has the "biggest knockers." Jason never did anything major the entire time he's been at North Haskell as far as I know. It just seemed like they were harassing him over the little things because they couldn't get him on anything else. It worked; by the third time Miss Treadway caught him talking to me, he stopped talking to me altogether. As far as I know, he started asking some sophomore girl out instead.

I get that Miss Treadway and Miss Larsson thought that they were protecting me or something. I felt really flattered that they both seemed to really care about whether or not anybody was bothering me at school. Just the same, it seemed like I was marked territory now. Even Amy seemed to know this even though she never said anything to me directly.

Just yesterday, all hell broke loose. It was a clear and warm sunny morning when Amy suggested that we stop to get some breakfast before going to school. She told me that her mom gave her some extra money, but I think she just wanted to skip 1st and 2nd hour. I told her I didn't mind, we were almost done anyway, so we decided to drive over to the Mello Cream coffee shop for some donuts.

The Mello Cream is one of those cozy hole-in-the-wall restaurants that only serves breakfast and has waitresses who wear pink and white uniforms. A lot of old people hang out there taking up counter space nursing cigarettes and single cups of coffee while socializing. On the rare occasion that I happen to visit the Mello Cream, I always make a point to get either a jelly donut or vanilla cream long john. I know that Amy really likes the cake donuts with colored icing and sprinkles much better. She says that they look like miniature birthday cakes.

Because we'd already decided we were skipping 1st and 2nd hour, Amy and I lingered at a booth with coffee, milk, and a couple of donuts each. Amy started developing a coffee habit a few months ago, but I just couldn't bring myself to even try to finish a whole cup. Miss Treadway told me more than once that all that will change once I become a teacher. She said that I'll be so busy that coffee will be flowing through my veins like blood! I'm not sure if I believe her though.

Amy was talking about what happened during prom when I left, when out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Bobbie Brinkman standing at the counter near the cash register. She was buying a couple of double glazed donuts and a small Coke. I wondered to myself what her aunt CJ would say if she saw her eating that stuff since she's supposed to be a star athlete and all. My train of thought was shattered when after she made her purchase, she saw us sitting there.

"Aw shit...Boobie Brinkman sees us." Amy said.

Bobbie dashed over to our table seemingly with breakneck speed. It was pretty comical. She literally looked like someone jammed a bottle rocket in her ass and lit the fuse!

"Hey—guys—Holeeee shit you are not going to believe what I just found out!"

I rolled my eyes at her.

"Okay, what?"

"File it under who the fuck cares, Bobbie!" Amy said.

Bobbie tried her best to ignore what Amy said and just play it off. She flipped her braided pigtails across her shoulders and sucked at her soda straw for a second.

"You really need to hear this though." She said. "The whole school's gonna be talking about it by lunchtime!"

Without asking, Bobbie plopped herself down in the booth next to me. Bobbie isn't exactly the kind of person anyone at North Haskell would consider a hard-hitting reporter, but we figured she must have a real scoop on her hands. She could barely contain her excitement as she started talking. The big mystery of why Coach Stalcup was fired has finally been solved:

Coach Stalcup has been seeing Cassie Carlson since the start of the school year, and it's pretty much been confirmed that he is also the one who got her pregnant. They'd been seeing each other a lot after school, and they were having sex in the boys' PE office sometimes during his planning periods. But Coach Stalcup was also seeing Miss Court, and she was sure that things between them were getting serious. One day, Miss Court went to the boys' PE office to talk to Coach Stalcup and she ended up walking in on the two of them.

"He was pounding the hell out of Cassie right on his desk and Miss Court saw the whole goddamn thing!" Bobbie nearly squealed.

"No fucking way—Coach Stalcup?" Amy asked incredulously.

"Yeah, everybody's talking about it." Bobbie said. "I heard it was a real shit show afterwards too. Miss Court started screaming at the both of them and was throwing things. Mrs. McBride, Mr. Pellant, and Coach Swinson had to pull her off of them. Mr. Oleson was already pretty fed up with Coach Stalcup acting like such a hothead all the time, but he really couldn't do anything about it before..."

"So then what happened?" Amy demanded.

"They talked about having Coach Stalcup arrested, but Cassie is 18. Besides, I heard that Coach wants her to have the baby, so she's taking night classes. And Mr. Oleson might be fed up with him, but he knows what a good coach he is."

Bobbie glanced over at me now.

"I heard from my aunt, CJ that Coach Stalcup is going to be teaching at F.W. Harmony next year."

I felt really terrible for Cassie and Miss Court over the way Coach Stalcup has been playing them both, but at the same time I felt a huge rush of relief. All this time that I've been a student at North Haskell, everyone made jokes and issued dramatic warnings each year to the freshman girls to stay away from Miss Treadway and Miss Larsson. Who would have thought that all this time Coach Stalcup was such a huge pervert?


When Amy and I got to school, I felt like I was running on auto pilot. Bobbie sure wasn't kidding! Everyone was talking about Coach Stalcup and how he actually knocked up one of the students right there in the building. The rumor mill was already getting pretty crazy: Some people were saying that Coach Stalcup lost his temper when he found out Cassie was pregnant and he beat her up. Other people insisted that Coach Stalcup and Cassie were actually getting married in a couple of months. A good friend of Cassie's seemed to confirm this. Still others were saying that Coach Stalcup had given Miss Court and Cassie an STD, and supposedly there was a physical confrontation about it in Mr. Oleson's office.