Femdom Farms Ch. 01-04


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"Mmmmm that was nice. Hope you enjoyed the show subby."

She began undoing the ropes tied around my wrists and I graciously lowered my arms.

She undid the ball gag and I immediately blurted out "Thank you Miss Lauren for allowing me to watch." She seemed to be expecting this and smiled.

"Clean the floor subby. This will be free," she said. I immediately got down and began licking the floor where she had let some of her sweet essence fall. I was eager and solely focused on getting every drop. As I was on the floor licking desperately, she began fondling my ass with some giggles.

"Good boy," she said. "Let's get you back to the main house. It's almost lunch time and the other boys will be coming back; I want you to meet your new friends."

With that she reattached the chain to my collar and gave a polite tug. I followed on my knees eagerly.

Chapter 4

When we got back to the house, I could smell fresh cooking in the air. Miss Lauren led me through the sliding door and into the main house. She paused for a moment to give me instruction.

"Make yourself useful and go join a few of your fellow subbies in the kitchen preparing lunch while I go to freshen up and relax. You may stand."

With that she unhooked the lead from my collar and headed into the living room and up the stairs. I walked into the kitchen and noticed 3 men performing various tasks. They were chopping vegetables, sautéing chicken, and setting out dishes. They all had aprons and collars on and nothing else. Upon noticing me one walked over to greet me.

He puts out his hand for a shake. "Hi, I'm Scott, I believe you are my new roommate and our newest recruit here," he said with a smile.

"James. Nice to meet you," I replied, shaking his outstretched hand.

It was odd. He greeted me informally as if we were in a bar meeting for the first time and not in the kitchen of a Femdom Farmhouse with me standing in the nude with nothing but a chastity cage and collar on. I played sports in high school and was used to being around naked guys but this was just strange. I also always considered myself open minded and bi curious but have never acted on it. For some reason this situation was turning me on. Perhaps it was our shared predicament.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it," he said, sensing my discomfort. It was all so casual. "This is Darren and Chris," he said gesturing to the others. The other two smiled and waved.

"Hope they've gone easy on you so far. I noticed you managed to lose 4 seconds for all of us. Don't worry we won't hold it against you, we know how these things go. Just don't let it happen again."

"Yea uh, sorry about that," I said shyly but with an internal sense of relief that they were not too angry. Seconds seemed to be at a premium around here.

Scott replied, "We'll get you an apron eventually if you get assigned to kitchen staff but for now, you'll have to work in your birthday suit. I don't make the calls around here so I'm not sure where you'll end up. Go ahead and help Darren with plating it's almost time to serve the Mistresses."

I jumped in and started plating some lettuce. I had worked in a restaurant kitchen before while in college, so it was not that foreign other than the fact I was nude. In total 23 salads were set out and being plated. I hadn't contributed much but the meal looked delicious.

"I think we are ready to serve gentlemen," Scott said to the others. With that they took off their aprons, hung them up and clipped bow ties onto their collars. I immediately noticed they were all in the same predicament as me. They all had shiny metal cages on. They did not seem to think this was strange at all. They were functioning as well-oiled kitchen staff at a high-end restaurant.

They each grabbed a few plates and walked through a butler door towards the dining room.

"Here put this on and grab two of the plates," Scott instructed, gesturing towards a clip-on bow tie. I clipped it on, grabbed two of the plates, and followed him through the doors.

All of the women who had watched me embarrassingly try to jerk off earlier were sitting at a long table with Mistress Jessica at the head of the table. There were some oohs and ahhs and taps on my newly fitted cage and some compliments directed towards Mistress Olivia for her fitting. With them all sitting I could finally get an accurate count. There were 14 women in total at the table.

"Nice and snug in there are we?" One woman I had not met yet asked me.

"Yes mistress," was all I could think to say.

Scott and the others served the salads to the woman and filled their glasses with some fresh brewed iced tea. I followed suit.

"Good boys. You may go eat now," Mistress Madeline instructed.

We all headed back into the kitchen. But Mistress Madeline instructed me to stop.

"Not you newbie. We require one boy to stay on for table service and today is your lucky day. Plus, we all want to admire Olivia's handiwork. Don't worry you'll get a chance to eat when we are all done with you."

This was met with some giggles from the crowd as I nervously stood there.

For the most part I stood in the corner and was ignored as they chatted amongst themselves. Periodically I was called over to fill a drink or pick up food that had fallen on the floor. I was starting to think this was intentional as every time I bent over to pick something up I received a playful smack on the ass. Some even chatted about me and my body as if I wasn't there. I overheard a few comments about the size of the cage Mistress Olivia had chosen.

After about a half hour of topping off drinks and being utterly humiliated by the women they told me I was dismissed and may go join the other boys for lunch. I left the room and received a few flicks to the balls and pinches on my bare ass on the way out.

Across the kitchen there was a much smaller informal dining room with multiple tables. Scott gestured to me to sit with him and the others that had prepared lunch. There were 2 other tables with 2 and 3 guys at each. Again, all nude collared and caged. None of them seemed to mind at all as they chatted jovially over lunch like they were in some kind of military mess hall.

I sat down to join Scott, Darren, and Chris. They had been kind enough to bring my lunch in. We got to eat the same thing as the Mistresses apparently. At least I would be well fed.

"Hope you had fun," Scott said pleasantly. The salad was delicious, and I guess with all the excitement I did not realize how hungry I was until I sat down and started eating. The other guys were mostly finished by the time I sat down so they were chatting as I ate. Some discussed weekend plans, last night's baseball scores. I still couldn't believe how casual it was.

I heard a bell ring from the other room and all the guys in the room stood at attention at once. They began heading back to the kitchen.

"Time to clear the Mistress's table and clean up lunch," Scott informed me. "Don't worry my Miss let me know already that you have permission to finish your lunch. Take some time to decompress," he said as he followed the others out.

That's exactly what I did, and it was needed. I recounted my day so far and thought about what an absolute whirlwind it had been. In the span of a few hours, I had been whipped, toyed with, forced to try and jerk off in front of a crowd of beautiful women, and had been fitted in a seriously devious charity cage. For the first time since I'd arrived, I had time to myself to think. Is this what I really wanted? To be some part of a pack of sub guys serving mistresses around the clock with the slim chance of getting to cum once a month? At least my Domme seemed nice, and she was stunningly gorgeous. The other guys seemed nice enough too even if the situation and camaraderie was a bit weird.

The thought of Lauren playing with herself earlier immediately made me begin straining in my cage. She had said that eventually I may be able to help her cum. That was enough for me for now. I certainly was not ready to leave quite yet.

Scott poked his head in the room and let me know that my presence was required in the living room.

As I stepped into the living room all the women were seated comfortably as they had been before when I first was introduced. I noticed my time was already marked down to 0:51 for my infractions and my right to see Miss Lauren orgasm earlier.

The women who had asked me if I was snug in my cage earlier began to speak.

"Knees," she said to me. I knelt obediently and without hesitation.

"My name is Mistress Cali and I am head of farm production and housekeeping here. If you have not figured it out already this is not just a fantasy Femdom boot camp where you lay about and get teased all day. We also function as a fully operational farm and a successful one at that. We need income to support this program after all. All sub boys are either assigned to farm work or housework. The kitchen boys let us know you took to the kitchen work quickly and therefore you've been assigned house duty for now. Don't worry, you'll get time out in the fields when you have downtime. Standard working hours are 8-5 Monday to Friday with a break for lunch. You'll get a weekend stipend if you choose to head into town. You may be required to work additional hours during planting and harvest season with some additional downtime during the off-season."

I suppose this was a good thing since I had never worked on a farm before and knew my way around a kitchen.

"Thank you for the assignment, Mistress Cali,'' I said.

"Good I can see you're a quick learner," she replied.

"At present we have 4 full time Mistresses which include me Olivia, Madeline, and Jessica. There are 10 Misses in training. I believe you have already been well acquainted with one of them." She said this with a sly smile in Miss Lauren's direction.

Due to the giggles, I assume Lauren had spilled the beans on our earlier playtime and probably told the other Women how desperate I was to lick the floor at the end.

"With your addition we have 9 Misses with personal sub boys assigned. Kerri here is still in preliminary training and we'll recruit another desperate sub-boy for her when she is ready. We like to keep the numbers even if we can. When we are done with you here you may join your cohort in the kitchen."

I wondered what they had planned for me now. Hadn't I already been embarrassed enough for one day?

Mistress Madeline stepped forward and said, "It's a beautiful day outside, why don't we take this party out to the deck?"

The woman filed out as Miss Lauren came over and hooked on my lead. She led me out to the deck, on my knees of course.

Once on the deck the women all found comfortable seating and shade. Mistress Madeline began again, "You'll find that us Mistresses and Misses live a comfortable life here while you sub boys keep the farm and house running. While the other boys are at work you can attend to our afternoon relaxation and entertainment. Lauren fit your sub with his plug and blindfold please."

I turned to see Miss Lauren who was standing with a black silicone butt plug and blindfold. I was happy to see it was not too large. Save a few fingers in the shower on occasion I had never had my ass played with. She started with the blindfold and then pushed me down so my ass was in the air. I felt a cold squirt of what I assume was lubricant and felt it enter me. After the initial shock I enjoyed the sensation. It felt nice.

Shortly after the insertion I felt a buzzing sensation from within me. It caught me off guard and was quite intense. I let out another yelp and the women giggled. It stopped.

Now that I was properly fitted, Mistress Madeline began speaking again.

"You'll be providing us foot massages this afternoon sub boy. You will crawl and find a Mistress's feet and begin rubbing. Every time that buzzer in your ass goes off you can crawl off and find a new Mistress. It won't stop until you find one."

"Yes Mistress Madeline," I replied dutifully.

I had never been a foot guy, but this was so hot. I was throbbing once again in the confines of my cage. Next thing I knew the buzzing started again and at a much higher intensity. The sensation was intense on my prostate. I wished I had paid more attention to where everyone was sitting before I was blindfolded. I crawled around endlessly groping with my hands as the buzzing continued. There were lots of giggles from the women and I thought perhaps this was the entertainment portion. I must have looked seriously pathetic on the ground in my cage helplessly trying to find a pair of feet to rub.

At last, I reached out and felt a pair of soft feet. I immediately began rubbing them as best I knew how. I was no professional masseuse but the soft moans from the mystery woman whose feet I was rubbing told me I was doing a decent enough job.

After what felt like about 5 minutes although it could have been much shorter or longer, I really had no way of telling, I felt the buzzing sensation go off again. It caught me off guard and I reached back to feel my ass. More giggles from the crowd.

As instructed, I moved on in search of another pair of soles. There was plenty more laughter as I once again groped around helplessly. Finally, I reached a pair. As I began rubbing the buzzing stopped.

This continued for what felt like hours. Some massages lasted longer than others and I guessed these were for the full time Mistresses. I fell into a routine of rub, buzz, search, rub while the women chatted amongst themselves. They barely acknowledged my presence as they talked about their subs, their weekend plans, and typical girl talk. I was rock hard and straining in my cage pretty much the entire time. This was going to be a long month.

At one point I absolutely could not find my next pair of feet to massage. The buzzing in my ass was as intense as it had been, and the women had gone quiet so as not to give their positions away. I thought that they were testing me. Eventually the vibrations from the buttplug became so intense I felt a sensation in my cage I had never felt before. I reached down and to my surprise I felt a slick substance dripping out. It felt good but nothing like an orgasm. As soon as I reached down and felt it all the women burst out laughing.

"Subby is leaking precum! Awwwwe poor subby is so turned on by his plug he can't control himself!!" They laughed.

I was absolutely mortified as the steady stream of teasing (and precum) continued.

Suddenly I felt the heel of a boot on the back of my neck as my face was pushed down against the warm deck. The crowd quieted.

"That's a big no no subby and this is the second time it has happened. 10 seconds will be deducted." I recognized Mistress Jessica's voice immediately. She had sat back and let her staff handle me since our brief introduction, but I guess I had crossed some line in the sand that warranted her handling matters herself.

10 seconds gone just like that! How cruel. I of course kept this to myself.

With her heel still on my back I felt a sharp smack on my bare ass from a whip. This was much firmer and more painful than the many smacks I had experienced thus far. This was not playful.

"One smack for every second deducted boy. You are not to cum without permission and this is a serious punishment. Count for me and thank me for not taking off even more time."

I wanted to argue that it wasn't even cum I had leaked and that I had received more embarrassment than pleasure from it but I kept my mouth shut.

With that came another smack as hard as the first.

"2. thank you for being lenient Mistress," I blurted out as I winced.

Smacks came one after another alternating ass cheeks as I somehow managed to repeat my thanks every time.

"9. Thank you for being lenient Mistress," I was holding back tears and could barely stay on my knees at this point. The pain was intense, and my ass felt like it was on fire.

SMACK. The last was the most intense and I fell over. As I lay in the fetal position I managed to stammer out in a broken voice "10. Thank you for being lenient Mistress!"

"Don't make me do it again boy," Mistress Jessica said sharply. "That's enough playing with our new toy ladies. You're all dismissed. Subby get to the kitchen and help the others prepare our dinner."

With that I heard them walking inside. Still blindfolded and plugged, I struggled to my knees.

I felt a warm hand caressing my tender ass carefully.

"Poor subby. Don't worry you'll learn soon enough."

It was Miss Lauren, and I could sense actual sympathy in her voice. It was melting me.

"Please don't be frightened, Mistress Jessica just likes to set the tone early. Stick to the program and you'll make it through."

I couldn't believe she said please. Did she sympathize with me and care about me? I wanted to believe her. I wanted her to hold me. At that moment she felt like my protector. I'd do anything for her. She reached around and pulled the plug out of my ass. It felt good coming out, but I barely noticed over the screaming heat my beaten ass cheeks were giving off. Next, she took off the blindfold and I squinted at the sudden light of day.

"Thank you, Miss Lauren," I managed to stammer out.

She gave me a kiss on the cheek and fondled my swollen balls. "Go ahead inside and help the other boys," She said with another gentle caress of my firetruck red ass. She headed inside and I took just a moment to collect my thoughts before heading into the kitchen.

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rejectmepleaserejectmeplease5 months ago

This isn't just a hot story, this is really really excellent work. I can't believe this is your first attempt at writing erotic fiction?! Straight to the top of the class! You have real talent imo. Specifically, the pacing was imho, absolutely perfect. You nailed it. The current was great, imaginative! Deep! Thought provoking! I really cared about the main characters and empathized with them. The most impressive thing imo is how you combined a truly great story and characters with wank fodder. Not sure I've seen the two combined so well before. I hope you continue to write fiction, erotic or otherwise.

PhilorPhyllisPhilorPhyllis8 months ago

One of the best stories I have ever read. The three chapters kept me stiff and at the edge of my seat. I hoped I could find such a farm. But I unfortunately doubt I could take a year off from my responsibilities.

Keep up the good work . I am looking forward to it chapter 5. THANKS!!!

CWinWICWinWI10 months ago

Absolutely love it. Being submissive myself. I truly, TRULY envy James.

Can't wait to continue reading.

bawdyblokebawdybloke10 months ago

This entire story from Ch1 to the current incarnation is beautifully written and is the product of someone who understands the Femdom kink. It's a wonderful setup and I hope the author has the time and energy to complete it. It's too wonderful a concept to not finish.

wifeserverwifeserverover 1 year ago

Beautiful concept. And such good writing!

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