Festival of Seasons


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"I...will sleep in your room instead. I greatly appreciate your...hospitality~."

"Aww...of course, sweetie~!"

Her eyes absolutely glimmered with joy and excitement that a cute, beautiful boy was going to be in her care for the night. She could barely hold herself back from hugging him close!!! Of course...the excitement brimmed elsewhere also...

"We'll talk about price later, Bell~. For now, let's get you all freshened up with a hot bath~."

"Wait, price?"

Deja vu all over again for him...

"Never mind that, Bell~. I already looked and saw how empty your pockets were. But we'll figure out a suitable arrangement later~. Now, it's bathtime~."

She effortlessly swept him off his place on the floor, carrying the swaddled, gorgeous bundle through the inn's corridors and over to the baths. A blushing Bell covered his face, trying to hide his embarrassment of the situation. Not that he didn't appreciate the help, being exhausted as he was.

One of her hands was placed underneath his rear, clutching at a soft, squishy...and from the feeling of it, curvy mass. Mmf~...she just HAD to get a good look at it~.

"Therrrrre you go~. Just leave the blanket here for when you go in. I'll leave a yukata in this basket to give you something dry to wear to bed. Now then...soak and relax, Bell~. I'll be close-by if you need anything~."

"T-Thank you...ma'am~..."

Then she left him to his devices, closing the screen behind her to give him some room. Though she turned a corner...she didn't walk away, looking from behind the corner to watch him peel off the blanket and reveal his stunning silhouette of his girly body~. She knew it...not too fat, but also just the right amount of thinness around his waist, seeing it taper up to his tiny chest. The cherry...or peach, as it were, was his cake of an ass, a delectable sight she licked her lips at.

When he finally stepped out of the dressing room, he admired the gorgeous, open-air view of the hot springs, seeing the snow gently fall beneath a sky mixed with clouds, stars, and the faint glow of the hidden moon. He tested the water with his toe, then slowly settled in, sighing as the soothing, pungent mineral water soaked into his skin~.


But not before Tsuki admired a gorgeous view of her own, watching that gorgeous, jiggling butt squat down into the bath. Must have taken up the most room in the water out of every part of his body. She was a peeping tina, poking her head out from the corner of the dressing room. Loosening up her yukata just enough around the waist, she dangled and aired out her semi-flaccid, dark-colored tanuki dick, slowly throbbing with more heat. If she wasn't careful, not even the roominess of her yukata would be able to hide the raging erection attached to her excited loins.

"So nice...this feels amazing...I really must thank Tsuki for this later~..."

Ohhhh...she could think of tons of way to thank her~. For now...a few strokes wouldn't hurt. More like patting it, as she pressed the span of her palm against the foreskin at the tip and rubbed it back and forth with her soft hands, moaning softly as it filled her cock with excitement and lust. Her sweatiness from before was becoming more noticeable, the way her body heated up from these lusty sensations.


She immediately closed her yukata up when Bell got out of the bath, hurriedly sneaking out back to the entrance to the dressing room.

Bell made his way back, collecting the yukata from the basket Tsuki pointed out earlier, and turning it over to try and figure out how to clothe his body with it. He had never worn anything close to this except a bathrobe...how hard could it be?

Apparently, pretty difficult as his body became quickly tangled in the obi sash, unable to get himself free.

"Hee-hee-hee...having trouble, sweetie?"

Tsuki opened the screen and poked her head through, acting completely oblivious to her earlier peeping and occasionally looking down at her crotch to ensure her big girl didn't get too big for her yukata to hold.

"Umm...just a little bit. And...why do you keep calling me those kinds of names? It's a little embarrassing..."

"'Cause you're just a precious sweetheart~. Don't like me calling you that?"

"Well...it's just that..."

"Haha...your blushing is just so priceless~. C'mere, Bell. Let me help with that~."

Towering over him from behind, she helped him un-do the sash, maintain decency, then slid her caring, tender hands over him to properly wrap him and his yukata up, tapping him gently on the butt in a subtle attempt to feel for the hidden curve of his rump, her member thickening slightly in response.

"Annnnd there you go~. Now...head down the hall and over to my room~. It's the only one on the ground floor. Look for the green lantern outside of it."

"Wait. It sounded like I caused a bit of trouble with holding up the cleaning of the baths. Shouldn't I help you?"

AWWWWW~. This kid...Tsuki had thought to herself. So cute, and so innocent~. She couldn't wait to enjoy turning that innocence out in due time...

"Don't worry your gorgeous eyes, Bell~. These last few tasks won't be too much for me~. Just go and get yourself comfortable. I will be there shortly~."


"Please, just call me Tsuki~."


So cute and pure~. She beckoned him out, where he soon set out to find her room. Like before in the streets...it wasn't hard to find the only area marked by a green lantern.

Sliding the shoji screens aside, he discovered a small, but warm and cozy room in the traditional Japanese style. Bamboo flooring, a few corner candles creating a warm, somewhat sensual atmosphere, and the lingering smell of candles and incense. The opposite wall was another sliding shoji screen leading to a small outdoor area, faint starlight and moonlight shining in through the translucent material.

And in the center...a futon large enough to fit two normal-sized people...but possibly only one person of the tanuki's size. How were both of them going to fit on it? Well...a discussion for later. He needed to lie down and rest his legs, basking in the calm afterglow of his bath.




"Hey cutie~."


He sat back up in a panic where he was half-passed out on the futon. He barely even noticed Tsuki opening the doors, kneeling onto the floor, and looking straight down to admire his gentle, adorable smile for a minute straight before she roused him from his rest. Now that his hair dried off, his beautiful, sandy gold locks flowed back behind his head, a perfect spot to gently stroke the strands. From behind, she wrapped one arm around his waist, and used the other to twirl the strands of his hair around. It...also just occurred to him that her voluptuous mammaries were hovering right behind his head.

"My room and bed are yours for the evening, Bell~. You'll be in my care from now on~."

"Y-Yes...again, thank you very much for everything."

"Think nothing of it. You'll eventually pay me back for that later anyways~. But before we get into that...let's talk about where you came from, and how you managed to get here."

"I...don't exactly know myself. I'm not even sure where 'here' is anymore."

She looked at him curiously, a bit worried for his situation.

"Wait, so you're saying you may not be from Noto at all?"

"What? What is Noto?"

She went in-depth to explain the world of Noto: the name that the yokai give to the realm between the land of the living and the land of the dead. A gap between both where spirits and ancient creatures of varying natures linger. They appear different in both worlds...but here in Noto, they take their true, sentient forms and live life like people in the land of the living. Sometimes, creatures from other realms cross the barrier and also make their way to Noto, especially around the time for the Festivals of Seasons. A time to eat, drink, be merry, and indulge in other more hedonistic impulses. The one for Winter is just one week away, meaning the visitations in the capital are the busiest they will get.

"The...land of the Yokai? Like...in the Japanese legends?"

"Le...gends? Wait, so you mean you somehow stumbled into this world from Nihon? The land of the sun where the humans come from?"

"Yes! Exactly! I'm a human, not some yuki-onna, or whatever I was being called earlier."

The tanuki woman, still towering over him and holding him close, had an utterly bewildered look on her face.

"But how is that possible? No human should ever even be able to cross the border into Noto unless invited. Are you sure you only made it here by accident?"

"I'm positive. I rung the bell at this temple, got blinded from a flash of light, and then I woke up running for my life and away from this monster in the woods."

How strange, the tanuki woman thought to herself.

"So...I take it you're looking to get back home for something?"

"I...do need to get back home. But I don't want to talk about it...not now, anyways."

How awful...and she had no idea how to break it to the poor boy that she had no clue how to get him back to Nihon. She had to think of something...until the back of his head dazedly slumped back against her breasts. Bell must have been exhausted, which at least means she had some more time on hand to think of something, maybe research around town and with some of the older deities if they could get him back home.

"Well...enough of that for now. It's time for you to get some sleep."


Dozing off, he could barely raise a response as she laid him down, resting his head on the far side of the pillow and cocooning his body with the thick blanket. Then she slid in behind him, watching his pretty orbs doze off to sleep. After turning off the lanterns with some spirit magic, she turned over on her side, her back turned to him as she too slowly closed her eyes, waiting for sleep to take her...



"Was that...you, Bell?"

Bell blushed bright red in the face, embarrassed at one thing he'd been trying to hide from the tanuki who'd been so hospitable to him all this time. He did not want to overstay his welcome more than he felt he had...

"Sorry...I'm just really hungry..."

"Oh honey...why didn't you let me know sooner?"

"Well...I didn't really want to trouble you with making something this late. You must have everything put away by now..."

In truth...she actually did put everything away. She didn't really have anything handy to eat, and she didn't want to dig into the food stores for tomorrow's meals. But this presented an opportunity that was just too good to pass up, and a certain heat down in her loins agreed with her.

"Actually...there is ONE thing left you could eat. I'd have to..."warm it up" a bit for it to taste good, but I promise you wouldn't be getting anything better from me~."

Already, her cock was getting stiffer and stiffer at the idea of sliding between those plump, juicy lips of his and feeling them suck heartily on it. She wanted her cum in Bell's body so badly~...

"You...wouldn't mind?"

"I'm positive, sweetheart~."

"...Yes, please~..."

"Just a moment, then~."

Wrapping him in her share of the blankets, she got up from bed, slid the shoji screen aside, and stepped out into the hallway just out of sight to keep him from seeing her silhouette. It was lights out in the hallway, so no one would be by to notice the inn mistress parting her yukata aside, her semi-flaccid, dark tanuki cock bloating in girth, and curving up into a lewd shape as she faps a big one out.

She had to bite her lips repeatedly to keep herself from moaning too loudly and exposing her true intentions, squeezing down on the neck of her cock just as pre started to peek out from her cumslit. Her head completely filled with the thoughts of Bell's pale, pure, curvy but lithe body, this would not take long for her to rub one out. Especially considering just how pent up her gonads were because of how busy she's been. Every day's exhaustion just kept sapping her erotic compulsions. It was driving her mad, feeling her gourds continuously grow each day with cum pressing her to rub them out.

But not even the busiest day of the week before the Festival of Winter could have held her eroticism back now that the luscious cutie in bed absolutely stoked her sexual fires~. She couldn't wait to lay her hands on his body and ravage it senseless...but for now, feeding it a generous helping of sweet tanuki cock milk would do~.

She squeezed her cock like an udder, tightening at the tip, loosening at the root, and using her other hand to fondle and juggle her balls around like a cock-less woman would do to her breasts. Squeezing down on her skin, her cum audibly sloshed around, bubbling up while her crotch's sensitivity was on a hair trigger. She clenched her eyes shut, lolling her tongue out pervertedly while semen pumped up her balls and started packing her prostate.

His gorgeous locks belonging to a goddess...

"Grngh..." Plap plap plap plap...

The rosy glow in his cheeks and chin...


The hourglass taper at his waist...


Lithe thighs that would make any woman jealous...

And most of all...the irresistible peach-shape of his fuckable ass...

"Oh God! NFFFF!!!" GRMBLE!!! Grumble...grngh...her balls sloshed and rumbled in hot frustration...

"Huff...huff...that was too close...can't go blowing you all over...we have a hungry sweetheart to feed~."

Covering up just enough to keep her tanuki nutter hidden from sight, she nervously hobbled back to her room, taking care not to squeeze her shaft or cum sacks between her thighs and risk tipping her over into orgasm territory. Coming back in, she knelt down at his side, her legs shaking and fidgeting dizzingly.

"Bell, honey? It's ready. Could you...turn over this way? But...keep your eyes closed."

"Huh? W-Why???"

"This is...a special kind of pudding. It doesn't look all that appetizing...but trust me, the taste is better than its looks~. You'll enjoy it much better if you don't have to look at it~."

"If you say so, ma'am."



"Good boy~."

Bell slowly rolled over on his sides, keeping his eyes closed as promised. When she saw his obedience, she chuckled and parted the hem of her yukata once more, her hyper-sensitive schlong throbbing and jumping excitedly.

In the shadows behind Bell's eyelids, an absence in the air was suddenly filled with a warm, ambient heat. An aromatic steam that had a peculiar flavor to it. Smelled salty-sweet and pungent, like...roasted hazelnuts? With something else? It felt like something was fanning it in his direction, just above his nose.

Was she just teasing him?


When he attempted to open his eyes and see what the hold up was, a fluffy, warm feeling suddenly blindfolded his face instead. He couldn't see anything like this, nor pull it loose from his eyes.

"I said no peeking, Bell~. I promise...you'll get your special pudding soon~..."

She had too much fun teasing him like this, waving the pre-oozing tip right over his nose, wafting the salty-sweet smell of her milky pre where his olfactories could enjoy the smell. And just beneath her cock...her balls lay seated atop the futon, a steamy heat ebbing from it and further adding to the surge of pheromones tickling at his senses until the cute human boy was drooling.

"Thaaaat's it~. Open wide, Bell~."

Then and there, she frantically started to juggle her balls around, stirring up her "pudding" one last time, her cock tip hovering close to his plump smoochers.

"Say ah, cutie~. When you feel it in your mouth, suck reeeeeally hard~. It tends to get stuck on the way out of the pudding pouch~."

He did as she asked, the salty-sweet pheromones making him complacent as a kitten. The cute little "ah" face of his was too small to take her entire girth in yet...but she could stretch it out just enough to snugly fit her tip in.

"Here it comes..."

Juggling her balls with one hand, aiming her cock with the other, the wet, juicy cushions on his tight mouth slid right over the dark tip of her cock, stretching the tip's skin out while she dripped pre over his tongue.


Bell gulped and swallowed repeatedly, creating a suction force on her cock in one direction of his airways, and exhaling out through his nostrils. Something felt off...this "pouch" felt hot, spongey, and...a little oily?

"Here comes your pudding, baby~. Eat up~!!! Mmf...!!!"

Splrtch!!! Glorp glorp...glrtch!!!

Bell didn't get much time to consider his earlier misgivings, knowing only the hot feeling of creamy "pudding" sliding over his tongue, stuffing his cheeks out like a squirrel before being swallowed down. A subtle heat filled his insides, his taste buds drenched with the sensation of salty hazelnuts, vanilla, and...that extra pungentness. Swallowing and swallowing, his throat bulging...

Pumping and pumping, Tsuki's balls pulled up to her loins, acting as overdriven pumps to stuff Bell's face full, and then his stomach~. Globs of creamy, sweet, nutritious virility stuffed him full, and he was none the wiser. Tsuki did her best to hold onto her senses, biting her lips shut to seal her blissful moans inside, while trying to control the contractions in her cock to only gently rock Bell's face around with each spurt.

"GULP~!!! Grngh...slosh...gullllllp~."

"Ah...that was so good- I mean...did that taste good, sweetie~?"

Dazed from drowsiness, fatigue, and pheromones still messing with his head, he just unconsciously nodded in agreement, the tip in his mouth still flowing with the last excess from in her cum pipes.

"Suck it hard a few more times, Bell~. Can't waste a single drop~."

Breathing slowly, he suckled on the tip like he would feed on a nipple. And like a nipple, each suck rewarded him with an extra few globs of cock pudding for his mouth. Enraptured, he let it soak in his mouth, then swallowed it down to let it rest with the other sperms sloshing around inside.

His hunger was gone, Bell's body having the last of his immediate needs fulfilled. A gentle warmth bloomed in his midriff, then spread throughout every tip of his body. The pudding did its work, and he dozed off to sleep, Tsuki wiping up a little dribble before wiping it on his yukata.

Tsuki then released her lower udder from Bell's cute mouth, groaning a little in disappointment at parting from it so soon. But...there would be a next time. Her balls were shrunk down to the size of grapefruits...but they would quickly return to their usual shape and size now that she and Bell were going to be spending a lot of time and closeness together from now on.

Burying the softening shaft in her yukata, she slipped underneath the futon covers, her back again turned to the cute boy she shared a bed with. She wanted nothing more than to hold him and protect him in her arms...but she couldn't risk exposing the big girl between her legs so soon. This would have to do.

"Sweet dreams, Bell~. See you in the morning."

Under the soft glow of the moon, a tanuki kept a loved one close, her tail cocooning the top of his body with her fluff, sweet aroma, and warmth.

That wonderful, affectionate warmth...


That's it for Chapter 1! Hope you all enjoyed! Tune in for chapter 2! I'm actively writing these when I can on weekends, but progress might be slow because of family stuff this month.

Leave feedback, suggestions, and story ideas you'd like to see in the comments♥!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Consent requires being fully aware of what you’re consenting to (which is why it’s called informed consent), so you might want to add a rape tag or at least a dubcon tag. Beyond that little bit of unpleasantness, this was pretty well written overall, very sensual.

MyfantasymindMyfantasymindalmost 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

looking forward to chapter 2

godofnadagodofnadaalmost 2 years ago

I loved it. Keep them coming.

orodawnorodawnalmost 2 years agoAuthor

RE: Crossing Sections

I understand the confusion with this, Anonymous, and appreciate the honest feedback in this regard. More than anything, it's part of my unique story-writing style that establishes a POV of each side before both of them encounter each other. I feel like this is important in a story where we have a foreigner in a strange land, as contrasted to one who's lived there all her life. It gives them both a very personal and in-depth touch, putting you in their shoes to provide a brief glimpse into the story's world from their eyes.

Could I have done better in keeping it less confusing? Absolutely. But I do intend to keep this an element in my story when I see it's necessary for my readers to see the world or a critical moment through the eyes of my leads. For the most part, though, expect the story to be kept in third-person. Especially now that Bell and Tsuki's paths have been intertwined.

I hope you enjoy what's to come in the rest of this amazing story I am steadily figuring out and writing~.

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