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Truth or dare at the beach bonfire.
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She was trying her hardest to be positive.

But the idea of a school-arranged bonfire seemed a little strange.

Kelly knelt in the sand and carefully shook the granules from her sandals, placing them in the tote she had brought along with her. She felt as awkward as she probably looked.

She had seen the poster above the water fountain outside of her ceramics class. "Senior Fall Bonfire," it had said in bright orange glitter over a starry sky. Around the animated fire were promises of "sharing ghost stories by the fire" and "making new friends". And of course, "meet the student body president and vice president."

It seemed like a great opportunity to passively get to know a few new people. Ghost stories seemed a little juvenile, but she wasn't in a position to judge. Her family had moved to St. Simon's Island a few weeks ago and she was in desperate need of new friends.

Her parents blamed the move on their increasing age and wanting to retire to a small quiet town in coastal Georgia. But she was more than aware that another huge motivating factor was pulling her away from the distractions back in the city.

Kelly shook her head thinking of the family discussion that she was trapped in a few days before the move. She listened to her mother run down a litany of Lifetime teen movie plots that had little to do with her actual uninteresting 18-year old existence. She had made her share of the usual teenage mistakes: underaged drinking, unintentional hookups and dated more than one fuck boy, but nothing too harmful.

"But how will moving to the middle of nowhere prevent anything? You don't think there are boys, sex, and drugs in the boonies?"

Her mother had shrugged in that way that mothers do, where no answer was necessary. She didn't argue. Even though she was probably the least rebellious of her friends, Kelly could admit that maybe a little break before college would be beneficial, or at very least interesting.

Her first few weeks at her new high school were uncomfortable. Coming in as a senior was always difficult. It was clear that friendships and cliques were already formed and there was not much room for a newcomer.

She also noticed that in the sea of streaky blonde dye jobs and even streakier tans, she certainly stood out. Where in Atlanta, her waist-length box braids and brown skin had made her common-place, here it seemed like someone was always staring.

The boys weren't much better. Back in Atlanta, most of the guys she dated were tatted, with the same hi-top fades and sagging jeans that had the uncanny ability to worry her mother. But there was no worry of bumping into any of that type here. Polo shirts, Bermuda shorts, and Sperry's surrounded her. With an occasional sprinkle of camouflage thrown in.

All the boys here looked like Abercrombie models. Even now, sitting in the sand, she wondered if there had been an unofficial dress code that she had missed on the flyer. In her crop top and high waisted skirt, she had thought she looked classy but beach-cute. She had tied her braids up into a bun and made up her face in a way that wasn't too obvious.

But judging by the girls that she watched wander onto the beach wearing more or less bikinis and cover-ups, this was not a dress-up affair.

Kelly recognized a few faces vaguely from her classes. A few waved or smiled, but she remained alone. She was itching to text her friends back home, and group chat about how miserable this all was, and tell them about the Sperry's and fake tans, but no. She would give this a real effort.

It was hotter than she anticipated, especially with the bonfire now fully raging. Kelly had picked a spot in the sand a comfortable distance from the flames, almost in the shadows. She watched as her classmates took seats around the fire. Some were smoking, some obviously drinking vodka from label-less water bottles. She still sat by herself as what appeared to be the last person took their seat around the fire.

"I guess most everyone is here."

She watched as a tiny brunette Kelly recognized from her Statistics class hopped to her feet. She smiled brightly and turned as she spoke, making sure to make eye contact with everyone around the fire.

"Welcome, ya'll to the Glynn County High Semi-Annual bonfire." She announced ceremonially, with a bubbly southern drawl. "I'm Amber Maynard, for those who don't know." She said this like it was a known fact, and made almost direct eye contact with Kelly. "I see we have some new faces... I'm the student body vice president."

A few people groaned, but Amber continued. "Our president seems to be missing. But we can go ahead and get started. You all know the deal." Her eye twinkled and her face took on a mischevious grin as she said this. "Have fun!"

Kelly looked around, hoping to gain some semblance of what exactly "the deal" was. She watched as the students around her stood and began to wander off. Some in pairs, some in triples. What the hell was going on? Did she miss something?

Even Miss Vice President had taken the hand of a boy who sat near her and dragged him away down the beach. A few couples lingered around the fire, but they were obviously and amorously uninterested in the new girl that sat alone in the sand.

Was this a joke? Had she misread the poster? Kelly's nose crinkled as her annoyance and disappointment set in. Somehow she had wandered into another situation where the new girl was not welcome.

"I swear she starts this shit early every time on purpose."

The voice came from behind her. She turned her head quickly to see who it came from. A boy walked towards her, tall and tan, like every other boy on the beach. His longish brown hair was swept to the side by the sea breeze and he combed it out of his eyes.

"Did everyone already pair up?"

Kelly was silent but nodded. Despite his exaggerated southern twang, this boy was definitely more Ralph Lauren than Abercrombie. He wore a loose-fitting white and navy striped sweater and khaki shorts.

"I'm Jordan." The boy leaned down and extended a hand to Kelly. She shook it gingerly. "Student body President."

Of course, he was. Kelly forced a fake smile on her lips but internally scowled. Of course, she would be left last-pick loser with the beautiful preppy Class President.

She could tell by the perfect grin on his face that in his circle, this was an important title. At her previous school, she honestly couldn't even think of who their class president had been.

"I'm Kelly." She watched Jordan drop down in the sand next to her. "I'm new here."

"I figured so since I've never seen you around." Jordan motioned towards the fire. "It's a small town... you get to know everyone."

Kelly nodded. "Yeah, I noticed."

"Where'd you move from?"

"Atlanta. Like three weeks ago." Jordan's eyebrows rose and he seemed to nod in approval. "I was hoping to meet some new people tonight..."

"But then you got here?" Jordan laughed. "Yeah, it's a small town, new girl. Since everyone already knows everyone... this whole bonfire basically just gives kids a school-sanctioned reason to hook up on the beach."

"Oh." The realization hit her then; not only was she left alone on the beach, but she was left alone while everyone else had paired up to hook up in the dark.

"So, partner... you ready to hook up?"

Kelly snapped her head towards him, eyes wide. "Excuse me?"

Jordan laughed loudly. "Just playing! Relax, new girl." He leaned over and bumped her with his shoulder. "I figured it was worth a try anyway."

Kelly blushed and wrapped her arms around her knees, drawing herself in. "So what happens now? Since it's just us."

"Since you turned me down..." he grinned. "I guess we can just talk. You can get to know your student body president... and I can get to know the student body." He wiggled his eyebrows after his statement, making Kelly's stomach flip.

She shrugged. She could think of more annoying wastes of time than sitting on the beach talking to a cute boy. And to be honest, the fact that he was kind of anti her usual type intrigued her.

"So, let's talk."

She stared at Jordan as he seemingly racked his mind for a topic of discussion. Type or not, he was gorgeous. His brown eyes showed amber in the firelight. She was usually into beards, but his jawline was strong and smooth. She was fixated on his lips when he spoke.

"Truth or dare?"

Kelly rolled her eyes. "That's the best you can come up with?"

He laughed. "If you can think of something better, I'm game. But otherwise, you're first."

She thought of a rebuttal for a brief moment but changed her mind. This could be fun.


"You got a boyfriend back in Atlanta?" Jordan spoke quickly as if he had already planned to ask the question. It took her by surprise, but she fired back.

"No, we broke up before I moved." She pictured her ex as she spoke, in all of his fuck-boy glory.

"Good to know." Jordan smiled. "Not that it would have mattered."

She shook her head. "Truth or Dare?"

"Truth. We can get to dares a little later." That sounded like a promise. One that made Kelly's heart thrill a bit.

"How many girls have you 'hooked-up' with at these little bonfires?" Kelly gestured quotations with her statement, with a smug look on her face.

Jordan sighed, but his lips arced into a smirk. "Not as many as you think, new girl. I do got a reputation to maintain."

Kelly rolled her eyes but hated that she found his southern accent more sexy than annoying. She didn't know if it was her attraction to him or his genuine vibes, but she kind of believed him. "Not even with your vice-president?"

Jordan looked aghast. "Who? Amber?" Kelly studied him, waiting for a response. "Hell no, definitely not. She's not even my type."

His answer satisfied her. So bubbly, brown-hair cheerleader types weren't his type? Good, she thought. She mentally added to the point tally she had started for him since he introduced himself.

"So what is your type?"

"That two truths, but I'll let it slide, new girl." His smile was so... dangerous? That's the only word Kelly could think of to describe it. Definitely, a smile that could influence a bad decision.

"My type is sexy, confident... different." He met her eyes, biting his bottom lip. "And girls in short skirts."

"Stop it." She wanted to be stern, but she couldn't stop the flirty ass smile that snuck across her face. "Anyway... truth?"

"You ever been with a white guy?"

Kelly flushed and she didn't dare look at him. Seriously? Way to go for it, she thought. She knew his brown eyes were boring into her. She shook her head slowly. "No-"

"Good. I like being first."

His words sent a flood of heat between her thighs. She felt his hand touch her arm prompting her to look at him. Jordan's eyes sparked with intense want; a look that did nothing but further reduce her to a wet mess.

"My turn, right?" She nodded, slightly nervous. She couldn't deny that parts of her were excitedly anticipating next words.

"Dare me to kiss you."

Kelly blushed and couldn't help but smile hard. "Why should I?"

Jordan leaned toward her slowly, letting his lips find the soft skin beneath her ear. "Dare me, Kelly," he whispered. She leaned into his lips, letting him place small kisses along her jaw. Their lips met in a soft wet kiss. Sweet at first, but she whimpered when his tongue invaded her mouth and his hand grasped the nape of her neck.

In the firelight, she was sure they could be seen, but Kelly had few thoughts about anyone else on the being on the beach as their kiss intensified.

"Truth?" Jordan spoke against her lips. She was tired of this game, but obviously, he still found it entertaining.

"Dare." Kelly wasn't interested in truth. Dares had proven to be a lot more enjoyable.

Jordan smiled wickedly. "Come here."

Kelly hesitated. But honestly, not for long. She took a cursory glance at the beach around them, ensuring that it was empty before scooting to the space between Jordan's legs. She moved to sit on the sand but he stopped her. "Nope, turn around."

She turned to face him and met his eyes, letting him pull her closer. She stood on her knees in front of him waiting for his next move. She watched his hands move towards her, slipping under her skirt. She felt him run his fingers up her legs and slip around her panties, pulling them back down and letting them fall between her feet into the sand.

"Now you can sit." She was shocked at the way his permissive tone flared heat between her thighs.

Kelly smiled, crawling forward towards him and meeting his lips in a searing kiss. She didn't even think as she straddled his body, coming down in his lap and feeling the firm heat of his arousal against her.

"Fuck," Jordan whispered, softly groaning into the still air. Kelly worried briefly if anyone heard them, but the thought was deaded by Jordan's hands grabbing her around the waist. He roughly pressed her down against himself again. Feeling him so close to her entrance was torture. She reached between them and grabbed for the waistband of his shorts, grateful that he was only wearing trunks.

Jordan moaned as her fingers wrap around his manhood.

"Truth?" Kelly spoke, the harshness of her own voice, mixed with heavy breathing and lust was shocking to the quiet around them.

Jordan laughed. "Girl, fuck the game." She felt him pulse in her hand and ached for the velvety heat that she stroked. "Stop playing and take what you want."

Kelly took the invitation and freed it. She was so happy that she had worn this skirt as she moved to slide it against her wetness, savoring the groans she elicited from Jordan before pressing it inside of her.

She slowly slid all the way down, taking in inch by inch of his girth until she felt it deep in her gut. Jordan bit her lip hard and she felt him press his fingertips hard into the flesh where they rested.

To anyone else on the beach, the two looked to be involved in a deep, and somewhat publicly inappropriate embrace. Kelly leaned forward against his body, grinding down against him and forcing him deeper inside of her. The sound of his groans shocked the quiet air around them as she slowly began to lift her hips and ride him.

The idea that anyone on the beach could be watching them, and most likely knew what was going on drove Kelly crazy. A hand was in Jordan's hair and the other digging nails into his shoulder as she slid up and down on his shaft, feeling every inch of his hard length.

"Fuck, new girl," Jordan grunted into her neck and she felt his hands grip her ass, roughly forcing her movements faster and faster. She wanted to slow him. She felt the familiar heat of climax creeping over her skin.

Kelly opened her eyes and tried to push against him, signaling him to slow down. Jordan held her gaze as he gripped her body with one arm and used the other to harshly grabbed the hem of her top, pulling it up and exposing her perky breasts. Her nipples pearled as the cool air swept over them.

He took one into his mouth, licking and sucking as he increased his pace, slamming into her from underneath her. The feeling of him filling her sex and his teeth now grazing her nipples was forcing her over the edge. His ragged breaths against her skin were the final push she needed.

She whispered his name at first, between deep, slow pants. Then louder as her orgasm shuddered through her body. She grabbed the back of his neck, forcing him to look up and meet her mouth in a kiss as the overwhelming feeling consumed her. Her legs trembled beneath her and swayed against him.

Her pussy still pulsed around him as she sucked on his bottom lip, let the last heady tremors of pleasure course through her.

Kelly was a little surprised when she felt Jordan laugh against her lips. She looked down at him to see him full-on chuckling below her.

"Literally the weirdest time to laugh... what is so funny?" She knew her face showed exactly how annoyed she was at his laughter.

Jordan sat up straight, moving Kelly slightly but still keeping her against him. "I just didn't think tonight would go like this." He leaned forward, placing small kisses up her neck. Kelly melted into the kisses, surprised at her bodies reaction. Jordan was still firm inside of her, now slowly moving in the wetness of her climax. "Definitely not this good."


The week following the bonfire had been a weird one. All of their post-coital kissing and cuddling had been interrupted when the event had unceremoniously when the cops had shown up. Evidently, while the even had been sanctioned, the under-aged drinking and PDA were not.

In the scramble to get off the beach, she had said bye to Jordan- much faster and less passionately than she had pictured. He was student body president after all, and she watched as he attempted to calm everyone and talk to the police. She hadn't even gotten his number, but she figured she would see him at school.

She had looked out for him in the hallways Monday and Tuesday, but as she moved between periods Wednesday afternoon, she had kind of started to forget bonfire night and decided that maybe she hadn't learned from the fuck-boy mistakes of her past after all.

As she pulled her locker open after 8th period, she almost missed the folded piece of paper that fell between the vents of the metal door. She glowed at the unfamiliar scrawl of her name on the outside of it and unfolded it faster than her cool-girl demeanor usually allowed.

Bonfire. My house? No cops this time.

An address and a number were scribbled beneath that.

Kelly folded the note back and grinned. Definitely excited, almost reeling. St. Simon's southern charm certainly had its growing appeal.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

First time I commented on this, I believe I was anonymous. Still love this story and think it needs a part two... just like your Evan Peters story! ;-)

TakilaTakilaabout 5 years ago
Please update

Please update

VegasloverVegasloverover 5 years ago

I need more of this!! And like YESTERDAY!!! LOL

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Very cute!

Will their story continue? I'd like to see more of them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Always nice to see a webworms story....not nearly enough of them on here

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