Fledgling Pt. 01


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I get under the covers and wait for him to return. I have no desire to try to sleep alone.

A bit later Master walks in with damp hair and wearing a towel. I can see that he has some tattoos on his chest and arms, though I'm not close enough to discern much detail.

It'd almost certainly something he programmed into me, but I am deeply attracted to his body. His rugged handsomeness and raw sexuality is arousing to me, and I quickly harden. He laughs when he sees my erection.

"I'm sorry, little one, but I'm far too tired from your last itch. I don't have the energy to scratch away another."

I feel myself blush and he laughs again before walking closer. He drops his towel to reveal toned legs, tight buttocks, and a perfect cock. My body gets warm all over. I start leaking pre-ejaculate.

"Hmm, perhaps I did my job too well when making you," he muses before waving his hand. My erection softens and I feel the arousal ebb away. Master smiles. "I really do love how much control I have over you, pet. Your body is so pliable, so ready to bend at my will."

He gets in the bed and I examine the body of my Master up close. Aside from the tattoos, he also has several scars, some more intense than others. His form is dusted with thin, light hair, and black tattoos cover much of his body. Everything about him is beautiful, except...he's still wearing that eye patch. I thought he would take it off for sleep.

"I don't want you to see what's under this patch, fledgling. You're too pure to be exposed to something so ugly."

That can't be possible. Nothing about my Master could be ugly!

"No, pet. I promised myself that you would never see it unless I showed it to you. I even custom made this patch. It won't come off unless I want it to."

I reach out and try to move it, but it won't budge. It's like it's a part of his body, even the strings. But when he touches it he moves it easily. From a perfect servant to a permanent eyepatch, it seems my Master can create whatever he wants.

"I suppose I do have quite a bit to tell you, pet," he concedes, "but right now I just want to sleep with you in my arms."

I turn away from him and he pulls me close. His naked body is pressed against mine, but it doesn't arouse me at the moment. Instead I feel blissfully comfortable. Like this is what I was born to do.

"That's exactly right, fledgling. You were made to be mine."

He turns out the light.

"Dear God in heaven, thank You so much for blessing a sinner like me with my fledgling. Please bless it during its life. Amen."

Master kisses my ear.

"Sleep, my child."

I obey, slipping into the void.


I awaken to my Master kissing the back of my neck. It feels so wonderful.

"Good morning, pet."

His hand goes to my cock and starts stroking me, rubbing my foreskin up and down the head of my penis.

"I don't need to take it slow like I did yesterday. I could force you to come for me."

Sensation wells up within me. It had only been a few seconds!

"I only need a few seconds. I'm going to make you come right now!"

There is no other word for it besides he rips my orgasm out of me. Flashes explode in my vision, and I open my mouth in a silent scream. I'm reeling, completely prostrated by his power.

For a few minutes I climb down from the high as he pets me and coos sweet nothings in my ear. Eventually he turns me around and kisses my lips.

"What does the little fledgling want to do to thank its Master?"

Without hesitation I move down to his cock and find it primed up, ready for action. Like it's the most natural thing in the world I open my mouth and take in the head.

"Good pet." He strokes my face and hair.

I take more and more of him, shocked at how little discomfort I experience. He slips past my gag reflex and slides right down my throat. I let my muscles ripple around his member, somehow not gagging.

"Why would you gag? You were born to suck my cock, little one. My body will never hurt you. Not unless I want it to, that is."

For minutes I stimulate him with my mouth and throat. I feel like I can do this all day, but it's not too long before he pulls out, stroking himself.

"Be still," he commands. I obey and he shoots his semen on my chest, already sticky from my own ejaculation minutes before.

He cuddles me for some time before pulling back and morphing my body. I'm a woman now.

"I will never be able to get over that," he says. "I just think and you change. You're so incredible, my fledgling." He kisses my mouth and pats a buttock.

"Please make me French toast, pet."

I nod and get out of bed.

When I get to the kitchen I let my body guide me and work to make Master his breakfast. I feel content, cooking for him. Have I given in already? Has it taken so little for me to accept this life? Perhaps, though only time will tell how good of a thing that is.

My Master enters the kitchen, clothed like he had been yesterday. He's wearing black pants and a dark shirt with long sleeves, despite it being summer. His hair is tied up in that same half-ponytail I find so sexy. His eyepatch is still on.

"The sight of you cooking breakfast is one I wouldn't mind seeing every morning." My heart warms at his words.

Once I serve him he snaps his fingers and points to the ground in front of him. I know what he wants and I don't want to repeat my mistake from yesterday. Getting down on my hands and knees, I crawl to him. He pets my short blonde hair. Sitting on the ground, I lean against my Master, my cheek on his leg. It feels so perfect.

"I love you," he says.

When he finishes, he's the one who cleans up and takes care of the dishes. After that's done, he leads me to a parlor and sits in an armchair. I follow my instincts and sit at his feet.

"I have some things to explain, fledgling. My full name is Fauntleroy Arcangelo. I'm an alchemist."

I cock an eyebrow.

"An alchemist is like a witch or warlock, but instead of selling my soul to get unnatural power from the Devil, I manipulate the natural laws. I often use my skills for personal gain, but I also try to help others and do the Lord's work."

He brushes a few loose pieces of hair from his eye.

"My powers work through the principle of conservation. Nothing I create can be made without losing something of equal value. For example, turning graphite into a diamond is easy; I simply rearrange the atomic structure. For more abstract things, I need to get creative. Take this patch," he points to the piece of fabric hiding the one part of his body I haven't seen.

"It already served the purpose I wanted it to, but to give it its special property I had to make an exchange. In order to make something that would stay where it was as long as I wanted I had to forcefully remove something that's attached to me. I ripped off a fingernail to complete the transmutation."

My hand goes to my mouth in shock. When I look I can see that one nail on his left hand is half as long as the rest.

"Alchemy is all about sacrifices, and can often be taxing. All energy used in transmutation usually comes from me, so a project can burn a shocking amount of my body fat and muscle. One made me lose twenty kilograms and nearly killed me."

I look at his strong form and imagine him becoming emaciated in a second.

"We're currently in South Africa, and the time is February of AD 2017. I've lent my skills to mission work for many years, building churches and doing restoration. I'm essentially a contract worker. I can build structures quickly, create wells to bring villages water, and cure diseases, all with alchemy. Most of my work doesn't involve the church, though. Right now, I'm known among the world's richest as an incredible craftsman, one able to make anything for the right price. I don't advertise myself as an alchemist, but those who want greater things from me always find a way to track me down. I've made so much money over the years, but almost all of it goes to charity. I don't need more wealth."

Despite how incredible that sounds, his tone of voice doesn't paint it to be noble. He said all his creations require sacrifice. What did he have to go through to make me?

"Quite a bit," he answers. "To gain the control I have over you, I had to lose control over myself. I contracted schizophrenia, lupus, even cancer for periods of time. I've lost gallons of blood to give you life. I've had to eat enough food for three men and work out every day so I wouldn't whiter away to nothing. In all, your transmutation has been about two years of hard work, but it's all worth it to have you with me."

I'm awestruck. What resolve, what selflessness must he have to do all that!

He shakes his head grimly. "It was entirely selfish, my pet. I'm no hero, never mistake me for one. Alchemy is an old, dark art. The tattoos I have are a harsh reminder of that. I've done so many terrible things. All I can do is atone."

He sighs and I don't know what to do.

"You don't have to do anything to cheer me up. In fact, today is supposed to be a day of celebration. I invited my companion Diana for dinner tonight. I've kept your birth a secret and want to surprise her. Your task for today is to clean all the public rooms of this house from top to bottom."

I feel my body change. I'm still female, but taller. My hair is very short, out of the way. I'm around Master's height and have a thin build.

He tilts his head. "Hmmm...I wonder..."

My breasts grow much larger and my vagina changes into a hefty penis. I've gone from an average female to a well-endowed transgender woman.

He grins and looks like he's about to start drooling. "Much better."

I scowl. What a pervert.

"Guilty as charged, fledgling. Now do your chores."

I spend many hours cooking and cleaning, all without having to think very much about it. Instead I think about what my Master had told me. It's fascinating, especially thinking about how I am one of his projects. Also, considering all he has done to help his fellow man, it seems I've misjudged his character. Conversely, he would have also made me to admire him no matter what.

By the early evening it's all done and everything is ready. Master returns and it occurs to me that I have no idea what he had been doing all day.

"Don't worry your pretty little head about it, pet. I can see that you've done your work well. I'm proud of my fledgling."

He folds his arms. "I had an idea today, and I want you to help me with it. Diana will be here soon, and I want you to help me trick her."

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out two things: a hair tie and a white eyepatch, more clinical and cheap-looking than the one he's wearing. My body changes, and he makes me his twin again. I realize that my body, unlike his, looks untouched. I don't have the scars or tattoos he has.

"Your body should always be pure, my pet." He says as he ties up my hair and puts the patch over my left eye. "Let me conduct you when she gets here. I want us to fool her."

I hope that I'll at least be able to wear clothes to help with this prank.

"Absolutely not, fledgling. You won't ever need clothing. You can cross the desert without the sun burning your skin and roll in the snow without shivering. And I would never want to cover up the body I put so much effort into creating."

Is he serious? I can't be naked all the time!

"You can and you will. Clothing will touch your body if and only if I deem it necessary. That's my choice, not yours."

He steps back and looks at me. "It truly is bizarre to see myself in person like this. It's like looking at what could have been, the body I would have if I had never chosen this life."

I hear a knock at the front door and see my Master's eye sparkle playfully.

"Go, pet. Let me take the lead."

I get that sensation again, like my body is a puppet being controlled. My legs, arms, even face is now under his spell. He walks me to the door and makes me open it.

The woman in front of me has African skin and is somewhat short. While passively watching what my body is doing, I make the connection that the female African body Master had given me the previous night wasn't unlike the one in front of me.

Diana eyes me up and down, looking more curious and annoyed than shocked.

"You couldn't even be bothered to put on clothes, Leroy? This is no way to treat a guest." Master has an American accent, but Diana's voice is colored by the country we're in.

My face morphs into a wry look. "I hardly think you have any business telling me how to dress in my own house, Diana," Master says with my lips.

Apparently, this is exactly what my Master would have said, because she just rolls her eyes.

"Whatever, you old degenerate. What did you want to show me, a glamour that covers up those hideous tattoos?" Like me she had noticed the lack of marks on my body. More and more I suspect that Diana has seen him naked before this.

Master holds out my arm and makes me step back. "Go to the parlor and I'll show you." I feel like a ventriloquist dummy.

As she passes me and goes to another room Master makes me untie my hair and remove the eyepatch. Come over when I give you the signal, pet.

My body changes, and I see I have become a true double of Diana. The biggest difference is that my hair grows out naturally instead of being in the many braids hers is in.

"What the hell?!" I hear her exclaim in another room.

"What's wrong, Diana?" Master jeers.

Come here now!

"How did you get here? I saw you behind me in the other room!"

I walk in and feel him take control over me.

"You actually saw me," I hear myself say with her voice.

She turns around and jumps a little when she sees me, putting her hand on her heart. She looks shocked and confused, but then she looks back and forth between Master and I, and I see understanding enter her expression.


My body transforms again. I'm a middle-aged man. My body is small, but toned, and I have short gray hair. The word butler comes to mind.

I look at my Master. He nods and looks at me expectantly. My mouth is unlocked and I feel none of his control.

This is a test. He wants me to introduce myself and make him proud.

I give a little bow.

"Master Arcangelo has created a fledgling. It's pleased to meet you, ma'am."

I risk a quick glance at my Master. He's beaming. He's proud of me!

Diana looks impressed. "You've been talking about this for so long, but I never thought you could pull it off. You clever bastard, you did it!"

She reaches out and gently touches my face. "If I hadn't seen it for myself I wouldn't believe it," she marvels. "Is this why you've been gone for weeks?"

Master nods. "Yes. You and I have a lot of catching up to do. Fledgling," he orders. "Serve us dinner, please."

I nod and go to the kitchen to get two servings of the appetizer. When I go to the dining room, Master and Diana are waiting.

"Thank you, my pet," he says. "It looks delicious."

I notice that he has taken to saying please and thank you when giving me orders, even though that isn't necessary. It's a nice gesture.

After serving them food and wine I get on my hands and knees, crawling to my Master's feet. He tilts his head when he looks down at me.

"I'm bored with this body. I want you to be cuter."

I shrink and soften into a very small Caucasian male, as androgynous as the Asian female body. My hair is dark and quite long, waist length if I were to stand. He pets me affectionately and I nuzzle him.

The two humans eat and chat for a bit. Master tells me to get the entrees. When the roast beef is served Master sends a signal to my brain.

Entertain our guest, little one. Show her how precious you are.

I crawl to Diana and sit at her feet. Hesitantly, I lean over and nuzzle her leg like I would Master's. Her eyebrows are raised when she looks at me.

"This is certainly an odd life Leroy made for you." She pets my hair and I hum contentedly.

After she finishes eating she gives me her full attention.

"Leroy said you were born only yesterday. Is that true?"

I nod.

She cups my cheek. "As far as I know, he has no experience taking care of anyone or anything. I'm scared he'll mistreat you."

Reflexively I shake my head.

Her brow furrows. "You can't talk right now, can you?"

Before I can react she looks at Master.

"Shame on you, Leroy. Let it speak freely."

I feel the muzzle lift.

"Don't worry about this one, ma'am. It doesn't need words to communicate with its Master." I'm using the speaking style I had when I introduced myself to her, the one that delighted my Master.

Diana sighs. "That doesn't feel right. I don't want to hear you talk like that."

"I'm sorry, ma'am," I say, going into first person. "I just want to make Master happy."

"That's exactly what worries me. You may not be human, but you have rights. This all seems unethical."

I wonder why Master isn't interjecting. Is this another test?

I choose my words carefully.

"My Master loves me. I know that to be true. He's already made steps and changes for my sake. I'm happy to serve him and know he'll take care of me."

"It's speaking its mind right now," Master adds.

This seems to quell some of her worries, though she keeps me by her side the rest of the night. Before she leaves she hugs my tiny body.

"I'll keep tabs on you two," she tells me. "I'll make sure he isn't mistreating you, fledgling."

I nod and nuzzle her neck to say goodbye.

Once she is gone Master changes me again. I'm a young woman with ginger hair and freckles all over my body. He walks up and kisses me.

"You were perfect, pet. I couldn't have asked any better from you."

He kisses me again, passionately. "I'm so damn proud of you, my fledgling. I want to give you a reward for being so good."

His hand goes down and probes my vagina.

"Stop thinking like a textbook, it's your pussy!" He punctuates that with a squeeze.

He continues fingering my pussy and I feel like I'm melting. A few seconds ago I was thinking about all the dishes I would have to wash. Now I'm just thinking of my Master's cock.

"Damn right, pet. Fuck the dishes, I'm gonna make you mine."

He lifts me clear off the ground and carries me to the bedroom. He almost throws me on our bed and removes his clothes hurriedly.

"It was so fucking hot watching you obey me in front of her like that," he rasps. He grabs my tits and squeezes, making me yelp.

He removes his underwear and his erection snaps up. It's rock hard and dripping. He gets on top of me and grinds, his cock so close and yet so far from where I really want it to be. I'm so desperate, so aroused by him. I feel dirty with the thoughts going through my head.

Master bites my lip, almost hard enough to draw blood. "Say what you want me to do, bitch," he growls. "Don't mince words. Make me believe it!"


He pulls back and slams his cock in my pussy, making me scream.

"That's right, you whore. You want me to fuck the shit out of you!"

He begins pumping, establishing a rhythm.

"I'm going to fuck your pussy every single day! Even if you're a man, I'll just give you a pussy and fuck it if I get bored." he hisses. "Your cunt is mine, you hear that?"

I nod, pleasure bringing tears to my eyes.

"That's not all. I own your ass, too! I'm going to make you hundreds of boys and girls and fuck all of them! Your ass will always belong to ME!"

I feel myself come, and he doesn't even slow down.

"God, that fucking mouth of yours is so sexy. You're going to wake me up with blowjobs, aren't you? You're going to suck your Master's cock every day like a good little slave?"