Flirting With Trouble


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"Why are you standing there by yourself? You should be dancing with me."


"I said you should be dancing with me."

Kaitlyn barely had time to see who was talking to her before he grabbed her hand and dragged her onto the dance floor. She quickly downed her drink and set it on a high top table as they passed it. They edged past some other couples and found a little spot where they could move. She had no idea what was playing, she didn't generally listen to dance music, but it had a driving beat and it was perfect for dancing. She'd had enough to drink that she was ready to have fun and not worry so much about how she might look dancing in her little dress.

"I'm Kate," she shouted over the music as she moved to the music.

"I'm Tariq," he replied, moving closer.

Tariq was tall, broad and exotic, with dark skin and a smooth, shaved head. His expensive clothes did not hide his great body, but emphasized it. He looked to be a little younger than Kaitlyn, and she felt special because she was sure he could have his pick of the women in the club. When he moved close, they touched. She moved closer too, and they pressed together as the beat drove their bodies. This is more like it, she thought, putting her hands on his solid chest. A big hand on the small of her back held her in place and they gyrated together. The contact was exhilarating and she lost herself in his big, brown eyes. He moved very well and it was easy to lose herself and let him guide their dancing.

The songs all blended together and Tariq grew bolder as they danced. The first time he put his hand on her ass she stopped him, but after that she didn't because his strong hand rubbing her ass felt good. She was sure she felt his hard-on grinding into her and she teased him by going out of her way to rub into it. It was impossible not to think about how Tariq would be in bed, and her dirty thoughts increased her arousal even more. She wondered if Hank was watching them dance and hoped he was enjoying the show. He liked seeing that other guys wanted her. It made him feel like a hero when he was the one to take her home.

"You are so sexy, Kate. You really know how to use your body," Tariq said, his lips brushing her ear. He was behind her with his hands on her hips. She ground her ass back into his bulge.

I can't believe how crazy I'm being! Kaitlyn thought. Wearing the little dress made her feel like another woman. She slid down his body and his hands brought her dress up until she was sure her ass was hanging out. Before she could come back up, he slipped his hands up her body and just barely cradling her breasts. His fingertips massaged her and she quickly came back up. His hand held her stomach, holding her tightly to him, and he worked his bulge into her ass. It seemed so intimate and her heart was pounding. This guy is so hot, she thought. If I wasn't married... She didn't want to consider the possibilities.

"We should get out of here and find somewhere more private." With his slight accent his words poured into her ear like honey.

"Let's take a break first," she said breathlessly. His hands were all over and while she liked it, Kaitlyn knew she was right up to the line of what Hank would be okay with.

Tariq led her off the dance floor by the hand and she looked around, but couldn't see Hank anywhere. She told her new friend she was going to run to the ladies room and she'd be right back. The plan was to find her husband and get out of there. It's been a while since we had a quickie in the car, she thought. She took the long way around the bar to search for Hank, but she still didn't see him. When she went back to the bathrooms, Kaitlyn got quite the shock.

Back in the corner where they'd met up before, Hank was making out with the hot Latina chick. Kaitlyn stopped dead in her tracks. Hank was against the wall and the girl was in front of him and all over him. His hands were on her arms, but as they kissed they moved onto her back. He didn't have to pull her against him because she was rubbing all over him, but his hands did move down to her ass.

Although they'd had discussions about this, it was shocking to see it happening. She and Hank had decided that maybe a little kiss or two would be okay if they were feeling it and having a really good time, but she didn't think they would really go for it. Kaitlyn didn't usually go in for such public displays, although it happened a few times when she'd had a lot to drink and was feeling particularly horny. It was not likely to happen with a complete stranger, though. Hank was more open to it, she knew, but that didn't make this any less surprising. Maybe he saw the way I was with Tariq and thought it was a green light.

Kaitlyn just wasn't sure what to think. They were very open sexually, but she'd never thought about seeing her husband with another woman. She was jealous, for sure, but it was also a little hot to see some a sexy girl throwing herself at her man. Kaitlyn turned on her heel and left him to it. He could have his fun now and she would deal with him later. For now, she decided, turnabout was fair play.

Tariq was right where she left him and she dragged him back onto the dance floor where she was determined to have fun playing with her boytoy. When she shimmied against him this time she let his hands roam freely. He seemed to really like her ass, which Kaitlyn didn't get. She never thought there was much there. She also enjoyed feeling just how solid he was under that tight, black silk shirt. This guy spends some serious time in the gym, she thought. She crouched down in front of him again, sliding her hands down his chest and smiled up at him with her face directly in front of his crotch. She knew her ass had to be sticking out of the little dress, but didn't even care. Turning around, she slid back up his body, thinking, I can't believe I'm being such a ho! Tariq blatantly groped her breasts as she came up, flicking her hardening nipples with his fingers. They moved as one with her body firmly against his and her dress was so dangerously close to flashing everyone around them.

Kaitlyn held tightly onto his hand when he led her off the dance floor, away from the bar and toward the back of the club. The lighting grew dimmer and there were several couches spread out with people lounging on them. The small area behind the couch was cast in deep shadow and she couldn't make out much more than the shapes of people back there. Hank should have brought his squeeze back here, she thought. She knew what was on Tariq's mind and let him press her against the wall in the back corner.

Tariq brushed a lock back from her forehead and kissed her, quickly, teasingly at first, just brushing her lips with his and Kaitlyn chased after him. She grabbed his head, held him, and got what she wanted. She flicked her tongue into his mouth and he leaned into her, pinning her against the wall. His head felt so smooth. She loved rubbing it. His hands moved up and down her sides, brushing her breasts and ass and she raised a leg, crooking it around him. He kneaded her ass and hiked up her dress to grope her through her panties. It was so dark in that corner and she was so horny that Kaitlyn didn't even care. She was too busy rubbing his well-muscled shoulders and arms.

His lips travelled down the side of her neck and her head tilted back and her eyes closed. She gave in to the moment. He cupped both her breasts and his strong hands felt great, even through her push-up bra. It was not heavily padded and he found her nipples, stroking them with his thumbs. They were so sensitive just months after she finished breast feeding. Tariq was firm, but not rough and he handled her body expertly. Her pussy tingled, anticipating his touch. Kaitlyn was so into it that she did not notice when he tugged down the zipper and opened her dress to just below her breasts.

"Hey, we can't do that here," she protested and covered his hands with hers.

"No one takes notice of what happens back here," Tariq purred. "On purpose."

The next protest died in her throat when he kissed her breasts. Words formed in her mind, I can't, I'm married, but they didn't reach her lips. Tariq's lips were so smooth, his kisses so hot and Kaitlyn was drunk and horny and weak. The black, lace-trimmed push-up bra was a demi-cup and with just a squeeze he was able to expose her nipples to his inquisitive tongue, which circled and flicked at the stiff pink nubs of tender flesh. She moaned and dug her nails into his arms, clinging to him. She kept thinking, Just another second, but kept letting him go. Even when his hand slid up her thigh and pushed under her dress she didn't stop him. Her wet, lacy black panties stuck to her shaved lips when he touched her. Pleasure flooded her body and it pulled her out of her haze.

"I really need to go," she told Tariq and pushed him back with trembling hands. She smoothed her dress down and pulled the zipper up quickly. He grabbed her again and she gave in to another kiss, but just for a moment.

"At least give me your number, Kate."

Ever conscious of the game, she handed him her phone instead and he typed in his number. "I hope you call," he said.

"You never know."

Hank was waiting at the bar with a glass of water and he eyed her suspiciously when she joined him.

"I was starting to think you weren't coming back."

"I was, uh..." Kaitlyn was completely flustered and realized she was totally flushed the way she always got when she was fooling around. It embarrassed her to no end when she was younger.

"I know. I came looking when I couldn't find you. By the way, your dress isn't zipped."

Horrified, she realized he was right. She practically spilled out of the dress. Her husband was expressionless and he thought she was in serious trouble. She started to zip up, but he put his hand over hers.

"Leave it. I like it." Hank smiled and then pulled her into a lusty kiss. She was so relieved she thought she was going to faint. "Let's get out of here."

They left the club arm in arm and Kaitlyn huddled close to him. He did not say anything else about Tariq and, to assuage her guilt, she told him what she saw.

"I saw you with that hot little number by the bathrooms."

"Adrianna? She was pretty hot, wasn't she?" He beamed with pride.

"Hank, about what you saw..."

"I didn't really see anything. It was dark and all I could really see was you and some hunky guy over in the corner."


"I don't want to know any details, babe. It was a surprise, but if you saw me with Adrianna, I understand. She kissed me, by the way."

"I saw how hard you were pushing her away," Kaitlyn laughed.

"I have no defense. She was hot and she kissed me and I liked it."

"I know we talked about this. I'm okay with a little kissing, if you are. I had a lot of fun with Tariq..."

Hank looked at her lowered zipper. "It looks like he had some fun with you."

"Stop being so flip. I was just going to say, we just need to be careful that we don't cross any lines."

"I agree. Tonight was cool, but I don't want to go any further. I don't want to turn into some crazy swinging couple."

"So you're okay with everything tonight?"

"I'll show you just how okay I am," he said and pushed her against the car.

Kaitlyn grabbed and kissed him, pulling open the top buttons of his shirt so she could slide her hands inside. She loved running her fingers through his chest hair. She suspected Tariq waxed his. Handsome as he was, she preferred a real man like her husband any time. She let him have at her zipper and he pulled it down well past her breasts. Hank sat her up on the hood of their car and she listened carefully, but didn't hear any voices or footsteps echoing through the parking garage.

"You look so incredibly hot tonight, babe. Seriously, I have never wanted you more," he breathed while kissing her chest. He freed her breasts just as Tariq had, but he knew exactly what she liked. She moaned loudly when he lightly nibbled on her.

"So this is better than my worn old t-shirts," she breathed, barely able to get the words out. His lips closed around her nipple and he suckled her, sending shocks through her. She fumbled with his belt buckle.

Hank pushed the dress to her waist and pulled down her panties. They hooked on one of her heels and hung there. She was dripping wet and only wanted him inside her. Their little bit of playing around had them both out of their minds. Kaitlyn reached into his boxer briefs and grasped his hot shaft. He pushed his pants down and pulled her forward. With her legs spread wide, she rubbed his head into her slick cleft and he shoved forward, burying inside her.

"Ohhhh God," she whimpered softly and wrapped her legs around him.

"I love you, babe," Hank moaned. He thrust hard into her.


Kaitlyn had no more words. They kissed, tongues dueling, but mostly she hung her head back and stared at the gray, concrete ceiling while Hank drove into her. His cock filled her over and over, her humid walls clung to him and the heat of their friction spread through her body. Tires squealed as a car came up the ramp and passed them. She didn't know if the people in it saw her and she didn't care. She dug her spiked heels into him, spurring him to go faster. She needed to climax so badly and it built inside her with the suddenness of a summer thunderstorm. Kaitlyn whimpered and moaned and squeaked out a high-pitch cry when that storm drenched her, leaving her shaking and clenched. It was the most intense orgasm she ever had. Hank only went on for a few moments more before her tightening pussy brought him off too.

"Kaaiittt..." Hank cried. His shafted pulsed inside her, filling her with his thick load.

They clutched at each other, kissing frantically for a few minutes more before he stepped back and pulled up his pants. Kaitlyn laughed joyfully and grabbed her panties from her heel and stuffed them into her clutch. She scooped her breasts back into her bra and zipped up and hopped off the hood of the car. She pulled the dress down to cover herself.

"I can't believe we just did that! Did you see that car pass?" she laughed. "Oh my God!"

"I was a little too busy to notice." He kissed her.

"You did seem very focused."

"They could have stopped and taken pictures for all I care."

"Maybe that'll be next time."

Hank held the door and Kaitlyn purposely flashed him when she slid into the driver's seat.

"So how many numbers did you get?" she asked.

"Six, I think."

She went through her phone and counted up her new friends. "Wow, a new record. Fourteen."

"I wonder why," he grinned, leering at her body.

"I'll have to wear this dress more often."

"You won't hear any complaints from me."

"I guess I win."

Hank checked her out one more time. "I'm not so sure about that. I'm feeling like the winner right about now."

"Stop it, you crazy man. Get your car and get home so we can have round two."

As they pulled out of the garage, Kaitlyn was already wondering when they could go out and play again.


Copyright 2010 Stranger Than Fiction Media. All Rights Reserved.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Please let them have another date night.

SignedBTWSignedBTWabout 1 year ago


A matter of time... Signed: BTW 05/14/23

SarahwithloveSarahwithloveover 1 year ago

They are a great couple that are meant for each other. Just watch the boundaries. It would be sad to ruin such a wonderful marriage

AbctoyAbctoyalmost 2 years ago

Playing with fire and they are going to get burnt.

fishgetterfishgetteralmost 2 years ago

Nice start to a much more proming future 'dates' . The fact he was a black guy was glossed over, it seems. Maybe hsband will watch the full 'date' , next time?

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