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"Yeah, I know."

She'd come to school on multiple occasions when I'd been in trouble. It'd been a constant theme after my dad left and I'd thought part of why Mom had asked her to move in with us permanently. She'd rescued me from any number of messes I'd gotten myself into back then. I'd fought with anyone that said anything about anyone in my family but especially the women close to me. There had been plenty of random fights with no particular reason too and I'd often cut classes to do things I wasn't supposed to do. Clair was my personal hero in so many ways and maybe some of the fights had been to get her attention, I just didn't know that's why I was doing it. I looked up to her for everything and if I were honest the crush had never disappeared, it'd changed but last night my whole world view had flipped.

"Come on Ronny. Did my comment about your penis early this morning ruin our accord?"

"No, it's nothing you did; it's -- um --"

"Oh fuck it is Amber. I knew something was going on between you two. Well I don't know how far it went and you shouldn't tell me. What I'll say to you is this, you don't need to feel ashamed --"

"I'm not, but --"

She quickly cut me off, "Don't. Don't tell me. That's between --" she paused to clear her throat. "Look, don't be ashamed of being attracted to anyone. Don't judge yourself by other people's standards if you and another adult consent to things that other people might not agree is right."

"What does that even mean?"

"What I'm about to tell you stays between us, right?" she asked.

"Yeah, I try not to tell other people's secrets," I assured her.

"My brother Peter and I had a physical relationship for many years."

"No way, you and Uncle Pete?"

"Yes way."


"That and more," she joked.

"Did Mom know?"

"I'll let her tell you whatever she likes," she said bringing her hand to mine.

"Did you love him?"

"Yeah, but it wasn't the same kind of love you might imagine having towards a girlfriend, boyfriend or spouse. It was very different, closer and not simply lust. I'm the oldest of our Irish triplets, then Krista and Peeper."

"I thought you guys call him Peeper because of his eyes..." I interrupted. "But now I'm guessing there's a different reason."

"Yeah, your right. He was eighteen, I was home for Christmas and he peeped on me. I didn't have a lot of self confidence as a twenty year old. Not many guys asked me out and I laid a trap to catch him doing it. Bringing sex into any relationship changes it. For me, it added to our existing relationship in many positive ways that make it special for us. Anyway, it was very erotic and lasted while I was home. It happened a couple of other times for visits home and a lot when I moved back after graduation."

"It can't last though can it?" I asked thinking about Amber.

"Generally not the sexual part, but the memories remain. For me those make us closer, but I've heard about it driving families apart especially if it isn't consensual. I know a few cousins out east that are married, but most of these things run their course and end or only occur sporadically on vacations or visits. We haven't been together since he got married and I really don't think I could allow it to happen with him now while he still is."

"Did you ever feel anything like that for any other relatives or was it just for him?" I pressed.

Her hand flinched in mine and she bit her lip, she sighed, "Honestly, I -- well -- until recently, I've never felt like that about another man and I shouldn't want --"

"Me?" I asked incredulous.

She hesitated answering for a long time and finally said, "Yeah."

"I know you remember me majorly crushing on you that summer after middle school but I never --"

"It's an infatuation in both cases; yours then and mine now. I've just turned fifty and I -- it's silly -- I'm ashamed because I don't have control over these feelings."

"You just said I shouldn't feel ashamed... Why is it different for you?" I asked.

"Age? I don't know. My role in your life has been as an advisor and confidant. It would feel like a betrayal."

"You said any consenting relationship --"

"Whoa, I didn't tell you about Peter or admit my attraction to you so you might offer me... I -- uh -- I was simply trying to be open with you. You're attractive and I notice you looking at me sometimes like you might be too. But as much as I might think I want that, I don't know if I could."

"I have looked at you that way. Maybe the crush never went away fully. Last night I couldn't help looking while you helped me; you were especially beautiful. I'm surrounded by beautiful women."

"What ever happened with that cute gal Sally?" she asked seeming to attempt to change the subject off of herself.

"We got broken up when she told her mom that we'd done it, when all I ever did was give her oral," I spit it out harshly.

"Was this before you came to me for advice on making your relationship with Amber better?"

"Yes. I really didn't plan for it to change like it did. I mean -- I might have fantasized about that, but I just wanted things to be less contentious."

"Maybe subconsciously?" she smiled seductively coaxing for more.

"Who knows? You're beautiful and I want to spill everything in my head for you, but how can I tell you what I won't admit to myself?"

Clair was blushing deep red, "I guess I had that coming."

"I'm sorry, I -- am -- worrying."

"Worrying about what Amber is telling Krista?" she speculated.

"Yeah, and what it means. Why it happened? Why I can't stop thinking about it and why I can't stop looking at your breasts in that outfit now."

"You are twenty-one and have hormones raging through you. Even though I want to continue in my advisory role for you, I'm fantasizing about you taking me right here this minute. What the hell is my excuse?" she countered.

"Amber suggested I should agree if you were interested," I revealed unexpectedly blurting it out.

She closed her eyes and turned her head away. I couldn't tell if she was crying, but I knew I'd stepped over a boundary. I moved my hand up her arm to calm her not daring to go any further.

"I'm sorry Clair, I shouldn't have told you that," I moved my hand to her shoulder.

She put her hand atop mine and turned with a bright smile shaking her head, "What am I going to do with you. You've grown up so fast. I'm so mixed up. You -- your face is the spitting image of Peter and you're so fit. You've got a much more muscular body than he had. But I'm your aunt, almost co-parenting you, advising, helping you as you grow."

"I am an adult and maybe you could advise me in this, too?"

"You are, believe me I've noticed. Are you actually attracted to your fifty year old aunt?" she asked.

"You don't look fifty Aunt Clair," I insisted and ran my hand through her hair. "Not a grey to be seen," I assured her.

I was looking straight into her hazel eyes and she stared right back at me. Her nipples were tight and I could see them poking out the material of her bikini top through the openings in her rope dress. As she watched, I slowly moved my hand toward her right breast. She didn't stop me or say anything. It felt like she wanted me to feel her excitement and let out a sigh when I reached the soft yet firm mound. I gently squeezed the globe and felt the nipple through the cloth with my thumb.

"You gotta stop --" she told me but pressed my hand tightly onto her with her own.

"You are beautiful," I insisted. "I've wondered so many times why you don't have someone."

She moved my hand to her left breast beneath the bikini top. Her warm flesh had goose bumps as I caressed her tit flesh and squeezed her nipple between my finger and thumb. A moan escaped her mouth and I moved in my seat slightly to kiss her. Her lips opened to mine and we kissed openly with her tongue exploring my mouth gently but eagerly. The way she kissed was completely different from Amber or any of the girls I'd kissed. I wasn't feeling the same things for her I did my sister, but it was intense in a different way. It felt like she needed it somehow, calling it needy, would be incorrect, but there was a deep longing within her.

The hand she'd placed atop mine moved into my lap to feel my cock gently probing around the edges and along my length. I was surprised she'd done it to some extent and wondered how far she might go. How far was Clair going to let this progress? I suddenly wondered. Was I already cheating on Amber? Would it be cheating? Didn't Amber say it was okay or even encourage this? Aunt Clair ran her hand up my loose pant leg and gripped me directly only to draw back as if she'd been bitten.

"We can't do this," she said suddenly breaking the kiss. "I shouldn't've let you touch me like this and I certainly shouldn't have grabbed you. Will you ever forgive me?"

"Aunt Clair, I don't think there's anything to forgive. I wanted --"

"But we can't go where this is taking us," she said returning her right hand to mine on her breast. "What am I doing?"

My first instinct was that she would remove my hand, but she pressed me against her tightly and moaned. I didn't dare move and we remained like that for a long time. Finally, I couldn't resist tweaking the tight nipple in my fingers, which caused her eyes to close. Moments later she let out a sigh of defeat as she allowed her left hand to drift into her bikini bottoms. I could see her pubic hair very closely trimmed and her inner lips extending out with a large clit between her fingers. She was rubbing frantically and I massaged her breast. Her right hand held mine tightly trapped to her left breast while she masturbated with the left. I could smell her scent strongly and desperately wanted to taste her so I resumed our kiss with even more intensity. She moaned into my mouth as I became more enamored in everything we were doing.

"Oh god, Ronny; you're making me so horny," she said stopping the kiss. "This is so very wrong."

"Clair, you're judging yourself by other people's standards."

Her own statement repeated back to her seemed to sink slowly into her psyche. Slowly she removed her right hand and reached to hold her bottoms open more, so she could do a better job with her left hand. I just watched initially, but then moved my hand to feel her pussy. Her eyes flashed as I made contact and then she was directing me with her left and gasping as she felt my middle and ring fingers enter her while massaging the clit with my thumb.

"Oh fuck, that's nice," she hissed with her hand eagerly pressing mine into her.

Once I had a rhythm going, she seemed to decide I didn't need her physical assistance or direction. She relaxed in the seat as I brought her closer and closer to the orgasm she desired. My fingers slipped over her enlarging clit more easily as they spread the lubricant weeping from her moist canal. After only a few minutes of this, her breathing became ragged and I began inserting the fingers more often.

"Yah, ommmg -- faa -- yesss -- yes -- yes -- oh baby -- yes -- fuck," she growled like the cougar she was. "Oh, god, Ronny don't stop."

Her head flopped back and she drove herself against my fingers bucking in her seat. I didn't want to say anything as it might shock her back to reality, so I just continued while watching. It was so exciting to witness her climax from my eager efforts. I wished I could taste her, but would wait until she was done and get that thrill from my fingers. I could tell from her earlier reaction to touching my cock that putting my mouth on her beautiful pussy would probably be going too far for her. Her breaths became sharp panting and gasps as she went over the cliff. She stiffened and shuddered as a small stream of fluid went over my hand and onto her suit, finally remaining motionless in her seat. I ceased my motions and quickly took my hand to my mouth to lick off her juices.

"Oh my god, I can't believe you did that," she said watching me with wide eyes.

"Mmmm, tastes so good," I told her and proceeded to lick the other side of my hand. "I wanted to lick your pussy," I admitted as I returned my hand to get more.

"What have I done?" she asked.

"You didn't like it?" I tried to get her to think about something else.

"It was wonderful, sweetie. We shouldn't be doing this."

"I should have used my mouth, I can do much better with my mouth," I assured her.

"God, I bet you can," she said and shivered. "I smell like cum," she groaned. "We can't go in the store like this. I can't even go home like this, Krista will know right away."

"You could take a dip in the spring," I offered a plausible solution.

She looked at the sparkling water and seemed very contemplative. After some time, she opened her door, got out and removed the open-weave crochet cover dress. She stared at me and smirked as she tossed it on her seat and closed the door. She stood watching or waiting. I finally understood that she wanted me to join, so I got out and removed my shirt.

"I didn't plan on swimming," I admitted. "These shorts aren't -- uh -- you know --"

"There's no one here, you could just take them off at the edge of the water," she prodded.

"Yeah, I guess." I thought about it a moment and finally said, "Okay."

She closed the car top, locked everything up and put the fob in a combination hide-a-key and we went to the edge of the water. The water was almost perfectly still with just a few ripples on it from Clair entering up to her knees where she'd stopped to turn and watch me. I hesitated a moment and then just threw caution to the wind removing my shorts in a quick motion. I wasn't wearing underwear and my cock jumped out erect for her inspection. Her eyes grew wide as she looked me over shaking her head.

"I guess I'm the only one skinny dipping," I said.

"Yeah, I need to get my residue off my suit," she told me walking out further into the cool water.

I followed slowly wishing I could see more of her so I maintained some distance. Once she got up to her shoulders, she began maneuvering around beneath the water. With both parts of her yellow bikini in her hand, she rinsed and wrung them out several times. When she finished, she smiled wickedly as she tossed them onto a bolder-sized flat rock on the bank of the spring and began heading to join me. When she reached me, there was another hesitation as she seemed to be deciding how far was not over the line.

"Oh, jeez Aunt Clair," I gasped as she found my cock beneath the water.

"It seemed like I owed you some kind of release," she replied. "You gave me such a nice one in the car," she cooed.

"I'm glad you allowed me to help," I told her earnestly. "But you don't owe me anything in return."

"Am I not doing a good job?" she worried.

"That's not what I said, it feels amazing. You aren't under any obligation to reciprocate if you're uncomfortable."

"I'm feeling guilty for wanting to do so much more," she assured me. "I don't think I'm feeling this just because you look like Peter, but I could be doing some type of transference."

"You need to turn off your psychologist's mind and simply deal with what you're feeling."

"Yeah, maybe so. Why aren't you going into psychology like Amber and I?" she wondered. "You'd be really good at it."

"I like hard science and tech. The mind is so confusing and subjective. It wants all these impossible situations -- uh -- fuck yeah --" I groaned as she stroked me to the edge of a climax.

"Like this one?" she teased as she backed off on her motions just enough to prevent me going off.

"You're not playing fair," I cajoled her and moved my hands to bring her closer.

"Ah uh, nope, we can't."

"Such a teasing cougar," I let the slang escape my mouth. It's what my friends had called her that day around our pool. They'd whispered it so I've no idea how she heard them.

"You don't know how badly this ole cougar wants you inside her," she admitted. "This is the best I can do," she said increasing her speed and grip on me.

"Don't get me wrong, it's very nice. Maybe I could at least feel you again?" I asked.

"No, I'll get carried away. I already wish I was sucking you. I thought being in the water would be safer since I believed I'd have to use my hand. But if I let you touch me like before, I'd probably get frustrated and let you fuck me."

"I'm okay with that," I insisted.

"I bet!"

"Oof -- fuck -- Clair -- I'mmm -- cumming!" I said a little too loud. My voice carried and echoed as I shot cum under the clear water. My body jerked in unison with her motions. As I finished she finally hugged me closely and I asked, "So now, you let me feel you?"

~ Clair ~

"Well -- you're safe now," I replied to him but was surprised to feel him sliding his full erect cock between my legs. I narrowed my eyes warning him.

"It's nice just holding you, feeling you against me," he said without attempting to push inside me.

"Youth, I've forgotten how quickly it can recover, although I don't think you ever went soft."

"I love how you feel Aunt Clair," he said rubbing me between my legs with his cock.

"Could you stop with the 'aunt' stuff?" I asked and planted my lips against his.

Our kisses earlier were very warm and erotic but now with his cock straining against my clit and our nude bodies pressed together, they were other worldly. Ronny's tongue wriggled in my mouth seeking mine out and his hands roamed my body beneath the water. I'd let this whole thing go so much further than I'd ever intended. I realized my earlier banter with Krista had been more and those jokes had contained desires hidden beyond what I'd admitted to myself. It was true I had fantasized about him with my vibrator, but I'd imagined lots of people from my life during masturbation. For his part Ronny was being an absolute gentleman. He hadn't attempted to do anything beyond what he was being allowed to do. I'd been allowing far too much, but that wasn't on him in any way. He was such a good kisser and I loved how his strong body felt entangled with mine. I struggled with my own desire to have him inside of me, but simply couldn't take his virginity or allow him to go further if he was still confused about what he and Amber were doing.

"Clair," his voice brought me back to my senses.

"Huh, what?"

"This was really nice. I can tell you really want to go further but can't or won't," he said.

"I do, sweetie, but we can't or at least shouldn't," I tried to convince him as much as myself.

"Should I keep trying to persuade you or was this a once in a lifetime experience that I'll have to store away forever in my spank bank?" he asked.

"Do I have to decide that right this moment?" I giggled at the imagery of him jerking off thinking of our day at the spring.

"No, I have abandonment issues that make me always want to know --"

"You ought to reconsider psychology," I laughed. "I'm not planning on going anywhere, but life doesn't give any of us certainties. I'm keeping an open mind, but I really need to think about how going further might change our relationship."

"Yeah, I should probably do that too, huh?"

"Absolutely, there's no rush; there's no count down clock running out. Anyway, we've gotta get going, they're going to wonder where we got off to today if we don't have the things Krista wanted for the cookout."

His member seemed to have softened a bit as we'd talked which made it easier for us to disentangle. He was lagging behind me as we walked back to the bank of the spring and I turned back to see what the problem was. He seemed deep in thought and when he finally caught up, he took my hand and stopped.

"Thanks for earlier," he said awkwardly.

"For what?"
