Font of Fertility Ch. 12


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"Fuck," Lauren said. "It could be a time bomb and go off any time. Do it."

Annalise didn't say anything, and I could read the look on her face. She was pleading with me, but couldn't put it into words - she knew what I'd given her before. What we were risking if I burned myself out.

I turned back to Maya and closed my eyes, putting both hands on her abdomen. I'd stopped taking Biology back in grade 11 - if I had time, I could try and learn more about the human body like I had wormholes. Figure out where things were supposed to go, and how they were supposed to work. I could study infections and parasites and the best way to extract things from the human body. I could get to know Maya, and feed the connection between us. I could bring her and Annalise to the Vault and use the Amplifier like a surgeon in a sterile operating room with his best tools.

But I didn't have time.

I pictured Maya's body, and what little I knew of Biology. I quickly looked around the room and didn't see anything that fit what I needed, so I pulled off my belt and folded it over on itself. "Maya, this is probably going to hurt like fuck. Bite on this, and scream as much as you need. Annalise, she's going to squeeze your hand hard."

"That's fine," Annalise said. "Squeeze as much as you need, sis."

"I'm scared. Does this need to happen?" Maya asked.

"It does," I said. Then I put the belt between her teeth and she bit down. Her eyes were wide, but clouded with grey, the pupils darting around but seeing nothing.

"OK," I said. "Here it comes."

I dropped what I wanted into the pool of power in my head, and Maya screamed as her ribs pulled away from each other and the incision on her side re-opened. The thing, the plant matter, began to squeeze out of her, its gnarled and woody texture hard as it came out like a root system.

Gritting my teeth, I touched the part of it that was already poking out of the teen's side and I shoved another idea into my pool, making that hard root system become soft and malleable.

Maya was screaming, her eyes squeezed closed, and her legs went weak. Lauren climbed into the shower with her, my girlfriend getting her arms around my patient to hold her up.

Softened, the roots started to pull out of Maya easier, coming away like a bundle of strange tentacles pulling out of the wound in her side. Once it was free I threw it into the toilet bowl and turned back to Maya, putting my hands back on her freely bleeding torso and picturing her abdomen whole and unblemished. Her ribs sliding back into place, her skin mending flawlessly. The inside of her was harder to picture, and the ephemeral 'working properly and healthy' shot the cost of the spell up significantly.

Which didn't matter, because I was going to heal this girl no matter what. And that's what I did.

Maya fainted in Lauren's hands when the ribs snapped back into place, but I couldn't stop the process. "Lay her down in the tub," I said and helped as best I could to support Maya's waist without moving my hands. Finally, as the incision closed again, I let out the breath I'd been holding and fell back against the sink.

Annalise, seeing Lauren taking care of her sister, turned to the toilet and her eyes lit up with that bright white of her magic and anger, casting a sharp light across the wall of the bathroom. She summoned a ball of fire in one hand and she pressed it down onto the plant-thing. The toilet water sizzled and steamed, filling the room as Annalise burned her father's work with gritted teeth.

I got to my feet and saw she was scorching the toilet bowl, and the roots were a blackened smear. "It's done," I said, taking her by the shoulders. "Annalise, it's done."

She yelled, angry and wordless and then fell back against me as she released the fire she'd created. I hugged her from behind, feeling her body tremble as she was again forced to try and reconcile everything that was happening.

It took us a while to get ourselves together again. Maya woke up, and Annalise cradled her in the tub for a bit. I left the girls to finish checking over Maya, sitting out in the motel room with my head in my hands dreading what more the girls might find. That stunt had burned through almost half of my pool of power my girls had been able to get back to me - realistically, the bump I'd gotten from fucking Suzie for the first time was wiped out. Maybe all the gains from the foursome entirely.

The girls came back out of the washroom supporting each other.

"All good?" I asked.

"You know, when you said that was going to fucking hurt, I didn't really get a good idea on how much," Maya said with a half-smile.

"Sorry," I said. "With more time or resources I might have been able to do it painlessly, but that - well, let's just say I did what I could."

Annalise helped Lauren get Maya to sit down on the bed again and then came over to me. "Do you have any idea what that thing was?"

"Not at all," I said. "I'm not even sure where I would have started to figure it out either. It could have been anything."

Annalise closed her eyes and I noticed she gripped her fists, breathing deeply.

"Hey, hey," I said, reaching forward and taking her fists in my hands. "Annalise." She opened her eyes and I saw they were white again with her burning anger. I stood up and cupped her face in my hands and kissed her. Annalise's lips were hot on mine, but my protection from fire was still working fine so it was just another heat of passion as she slowly let her body relax and start kissing me back.

"What's going on?" Maya asked.

"Jerry shut your sister up by kissing her," Lauren chuckled.

"What?!" Maya said, startled.

"Oh, don't worry. It's a whole thing," Lauren said. "He's a really good kisser, and you might have noticed your sister runs kind of hot so he's one of the few people who she can actually kiss or fuck without them dying."

"TMI, Lauren!" Annalise said, breaking away from my kiss. Her eyes were back to normal, though she was shooting an annoyed look over at my girlfriend. "There are things my sister doesnot need to know about."

"Wait, how come she gets a magical kiss to shut her up and calm down, but I don't get a kiss to help me get through a traumatic magical surgery?" Maya asked. "That doesn't seem fair at all."

"Because you're a kid, Maya," Annalise said.

"You told me Lauren and Jerry are eighteen! I'm seventeen, that's not exactly weird," Maya countered.

"OK, that's enough of that," I said. "Look, let me double-check with Lindsey that we're good to go back. Annalise, we're going to need to leave your truck here. It's probably not a good idea to try and come back for it, I promise we'll get you something new."

"Still stealing from ATMs?" she asked.

"No, actually," I said. "Banks."

"You guys arebank robbers!?" Maya asked.

Lauren started explaining about the 'inheritance' from Ezekial, while I quickly contacted Lindsey and we came up with the plan to meet outside the front door of my house and drive to the Bed and Breakfast they had found and reserved rooms in.

Getting everyone organized to move was a bit of an ordeal, but I held Annalise's hand, who held Maya, who held Lauren at the end of our little train, and we stepped out of the motel room and out onto the front porch of my house. It would look, to anyone who wasn't paying very specific attention to my front door, like we'd simply walked out of the house.

Lindsey flicked the front lights of her car on and off, then backed out of the driveway. I ended up helping Annalise get Maya into the back of Lauren's car and sitting back there with the sisters. Lindsey had left a slip of paper with the address on Lauren's dash, and Lauren quickly pulled up a route on her phone and started driving.

"Alright, so we're going to put you two up in a Bed and Breakfast," I said. "You can stay there as long as you need to, and we'll foot the bill." I pulled out my wad of cash and peeled off a couple of thousand dollars and handed it to Annalise. "You guys are going to want to buy clothes and extra food. Try to keep a low profile."

"Jerry, I-" Annalise said but hesitated.

"Just say thank you, sis," Maya said.

"Thank you," Annalise said, looking away.

"Maybe you need to kiss her again," Maya smirked.

"Oh my God, Maya," Annalise scoffed.

"What? I don't remember you ever having a boyfriend except for that one turd when you were in high school," Maya said. "I bet I have more practice kissing than you do, Miss Hot Lips."

"I don't even want to hear about it," Annalise said. "Please don't tell me you were hooking up with the Evans kid."

"Just second base," Maya said with a smile, and then it slipped away. "I guess I don't need to sneak that in at school anymore. Or that I'm going to go to school. How am I supposed to- I don't- Ugh."

"We'll figure something out," I assured her, patting her knee. "Don't worry. This is all temporary."

The ride to the B&B brought us out of the suburbs and through some back road areas to a big farmhouse sitting on a few acres of gorgeous rolling hills and woods. Lindsey had parked in the small parking lot, and we pulled in next to her. We all piled out of the cars, helping Maya out, and introductions started.

"This is Lindsey, Lauren's step-sister, and this is Stacey, my Godsister," I said. "Girls, this is Annalise and her sister Maya."

Annalise nodded, her resting bitch face in full swing as she said hello, while Maya smiled enough for the both of them even though she couldn't see. "Nice to meet you," she said. "I'd shake your hands, but I'm just as likely to grab your boobs at this point."

Lindsey barked a laugh. "Works fine for me either way," she said, and stepped forward and pulled Maya into a hug.

Annalise gave me a look, and I shrugged.

I headed into the B&B and met the motherly-looking woman at the front desk. I explained that I was helping out a friend and her sister from out of town who were escaping a bad situation and that we'd like to keep our booking open-ended until we could get everything sorted. The woman was extremely accommodating, promising she would keep an eye on the girls and make sure they were getting fed. I paid her in cash for the week and we quickly got the girls upstairs by a back stairwell.

Annalise must have said something to someone, because Lauren, Lindsey and Stacey all bundled into one of the rooms with Maya, chattering away and teaching her the layout of the room so she could move around by feel. Meanwhile, Annalise took my hand and led me into the other room, closing the door behind us.

"Jeremiah Grant," she said, leading me to the bed and sitting me down. The room had that 'cute cottage' feel with the frills and lace and knick-knacks on shelves. The window was shaded by a soft white gauze hanging, letting in enough light for the room but still dim enough to be intimate. "I owe you... so much," she continued, sitting down next to me. "But I need to ask you for one more thing."

"Annalise, you know Lauren and I care about you," I said. "We all want to help."

She took a breath, and then looked back at the door. "Are you sleeping with all of them?"

"Uh..." I said dumbly.

"So that's a yes," she said. "I guess I'm not really that surprised. It's a bit more of what I expected when I first came to you than what I knew about you when I left, though."

"It's not just sex," I told her. "We- I love each of them. I love them, heart and body and soul. It's weird and it's awkward sometimes and we're figuring it out, but that's the truth."

"So you really are starting a harem, then?" Annalise asked. "That's what the magic community expects, or what the rumours are. That a Death seat surrounds themselves with death, a Life seat surrounds themselves with life, and a Fertility seat surrounds themselves with people to fuck."

"I'm really trying to avoid that word," I said. "The girls keep making little jokes about being my concubines and it sends a chill down my spine."

"But you also like it," Annalise said. She took my hand in hers and looked me right in the eyes. "I can see that you do."

"Who wouldn't like being in love with amazing, beautiful, smart women?" I asked.

"Good point," Annalise nodded, her frown pouting a little bit in her semblance of a smile without a smile.

"Anna," I said. "What do you need to ask me?"

She leaned forward and kissed me. Softly, tenderly, holding my hand in hers as she did it. When she pulled away she couldn't meet my gaze. "Jeremiah Grant, Fertility Seat, I offer you my body and my life to serve you, to join your harem and be your concubine and yours alone. What I ask in return is that you heal my sister's sight, and keep her safe from my father and anyone else who might hunt her."

Two things happened. The first was that I was shocked. Flabbergasted by her offer. Aghast that she would want me to take ownership of her. Stunned, really.

The second was that I went rock hard.

"Annalise, that's- Fuck, I want to just say yes, but no! No, I won't just hold you to some ridiculous oath like that. I told you already, Lauren and I will do anything we can to help you and Maya, and that includes me wanting to help her see again."

"Jeremiah, I-" she stopped and tried to find the words. "I can't just accept..."

"Oh, get over yourself," I sighed, and kissed her again, firm and short to try and reassure her. "Anna, I will help your sister as soon as it's safe to. I just can't right this second. My pool of power, the magic I sent you - I drained myself dry doing that. Ever since, me and the girls have been trying to build my pool back up, but it's slow going and I need all the power I can get to track down your father."

Annalise closed her eyes and nodded, then took a solid breath and opened her eyes again, giving me that hooded, almost sleepy look that was her staple. "So use me," she said. "You need power, and had to use a bunch on getting Maya and I out here safely."

"Are you sure?" I asked. "You've been through a lot, Annalise. You're running on no sleep and-"

Annalise pulled her T-shirt over her head, revealing that she only had on a bra and panties under it and nothing else. Her amazing cleavage was right there in front of me. "Jerry, just fuck me already."

What was I going to do, argue with her some more?

We didn't mince words or actions. We kissed, firm at first and then softer but more urgently, our tongues intertwining as she lay back on the bed. Annalise wriggled out of her bra while I peeled off her panties. She was hairier down below than the last time, a memory of her time as a prisoner, but I kind of liked the look of the sparse, rough pattern of brunette pubes against her pale skin. I dove in, giving her a big lick with a broad tongue, from her lips to her clit and then up higher over that slightly hairy mound. Annalise gasped as I did it, spreading her legs wider for me, and I reached up and took hold of her wonderful, big tits.

"Did I mention you kinda taste a little like cinnamon?" I asked her in between licking my way across Annalise's pussy. She was already heating up, her body rising in temperature as she got hornier.

"I- don't remember," Annalise panted, holding her bare chest in both hands. "You talked a lot that night, the compliments kind of ran together."

"Well, you do," I said, and went to work. Annalise gasped and whimpered, and her first orgasm rolled through her in only a couple of minutes as I fingered her and sucked her clit. I didn't waste time. My pants were off and I was inside of her before the orgasm finished.

"Fuuuuck," she groaned, head tilted back and chin thrust towards the sky. Her cunt was on fire - not literally - and I fucked her in missionary, Annalise groaning under me. I did what she'd told me to. I used her. I fucked her hard and fast, and her eyes began glowing in the dim room as I kept her close to her orgasm point with thrust after thrust, pummeling into her.

We didn't change positions, didn't get weird or kinky. Annalise and I fucked. I buried my face in her magnificent tits and sucked her nipples. We made out. And I railed her, loving every moment as I watched Anna try and hold back her orgasm and fail twice more in ten minutes.

"I'm going to come," I told her, whispering in her ear. We were trying to be quiet, considering her sister was in the room across the hall. "Can I come inside you?"

"Of course you can," Annalise panted. "Jerry, you- Fuck, yes. You can fuck me any way you want, to any finish you want, OK? I-"

I kissed her, fucked her, and came inside of her as her fourth orgasm in twenty minutes rolled through her. We fucked at each other, our hips bucking and dragging with a soft slapping and a wet squelching until we were both spent and I lay panting on top of her.

"What now?" she finally asked as we held each other. Her pillowy chest was squeezed under mine, and she'd thrown her arms around my neck again to hold me close to her wonderfully soft and warm body.

"Now I'd like to keep fucking you, and get Lauren in here, and then Lindsey, and then Stacey," I said. "But I think it's more important we check on the girls."

"And then?" Annalise asked as I rolled off of her, my still-hard cock pulling from her vagina slowly and releasing a slimy trail of our mixed cum from between her legs.

I kissed her on the cheek. "And then you, Lindsey and I are heading back to where you fucked up George," I said. "If we're going to try and find him, figuring out what he was doing is an important first step."

"What if he's waiting to ambush us?" Annalise asked.

"Well, I guess that would make things a lot easier for us but I doubt we'll be that lucky," I said and kissed her again. I wanted more of her. I wanted what she'd offered me.

Something inside me wanted to claim Annalise as mine, now that she'd put it on the table. And it scared the hell out of me because the last thing I actually wanted was to become anything like her father.


Thanks for reading! Votes are great, but Comments are even better.

Font of Fertiility is an ongoing series that will continue to see updates moving forward. If you have enjoyed the series so far, you might want to check out my Pushing series, or Technically We're Estranged series, for similar romantic harem elements.




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AnonymousAnonymous13 days ago

So...are Maya and Annalise going to spontaneously stop being related, too? Chapter 30 or something? Seriously. Patre0n has literal child sex abusers using their site, and they're worried about fictional incest? FFS. Godbrother? Gah.

AnonymousAnonymous13 days ago

Just have to say, I'm finally catching up with this awesome story, and I hate the change from siblings to "still-legally-siblings-in-many-jurisdictions-especially-if-they-were-raised-together-so-they-could-still-be-charged-with-incest-it's-a-stupid-policy" with the fury of a thousand dying suns. I understand why, but I wish the patronage site responsible for the change would have the fleas of a million camels infest its servers until they undo that stupid policy. Alured de Valer still publishes at that Patronage site, and his characters Kacie and Gary are siblings... *Scowling* I wish you hadn't had to make this stupid change, and I hope you will eventually consider releasing a "decensored" version of the story. Stacey not being his sister, and Lindsay and Lauren not being actual sisters just doesn't hit the same way. Like John Wick, but all the bullets are actually nerf darts. Wat?!

AnonymousAnonymous28 days ago

I don't know "what are you doing god-bro?" Just doesn't have the same ring to it XD

SandurSandur3 months ago

MC is wimpy, he will do nothing to get powerful, I mean there are women out there who would pay to impregnated. It just his wimpy personality. Either do something to get powerful or get trampled, I mean if he was alone in this I would figure ok no matter, but if he is wimpy he will put in danger his women. He can't cast simple spell without worrying about draining himself.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The changes are minimal and seamless IMO. Unfortunately all it takes is one reader cheesed that there's too much plot & romance in their incest stories reporting BreakTheBar's to Patreon to cause them major hassle. And people really do get bent out of shape by silly stuff like that. Subscribestar is a possibility, but very few people actually subscribe to the creators on there.

But I found Font of Fertility by following the Urban Fantasy tag, so I'm not really invested in the incest side of the story.

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