Forced Perspective

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Harrys family has been hiding secrets.
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AUthors Note:

Hi Everyone, I have been reading stories here for years and recently, I thought I would try to write. The result is that this is my very first story. It's a little longer than I expected at just over 48k, as once I got writing, it took on a life of its own. Sorry to all the spelling & grammar police out there. Being new to writing, this is all self-edited.

A few concepts discussed here may not work in the real world, such as legal terms and intellectual property. However, I hope everyone can follow along enough to enjoy the story as a whole.

I would also like to thank a few other writers here on LW. It was some of your stories that motivated me to write. To StangStar06, BigGuy33, Blackrandl1958 & soul71, among many some of your works, gave me the desire to give it a try. Thank you for the inspiration to do this.

If you like this, I have another two stories in the works that I will continue to work on.


I practically fell to the ground beside the car, and I could feel myself going numb, my wounds were leaking blood everywhere, and I was pretty sure I had some type of muscle damage on my shoulder. I could feel a dozen scrapes on my arms and shrapnel in my back. I would find out later that this numb feeling was common for the first few minutes after being shot. The body takes time to process things, and nerve endings need to figure out how much trauma is happening and the deeper the wound, the more time the body sometimes needs.

I was starting to lose focus; I could feel the shock beginning to set in and knew I had only a few moments before I lost consciousness. But I managed to move to her and lock eyes; she was bleeding almost as severely as I was. There we're people approaching and voices yelling out. But as I drifted off, all I could see were her eyes; after everything, they were all that mattered.

Chapter 1 -- Growing Up

Families are strange organisms; not one family is alike; the mix of personalities, ages, perspectives and genetics make each family unique. Mine was no different, my name is Harry Other, and I was the middle child in what you might describe as a classic nuclear family, Martha my mom, Roger my dad, and three kids. My older brother Greg is a burly well-built guy like our father; my younger sister Joan build petite like my mom. I am the odd one out; unlike the rest of my family, I have sandy brown hair and have a very slim build. When Greg would bully me, dad just laughed and said I needed to toughen up, "Life is never fair," he always used to tell me. As we got older, we did all the things that families do; we did picnics, outings to the park. I, of course, got all of Greg's hand me downs, even the clothes that were two sizes too big, so my mom just bought me belts and suspenders to hold my clothing together though I was always the one out. Greg and Joan always got new stuff, and I just had to put up with it. I suppose that another thing was that Dad was always harsher on me than the others, Greg was like him, and Joan was always his little girl; Dad described me as 'the mistake'. As I entered into my teenage years, my family never worried if I got left out, and they never worried if I got left at home. My mum would sometimes show concern, but then dad would throw his life is never fair comment out, and I would be left alone.

The one good thing that came out of being left alone so much is that I learned a lot, I studied, I built something, I got into science and technology at school and managed to save enough over a few years of pocket money and odd jobs to buy myself a computer. It was computer parts from a few locations, but I built it and learned how things worked. My refuges from my struggles at home were my studies. I learned physics, geography, biology, chemistry, and history; I also learned English, German, and Spanish. I was as a human sponge with all the hours spent alone in my room. I was a straight-A student with high distinctions and honours from my teachers in all my reports in school. Though it felt like my parents didn't care at home, I would get a well done and a small smile from my mother and a grunt from my father. Greg just made fun of me being a nerd. In school, he had only just passed his remedial math classes.

In the later years of high school, Greg increased the strength and frequency he used to beat me under the guise of 'brotherly love' and dad appeared to encourage it. Joan sniggered but ignored me. Mom caught me trying to ice a bruise over my right kidney one time and held the ice there for me a couple of minutes while telling me not to encourage my brother.

"But mom, I don't do or say anything. I try to stay out of his way, but if he can, he always throws punches as hard as he can whenever I am passing by". I wined, "The way dad encourages it and the way Greg treats me, it's like I was born into the wrong family."

Mom looked like she wanted to say something but thought better of it, instead she said,

"I'll talk to your father and brother about it and get them to lay you off. Not being built like them, I guess they don't think about it." I guess a couple of days later, Mum must have talked to them because Greg started coming into my room every few days when I was asleep, punching me in the stomach. Dad never said anything, but if a man could pull off a combined sneer and a smile, he was it!

I was constantly bruised under clothes that never really fit me. I was careful to ensure that no one at school ever saw the results of the beatings until one day, I was being made to run track for Physical Education class and tripped when someone in a prank threw a metal bar in my way, causing me to fall and open a gash down my arm. I was sent to the medical bay, and the school nurse and older lady called Mrs Erskine asked me to remove my shirt so she could clean and bind the gash.

"Harry, sweetie, it's OK, this old lady has raised three sons, and you haven't got anything I haven't seen; we need to clean this to make sure it doesn't get infected."

Hesitating a few more moments, I took off my shirt, trying to make sure that Mrs Erskine didn't see the latest set of bruises that Greg gave me two days ago. After a few minutes, I relaxed, and while the wound stung quite severely, she cleaned me up and put a nice and tight compression bandage on the wound. When she finished, I turned and put my shirt on when Mrs Erskine saw the massive black and yellow mark running up my back.

"Harry!" she gasped, "Are you ok?"

I tried to play it down, as I had learnt that in my family, no one likes a snitch, "I'm fine, Mrs E" I must have fallen over a few days ago and not understood that I hurt myself."

She didn't buy it for a second, but she said nothing and sent me on my way, I didn't know at the time, but she put the word out among all the teachers that she believed someone was beating me up and to keep an eye out.

One unintended consequence of my being watched by all the teachers at school was that during my senior year, my teachers banded together to help me, although I never knew it. They had figured out that I was not being picked on at school, and as I had no social life outside of school, they thought it was a home thing. The problem was that they couldn't do anything without causing all sorts of drama or talking directly to me about it. It turns out they did the next best thing. As we neared the end of the year, they helped me submit to several universities and ensured that it was a submission for a school a few hours away to get me out of my parent's house. They worked with me to help me choose a specialization, and I found that I wanted to do a chemistry major, so my science teachers helped me submit a scholarship. Taking a risk, my science and chemistry teacher Mr Daniels, who I always got along with, reached out to my parents and arranged a meeting about the scholarship submission. They came to the school a week before the submission date, and five of us sat in the room, Mr Daniels, the school principal, Mr McDonnell, my parents and me.

"Mr and Mrs Other, I don't think you understand the opportunity for Harry here, he is one of the brightest students that we have seen in the last few years, and he very well could have a full scholarship to study at university!" Mr Daniels had been going round in a circle with my parents for almost twenty minutes now.

"That's nice, but as I said before, I am not paying for the boy to go study; he needs a job and to learn his place in the world", he scowled

"Mr Other," Mr McDonnell invited, "What Mr Daniels is trying to say is that the scholarship that Harry is being offered is fully funded. So you don't have to pay for it!"

Dad had no response to that, but it didn't take long before he had another reason

"Well, all these places are out of town, so he'll have nowhere to live, and again I won't pay for that!"

"We have already thought of that, Mr Other," Mr Daniels noted, "I have a cousin who owns a business within walking distance of the university. He's been looking for a junior to help out, clean things and keep everything in his warehouse tidy. It's not glamorous work", he chucked, "Indeed it can be downright dirty and hard work, but it will pay just enough for Harry to have room and board near the university and pay for a few basics like food and his books."

I looked at Mr Daniels funny because earlier, when he told me about the job with his cousin, he told me something entirely different. I would be helping him research and work in a lab very close to the chemistry I would be studying. He looked at me, winked and gave a subtle shake of his head. I took the hint and said nothing

My dad thought about it for a moment, "Well, as long as I don't have to pay and he learns about hard work, and it gets the boy out of my house."

"Excellent, "Said Mr McDonnell, getting into it before dad could change his mind. "I have the paperwork here already for signature. It took another hour, but in the end, everything was signed, and we went home.

I was surprised when Mr Daniels pulled me out of class two weeks later and handed me a heavy set of envelopes. "Your good to go, the admissions board has approved your scholarship, and my cousin Norman looks forward to meeting you over the holidays before university starts and getting you up to speed."

"Mr Daniels, I don't know what to say!"

"Just remember me when you rise to the top." He paused, "Harry, you're going to do well in whatever you put your mind to, your smart, hardworking, and you put others before yourself. All the teachers here at school have had a good idea what's happening at home for a while." I went to retort, to defend my family when he held up a hand, "It's ok, you don't have to say anything or defend anyone, we just know and figured out this would be one of the ways we could help one of our bright stars from falling to the earth and crashing!"

School finished up at the end of the year, as schools here in Australia run on the calendar year, and I found that I finished up third in the school rankings overall. I would have been a tie for first if my parents had let me go on two extra credit off school excursions, but I was again denied.

Once we were out of school, Mr Daniels arranged to come and pick me up to introduce me to my new job. Once we were on our way, he told me to call him Jack, as he was no longer my teacher. Drove over to the next city, which took just over an hour, and he introduced me up to Norman and helped find an apartment for me. It was a fantastic three-day trip, and I got to talk to Jack and Norman like friends. They listened to what I had to say and explained what I would be doing, Norman had put a word in, and I had the choice of two 1-bedroom flats between the school and what would become my workplace. I chose the one closer to work, and it was on floor one of an older but well-maintained apartment block. The building super was a nice older man and told me to call him if I needed any help. On the trip back, Jack and I spoke about what I would be learning, and I think I was excited to see that there may be more to life than being ignored or treated poorly by my family.

The evening before I left, my mother came in with a dozen boxes and began to help me pack everything. "Mom, I can't take all of this on the bus!"

"It's ok dear, I have spoken to your father, and I am going to take you up and these boxes in his truck tomorrow, one trip and you're moved."

Mom almost cried looking at me but came over and gave me the biggest hug that I have ever gotten from her. Once she had her arms around, though, she broke down and sobbed.

"Oh Harry, my precious and beautiful Harry, you deserve more, I could not do much for you, but I do have a gift.

Mom went out of my room and returned with a small box; it was a beautiful A4 notebook and what looked to be an expensive fountain pen. I would use the notebook to record ideas and discoveries in the years to come, and the pen was always on my desk.

"Don't tell your father, but I wanted you to have something that was just for you to... " she trailed off and looked at me, her composure threatening to break. "To... to know how much I love you." Then, finally, she walked out, and I could hear her blowing her nose.

At dinner that evening, there wasn't a lot said

Joan: "Don't be more of a looser than you already are" she just looked at me with contempt and looked back at her phone

Dad: "I'll make sure to find another big brother there to help look after you", he sneered, but I felt it was an empty threat as I didn't think he knew anyone outside of town. "And make sure you don't embarrass this family any more than you already have."

Mom said nothing but looked at me with the more sorrowful eyes I have ever seen

The other gift I got that night came a little before midnight, with Greg coming into my room and trying to beat me senseless. As usual, I couldn't resist, and he laughed at me as he walked out, "So that you remember your place mistake!"

I can't say I was unhappy to be leaving.

Chapter 2 -- Finding my Place

The following year was terrific. I started learning about new chemistry concepts or combined concepts and how to make my own discoveries at university. When I wasn't at university, I was at work with Norman putting the theory I was learning into practice. I got to study to my heart's desire, and I was making my own money for once. Being away from my family for the first time, I had never felt freedom, but if this was it, I liked it. Jack also drove up often to hang out and talk with Norman or me, and I thought he appeared to enjoy spending time with me. In my mind, he became the big brother that I always wish Greg had been. I saved pretty much everything on the money front since I never went out, and when I had enough money, he helped me pick out a car. We talked girls, a concept I was too shy to look at yet and just generally hung out. The only black cloud was that once I had my car, I was expected to head back to my parents for lunch one Sunday a month once I had a car. These were mandatory family gatherings, and dad demanded that I be there. Since I had moved out, Sunday lunch had grown; without me underfoot all the time, my parents and siblings now had an ever-changing group of people around most Sundays. It was almost humorous; my family acted as a burden that had been lifted with me no longer there. I got looks from everyone when I was there, wondering why even though my presence was all but demanded. So I just sat on the couch in the corner and politely waited for the afternoon to end so I could head back to my life. Many people who worked for my father were usually there. I wasn't a fan of going alone and being in the same room as them, but as the dutiful son, I obeyed.

It was during this early time away, learning and studying, that I made a breakthrough. I made a chemical discovery that increased the strength and longevity of certain plastic compounds. However, when a specific inert common compound was added, the plastic would break down into its inert base components in a matter of a few days. When I presented my findings with Norman at work, he just about passed out.

"You're a wizard Harry! this will change our use of plastics globally and make everything a lot more environmentally friendly". Over the next week, we used the lab and repeatedly proved that my formula worked. At the end of the week, we were sitting in his office when Jack walked in, having come up from school, and we got him caught up.

"Harry, I think there are a few things here that Norman and I need to talk with you about. However, if we do them right, then your discovery and formula will make you famous.

Over the next few weeks, Jack and Norman helped me through the process of submitting a patent to ensure that the discovery was mine; right before school ended, I had turned eighteen, so thankfully, I didn't need my parents involved. Jack also helped me do a deal with Norman that would set up a new business together to produce the plastic compound. For his trouble, Jack got a single percentage point in the business. Over the next six months, I went from a low budget university student to bringing in what high-end management consultants do each year. I still didn't have a social life, it was still just university, work and the occasional trip to my parents, but I did do a few things for myself. First, I took out a loan to buy as opposed to rent an apartment, and as usual, Jack helped me find the place, and we went through the motions of buying the place; it was a little further than walking distance, so I would need a decent car as opposed to the 1982 green Mazda 323 that was always on its last legs. We looked around the yards, and that's when I saw her and fell in love!

She was a 2008, 5.0l V8 GT Mustang, secondhand and in good condition, low kilometres, and upgraded suspension. I had to pay a little extra on insurance as I was under 25, but it was worth it. When I got in and started her up, she purred for me and was always keen for a drive. Most Saturday afternoons, you could find me down in the car park washing and waxing her, ready for the next time I went to drive. Along with my mustang, I also went to spruce up my personal image a little. I bought some clothes that fit me; with my thin frame, thanks to my high metabolism, I started to think of myself as more than just a nerdy punching bag for my older brother.

The next time I headed over to my parents for lunch, I had the best drive, opening my mustang up on the highway and getting a few looks as I pulled into my parents' drive. A v8 is not precisely a subtle pulling up, so a couple of people came out to see the noise, including my sister Joan.

"Hey, buddy, this is a private family gathering, invite...." She trailed off as she looked at me for what felt like the first time.

"Hey, sis, it's just your dorky older brother coming back for lunch."

She didn't know what to say. However, a couple of her girlfriends came over to ask about the car and who I was. They couldn't believe that I was Joan's older brother or that I had such a car. It was interesting to be the centre of attention and be positive for once. I couldn't help but smile.

Inside, my mother looked at me and almost cried seeing my new clothes and smile, but she hugged me. Dad and Greg just glared at me like they always did, dad looked upset, and Greg looked angry. After that, my father, brother and sister pretty much avoided talking to me other than a couple of snide comments. But they were listening to almost everything I said.

Mum wanted the details, "No mum, I'm still your Harry, I've just had some good luck for once," Mum had hardly left me alone since she hugged me and wanted to know about my transformation. "A few months ago, I discovered a formula that is going to change the world, and Jack and Norman have been helping me do what they call a patent, meaning that people have to pay me to use my formula". Mum was astounded, "But that's not all, Norman and I have set up a new company to produce the compounds that my patent protects, and he's given me a 30% stake in the company; he's got a 30% stake in the company. We also gave Jack a 1% shareholding, and some international investors have the remaining 39%. So everything is leaning toward it being a huge success".