Forever M'Lady


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Annie and Eleanor were my Maids of Honour, something upon which I put my foot down. Therefore, the girls came to my wedding at the top table socially, and in fact for the feast. It was probably the most exciting day of their whole lives. They looked so pretty in their gowns which matched mine and which they were allowed to keep as a permanent memento of the Day. Diana and I had been coaching them both for a month on what cutlery or which glass was used when, and how to behave in company. Looking back, it was funny: we could barely get any sense of them for several days before the wedding, so nervously excited were they. They even managed a dance or two with the young men. Diana and I had said they should only dance to waltz tunes because the waltz was simple enough for them to learn. I think they spent their spare time practising the waltz together.

Another member of Barton Court staff was also at Tradiscombe at the time of the wedding. Some six weeks before the day, Janice had asked permission to speak to me. "Please, Mistress Jane, she said," she said, very nervously. I am to make your trousseau, and your maids' gowns as you want them but you asked Lord Underweir's staff to make the other ladies' gowns. Oh, Mistress, I am afeared the other ladies will not complement you. Forgive the impertinence, Mistress, is it possible for me to go there so I can work with M'Lord's Seamstress and supervise. Forgive me, Mistress." Now she was visibly trembling at her audacity and I must admit it took me by surprise.

I did not reject the idea out of hand, but gave it some thought. Janice had made it her place, with the Seamstress in accord, to be responsible for my wardrobe at Barton Court and I had found her innovative in her suggestions and designs and her needlework was faultless. In a way, it made sense. Then a happy thought crossed my mind. Could I possibly ask Reginald to escort me to Tradiscombe, ostensibly to visit my fiancé but taking Janice with us? Maybe Diana would like a change for a week, too. I warmed to the idea.

"Let me give this some thought Janice. I will let you know within two days whether or not it impossible."

"Thank you, Mistress Jane." Her curtsy was very deep before she left.

Reginald saw through my little scheme immediately. He slapped his thigh, gave out a great laugh, waggled a finger at me and said, "You just want to see Percy again! Ho, ho, ho, ho isn't young love splendid? Now I think of it, I have no urgent business. Be good to walk his grouse moor, check how they grow. How about you my Darling?" Diana declined, saying she would rather not take the child all that distance. Therefore, it was that I got a stolen week with my Beloved and Janice got to Tradiscombe.

The chapel and, indeed the whole of Tradiscombe House, was festooned with late summer blooms and foliage. My own family declined the invitations we sent them, which saddened but did not surprise me, although Mummy sent me a letter to wish me every blessing in my marriage. Reginald and Diana were there, of course; it was Reginald who gave me away. The chapel was filled with the few friends I had made from Diana's circle surrounded by the massed ranks of the Underweir family. Reginald's and Diana's families were also there, in smaller numbers, to witness the occasion. I had two of Diana's nieces and another two of Reginald's to carry my train, the girls' dresses matched my own, with a page, Reginald's nephew.

For our honeymoon, we had a breathless tour of the major capitals of Europe then returned home and I was the Lady of my own house. One of the first things I had Percy do was to introduce me to his Housekeeper and Jordan, his Butler, I had met him frequently as he attended Percy but I wanted to see them both together to establish my policies and to begin to form the relationships I would have with them both. So it was that the day after Percy and I returned to Tradiscombe from our honeymoon, Mistress Tremayne and Master Jordan entered my office with Percy.

Mistress Tremayne, Joyce, immediately dropped a deep curtsy, saying, "Welcome to Tradiscombe, M'Lady. Congratulations on your marriage to My Lord. I and my staff look forward to serving you to the best of our ability. It is good to have a new Lady of Tradiscombe." Jordan repeated her congratulations and declaration with a respectful bow, so the meeting commenced on a good note.

I thanked them both then told them, "It is said that a new broom sweeps clean, but I feel that much of value may be swept away and lost with too vigorous a sweeping. Therefore should I feel that I would like some changes, I shall introduce these slowly and not upset your domains. I trust you will both feel free to bring any problems to me. Master Jordan, you will naturally look more to Lord Underweir rather than me and I have no intention of interfering in that arrangement. Thank you, Jordan, you may go about your duties and, Mistress Tremayne, I would like you to walk with me through your department and the House so I may learn your routines and the layout of rooms."

Jordan again bowed and took his leave, Mistress Tremayne led me around the House, explaining the current use of all the rooms. All seemed clean and well maintained to my inspection but I made a few mental notes on the way, for later consideration. As she next showed me her own domain Downstairs, everything seemed to be efficiently organised and it seemed clear that she was truly Mistress of her staff. We ended our tour in her office and had a more informal, relaxed talk over a cup of tea, learning a little of each other. It was then that I discussed the future of Janice, for she had not returned to Barton Court. I retained her at Tradiscombe and she became firmly established as the one to whom I looked for my wardrobe. Eventually she became the Seamstress in her own right.

Joyce Tremayne was an institution in herself. She was a tiny woman, only coming up to my shoulder when standing. Yet she had a keen eye for any fall from the high standards she maintained. For all her tiny size, it was quite apparent that she ruled her kingdom with an indomitable will. She really was a tower of strength and became my faithful lieutenant until she retired. Tradiscombe was a happy place. Percy would arrange parties and balls for all our friends, filling the House with music and laughter. Mistress Tremayne never failed to make each event a success as her staff laboured under her instructions so that our guests lacked for nothing and the tables were piled high by her Cook.

On Christmas Day the year after our wedding, Percy kissed Michael, his firstborn son, on the head and Tradiscombe had new heir apparent. Over the next seven years I carried five children to term but I lost dear little Charles to consumption while he was still suckling. Percy's heir was named Michael after his grandfather. My two lovely girls were next. Diana, after my dear friend and Ann, forever called Annie only by me. Then little Charles was with me briefly. My younger son was called Francis for my father. Francis was killed in The Great War because some fool of a General ordered him to charge a row of tanks with his cavalry company. Can you believe horses and sabres against tanks? Francis was awarded the Military Cross for leading the remnants of his company round a hill, fighting all the way, and bringing them to safety. The medal was awarded posthumously: he was shot in the back by a sniper just fifty yards from cover.

And what of my dear maid for whom I named my younger daughter? Annie was my constant companion through all the years, faithful servant, faithful friend. She was my tower of strength when I felt overwhelmed by household matters in managing Tradiscombe. She doted upon my children and then their children, watching the nurses like a hawk. She comforted me in my loss of Charles. When she became too old to fulfil her duties, I retired her to a room in my apartment. She insisted on training my young new maid and demanded of her perfection in her Service of M'Lady. Perhaps she put the fear of God into her. I am so pleased I taught her to read because books are her main interest now. I, Annie and Percy all gradually withdrew from our duties and we can often be found together, reading or talking, reminiscing about our lifetime's events. It was my daughter Ann who gradually assumed the role of Lady of Tradiscombe.

Annie often joined me and Percy in our marital bed and we both received many spankings from my Beloved's horny hand. She did learn to whip me when the cravings came and Percy loved to see me sobbing bitterly while my body was convulsed in a massive climax because he knew I needed it and only she was capable. He never took a whip to me or Annie but was happy to watch either of us whipping the other, for Annie became addicted to my golden place too.

Percy bought one of those new-fangled automobiles and the coachman would drive me and Annie to Barton Court where we might visit for a week. Not coincidentally it was often the week when our sexual needs were at their peak. Eleanor stayed for more than five and thirty years with Diana until one of the Kaiser's bombs fell on her but Diana and I always had our dear maids with us when we were at our horniest. Wonderful times. Reginald bought his wife an automobile and the Bartons would often be our guests at Tradiscombe. Reginald was happy for Diana to join me and Percy in bed because she bore him two sons and the prettiest little girl who is called Jane.

Barton Court has a new Lord now. Lord Peter Barton has a shock of bright red curls which he will toss into the air with gay abandon. Diana came to Tradiscombe for the later part of her grieving but she never wore her widow's weeds in bed. She passed away in her sleep the day my first granddaughter was born. Annie and Percy took me to Barton Court for the funeral. My Remembrance card read simply, "Forever M'Lady"

Lord Barton, Reginald. How I grew to love that man. He was something like a father to me, indeed he gave me away to Percy. His speech was gruff, his words blunt but his heart was pure gold. His only fault was his smell and I learned later that it was a disease with which he had to live. In spite of no marital bed for him, he was utterly devoted to Diana, and she to him. The children she bore for him were his from the moment they were born, not caring that none of them carried his bloodline. He survived his wife by only three months and they lay together in his family vault. Percy has brought me there twice. Each time I left a wreath with the message, "Forever M'Lady."

My own parents have had scant mention herein. I deliberately started this history the day I left my family because that is where the real story of my life started. Father had a smallholding and worked hard to put food on our plates. Mother took in laundry which put the clothes on our backs. All we children worked as soon as we were able to help in the house and land. I remember when I was just a little girl, standing with Mother's clothes pegs in a basket on my head. Yes, one of my tasks was mucking out the pigs. We had no time for schooling. My Father taught me to work hard even on the dirtiest jobs, my Mother taught me patience, perseverance to finish my task and a willingness to help. My brothers taught me to duck. It was my family which made the young girl who was delivered into Faith's hand at the gates of the Big House. It was Barton Court which made me the Lady I have become.

When I was still Downstairs, I used to get one day off every eight days and I would run the two miles home where there were always welcoming hugs for me. I would spend the day telling them everything that was happening in Barton Court. I knew nothing of what the Family did, always working Downstairs, but Downstairs was always buzzing with salacious gossip and that was what I shared. One or another of my brothers would escort me back to Barton Court gates before eight of the clock and I would go to sleep next to my friend Faith and later, Annie. When I was taken on as M'Lady's maidservant, I got fewer days free. M'Lady graciously had Annie, my friend in the still room, run down to my home and tell them why I may not visit them so regularly. I did see them and they were happy for me in my new position but they were not so happy when I would not pass on any gossip I heard Upstairs. Perhaps Johnstone's warning remained with me and I was happy in my work.

So I saw less and less of them until, as you have read, my elevation to top society. I saw my mother just once more when I went to my father's funeral. The poor dear was all in dither because a Lord and his Lady had come. Percy calmed her down with many assurances, my Lord has a wonderful way with people. Father was buried with all decency. My brothers were his pallbearers, Mother followed the coffin with me and Percy supporting her from both sides. When all the formalities were finished and everybody went home, I sat down with my mother and took her hands in mine. "Mummy, how will you manage now Daddy has gone? Will you come back with us and stay in my apartment in Tradiscombe? For a few days or as long as you wish?"

"No thank you M'Lady"

"M'Lady? M'Lady? Mummy I'm your daughter Jane."

"Well then, no thank you Jane. You live in a different world, I could never live in your world. We both knew it when we parted. I will live in my old cottage. Barry will take over the land and June, his wife, will take care of me. I'll be fine Jane."

"Yes, Mummy, we did both know but I had to offer. Now I will not hear a 'No' from you on this: I am setting up for you a small pension. I wouldn't offend you by flooding you with money but twenty shillings a week will keep the wolf from your door."

I saw the pain on her face as she struggled with her decision but we both knew how she would have problems making ends meet without it.

"Mummy, please say yes. You know it will help."

"Daughter mine, long ago I made up my mind never to ask you for anything. But yes, twenty shillings a week would be a relief. Yes, Jane, thank you so much, I have been worried about how I would manage. You are right, darling, it will keep the wolf from my door. Now kiss me and go off with your Lord. I love you, Jane. Goodbye."

She was shaking as she hugged me. I kissed her, knowing it would be our last kiss. We were both in tears as Percy led me to the automobile. He instructed his solicitor to have delivered to the Widow Fairfax the sum of twenty shillings each Monday.


So that is it, my life as best as I remember. So many people have helped in so many ways on my journey from pigsty to Jane, Lady Underweir of Tradiscombe: my thanks to them all. To the senior staff at Barton Court who steadfastly supported me in all things, dear Roberta Black, and Johnstone who was my rock, I will ever be grateful. Similarly to Mistress Tremayne and Jordan I owe thanks for making my transition to the new position as smooth as possible and ensured that my every wish was immediately fulfilled.

In particular I dedicate this manuscript to the three people I have cherished most dearly.

To my Beloved Percy, who dared to love a serving wench.

To Annie, my dearest, truest and most faithful maid who is still my best friend.

And, of course, to Diana who taught me everything, Forever M'Lady.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Interesting premise

Lots and lots of sex. But the sex seems mostly mechanical. Lacks eroticism -- for me, anyway. Really not a story to reread.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

I loved this story even though it is not a genre that I normally favour. Excellent work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Amazing work. Just stopped by for a quick glance and got sucked into the story. Awesome read with a great storyline and very likable characters. Amazing job!!

Horseman68Horseman68about 7 years ago
Truely Great Read. 🏆

This is a great, warm story with endearing characters that I enjoyed immensely. Thank you for the pleasure.

AvidreaderinozAvidreaderinozalmost 8 years ago

Nice work entertaining and erotic with a wonderful medieval twist.

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