Fourplay Plus One Ch. 03

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Ex-wife, her daughter and dad/ex. What who else?!
5k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/19/2022
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Triggers in this and upcoming chapters- MM, MMF, FF, MMFFF. All that and yes, the men interact as bisexual men. It's a threesome. To start. Dad gets his virgin daughter. A MILF enters the story to spice things up into a foursome... And then could it be fivesome with her daughter? Could a homophobic ex-wife enter the picture? A mother that might discover the incest between her daughter and her father?

So, if you are offended by any of this, move on to one of the many great stories in this category. The rest of you stay for some ups and downs, twists and turns. I promise you won't be bored. XO DG

As always emails are welcome.

Chapter 03

I crashed before dad and Jeff and woke up to them with their cocks in each other's mouths.

"Mmm, you guys were just getting warmed up last night hmm?" I said, stroking and enjoying those hard bodies while they brought each other to climax.

Never in my imagination would I believe how much two men together would turn me on. The hard bodies under my hands. The groaned reactions to the twirl of dad's tongue on the head of his cock. Dad shuddered when Jeff took his balls into his hot wet mouth. Nothing delicate about it. It was hardcore hot male sex. And it turned me on.


Later that week I peeked into dad's office. I never bothered him during the day when he was working, so he knew something was up.

"Hey baby," he said, looking up from his computer.

I plopped down in the chair across from his desk. "I have a dilemma."

He took his reading glasses off. "That sounds serious?"

"Could be." I held up my phone. "Mom just texted me."

He raised his eyebrows. "Oh? She wants you to come back?"

"Not quite," I hedged. "She wants to come here to visit."

"Oh, well that's okay," he said thoughtfully. "She probably just wants to make sure you're safe and happy. She was always a good mother, Adele. Hell, she was always a good wife for that matter."

I nodded. "I know. It just seems sort of awkward. She already has looked at hotels and is thinking about the one down on the waterfront. It is walkable to lots of restaurants and shops. Pretty close to Grand Central will get her in the heart of things."

"If we had room, she could stay here. But then I'm pretty sure she wouldn't approve of our sleeping arrangement," he laughed.

I laughed and said, "If she thought she was shocked about you, knowing her daughter and her ex-husband were fucking might really send her over the edge." I got up and went to the door. "I'll let you get back to work. I was just sort of surprised with that text."

"No problem. Set it up with her."


Two weeks later we were meeting her for dinner on Beach Drive, kitty-corner from her hotel. She arrived first and I saw her sitting at the sidewalk table before she saw us, which gave me time to get over the shock of her appearance.

"Mom!" We hugged tightly and each shed a few tears. "I've missed you."

"I missed you too, sweetie," she said dabbing at her eyes. She turned to dad and said, "Alex, it's so good to see you again." They hugged. He looked at me over her shoulder with the same shocked face.

"Good to see you as well, Francine," he said sincerely.

We perused the large menu, and I had a chance to peek at her over the top. Her dark blonde hair was stylishly cut into a bob, where normal for her was grown out until she had to have it cut just to even it out. She wore makeup. Something I don't ever remember her doing. Her clothing was tropical, but chic- far from tacky. She was toned and looked to be in much better shape. Dad caught my eye several times with raised eyebrows wondering the same as I was.

We all made small talk, but it was she and dad that commanded the conversation and I was happy to take a back seat. I hoped they would find common ground and we could be some semblance of a family again.

"Francine, would you like to come back to the house for a while? I don't live far from here."

"Maybe another time? I'm tired from the flight and think I might like a nap," she begged off.

"How about I come down tomorrow and we walk around, then go back to dad's for dinner?" I offered.

"That's a great idea, baby," dad said, and mom agreed.

We walked her back to her hotel and headed up the street to the house.

"Was your mom like that when you left?" he asked just as soon as she was out of earshot.

"No! She was the same as when you left. I'm not sure what happened, but I like it. She seems happy with herself," I said, feeling happy about her myself.

"Maybe it was a good thing you did leave. Possibly gave her time to find herself... Or whatever," he said, then looked at me apologetically.

"No no, I get what you mean. I do think it was good for her to be alone. She could concentrate on herself. In retrospect, I do think she lost herself after you were gone. It is quite a blow to the ego to know you're not the only one. It was like a double whammy affair to her maybe."

We walked for a bit before he replied. "I think you're damn smart for a young chick," he put his arm around my shoulders in a hug. "She is stunning now, like the young Francine. She makes me look old," he laughed. "But god, she does look hot."

"Hmm, yeah," I gave him a sideways look. "Got your libido going did she?"

"Well yeah, to be honest, she did. We never had a problem with sex in our marriage, even right up until the end. We were umm, compatible."

"So, you fucked liked bunnies?" I giggled. "Not many guys get hard for their ex-wives, you know."

"You noticed?" he sighed. I took his hand while we walked.

"I did. I admit I love that my dad got that excited for my mom. I don't have any illusions of a permanent relationship between you two, but I can't say it doesn't turn me on to think of you two together." I thought for a moment. "Maybe I have a kink factor going on because it excites me to think of you and Jeff together and playing with you both is like a fantasy fulfilled. So maybe I'm not a good judge."

He laughed. "I think my daughter is just a well-rounded open-minded young lady. I mean I know most people wouldn't approve of our relationship, and that's understandable. I don't know that I would have before us... But our circumstances changed, and it just happened."

"And generally, the relationship between you and Jeff isn't well tolerated. Especially in some areas," I said thoughtfully. "This is a good area for bisexuals and gay people though. It's a good area for tolerance. That's one of the first things I felt when I came here."

He nodded. We were nearing the house. "I'm sure many look at us, not knowing we are dad and daughter but think- look at that old guy with that young girl! We're damned either way!"

We both laughed. I stopped, wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed him deeply. That's showing 'em all I thought.


I went to one of the swankiest hotels in St. Pete. She had a view of the stately pink hotel, the sailboats that floated peacefully as well as the lineup of yachts in the marina. Florida at its finest right there.

"Nice room, mom!"

"Isn't it? These views!" she said, coming up behind me on the balcony.

"Mom, you look beautiful," I said, turning to her. "Your hair and makeup... Your clothes."

"Thank you, sweetie. I just thought it was time I take care of myself. I know I let myself go through the years and it wasn't fair to anyone, least of all myself." She looked out the window at the bustling marina. "I've changed my attitude about a lot of things lately."

She had a stunning figure. I got my thirty-eight D's from her, but her hips were more shapely than mine. She wore aqua capris and a white and aqua top, white strappy sandals, and a matching purse.

We shopped most of the day and came back with armloads of bags. I talked her into getting a bathing suit because of dad's pool. She wouldn't let me see which one she picked out and we laughed.

"I'll surprise you! You know it won't be too revealing though. I'm still a mom," she grinned.

We walked up to dad's house.

"This is really cute," she said in a hushed tone on the sidewalk out front.

"It is! Apparently, it was in pretty rough shape. Wait'll you see the inside!"

I noticed Jeff's car was in the drive and thought, it better to have him on the scene sooner rather than later.

"We're here!" I said loudly as we walked in the side door.

"Hey! Did you two buy out DTSP?" dad asked, drying his hands on a kitchen towel.

"We did," I said, sniffing. "Oooh, something smells good."

Jeff suddenly appeared holding his hand out to mom, and said, "Hi! You must be Francine. I'm Jeff, nice to meet you. I can see why your daughter is so lovely."

Mom blushed, "Why thank you. Nice to meet you too, Jeff." She didn't seem to question who he was or why he was there.

Dad made drinks and we sat at the bar in the kitchen. I ran out to set the table by the pool so we could enjoy the cooler evening. When I got back, mom and Jeff were in quite an animated conversation, laughing and talking. I glanced at dad, and he raised his eyebrows. What would happen when she discovered who he really is? I cringed inwardly at the thought.

"So, where did you guys go today," dad asked, and we began to tell him all about our adventure.

We enjoyed wine after dinner and mom didn't even mention that I was too young to drink it. She was relaxed and happy without the anxiety she often had.

The sunset and the pool light came on and began to cycle through the various colors. At the same time, the landscaping lights lit the plantings around the pool, casting intimate shadows in the darkness.

"Alex, your house is wonderful. Adele said you did all the work on it."

"When I moved in this neighborhood was mostly older folks that had lived here nearly all their lives. Eventually, they were unable to care for their houses as they aged and they came into disrepair. I bought this and began to fix it up, and another sold, and the owners did the same. It was a snowball effect. Ended up quite a neighborhood transition."

"It is a lovely neighborhood," she said and turned to Jeff. "Do you live nearby, Jeff?"

"I'm about six blocks away in a newer area. I got a condo eight years ago before the boom, so I got lucky," he mused.

"Florida housing is so much different than the north," she noted. "I picked up real estate ads while we were out today and some of the homes are quite magnificent!"

Dad commented, "Housing in certain areas is quite pricey with all the professional sports teams in the area, as well as retired musicians and actors."

"Retired CEO too," Jeff interjected, and dad nodded.

"I think we've waited long enough after food. Time for the pool! C'mon, mom, you can change in my room," I said, holding out my hand and smiling. I was certainly enjoying this new mom of mine and I saw my dad giving her appreciative looks as well.

She changed in my bathroom, and I was understanding of that. I pulled on my usual bikini, whenever I did wear anything for swimming and waited for her.

"Whoa," I blurted, my eyes bugging out. "Geez, mom, you look hot in that!"

It was a simple black, one-piece suit with high-cut legs. She had a gorgeous hourglass figure, which the tight-fitting suit complemented perfectly. It was cut low and showed a lot of cleavage, but her D's were held tight enough that there was no chance for the guys to get a peek.

"Why thank you, sweetie. I've been working out some. I had let myself get so out of shape," she said, looking down and smoothing her hand over a nonexistent tummy bulge.

"I can tell! And I'm so happy for you mom. You seem so comfortable with yourself," I said, hugging her. She smiled and gave me a hard hug.

I saw dad's eyes widen when he saw mom. Jeff's mouth hung open for a moment. They both stared.

"Ready to swim?!" I said loudly wanting to get their attention. I could tell mom was embarrassed by their attention.

They both jumped up at the same time. Each wearing their usual tight stretch knit bikinis. Dad already had a lump in his and Jeff's cock was growing as I watched. I ran and jumped into the pool with a splash.

Dad moved to mom and said, "Francine, you look fantastic." She smiled and I swear she blushed. "I hope you're feeling as good about yourself as you look."

"I do Alex, thanks. It took me a long time, but I've changed a lot. Not just in looks." She moved closer. "And it's time I apologize to you for the way I acted." She looked off for a moment. "When I saw you with a man, I felt like a complete failure as a woman. I thought you turned to a man because I wasn't fulfilling to you."

"Oh my god no, Francie," he said, using his pet name for her. "It had nothing to do with you, and everything to do with me." He caressed her cheek. "I loved you and wouldn't have left you. It was just that I needed more. I'm not sure I could have explained it at the time really. It was all so new to me."

"I'm glad we had this chance to reach out to each other," she said, hugging him.

"I've missed you, Francie."

Jeff came up behind me and held me around the waist as we watched from the shadows.

Her arms were around dad's neck, and he wrapped his arms around her. He whispered something in her ear and his hands slid down to cup her ass, showing her just how much he missed her.

"This is awesome," Jeff whispered in my ear and all I could do is nod.

I'd be crying if it wasn't so hot to watch them. I'm not sure how perverted it was to be turned on by your mom and dad getting it on, but I was at the top of that perv list if it was. Dad growled when she left a bite mark on his collarbone.

I looked at Jeff over my shoulder and raised my eyebrows. He grinned. "I think there is a reconciliation in the works. Or just hot sex. Maybe that. Yeah," he whispered, and we both chuckled.

Dad and mom seemed to forget we were here. Well, mom did, but dad wouldn't care since we all often sexed somehow in and around the pool.

"I'm just not sure how, or if, she will take deal with us all," I whispered back.

"Let your dad do his thing, then we'll see how it goes, baby," he said, and I just nodded.

Dad slipped the straps over he shoulders and slowly lowered her suit to reveal her tits. They were at least as big as mine and lily white. Mine were tanned from the Florida sun, as hers likely would be soon, I laughed to myself.

He pinched and twisted her nipples harder and longer eliciting soft breathy moans from her. They kissed and began to whisper. He pulled her straps back up and they climbed out of the pool and went into the house.

"Hmm," Jeff said, turning me towards him. "That got me fucking hot."

"Me too!"

We made it out of the pool, but not into the house. We fucked fast and hard and quick on the lounger into shuddering orgasms.


The next morning dad was humming in the kitchen making breakfast, but mom was nowhere to be seen. I poured myself a cup of coffee and slid onto a stool at the bar. He continued to hum and totally ignore me.

"So? "I huffed. "Are you going to tell me or keep it a secret?"

He turned, grinning. "Tell you what? That your mother and I made up? She understands now and is accepting of it?"

"Hey! That's great! So, she's okay with Jeff even. That's awesome, dad!"

"Well..." he said. I eyed him suspiciously. "I didn't get around to telling her about Jeff and me."

"What?! Are you kidding me? You discussed the rest but left little detail about Jeff out?"

"Oh, don't be dramatic, baby. I didn't tell her about us either... To be fair." He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Do you plan on telling her or just let her go home knowing half of what's going on?" I asked.

"Haven't decided," he said, scooping the scrambled eggs onto our plates.

I picked up a piece of bacon already on the bar and nibbled while I thought. "I guess she doesn't really need to know everything." I frowned, thinking I didn't feel right not to be completely honest with her. "I mean maybe not tell her about you and me, but it does seem fair to tell her about you and Jeff."

He finished his eggs and pushed the plate away, wiping his mouth on the napkin. I knew he was stalling.

"I don't know what to do, Adele. I guess if the timing is right, I'll tell her. She's going to spend the day here with us. Hey! If it comes up, you can always mention it to her?!"

I scowled. "I don't think it's my place to tell her about you and Jeff. Maybe about you and me, but that's a lot trickier. I just don't know if she needs to know that." I shrugged.

"Okay, we'll see how it goes," he said, getting up and taking our plates.

It was fun having mom here. She looked at all my paintings and we talked about asking a small gallery we saw in Grand Central to show them. They were all local and that area was hugely popular with the locals as well as tourists. Either one might be interested in them. We made plans to go there the next day, for moral support.

We made lunch and dad joined us. I enjoyed the little smiles that went back and forth between them. I was happy they could be friends again. Well, friends with a little extra fun.

Dad left to go to his office in town, so after we cleaned up the kitchen, we went out to the pool.

"I'm going to have to get another swimsuit if I spend this much time at the pool," she said. She wore the sexy one-piece that I'm sure no one would complain about, but I understood. "I bought quite a few since I've been here. I did some modeling, and they gave me the suits I modeled and more. You should take a look at them... You're welcome to any of them!"

I took her to my room and opened the drawer of overflowing swimsuits and left to let her go through them.

I was dozing by the pool when I heard her voice. "I hope this isn't too revealing. It's a lot more than I've ever shown," she giggled nervously.

"Whoa, mom," I said, raising my sunglasses. "Holy crap you look fantastic. All that gym time really paid off. You're hot hot hot!"

She had chosen a black bikini with a lift cup which pushed her tits up and together for a devastating cleavage. It wasn't so much that it showed a lot of skin, but it showed her body off in a much sexier way, leaving more to the imagination. It was a halter style that tied at her neck and behind her. The same style of ties was at each hip.

"You really think it's okay?" she asked. She cocked her hip and put her hands on her hips. "It's just that I'm not—"

"Holy mama!" Jeff shouted cutting her off. He walked out and around her while giving her the once over. "I have died and gone to heaven." He took her hand, bent over, and kissed the back of it.

I noticed the front of his bikini filled out as soon as he laid eyes on her. And by the looks of it, she didn't miss it either.

"Why thank you, Jeff," she said, hugging him. He put his hands on her hips holding her close and she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close. She whispered in his year, and he growled low.

I relaxed on the lounger again, watching from behind dark glasses. Dad was at the office today and wouldn't be home for hours. I wanted mom to enjoy herself. She had put so much into herself mentally and physically, it was time she had some fun.

Jeff's hands covered mom's ass and they looked at each other, talking softly. She rubbed his shoulders while they talked. Suddenly she went up on tiptoe and kissed him. It looked as though Jeff was surprised as I was, but he rebounded quickly and took the kiss deeper, pulling her closer.

He lifted her, she wrapped her legs around him and he took her to the lounger at the other end of the pool, still quite within my vision. I was sure mom forgot my presence by now. He put her down and followed. Her soft thighs wrapped around him, and his ass tightened as he ground into her. They both still wore their suits, but Jeff was sure to dispose of them quickly, I thought laughing to myself.