Full Moon Strays Ch. 03


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When Jane's hands reached the backs of Red's knees, the lycanthrope gave out a throaty moan. 'So, she likes being touched there?' Jane thought. She stretched out, leaned over and gently kissed the spot she had just touched, touching the skin with her tongue. Red moaned louder. Jane smiled. She had figured something out on her own, just by exploring. She pushed her hand between Red's thighs, encouraging the latter woman to spread her legs again. It was an awkward angle, but she managed to sink a couple of fingers into Red's box while using her mouth to kiss and lick the sensitive areas behind Red's knees. Soon, she had Red humping the bed and Jane's hand in an attempt to achieve release. Jane almost got kicked in the head on a couple of occasions as Red got REALLY excited, but overall managed to avoid any injury.

"Oh don't stop," Red grunted. "I'm . . . almost . . . there!"

Suddenly, Jane's fingers were completely trapped as Red's powerful inner-muscles clamped down again. Jane was so proud as she waited for her lover's orgasm to dissipate, and it seemed to take forever. Jane was finally able to pull her fingers out and she tasted one of them. Sweet!

"We share in the Strays," Red reminded her. Jane lay down while Red turned onto her side, grabbing Jane's hand and taking one delicate finger into her mouth and sucking it clean. If Jane hadn't been so wiped from her evening's adventure and subsequent sex, she probably would have wanted to go again after that particular sight.

"That felt so wonderful," Jane said.

"Yes . . . yes it did." Red sat up and pulled Jane up next to her so they could slide the covers down and slip beneath them. "You know, I was with Natasha for years, and I don't know if she ever did to me what you just did. You're pretty creative when you try," Red said with a smile.

"I didn't know anyone could be so sensitive there. I guess there's more to sex than I thought." Jane snuggled up next to Red, resting her head in the crook of Red's neck. "There's so much I want you to show me," she whispered contentedly.

"And I'll be happy to show you," Red replied. "There are some things . . . variations we can try, but I think we need to wait and discuss THOSE when we're both a little more awake. Could you get the light?"

Jane didn't want to move because she had just gotten comfortable, and she suspected an ulterior motive when she caught Red staring at her ass when she crawled out from under the blankets. Jane smiled as she blew the candle out.

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Out in the Den . . .

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Mindy was sitting on the edge of the lower platform, her feet dangling over the tracks as she gnawed on a bit of beef jerky. She heard and smelled someone approached from behind her, but she didn't turn to look. She was still feeling fairly annoyed at herself.

"Want to talk about it?" Robbie asked, having a seat next to her.

"Or would you rather mope some more?" Arthur added, sitting on the other side.

There's nothing someone wallowing in self-degradation hates as much as someone else making fun of them for it. "Kiss off," Mindy muttered.

"I think that means she wants to mope," Robbie said, leaning forward and looking at Arthur.

It was Arthur's turn to lean forward. "But she did actually speak, which means she may want to talk about it, but in a hostile way."

"Mope," Robbie reiterated.

"Talk," Arthur countered.



"Thumb wrestle to see who's right?"

"Jolly good idea!"

Both men extended their arms and locked fingers. But before the thumb-war could start, Mindy grabbed both their wrists and turned them, causing a sharp pain and making both men repeat the word "Ow!" over and over again in rapid succession.

"What . . . I . . . want . . . is to be left alone," she grumbled, but now striving not to smile.

"Ha! Mope! I win!" Robbie crowed triumphantly, then Mindy twisted his wrist a little more.

Arthur just flashed Mindy a wry smile. "If we leave you alone, you'll just get more and more depressed. And we still need you."

Mindy sighed. The things she loved about Arthur were the same things she hated about him. He was just so . . . so damn right most of the time. "I was such an idiot," she said, accepting that these two clowns weren't going away until she talked things through. "I couldn't handle playing second string, and I took it out on someone who didn't deserve it, is emotionally unstable and has already proven how valuable she can be."

"And that was stupid and thoughtless," Arthur said calmly. "Just like a lot of people down here tend to be, every now and then. You apologized. She forgave you."

"She's a sweetheart," Mindy said. "She'd probably forgive Hitler if someone told her he was just misunderstood."

"Probably. But she's got a fire in her too. We saw that when the Hellspawn attacked. And she's going to need to get her emotional problems under control, because we won't always be able to coddle her along. But we need to get her there first. You know that in your heart, and I think we all trust you to be more careful." Arthur took her hand in his own and squeezed it. "We're all on edge right now. You're no more perfect than the rest of us . . . well, maybe you're more perfect than Robbie . . ."


" . . . and you're a lot closer to perfect than me."

Mindy blushed. "I doubt that. I guess I should check in on her," Mindy said, looking towards the lost and found room. "See if she needs anything."

Arthur looked amused. "Uhm, I don't think she's over there right now."

Robbie was grinning behind his hand. "And she probably doesn't want you 'checking in' right about now."

Mindy looked form one man to the other. "What are you two fools smiling about? Where's Jane?"

Arthur raised his eyebrows and glanced down the opposite tunnel.

"What? The only thing down there is Red!"

Arthur wiggled his eyebrows.

Mindy narrowed her eyes. "She's crashing with Red? Why, when she's got . . . Oh!" Mindy just clued in. She stared wide-eyed down the tunnel. "Oh my! When did THAT happen?"

"Yesterday it would seem," Robbie said. "I guess you took off so soon after the meeting that you missed the liplock heard round the Den."

Arthur rubbed his chin. "I'm not quite up on the specifics . . . actually, I don't think anyone is . . . but apparently Talia was expecting it to happen."

"She . . . I mean, Jane didn't say anything to me about it."

Robbie grimaced. "I think she wanted to. She's still more comfortable around the women than the men, and she really likes you . . . in a you've-been-nice-to-her sort of way. I saw her trying to say something to you a couple of times, but you kind of bit her head off."

Mindy felt the gloom return, while Arthur punched Robbie in the shoulder.

"Why don't you talk to her this evening? Don't over-apologize or anything . . . just a quick 'I'm sorry and was there anything you wanted to talk about?' kind of thing. We lost friends yesterday, so let's not risk losing any more."

Mindy just stared forward for a moment. She turned to Robbie. "Jane and your sister?"

He grinned. "I'm shocked too. She's so unlike Natasha it's scary."

"Do you think she knows about Nat?"

"I hope so. It's not like it's a big secret, and I have a feeling Jane's the sort of person who wouldn't handle it well . . . being surprised later down the road."

Mindy chuckled. "Great. I'm sitting over here kicking myself while everyone else . . . even Jane . . . is getting some. Who would've seen that one coming?"

"Well, the night isn't gone yet," Arthur said, darting his head in and kissing her on the neck.

"And I REALLY need to get the thought of my sister getting busy out of my mind," Robbie added, putting his hand on her denim-clad crotch and rubbing it.

"You two are . . . really . . . really . . . presumptuous, aren't you?" Mindy gasped. Arthur had to be the one who orchestrated this. He was the one who knew what she liked. "Thinking I'll just . . . give it up because . . . you're both handsome and . . ."

"And because you've been almost constantly horny since the day I met you?" Arthur whispered in her ear before nibbling on it.

"And because you like doing things you know would piss your brothers off?" Robbie added, unzipping her jeans and shoving his hand into them, pressing his fingers against her panties and rubbing her mound through the fabric.

"I think Arthur was closer to being right," Mindy said, chewing her bottom lip. "Can we take this . . . somewhere a little . . . little more private?"

The two men carried their female companion into one of the abandoned subway cars before stripping her as bare as the day she was born.

"C'mon," she whined. "Get naked dammit!"

Arthur grabbed Mindy around the chest from behind while a well-healed Robbie reached down and hooked each of her legs just above the knee, lifting her off the ground with his own body. Mindy hooked her legs around Robbie's waist, letting him unzip his pants and pushing them down pass his waist.

Mindy really wished she could have met Robbie and Red's parents, because they made some fine looking children. Robbie's eight inches of warm, woman-satisfying happiness sprung forward, smacking against her mound.

"Put it in!" she growled.

Robbie rubbed the head up and down her slot a few times, making the trapped woman squirm a bit before finally sinking in balls-deep. He could see the breath flow upward and out her mouth in a single contented gasp.

"That's what I need," she cooed, spurring Robbie's ass with her heels while he grabbed her thighs and went to town. As warm man-meat filled her passage, she turned her head and kissed Arthur on the chin. He turned and cocked his head, and her second kiss landed on his mouth, and that one lasted.

Arthur enjoyed kissing Mindy, but he enjoyed playing with her tits too, and he couldn't think of a single reason why he couldn't do both at the same time. His arms were criss-crossing her chest anyway, so he just latched on and toyed with her nipples like radio dials while they swapped breath, spit and tongues with their mouths.

Robbie and Mindy didn't get it on very often, so Robbie was going to milk the occasion for all it was worth. She was so wholesomely wanton that it was almost unbelievable, her pussy gripping his member like a glove while she spurred him to ride her faster. He lightly raked his fingers over her firm stomach, then went back to gripping her upper thighs.

"Put me down," Mindy said.

"But I just got comfortable," Robbie complained, enveloped in her warmth.

"You . . . will be again," she responded.

Robbie pulled out and they put Mindy's feet on the ground. She immediately dropped to her knees and sucked Robbie's beautiful dick into her mouth, stretching out a hand to fumble with Arthur's pants. When she finally felt his meat in her hand she tugged on his rod and pulled him over until she could go from sucking one cock to the other without missing a beat.

"She's a frisky little thing," Robbie muttered after she had downed his whole staff.

She pulled off, smiled and then downed Arthur's member. She slurped noisily and sucked hard, then pulled her two lover's cocks together, pushing the heads together and then stretching her lips around both of them.

'I think I'm going to rip my mouth,' she thought hungrily, unwilling to give up. She lashed the pee-holes of both purple helmets with her tongue before releasing them, spit spilling out of her mouth.

"That's new," Arthur said appreciatively as he watched the young woman suck on both heads again. 'Young woman? Hell, she's as old as I am,' he thought. 'Damn slow aging process.'

"I want you both to cum in my mouth at the same time," Mindy requested, looking up at the two men plaintively. "Please?"

"I'd kind of like to do some other stuff first," Robbie said.

Mindy's grip on both men's shafts tightened. "I want it . . . now," she said sternly.

"I think we'd better do what she says," Arthur said as the young woman took both heads in her mouth again. That small little opening seemed grotesquely stretched, but she didn't seem to mind. "Don't worry. She seems to have a knack for inspiring repeat performances."

The two men waited for about a minute, letting themselves relax as much as possible while Mindy stroked their meat. Arthur had to hold on for a few moments, but . . .

"Here we go sweet-cheeks," Robbie said, and he and Arthur blasted two substantial loads of man-goo into her mouth.

Mindy almost wondered if she had made a mistake as white sticky cream filled her mouth, making her puff her cheeks out like a squirrel. She hadn't realized when she started that it was exceedingly difficult to swallow like that, and precious cum dripped out before she pulled back and took a big gulp . . . just before the second pulses erupted and splattered on her face.

"Now that's a pretty sight," Arthur said with a chuckle as Mindy swirled her tongue around, licking the cum off her lips. And he actually meant it . . . Mindy was always pretty.

"Now, it's our turn," Robbie said. He and Arthur grabbed Mindy and hauled her cute butt up to one of the benches along the side of the car, each of them grabbing one leg and spreading them wide. "Did you want to go first or shall I?"

Arthur thought for a moment, then got on the floor in front of Mindy and placed his face between her thighs. He quickly stuck his tongue as far in as it could go, then wiggled it wildly. Robbie was sucking on Mindy's cute little tits and pulling on her nipples.

Mindy was loving this . . . there were tongues everywhere, making her skin tingle with delight. Robbie and Arthur quickly switched places, with Robbie excavating her sex with his tongue and Arthur lavishing attention on her nipples. But she and Arthur also exchanged some heated kisses, and Mindy could taste her own juices on his wonderful lips, and also on his tongue as it penetrated her mouth.

Robbie was raking the inside of Mindy's slot with his tongue, moving it like a little jackhammer in her cunt. He quickly added his fingers to the mix, shoving three of them into her opening while lashing out at her clit with his tongue. He played around with her nether regions, spreading her opening in different directions to see what made her moan the loudest. He pushed his fingers against the several spots on the front wall of her cavity until he found a little disc that made Mindy's whole body shudder.

Arthur was cheating again, using his healing magic to coax his member back to full staff. Mindy's hand quickly sought it out, stroking it while they kissed and while Robbie performed some magic of his own between her thighs.

"I could really use some tea," Mindy said, blushing a bit as she did. Arthur knew what that was code for.

Arthur grinned and stood up on the bench, then lowered his testicles to Mindy's mouth. She licked each warm globe before sucking them into her mouth one at a time. She even licked that flap of skin between the balls and the anus, but she mostly just tongued his balls and lower shaft while a steady pressure built up inside her body. Robbie's tongue and fingers were more than doing their jobs as Mindy neared climax, then the dam finally broke and she spilled onto his hand.

"Switch again?" Arthur asked politely.

"Why not?" Robbie replied. Arthur reluctantly moved away from Mindy's mouth and got between his favorite lover's thighs, sliding his now-hard prick into her slick pussy while Robbie offered her his semi-flaccid member, which she gratefully took into her mouth and started to nurse back to health. It was Robbie's turn to groan, as his meat was still sensitive from having climaxed. Luckily, the little hellcat that was sucking him was quite adept at the oral arts, and he found himself returning to full strength while completely engulfed in her maw. After he was completely stiff again, she let his cock slide out with a "plop" and started sucking on his heavy balls, her hand stroking his shaft.

Arthur was just relishing Mindy's tight cunt, feeling its velvety grip on his rod as he pumped her with a good, steady rhythm. Her legs wrapped around him, enjoying his leisurely fucking while she orally stimulated the living hell out of Robbie. She was done playing with his balls and was deep-throating his substantial rod again, her lips cupping his balls as they pressed against her chin.

"Wanna try something new?" Arthur asked innocently.

Mindy barely heard him over the sloppy blowjob she was giving, but she knew something was up when Robbie . . . slowly . . . pulled his entire length from her mouth. Arthur grabbed her hips and managed to get both their bodies to roll sideways so that Mindy was on top with Arthur's cock still inside her.

"What . . . what did you have in mind?" she asked as his cock continued to penetrate her.

Suddenly, Robbie was behind her and Mindy almost panicked. She had seen Anya in this position many times, and she wasn't sure she was ready to handle anything bigger than a finger up her behind. She had considered letting Arthur have THAT privilege but . . . Mindy felt something unexpected. Robbie wasn't pushing his cock into her asshole. Instead, he was pushing it into her pussy, just above where Arthur was embedded.

"No way," she moaned, torn between nervousness and desire, "you can't possibly fit both those things . . ."

"I'm pretty sure we can," Arthur said, pulling her ass-cheeks apart so Robbie could see what he was doing. "You took Tarloh in there, and neither of us are nearly that big."

"But . . . together you two are . . . oh God!"

The head of Robbie's prick had slowly found its way inside, pushing down on Arthur's cock as it tried to make room. Robbie was obviously not going to rush this. Arthur had stopped moving, and had to admit to getting a bit of a thrill when he felt something sliding against his member which was already under tremendous pressure.

Mindy felt like a ten-pound turkey being filled with eleven pounds of stuffing. It was so much headier of an experience than just having a big dick in her. Even with Arthur becoming more passive, he was moving a little and Mindy had man-meat going in two different directions in the same confined space, and her brain was completely unable to process the experience coherently. The only thing that was clear to her . . . she liked it. She had never felt that filled, and she wanted more.

"Fuck me!" she barked as her vaginal walls relaxed a little. Robbie started to fuck her as fast as he reasonably could, the head of his penis sliding over the mushroom head of Arthur's member as it went in and out.

But Robbie had one other trick to play, and he pushed his thumb into Mindy's butt-hole. That actually caused the girl to screech before she covered her mouth, her eyes wide with surprise. And when Robbie's other thumb worked its way into her sphincter as well, she sort of collapsed against Arthur's chest while the two handsome men used her body as they willed . . . she wouldn't argue with them even if she wanted to. But she started getting more lively again as she felt another big orgasm coming up. Someone's dick was banging against her g-spot which, combined with her sense of fullness in her pussy and having thumbs in her ass, was going to cause her to erupt.

"I'm . . . gonna . . . oh, please, make me cum!" she whispered.

"I'll do one better," Arthur said, placing one hand between their bodies and concentrating his magical energies towards her crotch.

Mindy's brain began to glow . . . that was the only way she could possible describe it. Arthur had done this before . . . using his magic to amplify the power of the pleasurable nerve-endings in her pussy and brain during climax. Stacked on top of what was already going to be the motherload of all orgasms . . .