Galactic Slut Ch. 07


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Xylon casinos were not the bastions of glitter and hype that such establishments were in the Federation. The humble building had nothing to draw attention to itself, unlike the markets, which were decorated in bright and gaudy glowing colors. Inside, we found a subdued atmosphere with several tables visible with men playing some form of card game. The building was entirely aquatic, making the movement of the cards slow and graceful.

Brusjin and I attracted attention, no doubt due to my presence. I smiled, thinking how much more attention I was going to attract later. We picked a larger table and watched the game unfold for a bit, trying to get a handle on the basics of play. The cards had six...suits, I guess. Unlike cards from most cultures, not all the suits had the same number of cards in them. The object seemed to be to rid one's hand of all your cards first. The losers paid the winners based on the values of the cards.

[Crystal, do you understand the game?]


I gave Brusjin a hand signal (we'd agreed on a few basic ones to put off the surprise for as long as possible) to indicate that he should join so we could watch more.

"Would anyone mind if an alien joined your game?" he asked the table.

I saw several smiles that could only be described as predatory as one male looked up and asked, "Do you understand how to play Fizzbin?"

"I think I've gathered the basics. There may be some intricacies I'm a little weak on, but I'm sure gentlemen such as yourselves will fill me in as we go."

"Then, by all means, have a seat and we'll deal you in." The next hand started to deal as the speaker continued. "We haven't seen many aliens in the casino. I was beginning to think that aliens didn't have an interest in business."

"Oh, trust me; the Federation is filled with businessmen. Most, however, are waiting to see how your application for protectorate status goes. Of course, there's a natural concern for being taken at the tables."

"That's understandable. Fizzbin is a complex game. I notice you've brought your slave with you. Is that for good luck?"

"That's one way to put it. I don't go many places without Susan at my side."

Another one at the table chuckled. "That's really quite cute; naming your slave. Don't you worry about her getting into trouble?"

"No, she's not much trouble at all."

The game had started and players were discarding or drawing additional cards in turn around the table. Not surprisingly, Brusjin was getting his ass kicked. What he was able to do was ask direct questions about how the game and the scoring worked. Soon, Crystal had the game down enough for the two of us to spring the surprise. I gave Brusjin the signal.

Brusjin suddenly stood and stretched, commenting as he did, "If you'll excuse me, I need to deal with something. Susan will take over for me."

The reaction was immediate and as expected. Several players blanched and two pointed out that slaves simply couldn't understand the game. I silenced by sitting and saying, "Of course, Brusjin. Will you be gone long?"

The silence lasted several seconds, during which Brusjin walked away, leaving me with the seven males at the table. There was an eruption of noise as the men all began talking at the same time. Everyone was trying to ask just how I was able to talk. A couple tried to call Brusjin back, but he ignored them. I stayed silent for a little longer, gathering up the cards and starting to shuffle them (we had waited until it was Brusjin's deal).

Once I had shuffled sufficiently, I asked, "Is everyone in?"

They quieted again and looked at me; really looked at me this time. Soon they could see the intelligence in my eyes as I dealt the cards according to the rules that had been explained earlier. Once everyone had 12 cards (except for the person to my right who had 13), I nodded to the man to my right and he absentmindedly played a white shell.

As play started, the conversation began. The Xylon who invited us to play asked, "So, I assume your Master left to allow you to show that you're truly intelligent and not just well trained?"

"Yes, though Brusjin isn't my Master. I'm not actually a slave, but it's hard to explain since your language doesn't have separate words for someone who is the property of another and someone who is the female life companion of a male."

"But, you have a mark of ownership."

"Ah, well there were these ruffians who challenged Brusjin'sownershipand we added a mark simply as a means to fend off the need to kill people." I nodded at Grankt who was standing at some distance, much to his dismay. At my nod, he approached and stood behind me. "Grankt is very good at protecting the two of us."

"So, what quirk of evolution allowed for the development of intelligent females on your home world?"

"It's funny you should ask that," I replied, playing a four frond plant card as I did. "You see, every race in the Federation has intelligent females. Your species is rather unique in that the females aren't sentient." I let them comment for a while on how unbelievable such a development was. Once they had quieted again, I added, "In fact, most species have only two sexes with the females filling both the role of egg providers and young bearers. There are a few trisexual species, but even then, the child bearers are sentient."

"This is amazing. Why has no alien told us of that before?"

"I suspect that no one knew that you needed to be told. Brusjin and I didn't know until after we arrived. It's so unique as to be unthinkable. It doesn't help that the Federation has slavery as well."

"Wait a minute." He played an upright fish as he asked, "If your females are sentient, how can you have slavery?"

With that one question, my faith in this race was magnified 20 fold. "I'm ashamed to have to admit this. There are planets in the Federation that allow the enslavement of other sentient being; even beings of the same species."


"Barbaric? Yes, I agree. One of the things Brusjin and I are trying to do is end slavery on the planets where it's legal. We've discovered that when a slave world is exposed to the freedoms and benefits of the majority of the Federation, they soon leave their slavery behind."

"So, the planets with this perverted version of slavery are in the process shedding the institution. So this Federation is good for something. We were worried about that. Your government has far too much ability to act swiftly. Such is the genesis of tyranny."

"Be that as it may, the reason I'm sitting here is to make sure that your people learn about the women of other species as soon as possible. A challenge of ownership on a woman who isn't a slave would be disastrous for your planet, courtesy of a government able to react to things with incredible speed."

"I see your point. I think we can be confident that the word is spreading as we speak. If I may ask a question, how do your females deal with the hormonal changes brought about by pregnancy?"

I laughed loud and long; or what passes for laughing underwater. "Most women would say we haven't. Of course, for most species the periodic hormonal disturbances known as menstruation act as a kind of training. If I may ask a question of my own, are your females active in sex?"

The looks of embarrassment on their faces was priceless. My short time as a slave and the time since, when sexual favors were a coin for me, I'd lost much of my inhibitions about sex. Of course, it was never as bad as these men.

"I take it public discussion of such a subject is frowned upon?"

"Ah...yes, you could say that."

"That's another aspect of Federation society that you need to understand. There are species in the Federation for whom sex is a very public thing. They'll be here and in your face, so to speak. I do have a reason for asking."

The men looked at each other. The game had come to a halt. Two left the table, apparently unable to bring themselves to talk about sex. The others waited a short while before turning back to me.

"You speak of sex as if it's something more than a way to reproduce the species. What do you understand about our reproduction?"

"I know that your two genders of males implant in a female where the egg and sperm combine to produce a baby. The data file I read didn't talk much about the sexual act itself, but I assume it's much like the sexual act for humans with the male organ being inserted into the female canal."

"That's correct. There's mild pleasure involved in the process, but most men find far more pleasure in self-gratification. Because of that, our species has had a relatively stable population for centuries."

"What would happen if the sexual act with a female took on heightened levels of pleasure; nearly ecstatic in nature?"

I smiled as one of them answered, "Population explosion."

"So, what about my original question? Are your females active participants in the sexual act?"

"No, they're simple animals, barely able to eat and breed."

"Human women are active, sometime aggressive, participants in sex. The same is true of most of the races in the Federation; a few of the egg laying species being the exception. Interspecies sex is also popular in the Federation."

"Are you saying that women from the Federation would come here to have sex with our men? Why?"

"Several reasons. Sex with aliens is free from the risk of pregnancy; the thrill of something wild and different; even love in some cases. I doubt there'd be enough women showing up to make a dent in your species' reproduction rates."

"But are we compatible with any of the races in your Federation?"

"Well, there's one way to find out." I said with a seductive grin (which was lost on them). "Anyone feeling adventurous? I can promise you, it'll be incredibly fun."

One man, the one who'd been doing the most speaking, stood and drifted over to me. "My home is nearby. Shall we?"

I could tell he was very nervous. I suspected he had been close to not taking me up on my offer. I had a suspicion that it was the public venue and not the prospective sex that was putting him almost off. The simple fact was that any race that didn't wear clothes (underwater races never did, beyond tool holding harnesses), wouldn't develop taboos the same way that clothed races did. Visual sexuality wouldn't be a turn on. That probably explained why they had such a strong taboo against speaking about sex. It would be senses other than sight that would arouse. In fact, I'd seen evidence that some of the men at the table had become aroused during our talking. On the way out of the casino, we ran into Brusjin.

"Susan dear, I take it the talk went well?"

"Oh yes, the word is going out as we speak. Did you know that their females aren't active in sex?"

"They're not? That sounds positively boring."

"I'm going to show Globlin (we'd exchanged names at some point) here the joys of interspecies sex."

"Ah, well don't have too much fun, either of you."

With that, Globlin and I left and swam a short bit to his residence, part of a residential complex. His was on the 23rd floor and we entered through his outer entry. His husband and wife were there. It was the first female I'd seen of their species and things started to make a little more sense. The data file had not made clear the differences in the physiology of the genders. The females, while they possessed the same outer attributes (beyond sexual of course), lacked some of the more refined characteristics. The legs and arms looked normal, but close up I could see the fingers weren't capable of manipulation. The eyes were smaller and had a less intelligent look to them. Later, the Federation would discover that female eyes weren't capable of seeing fine detail. Not only was this female not intelligent, if it had developed intelligence it wouldn't be able to use it. Its entire body was designed to eat, breed, and swim.

Globlin's husband was also there. Once he'd explained what was going on, they both turned to me with expectation. I smiled and glided towards them. The water allowed me to gracefully land on my knees in front of Globlin. He looked confused and I knew then that he'd never encountered oral sex. Fortunately, the mechanical gills didn't cover my mouth (talking would have been impossible otherwise). I'd long since acclimated to the salty taste of the sea water. My first licks at his cock brought an instant stiffening and a gasp from above. I continued to lick at his cock and enjoyed watching the way it seemed to throb and pulse. It didn't take long for lubrication to start oozing from the sides. Unlike my own, or Brusjin's precum, this was a thick, clingy fluid that didn't wash away in my saliva or the seawater. I could lick it off, with effort, and that action was obviously pleasurable to Globlin. The taste was milky.

When his hips started to thrust a little, I rose up and took him into my mouth. His cock wasn't all that long, but was very wide, forcing me to stretch my lips almost painfully. As I bobbed on him, tickling what I could reach with my tongue, he gave out a keening wail of a noise. Shortly, he came, his cock throbbing and a solid stream of cum flowed from him. His cum was much thicker than human cum, almost the consistency of cold pudding. He was extremely salty, more so that the sea water around us had been. I swallowed quickly, not letting any of the fluid escape. In the back of my mind, I had this vision of streams of cum floating in the water, getting onto everything.

When he'd finished, I looked up and saw his husband, Frant, looking in awe. His question made me realize how much room there was for confusion. "Your vagina is in your face?"

I stifled a laugh and corrected him. "No, this is my vagina, also called a pussy or cunt." I brushed myself and let the pleasure show. "I was just letting Globlin experience the joys of oral sex."

"You made sex with the same thing you eat with? If we tried that with slave, she'd bite our dicks off." I marveled at the proficiency of our translation software and its ability to translate slang so well.

"I'm not surprised. I doubt she'd be able to understand the difference. Among many species, oral sex is quite popular, both for the pleasure it can bring and for its effectiveness as a means of contraception. You can't get pregnant from eating sperm."

Globlin gave a cough. Have you ever noticed that every species has the equivalent of a cough to precede embarrassing information? "You didn't eat sperm, you ate eggs."

"Oh well, cum is cum, no matter what it carries. Some men have their ability to ejaculate sperm surgically prevented, so then I'm swallowing nothing."

Frant looked at me with undisguised lust. "Do you fuck as well?"

I gave a loud bark of a laugh. "Oh yes, enthusiastically. Would you like to?"

He didn't say anything, but his cock sprang to life at my words (yes, very audio orientated). He pushed off towards me and I found myself impaled by a surprisingly accurate thrust of his body. His cock was much longer than Globlin's and I felt the tip impact my cervix. I gasped and thrust down even harder. It had been quite some time since I'd been taken that deeply. I wrapped my arms about him and worked his cock like I was a dying woman in search of medicine. My pussy squeezed his cock as I bounced in time with his thrusts. I was glad I moisten quickly and that I find giving oral sex highly arousing in its own right.

He seemed to have more staying power than his husband and was still fucking me hard when I came the first time. I shuddered as waves of ecstasy rolled over me. My orgasm was prolonged by the shape of his torso, which bulged just right to be constantly rubbing on my clit. As I came down a bit, pain flashed through me as my now overly sensitive clit was still being rubbed raw. I tried to hide the discomfort, wanting his time to be memorable for the pleasure instead of my pain.

He came several minutes later, his body locking up and another steady flow of cum poured out of him. His cum was much cooler than Brusjin's and the temperature difference set off another mini-orgasm. His cum, too, seemed to be thicker than human cum; probably to help it stay in a female in the water environment.

The two men were very business like afterwards, thanking me for the experience and offering to swim me back to the casino. It took Brusjin and I only a week to find several things of value that Xylon had to offer; and that was only because I spent most of my time demonstrating the advantages of a sentient female for a sexual partner. I was glad of my Trilotozene treatment, as most married pairs preferred straight fucking. I guess oral sex was a bit much for them, given the danger of such sex with their own women. As we readied to depart, I wondered how many husbands would be exploring the possibilities of oral sex between themselves. Male on male sex just never seemed to come up when I was around.

Thanks again to Dani for the wonderful editing job. I'm sorry this chapter took longer than normal, but classes have started and I'm busy with the whole teaching thing. I love hearing what you think of my stories, so please comment.

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TheMarchHareTheMarchHarealmost 9 years ago
I thought it was a Hellfire trap for sure!

I was sure that the Hellfire group had laid a trap for Brusjin and Susan.

It had seemed very convenient that Xylon was one of two slave planets that came up in the search... and there was a freighter conveniently going right to that planet.

I am too suspicious. I liked the Fizzbin reference also. HAH!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Nice Chapter

I like the society you've developed. Admittedly, the sex felt shoehorned in, but that's to be expected in erotica.

Also, I laughed at the Star Trek reference... very nice little tidbit there with "Fizzbin."

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Male and Female

It is quite difficult applying the traditonal male and female terms when talking about what is basically a tri-gendered species.

Sperm Barer, Egg Barer, and Womb Barer. The matter of having species with more than one gender within Sci-Fi stories is not unheard of (some species in Star Trek, but also the Kurii Lange came up with).

Even the concept of "slave" in a society like the one in this story comes into question, as it is actually the two sentient genders who care for the well-being of the non-sentient gender.

DryhillDryhillalmost 13 years ago

You really are letting Your imaganition run riot with this story, and very enjoyable it is. Thanks again for another excellent chapter.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Your ending remark

Your ending remark in this chapter was highly entertaining, I thought it was quite fitting, and very well played.

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