Games People Play


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Before me, was an attractive, young woman in her mid-twenties. She was short, delicate, and small-boned. Her blond hair was chopped short to frame her face and to emphasize her big, blue eyes. To say that this lovely woman was well-endowed would have been an understatement. Her tits were larger, fuller, and rounder than my wife's nice set, and on her small frame they looked huge. She stood in front of me for a second in shock, and then squealed before turning, and dashing out of sight. I watched her cute, pale tail as she ran away.

I was surprised and elated. I was so mesmerized by her breast, I forgot to look down to see if she was shaved or not. I closed their door and went home. About an hour later, I returned and apologized. Belle was fully dressed. She blushed and said, "I can't be mad at you. I was pissed thinking it was my forgetful husband once again locking himself out of the house causing me to stop what I'm doing and rescue him. The error was mine and I paid the price. We needn't talk about this again and I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention it to anyone."

"I can keep a secret," I said. I got the measurement I needed and left.

The next weekend, James and I did the plumbing rough-in. We replaced drain pipes and supply lines. The water was shut off so Belle and James had meals with us, did their laundry, and showered at our place.

That's when Belle saw my dick for a second time.

Their house had old, decrepit cast iron sewer pipes. Part of our project was to replace them with new PVC pipes. While removing one of the cast iron pipes, it broke and I got shit on me.

I went home to wash and change clothes. Going straight to the laundry room, I stripped and used the big sink to rinse my dirty clothes before putting them into the washing machine. Belle walked in on me with a basket of dirty clothes. She saw me naked from behind, stopped short, and said, "Oh. Sorry. I didn't know you were in here...naked."

I turned, showed her the goods, saw her red face, and matter-a-factly said, "This is your fault."

She saw my cock and looked away before stepping back. Stopping in her tracks, she gave me a confused look and asked, "How is me seeing you naked my fault? You're supposed to be at my house working on the bathroom."

I rested my butt against the edge of the sink, showing no fear, anxiety or dismay about being discovered naked.

With fake bravado and obviously insincere outrage, I said, "It is your fault. If not you, then women in general. Damn Tampons are convenient for you, but when flushed down toilets they get stuck in the pipes. I got crap all over me while removing a clogged drainpipe. Your species..."

She gave me a bemused look and asked, "Species?"

"Well, that is incorrect. Your gender would be more accurate."

"Oh. So now I'm responsible for every woman who has ever used the toilet at my fifty-year-old house?" she said with a smirk on her face.

"Yes," I answered while gesturing wildly and strutting in a pompous manner.

She dropped her basket on the floor, took a step forward, pointed her finger at me, and smiled. "You can't blame this predicament on me. My uncle, may he rest in peace, was a plumber. I've heard this rant before. He and my father made sure I learned that my feminine hygiene products go in the trash and only toilet paper goes into the commode."

She eyed my naked, lanky frame and said, "I can't believe I'm arguing with a naked man. My first instinct was to run away, but after you taunted me, I had to stay and defend myself, my gender, and ignore your wrinkled penis."

She and I shared a laugh.

"Go shower," she said. "I'm doing laundry. I'll deal with your dirty clothes."

I bowed and exited.

The next weekend, I was at my son and daughter-in-law's house helping to install the new toilet, sink, and showerhead. James was reading the instructions on the fancy faucet he and Belle had selected. The water was to flow through a crystal spout and spill like a waterfall into a chrome basin. The movement of the water powered LED lights which would change colors ranging from blue to red depending upon the temperature of the water. It looked great in the video.

I said, "I'll cut the water off while you read the manual."

"Uh-huh," my son mumbled without looking at me.

I went down the stairs into the basement. Ahead of me was the furnace, a water heater, and the water and electrical connections. A previous owner had enclosed a portion of the basement making a laundry room. The path to the water valve took me past the open laundry room door.

I glanced in and saw Belle, or the back of her to be more specific, dancing in her underwear to the music coming from her Apple EarPods. She opened the washing machine, took a bunch of bras and panties from her basket, and dropped them in. She unhooked and removed her bra before she bent over, straight at the waist the way only women can, rolled her underwear down her tanned thighs, and stepped out of them.

I stopped in my tracks and stared in awe at her cute, firm bum. I saw her pink, crinkled asshole, and the fat, cleft lips of her hairless sex. She dropped her soiled undies in with the others, put in detergent, and turned the machine on.

She began dancing again. She spun around with her arms and legs moving rhythmically and her big breasts bouncing around like crazy. She stopped when she saw me and screamed, "Ahh!"

I smiled broadly and said, "Wow!"

Belle grabbed the sweatsuit that was on the dryer and held it to her chest. She looked shocked, surprised, and panicked. She was breathing deeply and her eyes were wide open. She pulled her EarPods out and looked at me as if she was expecting an explanation.

I said wow and told her she was a good dancer and asked if she was doingThe Pony.

"What are you doing here?" she screeched.

"James and I are working on the bathroom. I need to turn the water off. I was walking by and stopped to watch you dance. I didn't expect you to get naked."

"Why did you stay and watch me when I was naked?" she asked, sounding upset.

"You're a beautiful woman and a good dancer. I stayed because I wasn't sure if this was an accident or done in a manner that would give you plausible deniability. You just happened to be doing the laundry when you knew I was upstairs, and you had your EarPods in so you wouldn't hear me come down the steps, and catch you removing your underwear and putting them in the wash.

"Why would I do that?" she objected.

"Because that's howThe Game is played."

"What game?"

I was beginning to think this was an accident. I said, "Can we talk later? James must be wondering why I haven't shut off the water and returned upstairs. He may come here looking for me and wonder why his wife is naked. Let me finish the bathroom project, you send James out on some errand, we'll have a beer, and I'll explain everything.

Two hours later, the new bathroom fixtures and cabinet were in place and properly plumbed. Belle inspected our work and said, "Oh! I love it! James, we should celebrate. Go to that BBQ place we like, and pick up dinner for your folks and us. Oh! And stop by the Cheesecake Factory and get an Oreo cheesecake."

"Yes. Great idea. I'm on it," James said. He grabbed his keys and went to pick up our feast.


Belle and I got a beer and went into the family room. She sat on the sofa and took a long swig as I sat across from her in an easy chair

"Belle, let me tell you aboutThe Game. First, it doesn't involve sex. It's about exposing your body and seeing another person's naked body for the fun of it. The game is all about voyeurism and exhibitionism.

"You know the brain releases hormones such as dopamine and endorphins that make people feel good. People crave these pleasurable sensations and have learned they can trigger the release of these hormones by eating chocolate, exercising, or having sex. Some people are more desperate for the high and will go to greater lengths and take drugs, gamble, or do extreme sports, like skydiving.

"I've learned that I can get the charge these hormones provide without jumping out of an airplane. I get my thrill by exposing myself and seeing women naked.

"I learnedThe Game from my mother-in-law. She learned it from her husband's grandfather."


I told Belle about Yvette, how we got started, and how we playedThe Game for decades. I explained how she learned it from Pierre. I emphasized that no one ever had sex. The joy was in looking and being looked at and that we took our lust home to our spouses.

She hung on my every word, slacked jawed and wide-eyed. She asked, incredulously, "You saw your mother-in-law's pussy?"

"Many times. Sometimes she'd masturbate for me. The point I want to make is we enjoyedThe Game, we were able to express our sexuality, and no one got hurt. I'm not telling you about this because it's some kind of family tradition that you're obligated to continue, I think it would be good for you."

I paused and looked deep into her eyes trying to express my sincerity and concern for her. "When James introduced you to the family, Simone and I were thrilled that he'd found someone to share his life with. You impressed us as a beautiful, intelligent woman. You also struck us as a shy, quiet woman with a huge chest and we couldn't help, but think that your demeanor was a result of your bust size."


"I'm guessing that your boobs caused you to receive more attention from men than you wanted and probably the wrong kind of attention. That would cause anyone to be shy, retiring, and quiet."

"Men would say the most vulgar things to me," she said. "I was propositioned by men my father's age when I was in high school! It was gross. I wore baggy clothes in high school and college to hide my breasts."

"I thought as much. I'm offering you a safe way to be sexy."

She blushed and asked, "Why would I want to be sexy?"

"We are sexual creatures with a sexual identity and sexual self-esteem."

"Sexual identity I get. Is a person straight or gay? What is sexual self-esteem?" she asked.

"It refers to how a person feels about their body, their confidence level, and how it affects the way they relate intimately to someone else."

"Okay. What does this mean to me?"

"Imagine that there's a woman who is anxious about how her stomach looks. When she's naked and riding her boyfriend, she sucks her stomach in or is constantly repositioning herself so that it appears flat. She focuses so much on how her stomach looks that she doesn't enjoy the sex and doesn't connect with her partner.

"Her partner notices her distracted, detached attitude and thinks she's not into him, that she isn't attracted to him. As a result, they gradually stop having sex and their relationship fizzles."

"So you think I'm a quiet girl and have low sexual self-esteem because I'm self-conscious about my big boobs?"


Belle tilted her head and looked off into the distance for a minute and said, "You might be right."

"Do you initiate sex? Do you enjoy it? How frequently do you have sex? Do you know someone so comfortable in her skin that she oozes confidence and is naturally sexy? Do you wish you were more like her?"

Belle pondered my questions. Tears came to her eyes, spilled over, and ran down her cheek. "I'm a terrible wife!"

I went to her, held her, and let her cry on my shoulder. When the sobbing ended, I said, "You can learn and change and accept and express your sexuality with James."

She pulled back and asked with quivering lips, "How?"

"I'm no expert but I think it would begin with getting to know your body, realizing that it's okay to enjoy sex and that you're worthy of pleasure. Don't be a spectator during sex. Do the things you like and tell James what you want him to do to you.

"For a start, rewrite your sexual script. We all have one. Many things form it. Like what was your parents' attitude about sex? What did they and other adults tell you? What did you learn from the sexual experiences you had? Many of those stories are painful and shame-filled. Yours includes the vulgar things men said to you because of your large breasts. You can decide not to let those experiences define who you are.

"And you can tap into your inner sexpot! Think about what a sexually confident woman might look like: What would she wear? How would she behave? What would she think? Go buy the kind of sexy clothes that this woman would wear and role-play being her. It's the old slogan: fake it till you make it! Act as if you are a sexpot. Actions often proceed motivation and can change how you think and feel. The new, sexy, and confident Belle just might enjoy flashing her father-in-law and playingThe Game!"

I got up and left. I didn't know if anything I'd said helped or hurt the young woman. I got my answer three weeks later when the kids had Simone and me over for dinner.

Belle and James greeted us at the door with big smiles. James looked happy. Belle looked spectacular. She'd done her hair, made up her face, and was wearing a sexy wrap dress. It hugged her figure and exposed more cleavage than she usually did. Her tits wobbled when she stepped towards me to kiss me on the cheek. She was braless!

James took our jackets while Belle excused herself to go into the kitchen.

Simone leaned into me and said, "Belle looks lovely, relaxed, and confident. I'm guessing you noticed she isn't wearing a bra."

"Oh? I hadn't."

My wife elbowed me in the ribs and said, "Liar. It's okay to look, but don't stare."

We had a lovely meal, a nice bottle of wine, and a good time. Belle was more talkative than usual engaging the three of us in conversation. After dessert, we cleared the table and stacked the dishes on the kitchen counter.

Belle said, "James, show your mother the pictures of us at the zoo. We went there last weekend. Some of the photos are hilarious. I think they're in the family room. Brent, could you help me with the coffee?"

James and Simone exited the kitchen. Belle quickly undid her wrap dress and opened it to show me her naked body. She was smiling.

"Wow! Gorgeous," I said.

"This is me saying thank you. I feel much better about my body. Our sex life has improved exponentially, and I am officially inThe Game!"


At the end of the evening, Belle and James said goodbye to us and we thanked them for a great meal. We walked the short distance to our house. It was a warm evening and we had a full moon to light our way. Simone said, "That was nice. They looked so happy, so in love. Belle was gorgeous. She's come a long way from that quiet, shy, girl we first met."

"Yes, she has."

As we entered our home, I asked, "Do you want a nightcap?"


I poured the drinks while Simone went into the bedroom. I found her standing naked primping in front of the mirror and said, "Wow. You got undressed fast."

She laughed and said, "I know what's coming. After three hours of being around a young, beautiful, braless, big-boobed woman, you are going to pull an iron pipe from your pants and rail me. Not that I mind. I'm ready, I just squirted some lube into my vagina. Give me that shot of rye and you can ravish me."

I handed her a shot glass, downed mine, and set it on the dresser. I set a new land speed record getting undressed. My prick was bigger and harder than usual thanks to Belle.

My wife fell to her knees, inspected it, and sucked my cock. "Mmmm. Just as I thought you brought the big bat out to play."

She flopped on the bed and spread her legs. I dove between them and buried my head in her pussy. "Mmmm. Mango," I said before returned to

one of my life's passions, eating my wife's delicious pussy.

Soon I was standing with Simone's ankles on my shoulders and I was slamming my thick cock into her. We progress through several positions all of which allow me to pound her pussy.

She released a noisy breath and got on top of me facing away. She slipped my dick inside her, laughed, and said, "I'm hiding my breasts and face so you can pretend your fucking Belle."


"It's okay. It's a man's nature. Belle's young, beautiful, and she was braless tonight. Of course, you're worked up. As long as you look and don't touch I'm okay. What's the saying? I don't care where you get your appetite, as long as you eat at home."

"I love you, Simone. You're the best wife ever!"

"I am and don't you forget it. Now, ring my bell!"

She rode me reverse cowgirl. I watched my penis slip in and out of her pussy and I did imagine it was Belle. I loved it. It excited me, but I stayed focused enough to make sure that Simone climaxed before me. I'm no dummy.

The End

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wwaldripwwaldrip11 months ago

Interesting 🧐 story about The Game, really enjoyed reading about Yvette’s escapades through the years. As well as continuing The Game through the family history.

SirechoSirechoalmost 2 years ago

I am always looking. I am a voyeur and always looking but seldom see enough. Loved your story and would really like to put myself in if.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I love this story as I also love being naked. So whenever possible,I am naked. I have even been on bike trails next to a tree with my long cock out of my pants stroking it as young hot women walked by. Bravo,keep more stories cumming. Lol

amsterdamamsterdamabout 4 years ago
Great fun

That had a bit of everything - loved it. Bravo.

Life lessons through accidental on purpose nudity :-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Just when I thought I had a clear winner... you just came along to ruin it. Out of the countless stories I read, there was one that shone out in my mind in particular. However, your story shines in a different way, but shines just as brightly. Actually, I congratulate you on bringing the fun into the competition, as I believe you stand a great chance of winning, and if I decided who the winner was, I'd be hung up between this story and a certain other story. Your story is interesting, erotic, and short and entertaining. Bravo on a story well written.

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