Gina the Loving Naive Wife Pt. 01

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Part 1: Gina helps her husband fight depression.
10.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/04/2020
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It was 20:00 on Friday night, Gina was just returning home from another long shift at the hospital. "I hope he's done something today." She thought to herself as she approached the front door.

Gina was referring to her husband Alex, he'd been signed off work for the best part of the last 6 months with depression. Gina had done everything she could think of to help. She had helped him find a good counsellor, tried to keep him active where possible and always made herself available should he want to open up.

To further her concerns Alex's manager Lee had talked about not being able to keep his job open much longer, Lee and Alex had a good friendship so it was hard for Lee to put him in this position, but the guys in work were all doing extra to cover Alex's area and it was starting to take a strain on them.

Lee in general was a decent guy, he was almost 50 about 5ft 10, he had a little bit of a beer belly and was starting to go grey. He was still quite active though and was fairly fit for his age. He always said working in sales is what made him grey.

Back when Gina and Alex first met 9 years ago Alex was 22 and the life and soul of the party, he was already working with Lee as a regional sales consultant, and was very good at it. He was always very confident in himself. This is what first attracted her to him, that and the fact he was 6ft tall, blue eyes, light brown hair and very in shape. Alex was a border line gym addict. They actually met at a health club, Gina and her friends would often go for coffee and cake, whilst taking in the view of the men working out.

One day Gina had gone for a swim after her friends left, she then decided to go and relax in the hot tub, Alex had finished a workout and entered the spa area. He had a tight pair of speedo's on showing a hefty bulge. As he exited the shower Gina couldn't help but stare at his chiselled body, his 6-pack glistening as he walked across to the tub.

He took an instant interest in Gina and who could blame him, she was 21, 5ft 2, slim and very attractive. She sat there in her yellow bikini with a smile on her face, she had long blonde hair tied back and mesmerizing green eyes. They started talking and they enjoyed each other's company, finding out they liked similar things.

When Gina got out the tub Alex couldn't take his eyes of her ass. Gina was slim but she still had a curvaceous ass which swayed side to side as she glided across to the shower. He slapped himself for not asking her out. He quickly got out, and rushed to get dressed making sure he was out the men's before she came out the ladies changing area.

He had come straight from work so had to get back into his suit and waited at the bar for her. She came out in a pair of light pink matching jogger and jumper combo. He approached her and asked if she'd like a drink.

She couldn't help but think of a James bond movie she had recently watched as he approached her in his tailored suit oozing confidence and charm. She accepted, they dated for a couple of years and then married after 3 years together.

So here they were now in their early 30's, Gina had maintained her excellent body, Alex's gym enthusiasm had rubbed off on her and she worked hard to maintain it. Alex was still in shape but the last 6 months of basically vegetating at home had started to affect his body.

As she entered the house, she could hear the TV, sounded like some kind of sports program. She made her way to the front room and found Alex sitting in his usual spot just watching the TV. The house didn't look messy but there were a few jobs she'd asked him to do but he hadn't, like hang up the washing and unstack the dishwasher.

She sat next to him and asked how his day had been "same as usual, sorry I've not done the washing but I decided to go for a bit of a walk and bumped into a friend. We went for a coffee and chat, when I got home, I forgot all about it."

"That's ok, I'm glad you were out and about." One thing Alex had done was maintain a core friend base who he'd meet up with once a month including Lee, they would usually go cinema to watch action movies or have Fifa competitions on the console. This was the only time he seemed happy lately so Gina felt happier knowing he had been out to see a different friend.

That night Alex went to bed early and had left his phone downstairs. Gina wondered if there was anything on there that could help her get him out of or at least improve his depressed state. She knew his password and easily got into it.

She went straight to his WhattsApp group with his mates to see if anything was in there that could help. Most messages were just banter between them like who was shit at Fifa or what movies they were going to see.

She backed out of that group chat then noticed one headed best videos. She couldn't believe her eyes, it was lots of videos and web links for porn videos. Upon closer inspection she noticed all the videos were gangbangs. She looked at who was in this group and it was Alex and his closest friends.

She scrolled down the videos and found a conversation, It was between Alex and Mark. Mark was one of Alex's best friends and was the best man at their wedding, they had known each other since they were little. Mark was an electrician for a security firm. He was also about 6ft and quite slim, he had ginger hair and always kept it short. In this chat Mark had started the conversation

Mark - "imagine if we could do this to a girl."

Alex - "Mate girls won't do that for real, that's why they're on porn sites."

Mark - "They do, you just have to find the right girl. Me and Brian double teamed a girl once."

Alex - "You're talking shit Mark!"

Mark - "Seriously we did, wait till Bri logs on and he'll confirm it."

Brian - "You talking about Michelle? She once did it with 4 guys from work as well. Girls like that are out there Alex you just have to find them."

Alex - "My Gina's the only girl for me and there's no way she would ever do anything like that."

Brian - "Your Gina is a stunner mate, no offence but if allowed I'd fuck her till my balls ran dry."

Mark - "I agree, she is absolutely stunning, but there's no way she would ever agree to do something like that."

Alex - "No offence taken lads, I know you're all horny for my Gina and if she allowed it, I would share her once just so you can appreciate just how good I have it."

Mark - "Bull shit, no way you would share."

Brian - "Doesn't matter, not like it would ever happen."

That's where the conversation ended, after that was some more videos, Gina scrolled back down to the video that started it. 8 vs 1 it was called she started to play and it was 8 guys working out in a gym when in came a petite blond girl. The girl in the video straddled a bench and asked one guy if he could help. The guy jumped up and moved towards her.

She said she needed help with the weights as wanted to do some bench presses. She lay down and the guy hovered above her to support the weight. You could see the bulge in his shorts growing. Once she finished, she said "Thanks for your help, looks like there is something I can help you with." She reached up and slid her hand up his shorts and started to wank him.

All the other guys were watching as she sat up on the bench, pulled down his shorts and took his cock into her mouth. Gina watched intensely and felt herself starting to get excited. The video continued and the other guys gathered round and all dropped their shorts. The girl then made her way round sucking off every one of them.

One guy then picked her up and pulled down her leggings. Gina was really getting excited now and could feel herself getting wet. She slid two fingers into her knickers and started to rub her clit whilst keeping a close watch at the video on the phone.

It wasn't long before the girl was being fucked in every way and every hole imaginable. Gina was rubbing faster and harder against her clit, she could feel an orgasm coming and soon enough "mmmmmmm" she moaned as she climaxed.

Then the thought came to her, would Alex really want to share me like that, could I have that many guys take their turn with me. She decided to sleep on it. She headed up to bed but couldn't get the thought out of her head. She lay next to Alex imagining Mark and Brian joining them, she could feel hands all over her body, hands being replaced by lips as they kissed her from head to toe.

She started to get excited again, she rolled over to spoon Alex and reached for his cock, "Alex honey I'm feeling horny."

"Not tonight babe I'm not in the mood."

"Please honey it's been so long, how about just a bit of oral?"

"I'm going to sleep Gina," stated Alex.

Gina's mood dropped and she decided just to cuddle into Alex, it made her mind up though that she would have to try something to get Alex back to his old self. She wasn't sure how to raise it, but she would speak to Mark the next day to see his thoughts.

The next morning, she text Mark to see when would be convenient to come around as she wanted to talk to him about Alex, he was finishing work around 5pm and would be in for the rest of the evening. That evening Gina told Alex she was going to see a friend and would be home later.

Gina arrived at Marks around 18:00 and knocked on the door, she was surprised to see Brian standing there. "Come in," he said, "Mark has just popped to the shop to get some beer for the football tonight." Brian was short and slim about 5ft 8 and in his mid 30's with jet black hair and beard. He was friends with Alex through Mark who he worked with.

"ok, will he be long?" replied Gina.

"Shouldn't be long, he's probably on his way back already. He's picking Gav up on his way back as well."

Gina thought I can't go through with this, it was going to be hard to ask the question with 1 of Alex's friends but now there would be 3 of them. She entered the house trying to think of another reason to be there. Gina could only think of 2 things though, helping Alex and that video she watched.

Gina made small talk with Brian while she waited for Mark, she had decided she would still ask him but would wait until he was on his own. It wasn't long before Mark and Gavin arrived. Gavin who had known Mark and Alex since secondary school. He was about 5ft 11 around 32 years old, he was always dying his hair at this point in time it was blonde.

"Hi Gina, sorry I forgot I invited the guys round for the football. Let me sort out the beers and snacks then we can have a chat." Mark said still wondering what Gina wanted to talk about.

Mark shared some chilled beers out and stocked the fridge, put some snacks out and sat down to have a drink himself, Gina just had a can of pop due to her nerves and wanting to keep a clear mind. Kick off was approaching and Mark didn't want to miss it, he went to get the guys another drink and asked Gina to join him in the kitchen.

"So what was it you wanted to talk about?" he asked inquisitively.

Gina paused for a moment, then nervously explained, "Last night I was looking for ways to help Alex, I decided to have a look through his phone."

Mark instantly thought about the chat groups they had so tried to deflect the conversation. "Isn't he going to be angry you went through his phone?"

"That's a risk I'm willing to take, our marriage is suffering and I wanted to find a way to help him." Gina then continued while Mark just listened. "I came across a group chat and some videos which he really liked."

"oh, ok." Mark stammered as he tried to figure out where this was going.

"I read the chat between you when you talked about doing it to me."

"Look Gina, that was just guys being guys."

"Just wait and hear me out," she said cutting Mark off. Gina then continued nervously, "as you're one of his best friends, I wanted to know what would happen If I offered myself to the guys on Saturday when you all come around? do you think it would be a good thing for Alex?"

Mark was speechless.

"Well what do you think?" Gina asked again.

"Are you being serious or is this a wind up?" Mark replied.

"I'm 100% serious, I need to do something to help get my Alex back to his old self."

"Nah this is some kind of wind up, is Alex waiting outside somewhere?"

"Absolutely not, he's sat at home doing nothing." Gina started to worry, Mark would not take her seriously so she would need to do something else, she couldn't just wait till the weekend and present herself in case it backfired on her. "Why don't you believe me?"

"Look Gina, a stunning girl like you would not be able to handle something like that. Let's be honest and stop messing about."

"Of course I could, I've never shied away from a challenge." Gina found herself almost challenging Mark to prove her wrong.

"So, lets say you're serious and want to do this for Alex. What happens when he starts enjoying it and you bail out? It'll make him even worse." Mark questioned Gina still trying to find out if she was serious.

"Why would I bail out?"

Mark puffed a big sigh, "Have you ever been with more than one man at a time Gina?"


"That's why!" Mark stated. "Have you ever taken a dick up your ass?"

"NO!" Gina replied angrily.

"No point getting angry, you've just asked me if Alex and us would like to gang bang you, that means taking more than one at a time and all 3 of your fuck holes would be used!" Mark stated quite bluntly.

"There's no need for that kind of language Mark." She said puzzled by his attitude change.

"That's reason number 3, a group of guys fucking you all at the same time are not going to talk to you like it's the 1st date." They're the reasons I think you'll bail and this is a bad idea. "Now if you don't mind, I want to go and watch the football."

Gina started to form a plan, if she could prove Mark wrong on his 3 points they would surely go ahead. "Wait Mark, I have a plan." She blurted out as he was exiting the kitchen, then fell silent with thoughts running through her head.

Her 1st thought was to practice with toy's at home, her 2nd thought was to let the 3 guys there have a trial run, would it be cheating if she was going to let them all fuck her at the weekend anyway.

Mark waited for a couple of minutes, then asked "Well come on what is it?"

Gina decided plan 2 would prove it, she convinced herself it wasn't cheating as it was to help Alex. "How about I prove you have no need to worry. Prove you wrong about all 3 of them?"

"How are you going to do that?" Mark asked not expecting what was about to happen.

Gina started to undress, removing her training top then her jogging bottoms, Mark was wide eyed and couldn't believe what he was seeing. "There are 3 of you here, how about a trial run?" Gina said seductively.

Mark stood open mouthed for a moment, he had always wanted to see Gina naked and seeing her standing there in just her bra and panties started to get him hard. "I'd have to run it past the guys 1st though, are you not worried Alex will find out about this?"

"This is for Alex, he will never need to know about the practice run tonight," she replied, and then with a smile she said "and by looking at your trousers I can see you're definitely up for it,"

"Wait here while I go ask the lads." Mark said as he hurried back to the front room where Brian and Gavin were waiting.

"Where's the beers?" asked Gavin.

"Never mind that, I got something better than that for you," replied Mark with a huge grin. Gavin and Brian just looked at him confused. "You guys know Alex is struggling at the minute, well Gina has come up with a plan to try and help him."

Gavin questioned with confusion "and that's more important than beer and football?"

"Yes it is, Gina wants to let Alex lead a gangbang on her this weekend."

"No fucking way!" Gavin stated as Brian almost chocked on his last sip of beer.

"It gets better, she wants us to do a practice run right now, so she doesn't disappoint on the night."

"No way she'd cheat on Alex or agree to this," bluntly stated Brian now recovered from the choking incident.

"She doesn't feel it is cheating as its going to help Alex in the long run."

While this conversation was taking place, Gina was sat nervously in the kitchen. Thinking what she was about to do and have done to her, she found herself switching from a nervous feeling to an excited one. She slid a finger down between her legs to find her panties were getting wet. Tired of waiting she headed to the front room.

"Excuse me have you guys decided yet?" she questioned the guys, stood there in just her bra and panties.

They all looked over at her, she looked amazing stood there. "If you're game, we are." Gavin decided to answer on behalf of the 3 of them.

Mark walked over to her, slid his hands around her waist, leant forward and then started to kiss her cheek. He slowly made his way round to her mouth then searched out her tongue with his, they were soon in a passionate embrace.

Gavin and Brian stripped down to their boxers and made their way over to the other 2. Gavin stood on her right and Brian her left, they took an arm each and guided them to their hardening cocks. Gavin then took a hold of Gina's hair and pulled her mouth away from Marks and towards his.

Gavin then started to passionately kiss her, Mark started to fondle her breasts and Bri was rubbing her ass cheeks, Gavin then (still with her hair in his hands) pulled her off of him and pushed her towards Brian who then started to passionately kiss her. All 3 of the guys cocks were bulging.

Mark stepped back and got completely undressed. The other 2 slid their boxers off where they were standing. The 3 of them again gathered round her and pushed her down. She dropped to her knees then looked on in amazement, she always thought Alex was well endowed at 7" but these 3 were bigger than that, maybe 9 or even 10".

She had her 1st concern at that point and stood up, "They're too big I can't take 3 of those."

Mark replied, "see, I told you that you would bail. If you do that on Saturday, you'll make Alex feel even worse."

Gina scowled at him, then determined to prove him wrong she dropped back down to her knees. "Ok, I'm ready." Before she could finish her sentence, Mark had thrust his cock into her mouth and took hold of the back of her head. Her hands were on the other 2's cocks slowly wanking them.

Mark was fucking her face with pace and Gina was struggling. She pulled away from him and dropped her hands to the floor. The guys all droned in displeasure at her feeble attempt. "You're going to have to do better than that otherwise this practice is a waste of time." Mark stated bluntly.

Determined Gina kneeled back up and took 2 cocks in her hand again and asked "Can we start off a bit slower though then work up a bit."

Gavin chipped into the conversation, "sure but be prepared I expect to feel your throat around my cock." Gina's eyes widened with concern.

"Ok, I'll slow it down a little, but don't expect that on Saturday, you'll need to be ready to get straight into the fucking, also no more complaints" Mark stated. He then slid his hands around her head and slowly glided his cock into her mouth. "You take over the pace Gina for now, let's see what you've got."

Gina started to bob her head back and forth taking from tip to about 3" of Marks cock into her mouth. She started to speed up the pace a little and was now taking about 4" of his cock. Mark wanted her to take more so started to thrust forward at the same time she was bobbing forward. "uuuuch" was the noise as Mark's cock slid past her tonsils.

Mark held her in place and was gently stabbing his cock into her mouth, now starting to feel her throat tighten around his cock a smile came across his face. He pulled her off his cock and aimed her straight at Brian's.