Going Pro

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I really, really, need money, so . . .
5.6k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/29/2024
Created 04/30/2024
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I never planned to be a virgin bride which is good because that ship sailed a long time ago. I've fucked guys because I thought I was in love with them. I've fucked guys because I thought it would make them love me. I've fucked guys because I felt alone and wanted to feel like I had a connection with someone, anyone. One time, I fucked a guy because he seemed lonely and I felt sorry for him. Of course, I've fucked guys for fun--just because I was horny and wanted something inside me that wasn't made of plastic.

But I had never fucked someone for money and I never thought that I would. Until now.

The first time I was offered (sort of) money for (sort of) sex was in third grade. A boy from my class offered me his dessert if I'd let him see "my hole." Needless to say, I wouldn't even talk to him after that.

Many years later, one of the guys whose fraternity house was hosting a party, offered me twenty bucks if I'd flash my boobs to everyone. It was tempting and if he'd given me another drink or two, I might have done it.

Now, I just had sex with someone for $300.

I did it because I needed the money. I was broke. Flat broke. My car broke down and getting it working again used up the money that I set aside for next month's rent. I'd been late with the rent a couple of times before and my landlord had been pissed off. I had meant it when I promised that I'd never be late again.

Yeah, I could have gone to the Bank of Mom and Dad but if I asked my parents for money, that meant I'd have to go through the whole thing about why I thought I needed my own place when I could live at home instead and where was I spending all of my money anyway. Believe it or not, I'd rather have sex with a stranger than have to listen to my mother again.

Of course I looked for other ways to get the money. My employer had been burned before giving emergency advances and now they had a policy against it. I asked anyway and was told no. Asking my ex-boyfriend was about as appealing as asking my mother. My best friend commiserated and probably would have given me her last dollar if she could but she was nearly as broke as I was and she didn't have any extra money to lend me.

She was probably trying to be funny when she suggested selling my body to get the money. It still scares me that I really didn't know if she was joking. Maybe she had done that before but, best friends or not, I'll never ask her. I don't think I'd want to know if she had. Plus, I'm pretty sure that I don't want her to know that I had really taken her suggestion seriously. I'm positive that I don't want her to ever find out what I actual did.

I only had two weeks to come up with the rent money and I was completely out of ideas. Even if I got another job, I wouldn't get a paycheck until after the rent deadline. Sex for money, as much as I hated the idea, seemed like my best option.

So, my decision was made.

Realizing how little I know about escorts and how they worked, I clicked into the classified section of our online alternative newspaper to do some research. My friends and I used to look at the ads there for entertainment. Now, it was my resource to learn how I might pull this off, getting some money but doing it safely and, as far as possible, with my dignity preserved. The ads used a combination of subtle promotion and double entendre but it didn't take a lot to figure out what was being offered. I drafted an ad based on the ones that I thought were best.

In my ad, I said I was a cute blond (I guess I am) looking for a date (well sort of). I said I was horny and open-minded (um, maybe?). I said texts only and, from my dwindling cash supply, I picked up a burner cell phone and listed its number. I said I was available on Friday and Saturday nights.

The other ads showed me how to write mine but they also raised a couple of issues that I now had to worry about. To start, where would we go to do it? The ads talked about in-call or out-call. No way I'm telling a strange guy where I live let alone having him come to my apartment. On the other hand, I wasn't really excited about going to his place either.

How much should I charge? I wanted to get enough money each time that I wouldn't have to do it too many times. On the other hand, if I asked too much, would I lose potential customers? The ads showed some kind of range of prices, I think for time and for doing different things. Some gave set prices for fifteen-minute, half-hour, or one-hour blocks and some for all night. Some spoke about special services. What can you do in a fifteen-minutes? Oh, that. Damn. Okay. I spent some time interpreting the ads and I finally decided that I'll ask $150 for a blowjob and $300 to go all the way. I'll see if I get any takers at those prices and then I'll see where it goes from there.

What were those special services anyway?

I sat for a full ten minutes with my heart pounding before I put in my credit card number and hit send to post the ad. It was posted on their website almost immediately and after I checked it out, I spent at least ten minutes fighting against an urge to delete it and forget the whole thing. While I was pondering what I was going to do, my new phone buzzed.

"Hey, U available now?"

"Sure. What are you looking for?"

"Straight sex. How much?"

I was glad that I had decided on this already. "$300."

He texted me the address and a room number and I recognized the name of the place. It was a mid-level motel with outside doors facing a parking lot off of a busy street. So far, so good. A motel seemed like it was probably safer than going to his house and outside doors seemed more private than walking through a lobby where I might run into someone I know.

I went into my bedroom and quickly decided what I would wear. I put on a clean thong and pulled on some tight jeans. I dumped my bra and pulled on a tight t-shirt that showed off my boobs. I hoped that I looked sexy enough that maybe I'll get a tip but not sexy enough that anyone who I ran into would figure out what I was doing. I guess that I was dressed a lot sexier than what I wear to my real job but not really that different from what I'd wear to the bars on a Friday night.

Fortunately, I made it over there safely despite being distracted by a feeling of impending doom. At each intersection, I considered turning around but I remembered my landlord's face and forced down my doubts until I got to the motel. I drove around until I spotted the room number, drove around one more time, then found a close parking spot in case I needed to leave quickly.

My pulse was racing as I walked to the door and knocked. I had an incredible range of emotions hitting me. I'm scared. I'm resigned. I'm accepting. Being honest, I'm sort of excited.

As the door opened and I saw him, I kept my hand in my bag, holding onto my pepper spray. I had gone to guys' apartments before without knowing if they were really serial murderers. This probably wasn't any less safe but for some reason, it felt worse so I added I'm panicky to my list of emotions.

The guy smiled and politely invited me inside so I followed him into the room and glanced around. It was a normal motel room--a queen size bed, a table, and a small sofa. The door to the bathroom was open and the drapes were drawn shut.

He also looked normal although around now, I was doubting my judgement about normality. He was probably mid-40s and partly balding. He could stand to lose a few pounds but nothing extreme.

"So, tell me what I can do to make you happy tonight." Maybe not the best opening line but it worked.

"I'd like to do it like we were dating. Kiss for a while, play with your tits, and then have sex."

Okay. Sadly, that actually did sound like a lot of my dates. I can do this. I can. I know I can. I remember that I'm an escort, not a girlfriend so I try to sell it a bit. "Yeah! That sounds great! But let's get our business out of the way first so we can have fun."

He had the cash ready and handed it to me. I thought counting it would be weird (okay, weirder) so I just stuck it in my bag. I felt like I was now committed.

When I imagined what it would be like, I had pictured myself just lying on the bed naked with my legs spread apart for him. Since he had given me his wish list I knew I had some stuff to do before we got to that point and maybe beginning with kissing him would be an better way to ease into this than just undressing. I walked up to him, put my hands behind his neck, and pulled him in for a kiss. Braless, I could feel my boobs pressing against his chest and I wondered if he felt them too.

I wasn't expecting it but the guy was a good kisser. A really good kisser. He gently kissed my lips for a while then licked my earlobes before coming back to my lips. He held his lips to mine and started to kiss me deeply. I don't know if it was normal escort behavior but it felt natural for me to open my mouth and when I did, my tongue met his.

When we started kissing, his hands were wrapped around my waist but he soon moved them up on the outside of my t-shirt. He brushed against my boobs which he then encircled, spreading his fingers out around them. Being felt up by a total stranger was weird. He was faster and maybe a bit rougher than I would have liked if it was up to me but it wasn't terrible. Since he was paying for this, my goal was to make him happy, right?

His hands moved from my chest and returned to my back but only so they could get under my t-shirt. Instead taking the risk of it getting pulled out of shape, I reached down for the hem and pulled the shirt up and off. I stood in front of him, now with my bare boobs pressing against his chest. His hands again went up and down my back as he continued to kiss me. They then slid between us and he fondled me again, now fingering my nipples.

I didn't know if I should get undressed the rest of the way or let him undress me. Since I had been paid a flat rate, stretching it out probably wasn't the best thing so I stepped away from him and undid my jeans, pushing them down over my hips. I sat down on the bed to pull them off and then lifted my hips to pull off my thong. After I undressed, I pulled down the bedcover and sat on the edge of the bed and watched him undress. I was conscious of being naked with a complete stranger and the full list of emotional reactions flowed over me again.

The guy joined me sitting on the bed and we faced each other, again kissing deeply. His hands kept massaging my boobs and I saw his cock starting to come erect. I briefly considered playing with it but instead, I swiveled my body away from him and lay down, sliding over to the middle of the bed. I was on my back staring up at the ceiling and I lifted my knees to slightly separate my thighs. I'd never intentionally cut off foreplay before but since my pleasure wasn't the goal, I wanted to move us along so I could get the main event over with.

This also seemed to be okay with him since, still sitting on the side of the bed he unrolled a condom onto his now fully erect cock. I made a mental note that I should put some condoms in my bag to be sure I always had one available.

He lay down on the bed and moved over to lie next to me. I pulled my knees up more to give him access and smiled at him. "I want you now" I told him hoping that it sounded sincere enough. I actually wanted him now so that we could get it over with but he could interpret it however he wanted to.

I don't know how he interpreted it or if he even cared. He rolled on top of me and poked his cock toward me. I grabbed it and led it to the opening of my vagina. Fortunately, despite the circumstances, the kissing and touching had made me wet and the lubricated condom slid right into me.

There. I had done it. I was fucking a total stranger. His cock was in me. Not for love, not for like, not even for fun. For money.

He slid in and out and I tried to move my pelvis to match his movement. I'm not usually a loud lover but I figured some sound effects would help so I started moaning gently.

Missionary position is pretty much guaranteed to not allow me to climax; at least it never has before. I didn't have any expectation that I was going to cum but instead of being disappointed, I reminded myself that in the role I was playing it was his orgasm and not mine that counted. Despite that, he had a nice sized cock and it did give me a nice feeling of being filled.

As he lay on top of me moving in and out, I wonder about why he was paying me for sex instead of hitting a bar to find someone to hook up with. He wasn't bad looking. He was a good kisser and he seemed to be okay sexually. Maybe he had been on the road for a while and was away from his wife or girlfriend. I wasn't going to ask.

His in and out thrusts speeded up and I changed the movement of my pelvis to keep up with him. I increased my moaning sounds and wondered if I should fake an orgasm. While I was thinking about this, he thrust in me deeper and let out his own moan as he came. He let himself down so that his body was laying fully over mine, breathing heavily. I put my arms around him and held him closely.

When his eyes opened, I went back into my role play mode. "That was great! Thank you!"

"I'm glad you liked it. Did you cum?"

"Oh yeah. Couldn't you tell?" I guess he couldn't but he seemed happy with the idea. I told him I had to pee so he rolled off me and I went into the bathroom, picking up my clothes and carrying them and my bag. I turned on the light and closed the door.

I sat on the toilet thinking about what I had just done. I did pee, then I got dressed and went back into the room. He was lying on the bed naked, looking at the ceiling. I walked over to him and kissed him. He thanked me and I thanked him back. Since repeat customers are the sign of a successful business, I told him he should call me next time he was in town and he said he would. Then I left the room.

Driving home, it occurred to me that this was like losing my virginity again. I only could do it once for the first time and I could never undo what I had done. Like having sex for the first time had made it easier to do it the next time. I wondered if doing it the first time for money would make the next time easier and if I wanted it to be easier.

As I drove, my mind reviewed the whole experience and I went over how I felt about things. Overall, I was really relieved that it had gone well. The guy wasn't (as far as I know) a serial killer. He was clean and didn't try to do anything except fuck me.

The condom hadn't broken but I'm going to bring my own next time so I can depend on it more.

I was glad that I was $300 closer to paying my rent next month. Hopefully, there would be no more surprise car repairs or other unplanned expenses.

I felt ashamed of doing it and wondered what my friends and family would think of me if they ever found out.

I was thrilled that I now had a potential source of extra money that at least wasn't as unpleasant as moving home or some other things I might have to do for additional funds. I may not want to do it but it was there if I needed to.

I was worried that I had placed myself in danger.

I didn't feel used or degraded. If you believe that women should control their own bodies than shouldn't it include using their body to make money? Was paid sex any worse than working in a coal mine or on an assembly line?

So yeah, I knew that I would probably do it again.

* * * * *

Before I went into the motel, I had turned off my burner phone. When I got home, I turned it back on and saw that, while I had been working, my ad was evidently hard at work too. Some texts had came through while I was busy with the guy so now I scrolled through them. I figured that it was still early and since my first customer hadn't taken that long, I'd be able to fit in at least one more. I ignored some of the messages which gave weird vibes, realizing that I needed to trust my instincts about any possible red flags. One asked about anal which might be one of those special services. I decided that no amount of money was going to make that happen and kept scrolling. Finally, I got to one that seemed worth responding to.

"Can I meet you in my car tonight? Bring your mouth."

I don't think I've ever gotten "bring your mouth" as a pickup line before but it seemed pretty straightforward that he wanted a blowjob. I texted back "$150 for oral" and he responded with a description of his car and where he would be parked. It was a parking garage on the side of a big mall. I thought about this area and also about other times when I'd given blowjobs in cars. Back when living at home meant a lack of privacy for these activities, various boyfriends had driven me to places where we could park. The mall wouldn't exactly be private compared to these, but, I figured that less private meant that it would be less dangerous than other, more secluded, areas. So I texted back my ETA and he told me he'd see me there.

One of the reasons for charging less for oral sex was probably that I wouldn't have to get fully undressed. I might not have to get undressed at all. I put some condoms and a roll of breath mints in my bag and drove to the location he had given me.

He was parked on the top level of the parking garage and the mall was near its closing time so there wasn't a lot of traffic. I parked close to him and, in case I needed to make a fast getaway, I made sure that my car was pointed to the exit ramp and my driver's door was facing him. I got out of the car and walked toward him, again keeping my hand on the pepper spray in my bag just in case.

The guy was sitting in the driver's seat and he rolled down the window as I walked over to him smiling. He was younger than I expected and didn't give off any obvious danger signs.

I thought I'd start with a small joke so I smiled, pointed at my mouth, and said "I brought it."

He grinned back at me and held up some wrinkled bills. "And I brought this."

I had realized that I really should count the bills and I did. It was the right amount so I shoved it in my bag. "Where would you like to do this?" I asked. He pointed to the back seat of his car and I nodded. He got out of the car, opened the back door and sat down with his legs outside the car. I watched as he undid his pants and pulled them down. He then slid over to the other side of the car and watched me.

I looked around carefully and, since I didn't see anyone on that floor of the garage, I figured it was safe to take my top off. It might excite him more and I wouldn't have to worry about getting any of his cum on it. I still wasn't wearing a bra and maybe from the chilly air and maybe from what I was about to do, my nipples came erect as I climbed into the backseat of his car. He lifted his legs onto the bench seat with his pants down to his ankle. His cock was partly stiff and I gently grabbed it jacking it up and down a few times to bring him to fully erect. I then tore open a condom package, took it out, and rolled it onto him. I was ready to leave if he objected but he didn't.

I lay across him and moved my mouth onto him. I started an up and down movement with my head, playing with his balls at the same time. After a minute or so, I put my hand on his shaft, below my mouth. My hand and mouth moved up and down in sync and it didn't take him long to cum. I removed my mouth but continued to jack him up and down with my hand as he filled the condom. I wondered if I was supposed to take it off him but decided that wasn't part of my job description.

The guy had a "I just came" expression on his face and he didn't say anything as I moved off of him and got out of the car. I smiled and waved at him, then pulled my top back on before returning to my car. As I drove away, I saw him sitting where I had left him. I popped in a breath mint to cover the latex taste in my mouth.