Going to the Club


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Toni carefully moves the glasses of wine and water further away from the woman. As soon as that is done, she looks back at the woman's face. Toni is almost sweating. Her hips sway slightly to the woman's movement. Her mind still following the movement the man showed her earlier.

Sam did not move faster, but his fingers moves harder in and out of her.

Jenny did make a noise. Nothing loud enough to be heard further than where Toni is standing.

Toni moans softly herself in response. Her eyes open wide and she looks around. Embarrassed that she did express her pleasure aloud, she glances around quickly. She spares a look at the man.

Sam hears the waitress moan and turns to smile at her.

Toni turns back to the woman. She can see the woman trying to say something.

Jenny lets go of the table and grabs Sam's left arm.

Sam feels Jenny's hand grab him. He knows her orgasm is hitting and strokes harder against her. His fingers so slick, it almost slips out of her but he keeps pushing against her. He continues to stroke her clit, in and out with his fingers.

Toni, at first thought, the woman is trying to stop him or at least force him into moving faster. But she then realizes that she is having her orgasm. Toni watches the woman's head lower and her mouth open. She almost grimaces at the sound that is surely to come.

Sam forgot about the possibility of Jenny screaming. He is too busy concentrating on freeing her orgasm. His movements deliberate and hard - more determined as he feels her body tense. His eyes continue to watch her face, enjoying the scene.

Toni pulls her hands out of her apron. It was one of those moments that people tell her about. It is one of those times where time seems to slow down because of some mind boggling experience. And it is happening to her now. She can see everything in crystal detail.

Toni watches her hand curiously as it seems move impossibly slow from her apron. The woman's scream starts. Her hand touches the glass of water and it, also impossibly slow, spills over the table towards her.

Sam's eyes open wide as he hears the beginning of Jenny's scream of pleasure. He realizes he miscalculated and she will be screaming aloud. His fingers slide into her fully then out again, letting her release. His fingers could feel her squeezing him. Sam sees Jenny start to scream with her orgasm before he actually hears her.

Jenny felt herself squeezing his fingers as her body shook. Her face moving to bury itself in his shoulder as his fingers pulls at her orgasm. Jenny's body tenses and releases as her legs pull together trapping his fingers. She cannot help herself. The noise coming from her mouth is part and parcel to this orgasm.

Sam stops there as he turns to look around. The waitress's movement catches his eyes. He watches the water spill towards Jenny.

Jenny did not know how long she screamed. She only knows she is exhausted. Her body still shakes and is wet from her orgasm. Her eyes remain close as she leans back. Jenny almost whimpers as Sam slides his fingers out of her.

"I'm so sorry!" Toni says loudly as she reaches over with a napkin to wipe down the wet table.

Sam glances around the room. Everyone is looking in their direction.

Toni glances at the man. She nods at his grateful expression on his face.

Jenny opens her eyes to see the waitress wiping up the wet table. Some of the water, she sees, has slipped over the table's edge onto her legs. She did not mind. In fact, it feels good. Jenny attempts to compose herself as a man in a suit hurries over to the table.

Sam groans inwardly as the manager approaches. He smiles at the approaching man, lifting his hand and waving.

"Don't worry. It was my fault. I was telling a story and, well, I scared the ladies here."

The manager glances at the table, glad to see there is no broken glass and even more glad to see it was only water. He looks at Toni then back at the man.

"Are you sure?" he says to Sam.

"Yeah, but thanks for the concern. It is also only water. And it serves me right for scaring them like that." Sam smiles weakly to the manager in the form of an apology.

"Well, I would like to offer you your choice of desserts - on the house of course." The manager says and glances at Toni.

"Toni, please bring our guests the dessert menu."

Sam speaks up before Toni leaves, "No no, that's okay. We're running late anyway. We have enjoyed the pleasures of this fine establishment to the point of forgetfulness."

The manager looks at Sam to see if he was joking. He only finds a pleasant smile on Sam's face so he just nods.

"Well, please let me know if there is anything we can do to make up for it."

Sam nods and says to the manager, "Perhaps a reservation for two for next Friday?"

The manager smiles at that and nods at Sam. "Of course, please let the hostess know when you would to come next Friday and we'll be glad to have you."

Sam turns to Toni and asks for the check.

Sam looks at Jenny as Toni hands him the check. He smiles at Jenny's quiet smile. He takes out his wallet and pays the tab as the manager moves away. Sam hands the check and the money over to Toni.

"Keep the change. And thank you very much." Sam says to Toni and then laughs. "You did warn me."

Toni smiles and takes the money. She can just imagine what yelling will occur when they close up tonight. She splits up the money to hand the cashier, then realizes the truly nice tip Sam has left her. She turns to look at Sam to see if it is a mistake.

Sam and Jenny have already moved to the door when Toni turned to look at them. Sam smiles at Toni once more and mouths the words "Thank you" to her.


Jenny puts her cell phone away, happy that her friends agreed to help her with her plans tonight. Jenny found it kind of funny that the night has already turned out to be something special. She is looking forward to see how much more special it will be. Jenny turns to look at Sam as she felt his hand on her arm. She did not know he had come out of the store.

"Get what you needed, honey?" She asks Sam sweetly.

"Mm-hmm." He says to her as he pops open the tin of mints.

Jenny shakes her head as he offers her the first piece. She waits until he puts a piece into his mouth before slipping her arm onto his arm as they turn to head to the club.

Sam glances at Jenny as they walk. She seems awfully quiet.

"Is everything okay?" He asks her.

Jenny responds, "Yep. Why?"

"Nothing, I am just curious. You just seem quiet. You want to talk about what happened at the restaurant?"

Jenny shakes her head and then says, "Other than it being horribly embarrassing and knowing that we will never be going back there, I don't think there is anything we need to talk about."

"So you're okay with what happened? I mean you're usually not on the receiving end of those kinds of situations."

Jenny laughs and brushes her hair behind her ear. It is a nervous reaction and a minor delay tactic. She has to admit now that it was a strange experience. And Sam is correct? She has never been the center of attention in those types of situations. Was she angry at Sam? Thinking about it, at first, she started to get angry but then she realizes that it is only fair that he returns the 'favor'. So what about the experience? Getting caught should never be the result of the first experience. Getting caught and then having that same person watch you a second time is worse. Still though, she enjoyed it. Jenny enjoyed the sneakiness of it. This is all obvious, she thought to herself. All these reasons are the superficial side of it.

What else then? Jenny took another second to think. So she now has to ask, is she an exhibitionist by nature? Again, one experience (two times) does not make her so. She does not walk around her home naked with the blinds open for the world to see. For the most part, Jenny does not even enjoy wearing revealing clothing. She does, though, now and again for Sam. Well, not 'for Sam'. The more accurate reason is to tease Sam. So is this part of that? Did she enjoy it because it teases Sam? That is definitely part of it.

Okay, so now, would she let him do it again? She glances at Sam and finds him glancing back at her. She smiles at him.

Yes, she would but she would surely like to find a way where he does not have so much control.

"The truth is, honey. I'm not sure." She says to him, finally.

"What do you mean? Did you enjoy it?" He asks her, kind of puzzled.

"It was an exciting thing. It was very erotic and charged. I did not like that someone caught us. I also did not enjoy losing control like that." She says to him honestly.

Sam nods at her. Perhaps he did go too far. He would not have expected so with her reactions. But, on second thought, those reactions are a natural part of the experience. He does not mean the exhibitionistic experience, but the experience of being sexually excited. Sighing inwardly, maybe he went too far.

"I did like it." She says to him when he did not respond with anything other than a nod.

Sam stops walking and turns to her. He runs his hands up and down the upper part of her arms.

"Jenny. You do not have to say you like it if you did not."

He smiles at her before continuing.

"If you do not like it or anything I do to or with you, let me know. I am always happier when you're happy."

Jenny could feel the warmth of her heart fill her because of his words. She slides her arms under his and hugs him close.

Sam groans inwardly as soon as the words left his mouth. Never had he thought he would say those kinds of things to someone. Still, the words are the honest truth. He slaps himself mentally for slipping like that, especially since he has never liked opening himself up like that. Then the old fears bombarded his mind; what if she laughs? What if she does not feel the same way? Worse, what if his friends were here to hear him say those words?

Sam sighs with relief. One of the best reactions he could hope for in response to his words. His arms envelopes her, glad he slipped now.

"With all the teasing, all the interesting and fun times I have had with you – I have done them because I think, or hope, that it makes or will make you happy. But, you know, I can get carried away. So you have to let me know. Just don't kick me in the nuts."

Jenny laughs at that, but loves the fact that he is opening up to her. She nods into his shoulder and pulls back a step.

"I enjoyed what happened at the restaurant. I'm not sure why. That is what I was going to say." She says quietly to him.

Jenny continues, "I am glad to hear that you are willing to stop if I feel too uncomfortable."

Sam leans in and brushes his lips against Jenny's lips. He is rewarded with her pressing her lips against his. They kiss a moment longer.

Sam groans inwardly once more. At the same time, he could hear him laughing at himself for forgetting. His body, it seems, did not forget. The hug, the kiss and the close contact reminded his body of the excitement unresolved.

"My dear, is that a pen in your pocket or are you happy to see me?" She laughs at him.

Sam sighs out loud and whispers into her ear, "Your fault."

She pulls back and laughs.

"Come on. Let's go before we're too late to get in."

Sam blinks as she starts walking away from him.

Jenny turns around when she does not hear him moving. She laughs as she sees Sam talking to his pants. She could not hear what he is saying but she is sure he is apologizing to his hard-on.

For a moment, she did feel sorry for him. She has had three distinct moments of release and he still has not had one. Well, as far as she knows he has not. Jenny walks back over to Sam.

"Do you really want to go home and take care of this?" Jenny says slowly. She bites her finger and exaggerates her pointing down there.

Sam laughs and shakes his head.

"No, you want to go. He can wait a little longer."

Sam then looks around quickly then back at Jenny.

"I don't know how much longer I can hold him back though."

Sam starts shaking, convulsing and hopping around.

"Look out!"

He starts hopping towards Jenny.

She laughs and then screams and starts to run down the street.

Sam yells, "I can't control him! Run!"

He hops after Jenny, his pelvis thrusting forward after every hop.


Sam let go of Jenny's hand as she runs over to her four friends. He did not walk right over, instead he just watches as Jenny hugs her four friends. It isn't that he did not want to go over, but wants her to have her space to say hello to them.

Jenny asked him once why he does that, stand a few feet away while she greeted her friends. She did not understand, even when he explained to her that he was giving her and her friends their personal space to say hello and such. Otherwise he would be intruding on their space. Jenny still doesn't understand this and calls it one of his personal quirks.

Sam smiles to himself as he remembers this. Some of his other girlfriends also never understood. But unlike those women, Jenny is understands enough to chalk it up to something as unimportant.

Jenny chats with her friends, almost as if she has forgotten about him. She laughs and responds to their questions as if her earlier exhaustion is no longer on her.

Sam takes the opportunity to look at her friends. It is not that he does not remember their names. It always takes him a moment to figure out who is who among Jenny's best friends. To Sam, they look very similar to each other. And to make matters worse, they wear their make up the same way and have the same style of dress. (Not that he can tell the subtle differences in the make up or styles in the first place.) They also have similar styles of speaking also. He has often groaned over the phone when they call for Jenny because he would mix their names up.

Sam has once mentioned to his friends, he does not find them as interesting enough to remember the differences in her friends. It is a lie of course, to cover up his inability to do so as quickly as he has with other people, like for his work for instance. More recently, though, he realizes that he is starting to tell the differences whether he likes it or not. Sam guesses it is the amount of time he spends with Jenny and her friends that seem to make those little differences stick in his mind.

Sighing inwardly, Sam knows he will get to the point where he can tell all of them apart at a glance but right now it takes a moment.

Jenny's four friends are Joan, Ellen, May and Mindy. He laughs at himself, realizing he has memorized their names in that order. He did not realize until just now that he had used an old business management trick to remember their names. Sam shrugs inwardly but is glad he thought it important enough to remember their names that way.

Joan is one of Jenny's old college friends. Joan is an executive assistant at some ad agency. Ellen is a paralegal who used to work with Jenny at her current company. May and Mindy are Jenny's coworkers.

Ellen did not spend as much time with Jenny as the other girls does. Sam thinks Ellen is alright, comparing her with the other girls. She has never done anything bad to Jenny but it never seems she goes out of her way to help Jenny. There is a lot of history between Jenny and Joan. They share a lot of thoughts and opinions with each other. He has often wondered what else they shared.

May is a strange one. Sam likes her but she is too dominating. May has this little smile when he mentions that to her. In his mind, he can just imagine what kind of interesting things she does to people. Jenny had told him that May likes both men and women. Whether the comment was made to gauge his interest in having a threesome or not, never came to mind until his friends mentioned it.

Mindy is the bubbly one of the group. She sees things on the brighter side, even if others mistake that part of her personality as being a ditz. She is certainly not dumb. Sam has come to that conclusion. She knows how to use it to her advantage, which puts her on a 'watch' list for Sam.

The four of them are an attractive bunch. They have different qualities, of course, but all attractive. Sam did not find them as attractive as Jenny. His friends would be drooling all night if they were with him. In fact, a couple of them still drool when he mentions Jenny's friends

Jenny has told Sam some of their adventures before he met her. Sam thought them quite adventurous for the type of women he makes them out to be. He means that before tonight, Jenny has never played so publicly before. Well, that is, with him. Jenny seems more 'free' around these particular friends.

Sam and Jenny have been going out for a little while now so their closer friends have met one another. He remembers cringing when it first happened. Sam and his friends were going out to the movies or something and they bumped into Jenny and her friends. His friends are not the sophisticates or socially savvy people they should be at their age. But most of his friends now are the same friends from his younger days. They all have similar sense of humor and a generally similar sense of thinking. Except they're all losers! Well, they're not but he likes to call them losers. (Sam is way more mature than his friends.)

Jenny's friends are nice. With his inability to tell them apart for the first few minutes and the fact that they're almost clones of each other aside, he found them enjoyable to be around. They're smart and did not seem to think any less of him for his (sometimes) less than mature sense of humor.

Of course (of course), there were some uncomfortable moments – what relationships where friends of friends start to get to know each other does not? His friends still laugh at him when the subject comes up. There was a time, early in his relationship with Jenny, where he believed that her friends were coming on to him. At first he thought his mind was playing tricks on him. Then, because he is a man (of course), he thought he had that kind of ability or attractiveness (of course) to all women. Then, before he did anything stupid, he realized his attraction to Jenny is stronger than his physical attraction or male instinctual need to be stupid and attempt anything with Jenny's friends. (Perhaps he is just a little more mature than his friends.)

Perhaps it is because Sam realized they were natural flirts. They all are including Jenny. Sam has watched the way Jenny talk to people at her office and even when with his friends. Oh, she is never inappropriately flirtatious. But it is there and, well, Sam is a man and who can blame him for thinking that way?

Sam shakes himself from thought as he hears Jenny call his name.

"Honey?" Jenny says to Sam.

Sam looks up to see her looking at him with concern. He smiles at her.

"Sorry, I was lost in thought."

Jenny laughs and says, "I could see that. You're not planning any more fun tonight are you?"

Sam looks at her, wondering if that is an invitation. Smiling at her, he shakes his head, pauses a second to pretend to think and then winks at Jenny.

Jenny grabs his hand to lead him over to her friends.

"Come say hello to my friends." She says as the girls turn towards Sam.

Sam says, "Of course! Hello ladies..."

He leans over each one, giving them a light hug and quick kiss on the cheek. Sam noted that each of the women seem to hold on and hug him longer than usual. This and their breasts seem to press more noticeably against him.

While he does not view Jenny's friends in that light ever since the incident with the flirting, his body begged differently. Still fresh from the memory of their fun sessions today, he became excited quickly.

It is a good thing he leans over to give them the light hug with only the upper part of his body. Otherwise, it would have been an interesting time trying to explain his body's sudden attention toward the women.
