Goldie and the Three Bear Brothers


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At the brothers' suggestion, Goldie went to the three bedrooms to choose a bed. Boy, these men were gracious hosts! She guessed she'd be forcing one of the brothers to sleep on the couch. She had offered to do that herself, not wanting to put any of them out -- they were being so nice, after all -- but they wouldn't hear of it. Well, the couch was comfortable, but it would be nice to have the privacy of her own bedroom, in a house with three men!

The first bedroom had a super firm mattress. The bed was just too hard for her. The second one had a really soft mattress, and she instantly sunk to the middle. That one was too soft. The third bedroom she tried, however, had the perfect bed. Neither too hard, nor too soft, it was her dream bed!

She returned to announce her choice, and she was told she had chosen the bed of Little Bear. Little Bear smiled broadly at Goldie's choice, which made her just a little bit nervous. Someone had put dance music on the sound system and Big Bear asked Goldie if she'd like to dance? Goldie quickly agreed, glad to change the subject from beds.

Goldie was very nervous about having made raclette for dinner. Jonathann Daval had killed his wife when she had asked to have sex with him. Of course, there was more to it than just that, Alexia wanted children and Jonathann either didn't want them, or wasn't ready yet, but in any event such a dispute hardly merits murder! Still, there was sex in the air, she could practically smell it, and raclette for dinner, plus issues of sex, spelled trouble, for the superstitious Goldie, especially if one or more the men wanted sex and she said no.

Goldie was not averse to a little hanky-panky. She thought the Bear brothers were strikingly handsome, in a rough and ready sort of way, and tough as they were, they were also gentle and gracious with her. She found the combination of those traits, plus their clear generosity, to be winning. She actually felt like kissing all three of them, and maybe just a wee bit more, too?

After the fast dance with Big Bear, where Goldie gyrated around sexily, teasing the men, a song that was perfect for the swing came on, and Very Big Bear took over from Big Bear. Goldie loved dancing the swing. Very Big Bear spun Goldie around relentlessly, and as he did, the bottom of the T shirt lifted up, giving some views that a more modest girl would not have, should not have, allowed.

The third song was a slow song, and Little Bear cut in, and pulled Goldie flush against him. Boy, was he strong, with his chest and arms rippling with muscles. After a meal of raclette, if she didn't continue being agreeable, he could snap her neck with practically no effort. With that in mind, she decided to just relax, and to go with the flow.

Little Bear picked up on Goldie's change of attitude, for he loved submissive women most of all. He tentatively gave her arms a little push, and they quickly went around his neck. He gently leaned in, and telegraphed that he was going to kiss her. Goldie welcomed his kiss, and added more passion to it than Little Bear's wildest dreams had envisioned. In response Little Bear's hands slipped under the bottom of Goldie's T shirt dress, fondling the bottom of her bare ass.

Seeing no reaction from Goldie, just more happy submission, Little Bear smiled through their kisses, and he slowly raised his hands to fondle her entire ass, pulling up the T shirt with his hands and forearms as his hands rose. His two brothers were enjoying the view mightily. Goldie had the perfect little bubble butt, and her ass was as smooth as silk. They couldn't really see her slit or her bush, the latter being obscured by Little Bear's body.

Goldie knew what was going on. She knew very well. She knew Little Bear was exposing her ass to his brothers, and having a truly excellent feel, one could say comprehensive, himself. She didn't mind, as long as he kept kissing her so wondrously. The song ended, and Goldie pushed away, making sure her T shirt dress fell back down. She thanked Little Bear for the dance.

"Hey! No fair! I want a slow song with Goldie!" Big Bear exclaimed.

"You're all such wonderful men," Goldie replied. "What one gets, the other two get too."

Words to live by, Big Bear silently thought.

Goldie walked over to Big Bear smiling fetchingly. Big Bear molested Goldie slightly, all the while kissing her, just as Little Bear had done. Goldie now, thanks perhaps to all the psyillfortum juice she had consumed, or perhaps just due to how erotic the whole situation was for her, was highly aroused. She knew her vagina was lubricating like crazy. She knew her clitoris stood up at attention in anticipation of the pleasure that was more than likely to ensue.

Very Big Bear was the third and last to get to dance to the slow song, now playing for the third time. He did the same as his two brothers had done, but he took it a step further. He raised Goldie's T shirt dress up to her neck, above her breasts. Goldie shivered at being, essentially, naked for the three men. She felt things were spiraling out of control, as Very Big Bear played with her boobs, and especially her nipples, driving her wild with lust.

When Little Bear and Big Bear joined their brother and pushed her T shirt dress up over her head, not only did she not resist, but she raised her arms to help them. They stood back, leaving Goldie alone, and on display. Now naked, Goldie began dancing around, shaking her boobs and undulating her hips. She did every sexy move she could think of. It was harmless fun, and these tough, strong, rugged, but ultimately kind and gentle men, deserved whatever tiny thrill she could offer them.

Yes, the dinner of raclette, and the sad story of Jonathann and Alexia Daval, the danger she felt due to it all, had never really left her mind. If she were to be honest with herself, and she always tried to be honest, resisting their sexual overtures might indeed be dangerous. More importantly, however, even though propriety demanded it, she truly didn't want to resist. She wanted to have fun for a change; just to have some fun!

With all these conflicting emotions swirling in her head, the desire to be proper and maidenly, and the desire not to be, plus the desire to show how grateful she was to the three men, she knew that somehow there had to be a resolution. What it would be, she still didn't know, but dancing seductively, naked, in front of three men was not propitious for the maidenly option.

Then it happened. In retrospect, Goldie knew it was inevitable. On the next dance, Little Bear slipped a finger, a single, solitary finger, inside her; deep inside her, at that. He had such big, strong calloused, masculine hands, and now one of his thick fingers was inside her. It felt wonderful. She gasped and froze. This was momentous. How to react? How she reacted would set the tone for what might, or might not, happen next! She knew that.

Apparently, Goldie made her choice. After a small gasp, she pulled Little Bear's head to hers and kissed him frantically as he fingered her. Little Bear started pumping his finger in her tight little slit, and Goldie began to emit moans. They were soft, little moans, barely audible, and yet palpable to all three men.

Big Bear cut in on the dance, and he fingered her, too. Suddenly she noticed that his chest was bare, and as she pushed her boobs into his chest, his copious chest hair tickled her boobs. She giggled. Big Bear's hands went to Goldie's ass, and she relaxed. At least he wasn't fingering her, too! Big Bear effortlessly picked Goldie up into the air as if she weighed almost nothing. She knew, though, she weighed over a hundred pounds, so she wrapped her legs around Big Bear's waist, to save his back.

They danced like that, with Goldie's legs wrapped about Big Bear, as her sweet little bush pushed against Big Bear's tummy. She felt herself slowly sliding down a little. She couldn't believe Big Bear, such a strong man, could be tiring of holding her so quickly!

"Can I have a little taste? Just a quick little taste?" Big Bear asked sweetly. It was almost as if he were a little boy, asking for a lick of his brother's lollipop!

Goldie did not understand for what he was asking, although she knew it had to be sexual. Was he asking for another kiss? No matter, she had already decided to cooperate (remember the raclette!), so course she said, "Yes, you may."

"Thank you," he said, as he lowered Goldie right onto his cock. The end of his enormous member pushed at her entrance, just a little, and Goldie's eyes suddenly popped open, wide, as she realized exactly what kind of taste, and with what, he wanted!

Goldie whispered, "I'm a virgin. Maybe this is not wise?"

Goldie wasn't a virgin, actually. She had gone, with her family, to Chamonix to go skiing, and while the skiing was wonderful, Gregor, the Swiss man she met there, was even more wonderful. She got lucky and didn't get pregnant, but after that trip she went on the pill, pronto!

All the brothers heard Goldie's whisper, and they also heard Big Bear's reply, "It's just a quick little taste."

"Quick, and little?" Goldie asked, as her pussy lips opened in anticipation of the promise of the experience of the new 'taste' of a man's cock inside her, especially a man like Big Bear, whose cock size lived up to his name!

"Yes," Big Bear said, as he let Goldie slowly drop. Each inch she dropped let another inch of his cock inside her. Down, down, down she went, and up, up, up inside her went Big Bear's hard, erect, monster of a cock. Goldie groaned and moaned in response, as she quickly decided this was one of the most wonderful sensations she had ever felt. Despite her experience with Gregor (of which she had told no one, not even her BFF Mary), this time was even better. There was, actually, no comparison!

With Gregor, it had been frantic and rushed, marred by the constant fear of discovery, not to mention how freezing cold it had been. With Big Bear it was, quite simply, wonderful. The added fillip that Big Bear's two brothers were watching intently, perhaps waiting their turns, turned Goldie on all the more strongly!

Sadly, Big Bear was true to his word, and pulled Goldie up and off his cock after a few seconds, and only three pumps. Big Bear handed Goldie to Very Big Bear, who lay her on her back, on the thick oriental carpet on the floor. He slipped a pillow under her head, spread her legs, got into position, and stopped. "May I?" he asked.

Goldie hesitated, closing her legs. "Please?" he added. What kind of a slut do these men think I am? Goldie wondered. Then she smiled.

Well, why not? She loves them all, and she's on the pill, so she said, "Just a taste, okay?"

"Of course," Very Big Bear said, as he spread her legs and plunged on in. He was indeed very big, and Goldie groaned the thrill of a woman possessed with lust.

"Oh my goodness," Goldie said, as she raised her tummy, already nearing an orgasm. On Very Big Bear's third stroke, the climax washed over Goldie and she was lost to the magic of the moment. Very Big Bear could have fucked her to smithereens at that moment, and Goldie would have only been even happier. Yet, he pulled out, keeping his word, and passing the baton, so to speak, to his triplet brother, Little Bear.

Goldie relaxed. Right now, a small cock was just what the doctor ordered. Those two huge cocks had already destroyed her. As Little Bear stripped off the final vestiges of his clothes, however, she realized his name was ironic. His cock was the longest, and the thickest, of the three monster cocks of the Bear Brothers. It was, in a word, huge. Humongous, perhaps? In any event, there was no question but that it was really, really huge!

With Little Bear firmly ensconced inside her, Goldie no longer was going to be content with 'just a taste.' She wrapped her legs around Little Bear's sweet ass, and whispered to him, "Fuck me good, LB. Fuck me like you mean it. I want a hard fuck, and for you to cum inside me."

Little Bear complied, with all he had, and Goldie added two more climaxes to her total, before LB filled her up with his jism. Goldie had no idea making love could be so magical. It was the best fuck of her life (well, she had only had one fuck before, that of Gregor, when she was in Chamonix, bent over on a little used trail, while occasionally people skied around them), until, of course, Very Big Bear put her on her hands and knees and fucked her doggy style, driving her to screaming paroxysms of pleasure. She knew she would never forget her first spectacular Bear fuck.

Big Bear fucked her, too, and she ended the evening with seven orgasms, and cum spilling out of her well used pussy. The brothers could have continued, but Goldie called a halt. She took Little Bear by the hand and led him to his bedroom, first having kissed goodnight both Big Bear and Very Big Bear. The kisses goodnight took some time, actually, but Little Bear knew patience was a virtue, and while virtue was its own reward, Little Bear knew that in addition to virtue, he would have the naked, blonde sexpot Goldie as another reward, all the livelong night.

In the bedroom, Goldie gave Little Bear her take on the uniqueness of a woman's clitoris in the grand scheme of things, supplementing her little philosophical lecture with a visual aid. Unlike her boyfriend Philipp had done, LB didn't laugh at her. Instead, he agreed with her, and put her visual aid to excellent use. Big Bear and Very Big Bear heard her moans and smiled. They knew Goldie would give them their turns. It was the kind of girl she was, a sort of one-woman Fair Bear Commission. All in good time. Goldie was that kind of a sweetheart.

One week later, back in Strasbourg, Goldie broke up with Philipp, who annoyingly didn't seem to care. She went to live with the Bear Brothers, in the middle of the forest. To please her parents, she chose one to marry, but in reality, all three men were her husbands.

She never knew which Bear Brother fathered her three children, least of all her first born little girl, whom she named Mary, after her BFF Mary, who was a frequent visitor to the House of Bear.

And that's the adult version of Goldie and the Three Bears.

The End



"Mom, that's kind of a true story, isn't it? I mean, we live in the forest, and I have three daddies, and our last name is Bear. Is it true? Are you Goldie?"

Goldie looked lovingly at her son, Gregor. "It's a fairy tale, Gregor. It's a story I made up, just for you and your sister Phyllis. I call it Goldilocks and the Three Bears."

"But the bears are men in your story, not bears," her daughter Phyllis said.

"Well, you wouldn't want our hero Goldie to be having sex with real bears, now, would you? That would be dangerous, don't you think?" Goldie replied.

"Oh yes! It would be most definitely dangerous!" Phyllis nervously replied, giggling softly.

Gregor looked at his sister Phyllis. Even though Gregor was eighteen, there was still a childish innocence about him. Phyllis, who was nineteen, was already wise to the ways of the world, and in particular she was no stranger when it came to sex. "Fairy tales are sometimes inspired by actual events, right Mom?" she said, as she winked at Gregor.

"Right you are, Phyllis. Right you are," Goldie said. "It's time for bed."

Goldie tucked the kids in. Phyllis, in bed with her hand between her legs, looked innocently up at her Mom, her eyes filled with unspoken questions.

"Sleep well, my little darling," Goldie said.

"Mom, tell me the truth. Which of my fathers is my biological father?"

Goldie smiled. "Why honey, I have absolutely no idea!"

Phyllis giggled.

Next, she went to Gregor's room to tuck him in, too.

"Mom, you were a little wild when you were young," he said.

"I'm still young, Gregor!" Goldie replied.

"Yes, of course you are. Tell me, do you think Phyllis might be wild like you were?"

"Why do you ask?" Goldie replied, a little suspicious.

"Well, all of my friends think my sister is hot," Gregor said.

"She's very pretty. It's natural for your friends to think she's hot. More importantly, she's a sweetheart," Goldie said.

"Do you think Phyllis could be attracted to someone like me?"

There was a pregnant pause in the conversation. Finally, Goldie said, "Someone like you, or you yourself?"

"Me, myself."

"You're handsome, and you have a great body, just like your fathers. That would be incest, however, you know," Goldie said.

"Yes, I know. Maybe Phyllis wouldn't mind? Do you mind?" Gregor asked.

"Just don't tell your fathers," Goldie said, and she winked at her son, seeing a side of him she had heretofore never noticed.

"Maybe you could distract them tonight?" he asked.

"All three of them?" Goldie replied.

"Yeah. If anyone could, you could, Mom. They're all crazy about you," he said.

"Well, it's been a while since anything like that.... I'll do my best," she said. "You'll owe me, Gregor."

"You're the best Mom," Gregor said, rising from his bed and heading over to Phyllis' room. He had a huge, really huge, tent in his pajamas. He's going to make Phyllis one happy young woman, Goldie thought, as she watched the door to Phyllis' room close. She heard some excited conversation, and then one word, in Phyllis' voice, "Yes."

As Goldie walked away, she heard some telltale sounds. The kids were not wasting time! She went to look for her husbands, stripping off the outer layer of her clothes as she went.

What a night this was to be!


I hope you liked the story, a new and adult take on the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears. As always, all comments, good and bad, are welcome! In the meantime, Stay Healthy!

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Lovecraft_LoreLovecraft_Loreover 3 years ago

I had hoped she was going to have sex with three Sasquatch out in the woods.

5 stars.

KlitomaticKlitomaticover 3 years ago

To give you a five, and when brother and sister, and son and daughter fuck I will. Loved it...

legsfeettoeslegsfeettoesover 3 years ago
Mining Gold?

I guess the Bear Brothers were mining gold, eh? And when their wagon was looking sad they must have freshened it up when Goldie told them, "Paint your wagon!" Some low humor perhaps but some learner of the references may enjoy it. Caring and sharing are oh so nice. Polly and Andre are sure to love this story. Five stars for the chance to be punny!

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