Good Faith Negotiation

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One party wants to change the terms of a signed agreement.
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There may be parts of this story you don't understand. Try to figure them out. To see how close you came, read "Revenge in Advance." You could read that story first, but it wouldn't be as much fun.

Grateful thanks to SueDanym, who once took an oath to first do no harm, hated this story and edited it conscientiously anyway. To clear it from your mind, follow the link to this author/editor's story page, and you'll find no one makes consensual sadism/masochism as tender, affectionate and orgasmic.


He heard Letty calling but couldn't make out what she was saying.


"Come here!" she yelled. "I want you to see this."

"Just a minute."

Larry pushed away from his computer and sighed. Something must have popped up on Letty's screen that she didn't understand. As usual, he would have to take care of it. She had been burned once by a virus and once by phishing, so now he was summoned whenever she noticed something unusual.

"What is it?" he asked as he walked into her office.

"Sit down on the couch. I'll show you in a second. First, I want to ask you a legal question."

"I'm not a lawyer."

"It's about a contract. I have almost no experience with them. You know a lot more than me."

Larry quickly scanned the room and looked behind him at the doorway. He now did that instinctively whenever he heard the word "contract." At the same time, he calculated the quickest way to get to his car, which he always kept gassed up for a run to Mexico. He didn't see any nurses wearing clown masks, so he relaxed.

Letty showed no surprise at his frightened reaction. She waited until he gave her his attention again.

"I know a contract is binding on all those who sign it, but what if one side wants to make changes?"

"You're talking about re-negotiating. That happens all the time."

"I knew you'd understand. Can you explain how it works?"

"The party that wants changes simply asks the other parties if they agree. If it's something small, they'll usually go along and rewrite the contract."

"What if it's something big?"

"That's not so simple. If it means less money for the others, they'll most likely reject the change. It's the same if they have to invest more time or resources than called for in the initial agreement. Or if they think the change is not in good faith, they'll also reject it."

"What does faithful have to do with it?"

"Not faithful. Good faith. A person or company asking for the change as a way to put one over on the other party is 'negotiating in bad faith.' If the other parties suspect cheating, they won't agree to the changes."

"That makes sense. Tell me if I have this straight. If I want to make significant changes in a contact and those changes are in good faith and don't cost the other side any additional time or money, there's no reason why the other side shouldn't agree?"

"That sounds right, but a lawyer would know for sure."

"Thanks for the explanation. Now I want to show you what put the question in my mind. Pull up that chair and look at what I just read."

She moved to the side so he could get in front of the screen. He started to read a short news story about a crime wave. At first, the police thought one gang was responsible. But then it started happening all over the country -- not often, but regularly -- and sometimes on the same day. The authorities decided many of the criminals were copycats.

In each case, a small number of women, who called themselves "Me Too Vigilantes," would attack a man in the middle of a crowd, strip him, rape him with a large dildo and further humiliate him while calling him names. He would be released as they ran off. Sometimes before they left, the women held up a large white bedsheet displaying blood-red words: "JUSTICE! MTV."

Each attack lasted less than ten minutes. The man usually required treatment for anal bleeding at a nearby hospital but wasn't hurt enough to be admitted. Within a day or two, videos of the incident were posted on the Internet, showing the man's face and a list of his "crimes," which typically included sexual harassment in the workplace, date rape or physical abuse of his wife, girlfriend or prostitutes. All the videos went viral, garnering tens of thousands of comments.

The women wore masks that were discarded once they vanished into the crowd. They left no clues behind other than the sheets, so the police had no leads. Some foreign websites began posting all the videos, but there was no manifesto or any other sign of organization.

Larry finished reading the story and spat out his reaction:


He started to get up, but Letty pulled his hand.

"Wait! Let me show you something else."

She clicked on another tab and played a video. At first it was difficult to see anything because it had been shot at night with only streetlights for illumination. After a moment, the lighting improved, and he noticed a large group of people using their phones as flashlights while recording a man struggling with three female assailants.

The women somehow got man's pants and underwear off in seconds. There was some activity behind the man hidden from the camera. Then Larry saw a large dildo waved about and fitted to a harness on one of the women. The woman held onto the man and thrust the dildo into him from behind. He screamed as she brutally ravaged him.

When she had enough, the woman ripped the dildo out of him and took off her harness. She let it drop to the ground as she and the other two women held up the sheet with "JUSTICE! MTV" written on it in large red letters. They quickly dropped the sheet and ran into the crowd, darting in different directions. The man collapsed to the ground.

Larry got up and turned to leave.

"Wait!" Letty said. "You haven't seen what happens next."

"I've seen enough."

"You didn't hear what one of the women yelled to the man. There's another clip with fuzzy video but the audio is clear."

He stopped and turned back to face her.

"What did she say?"

"You abusing pile of shit!"

"Great! How intelligent!"

"When you see the rest of the video, you'll understand her words had more than one meaning."

"I don't want to see any more. I'm outta here."

"Oh all right, but before you go, would you get my phone down from that shelf? It's too high for me to reach."

She pointed at the bookcase on the opposite wall.

He stretched to reach the phone. As soon as he got it down, Letty snatched it from his hands. For a moment, he wondered how it ended up on such a high shelf. But he was so disgusted by the video that he focused on getting out of the room and pouring himself a strong, tall drink.


Letty's birthday parties were always unusual, but Larry thought this was the strangest ever because it was so unlike his wife.

She had invited around thirty girlfriends and their husbands to attend a Pistons game with them. While Larry occasionally watched the team on television, he had only been to a handful of games in his entire life. Letty had never shown any interest in basketball before.

She arranged for two adjacent private suites at Little Caesars Arena and for the whole group to park nearby at a private lot. Larry followed Letty's directions and drove into a dimly-lit, unpaved lot on a dark street.

As he pulled into a space, Larry looked around and spotted a few of his wife's friends. He didn't recognize the men, having only met one or two of the husbands.

Before he even stopped the car, Letty opened her door and was gone. Looking out, he saw her talking animatedly with a couple of her friends as she began walking with them toward the arena.

For a moment, Larry was angry that she had deserted him, but he was ambivalent about this party anyway. Earlier, he had resolved to keep his composure and endure what he was sure would be a boring night. He got out of the car, clicked the key in his pocket to lock the door and began following her.

He walked behind a tall woman dressed in a nondescript outfit. At least it was until they passed under a streetlight and he saw she was wearing yoga pants. They were so tight and thin that it was obvious she wore nothing under them, because he could see her ass moving as if she were naked. And what a beautiful, tight, round ass it was!

He followed the bouncing ass for a dozen steps or so, and then the woman turned around completely so she faced him. He was immediately stuck by her beauty and then shocked as she pulled a black mask over her face, stretched her arms out to each side and quickly approached him. At the same time, another woman pushed him from behind until he was in the arms of the tall woman. He struggled, but she was strong, and her long arms felt like a giant python squeezing the air out of his him.

As the tall woman held him, the woman behind him put her arms around his waist, unbuckled his belt, pulled it out of the pants loops and dropped it to the ground. Then she put her arms around his stomach and pulled back hard as the tall woman let go. What was left of his breath whooshed out of his lungs, and he doubled over.

The tall woman grabbed his hair and pulled his head up until he faced her. She took one step back and held something in front of his eyes. He blinked. It was a large, dangerous-looking knife.

"Don't move," hissed the woman. "This is as sharp as a razor."

Before he could react, she squatted down in front of him and grasped the cuff of his right pants leg with one hand while sticking the knife under it. Rising, she pulled the knife straight up, cutting through his pants as if they were made of butter. A second later, she did the same to his left pants leg and his pants fell from his body.

Two more quick swipes of the blade and his boxers fell away. Then she bunched up his shirt with one hand and sliced through the fabric. She let go and ribbons fell from the bottom of his shirt. He was now naked from his belly button to his socks and shoes.

Someone handed the tall woman a jar. She dipped two fingers into it and waved them in front of his eyes. He saw a wad of thick grease attached to them. The woman behind him quickly exchanged places with the woman in front.

The second woman wore the same black mask as the first. A bit shorter than her accomplice, she had large arm muscles that were partially covered by a frilly peasant blouse. Over her tights, she wore a short, flared skirt.

Her arms had loosened only long enough for her to move in front of him. She now held him tightly again and leaned back, pulling his upper body with her. At the same time, she kicked his legs wide apart.

Behind him, he felt the fingers of the first woman pushing the grease into his ass. She worked quickly, then stood in front of him again and brought something else up to his eye level.

She held three long thin, plastic syringes full of fluid. They were each at least a foot long.

A moment later they were gone and soon after, the first one easily entered his well-greased ass. Initially, it didn't hurt. But as it went deeper, he felt discomfort especially when the fluid was injected deep into his bowels. The first syringe was emptied and slowly removed, then replaced by the second and finally, the third.

He realized his attackers were the MTV. They were doing exactly the same thing to him that he had seen on the video. He tried to think of a way to escape, but the woman holding him was strong, and he got nowhere when he attempted to twist free.

The tall woman now stood in front of him with the giant dildo. It looked scary, but for some reason, it didn't look as big as the one he had seen on the video. That thought disappeared quickly as the tall woman moved behind him and he felt the dildo pushing into his ass.

It hurt tremendously as it stretched and rubbed his rectum while sliding all the way in. The stout woman in front released him while the woman behind held him tightly around his chest. He again tried in vain to pry her snake arms loose.

She began fucking him violently and soon Larry was screaming in pain. Tears poured down his face, spit drooled from his mouth and snot streamed from his nose as she thrust hard. Several times his sagging body flew into the air when butted him. The dildo was so long that it didn't come out when that happened.

It seemed like hours, but it was only a couple of minutes before the stout woman came to the side of the Amazon, bent down and grabbed Larry's cock. He couldn't believe it, but in a second, he was hard. Hearing a gasp, he looked up at the large crowd surrounding him and the two women.

The parking lot was as bright as day from flashlights on the phones held by the onlookers. Hands stretched out toward him from every direction, seeking the best angle as they recorded his shame.

The thicker woman had released his cock for a few seconds. Now she stroked it again. Without intending to, he thrust into her hand. She went on a few more seconds and then let go. He groaned because despite the pain being inflicted by the giantess behind him, he had been about to come.

"Come, Larry!"

The command was spoken in a loud and clear voice, which he recognized as Letty's. He looked up and saw her standing in front of him a second before he was sent flying again by the woman behind him.

"Come!" she said again, more softly. The two women attackers took up her call, and the crowd joined in.

"Come! Come! Come!"

The chanting grew louder and faster. The woman behind him began timing her thrusts to the rhythm of the chant. The other woman pumped his cock hard two more times and let go. A moment later he was spurting as the crowd cheered.

The woman fucking him stopped, leaned forward and spoke into his ear.

"You are a lying, cheating pile of shit, but your wife still loves you. That's why she made me use a smaller cock and why I'm pulling out slowly instead of ripping it free. That's also why I'm warning you about what's going to happen, because you didn't watch the whole video.

"We injected you with a combination of lube and a powerful laxative. Once I pull my cock out, you won't be in control of your body for long. The best thing you can do is spread your legs wide, grab your wife's arms, squat down and lean forward as far as you can. That way everything will shoot out behind you. If you try anything else, you will end up covered with filth like the others."

She unbuckled the dildo and slowly pulled it out as he moaned in pain. She dropped it on the ground, and within seconds, she and her accomplice disappeared through the crowd that surrounded them.

As he stood there shaking, his wife grasped his arms just below the elbows.

"Hold me and squat like she said," Letty ordered. He looked at her face and saw the no-nonsense expression she wore when she was focusing on difficult tasks.

He shook his head and tried to pull his arms free. Then he felt something horrible happening deep inside his body. It seemed like a stick of dynamite was about to explode there.

"Hurry!" Letty insisted loudly.

He grabbed her arms, spread his legs, squatted and bent forward. It wasn't a moment too soon, because his colon shattered into a million pieces of glass that repeatedly stabbed him as they flew out of his ass. At least that's what it felt like as he spasmed again and again.

"Ugh! Yuck! Gross!"

He heard the crowd reacting to his degradation. The sounds soon became murmurs as the onlookers turned and started walking away from the smell as fast as they could.

When he looked up, he saw that some had remained. They formed a silent circle around him as they continued to record him with their cameras.

Gradually, the spasms became less frequent and little was coming out.

"Stand up, Larry!"

Letty's voice was firm and insistent. He let her pull him upright.

"We're going back to the car. The husbands have gone to the arena. Only my friends are here with us. Are you ready to walk? I'm sure someone has reported this to Security. If you don't want your name in a police report, we need to leave."

He staggered more than walked as she supported him. They stopped every ten seconds for him to squat and cry out in pain as he cramped and spasmed. Letty's friends continued to record him.

As they walked, she spoke calmly and quietly to him.

"In case you're wondering, you didn't mess up. I never suspected a thing. If you hadn't told Olivia that you would never leave me, I would still be clueless about your affair. She was working on getting you to divorce me and marry her. Her Plan B was to tell me so I would divorce you.

"You probably don't remember that I came down with vaginitis about a week after you told her it was over. From three times a week with me and once or twice with her, you were suddenly getting nothing but blue balls.

"You held out for nearly four weeks before she got you to fuck her three more times in her apartment. She and I weren't any good at setting up hidden cameras, which is why it took us three times to get it right.

"You never told her about my contract, so she thought the videos were for the divorce. If she hadn't helped me, there was no way I could have come up with the undisputed proof that MMAS required.

"I was always worried about the clown nurses. I wanted real nurses to wear the clown masks, but the contractor said no licensed RN would do those things to a man. Impersonators could never be as highly trained on medical equipment as real nurses, and that concerned me.

"When I heard about MTV, I must have instinctively realized this might be the answer to my problem. As soon as I checked it out, I confirmed that it was a way to make your punishment less dangerous but a million times more humiliating.

"I immediately got in touch with MMAS and asked to renegotiate. They were supportive, but the contract required you to know what was coming in advance. You knew about the clown nurses but not about MTV. That's why I used my phone to record myself making sure you understood I was thinking about renegotiating. After that, I recorded you watching the video that showed what I had in mind.

"I argued that your reaction to the word 'contract' showed you were fully aware that I only signed one other contract in my life besides our marriage contract. But MMAS still hesitated, because they weren't convinced you understood the new contract. They pointed out you didn't watch the end of the MTV video, when the diarrhea kicked in. They also didn't think I made it clear that MTV was replacing the clown nurses.

"In the end, I convinced them that if you had a choice, you'd choose MTV over the clowns. Any man in his right mind would, because there was less pain and much less chance of permanent injury. The fact that MTV cost a lot less helped seal the deal.

"MMAS had to negotiate, too, because MTV's thing is abusers, not cheaters. I made them scale down their punishment for you. MMAS pointed out that its 'donation' could be useful to help MTV catch bigger fish, and that got them to come around.

"My friends knew what was coming and had their phones ready to record, but their husbands didn't have a clue until it started. They moved their husbands into a protective ring around you and your ladies, so no one except my friends got very close. We'll see what shows up on the Internet tomorrow. One of my friends was always in front of your face so you won't be identified.

"My revenge is almost complete. I don't intend to ever mention Olivia or MTV again. As agreed in the contract, tonight takes care of everything, and I don't need to hear your apologies.

"Before all this, we were talking about starting a family. I wanted some leverage, so I was hoping to be pregnant by now. Unfortunately, that didn't work out, so it will be easier for you to divorce me. You told Olivia you'd never leave me. I hope you were telling the truth.