Got S.M.I.L.F.? Ch. 02


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"She was my best friend in high school," said Candy wandering up behind the startled Trixie, confirming the older woman's guess. "She and I were close. We still talk a lot on the phone. I think smashing up the picture and leaving the phone were that jackass's way of making a point."

"Why would he care that much about . . ." Trixie remembered that Candy's ex was the jealous type. "She wasn't just a 'friend' was she?"

Candy blushed, though it was hard to tell under the tears. "No. We fooled around a bit in our senior year. We taught each other a lot. I think he was always afraid that I would get tired of him and go back to her. But he was definitely threatened by her."

"Could you?" Trixie asked nervously. "Could you go back to her?"

Candy blew her nose unceremoniously on her shirt sleeved, then looked slightly grossed out by what she had done. "No. She and I agreed that after high school, the sexual part of it was over. She was never a threat to him, and he just never got that. Hell, she's married now! I was her maid of honor! She's my friend, but that's it."

"But someone as petty and insecure as him could never get that through his little brain."

"His brain wasn't the only thing that was little," Candy said snidely.

Trixie smiled. "There's my girl. Now get your purse."

"What? Where are we going?"

"Wal-Mart. Normally I hate the place, but they're the only store open. Now let's get this straight. I'm going to help you get some stuff for your immediate survival. You're going to object, but I'm going to do it anyway. You can pay me back somewhere down the road. I've got money put away and nothing to spend it on. I haven't spent a dime of what my ex-husband has sent, and I've got all my tips saved up for the last two weeks. Now let's go."

Candy sniffed again, but she seemed to have regained some of her composure. They got in Margaret's car and headed to the twenty-four hour consumer-fest known as Wal-Mart. Despite her dislike for the mega-corporation, they were able to get quite a lot for only a four hundred dollars. The first things they got were the essentials; food, clothing and a place to sleep. Candy was a college student, so ramen noodles, macaroni and cheese and generic cola were all acceptable. The younger girl regained some of her spunk, and they actually had fun trying to get as much stuff as they could for a meager budget. Clothing was more fun for Trixie than it was for Candy, because the older girl got to see what kind of underwear her friend wore. Apparently, Candy was big into thongs, even though many of them were cotton rather than lace. She called them her "lounging" clothes, making Trixie wish they hung out at the apartment more often. She liked sport's bras for comfort, but got some slinkier stuff as well. White seemed to be her color of choice for her underclothes. They bought her some cheap jeans, shorts and shirts, as well as socks and a couple pair of sensible shoes. They picked up some toiletries, a new shower curtain and bath mat, as well as some new towels. The most expensive purchase were three chairs which were made out of blocks of foam. Unfold them and they turned into a fairly comfortable sleeping surface, complete with their own pillows. A couple of sheets and blankets later, they had a suitable bed. They stuffed all their supplies into a car that really wasn't big enough to handle it, and somehow navigated their way back to Candy's apartment.

They put the groceries away, and Candy got the bed set up while Trixie got the bathroom into working order. She went into Candy's bedroom just as the girl was throwing the last blanket on. She was bent over, giving Trixie a good view of her ass. Not as perfect as Brandy's was, but gorgeous nonetheless.

"Okay," the girl said. "I think everything's good to go." She had a look on her face as if something were troubling her.

"What is it?"

"I hate to ask since you've already done so much, but could you stay here tonight? I really don't want to be alone."

Trixie's heart was beating hard against her chest, even though she knew this wasn't a proposition. Either way, she wasn't saying no to a friend in need. She called her sister and let her know what was going on. Margaret had been waiting by the phone, and when she heard what had happened, Trixie's dear sister offered whatever help she could. Trixie said that they had everything covered for the immediate future, but she would call her the next day if they thought of anything. When she returned to the bedroom, Candy was undressed for bed. She was wearing one of her new cotton thongs, which accentuated the delectable roundness of her ass, and a sports bra that did little to contain her enormous tits. Trixie swallowed, but discovered her mouth had dried up. She tried to control her breathing. She pulled off her shorts but left her shirt on, insisting that that was how she always slept. That was a blatant lie, as she had taken to sleeping in her skimpier lingerie since her night with the soccer players. But she was nervous about being so close to such a beautiful girl in that kind of state. She was becoming more aroused by Candy every day, but that wasn't the time, if there was ever going to BE a time, to risk doing something they might both regret. She turned off the lights and then got into bed as far away from Candy as possible. They spent about half an hour coming up with ways they could torture the poor girl's former boyfriend if they ever got the chance. As was often the case with those who had endured an emotionally exhausting day, Candy was the first to fall asleep. For Trixie, sleep was a while in arriving, as visions of large-breasted Hooters waitresses danced in her head.

The next two days saw a slight turn in luck for Candy. While the girl was at one of her classes, Trixie was hanging out at the apartment. The police called and told her that a number of items on Candy's list had turned up at one of the more reputable pawnshops in the area. While most of the stolen goods were fairly common finds in such establishments, computers weren't. The increased availability and low resale value made them relatively rare finds for dealers in used goods, except for a few places that specialized in electronics. The owner had suspected something was up, and had actually called the police the next day. Trixie wrote down the information with a song in her heart. If nothing else, getting that computer back would mean her friend hadn't lost her current class assignments.

When Candy got home, she was ecstatic to hear the news. Both girls had the day off from work, so Trixie again borrowed her sister's car and the two of them met the cops over at "Kwik Kash Pawn." The computer was indeed Candy's, as well as a cheap boom box, some music CDs, and Candy's couch. The last item was to be delivered by the owner, who felt horrible about his role in everything. Candy was more than willing to forgive him, and even bought a worn but comfortable recliner while she was there. And the police had more good news. The ex-boyfriend had been not only been arrested, but he had been caught red-handed trying to sell some of Candy's jewelry. The cops returned the items to her and had her come in to answer some questions. When the evening rolled around, both girls were in immensely better spirits. They decided to order pizza, get some beer and just vegetate.

After her third slice of pepperoni pizza, Candy proposed an idea to her older friend. "You know, I could REALLY use a roommate. Do YOU know anyone who might want to, oh say, move out her sister's house and live semi-on-her-own?"

"Hint much?" responded Trixie. She thought about it for a while. She had free rent where she was, but she always felt she was getting in the way. After a certain point in life, relatives were supposed to show up and visit, not move in. She was going to have to find another place eventually, if for no other reason than to avoid problems with her sister. Besides, one of the other things she had missed out on in her life was living in the crappy college apartment and having a roommate and learning how to scrape by on little money. As strange as it sounded even to her, she kind of wanted to have tried that. "Sure. That would work."

Candy yelped with delight and threw her arms around her friend. As their large breasts rubbed together, Trixie found herself wondering what she had just gotten herself into.

She didn't have much stuff, but they both had to work the next couple of days so it took a while to get it moved over. Her sister gave her their spare mattress until she was able to get her own, and she was able to find a frame at the same shop they had gotten the recliner from. The two girls decided to rent-to-own a new TV, VCR and DVD player, since they would be completely tapped financially if either of them tried to buy them outright. Soon, the apartment looked like a typical college hangout, where the electronics were nicer than the furniture. Having the television was nice, because Trixie was able to start watching her exercise tapes again. She wanted to get back into her workout routine, and Candy volunteered to join her. Exercising with a friend usually made things easier, but Candy pretty much wore her cotton thongs and sports bras when exercising. It was very difficult to concentrate on the workout for Trixie when she would turn to the side and see Candy's breasts thrust prominently in one direction or another, or when her well-defined ass was sticking up in the air.

One day, Trixie was sitting on the couch watching a movie when Trixie got back from school. They both had the evening off, so they needed to come up with a plan for the evening. Candy went and tossed her backpack into her room, changed into her lounging clothes and then curled up next to her friend on the sofa. She placed her pretty head on Trixie's shoulder before stealing the remote and turning off the set.

"Hey, I was watching that!" Despite her protest, Trixie didn't really care. She was staring down at Candy's tits again, marveling at how they strained that sports bra to its limit.

"Yeah well, I wanna talk."

"About what?"

"What we're gonna do tonight."

"Well, what do you want to do?"


Trixie was noticeably taken aback. "Excuse me?"

Candy swung her leg over until she was straddling Trixie's lap. Those glorious tits were just inches away from the older woman's face. "I know you've been looking at me, and not in a 'just friends' kind of way. I know you wanted to make a move a while ago, but I bet you didn't because you didn't want to be 'taking advantage' of me when I was vulnerable. But the fact is, I've been checking you out since you walked into the restaurant with your friends. You're sexy, you're fun and, most importantly, you've been there whenever I needed you. I may not NEED you to be with me now, but I WANT it so bad it hurts." She leaned in and kissed Trixie on the forehead, then nibbled on her ear before sucking on her neck.

Trixie had been caught flatfooted. Even when she had sex with those young soccer players, or subsequently with Dennis and Brandy, she had initiated almost all of the scenarios. Now, she was being outright seduced, and she couldn't think of a single reason to resist.

"You know," said Candy, whose lips were working their way around Trixie's neck, "I haven't heard you tell me 'no' yet."

"Stop. Please. Please stop," she moaned with an obvious lack of sincerity. She reached her hands around and grabbed the smooth cheeks of Candy's ass, holding them tight. "I can't believe this is happening."

Candy pulled her sports bra off over her head and pressed her titanic breasts together on each side of Trixie's face. "Believe it now?" Her pillows were so soft and inviting. They drooped just a little, but not enough to take away from their awe inspiring beauty. She wrapped her lips around one areola, slowly sucking her lips in until they were latched on to her hard little nipple. "Ooh! Finally someone who knows what to do with those! I shouldn't be surprised. With a pair like yours, those little soccer players of yours must have gone nuts."

"I'm a good sized c-cup, but these things . . . Hell, they'd show up on a topographic map!"

"Thirty-six, double-d's, and they're all mine!"

"They may be all yours (slurp), but I'm borrowing them for a while." Trixie was forced to break her suction when Candy started trying to tug her sweatshirt over her head. Underneath, she was wearing that same lacey, power-blue bra she had worn when she first fucked her young soccer friends. She was beginning to notice a pattern.

"See, you've got a gorgeous set, and you know how to display them. If I had a body like yours, I'd show it off to everyone (moan)."

"First of all, your body is just as nice, and you have better skin and these tits are incredible. Secondly, if you play your cards right, you can have this body any time you want." The two girls smiled at each other. They knew they were going to have a fun night. Trixie slid her hand down to her own crotch and extended her thumb. She pushed Candy's thong aside and pushed on the girl's ass with her other hand until her moist, warm box slid onto the digit. Candy cooed with delight and started bouncing up and down on Trixie's thumb. Not only was this getting the young girl primed, Trixie got to see those massive melons bouncing just inches from her face. Candy stopped bouncing and just started grinding her hips and driving the invading thump deep into her sexual recesses. Trixie would give her a quick slap on the ass, causing her to grind harder and faster. "You are so sexy," she murmured, taking one of those delightful nipples in her mouth again.

Her sucking this time was cut short, much to her chagrin. Candy got off the couch and kneeled in front of Trixie. She pulled the older woman's sweat pants off slowly, kissing each part of her muscular legs as they came into view. Finally Trixie was just sitting there in her satiny bra and panties. "You are so beautiful," she said. She slowly pushed Trixie's knees apart, leaving the woman slightly spread-eagled on the couch. She reached her hand out until the palm rested just above the clitoral hood and the thumb was turned downward. She used her thumb to caress Trixie's slit through the panties, feeling the moisture seep through. She just stroked with her thumb and he older woman started trying to push against it. But every time she thrust, Candy's hand gave a little. This was about teasing.

"Oh, it's not fair!" Trixie moaned. "Please stick it inside me."

"Oh no. I've got other plans for you down there. First of all," she continued, removing her thumb and moving her head into position. She nuzzled Trixie's crotch, using her nose much as she had used her thumb. Then she licked a swathe right down the center of those panties.

"Oh please don't stop! Not ever!" Trixie was completely at the girl's mercy, and they both knew it. Candy started a series of fast, long licks against the moist fabric. It was driving Trixie wild to have the sexy woman's tongue so close to her privates but not quite touching. The teasing soon paid off as Trixie's first orgasm of the evening hit her like a freight train. She actually reached down and held the young woman's face hard against her crotch, though this move was met with little resistance. Her body was already getting sweaty, and her delicate bra was clinging to her more than it usually did.

"And we're just getting started," said Candy. "But these things are in my way," she mentioned of Trixie's now-drenched panties. She slid them down the woman's legs. "Now what do I do with these? I know!" She took the panties and gently tucked them into Trixie's mouth.

Trixie found herself inhaling the aroma of her own cum-drenched panties, and discovered she wanted more. With the offending garment out of the way, Candy returned her attention to Trixie's pussy, licking up the residual girl-cum and then going diving for more. Candy massaged the outer lips of the older woman's pussy while her tongue explored its deeps. Trixie was taking mental notes the whole time, intending to return all these favors in spades.

Trixie removed the panties from her mouth. "Okay, it's my turn. Get your sweet ass up here!" Candy didn't have to be asked twice. She stood up, removed her own stained thong and stood on the couch with the entrance to her paradise just inches from Trixie's face. Trixie burrowed her face into Candy's crotch until most of her face was covering in juices. She teased the outer labia with her tongue, letting it dart back and forth. She took a few licks down the middle, then straightened here tongue as much as she could. She grabbed Candy's ass and forced her hard onto the older woman's face. Her straightened tongue penetrated Candy's opening, and the younger girl just started humping Trixie's face. Trixie grabbed two handfuls of ass, encouraging her friend.

After a minute or so, Trixie started licking with her tongue a bit instead of just using it as a small dick. Candy was sweating like a racehorse, which just made her look that much more beautiful. Trixie inserted her index finger on her left hand into the young woman's dripping wet cunt and swirled it around for a bit. Then she poised the finger at Candy's back entrance. She looked up, awaiting approval from Candy. Not everyone went in for that sort of thing. Candy looked a bit apprehensive, but she nodded. Trixie slowly worked her finger into Candy's perfect rosebud, then pulled away slightly. This finger-fucking increased in tempo as the young woman relaxed and realized it didn't hurt at all. She even began to moan appreciatively. Then Trixie stuck two fingers in the girl's pussy and began pumping them in and out of Candy's front door.

Candy was in all sorts of heaven. She was humping and gyrating so much that sometimes she forgot where she was going. Trixie's tongue returning to action by sucking on the inner lips and toying with the clitoral hood didn't help the young woman's situation.

"Fuck! You have the most talented tongue I've ever had buried in me." Trixie actually blushed a bit at the compliment. She turned the fingers in Candy's pussy towards her and curled them, looking for that elusive spot. She explored for a while when Candy let out a particularly pleasant moan. Trixie started working that spot with a fervor and concentrated her tongue's activities on the girl's clit. Candy's beautiful body started to shiver and both her ass and pussy tightened up like vices. Trixie looked up and enjoyed the site of Candy's orgasm making her tits bounce and jump. Candy unloaded a torrent of girl-cum directly onto her lover's face. But Trixie kept stimulating as much as she could, and she managed to bring Candy to a second orgasm directly after the first. It took almost a full minute before Candy had recovered enough to speak.

"If I died tomorrow, I would still have a smile on my face."

"I'm glad to have helped." Trixie reached for her sweat pants.

"What do you think you're doing?" asked Candy huskily with lust dancing in her eyes. "I'm not done with you yet." She made sure her friend was comfortably seated on the couch and then scooted Trixie's body forward a bit and then spread the older girl's legs a bit. "Now don't move!"

Candy disappeared into the bedroom. When she reappeared, she had a big surprise for Trixie, with and emphasis on "big." She was wearing one of those strap-on dildos that she had seen in porn movies. It looked to be made of some relatively life-like, flesh colored material. It was ten inches long and thick as a soda can. She stared at it with a mixture of fear and blind lust.

"Are you going to try and fit that thing into me?" she asked almost unconsciously spreading her legs a bit wider.

"I'm gonna do more than try," was the response. Candy had also brought a bottle of lubricant, which she applied generously to monster between her legs. She quickly moved between Trixie's legs and planted the massive head of the device at the entrance to the older woman's pussy. "But first, you have to tell me you want it!"