Grace Kim in the Blackedverse Pt. 04

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Grace goes clubbing to prowl for BBC.
4.3k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/16/2023
Created 09/14/2023
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Several of us were piled in the back of an Uber Black. Angela and Karen were there, but so too we're a few of my other friends. We were heading down 1st Avenue towards the club. I looked around at my friends, all of whom were already tipsy from the pregame at Angela's place. We looked stunning! I mean, we truly were knockouts tonight, dressed up in our standard club attire. LBDs, mini skirts and stiletto pumps. With our hair straightened, painted lips, and generous eyeliner, we looked like we had stepped out of Vogue magazine.

Next to me was my college friend Isabella, a short but fiesty Latina girl from my office. She was dressed in a white cocktail dress that complimented her brown hair and hugged her curvy figure. In the back was another co-worker of mine, Joanne, a fairly tall Chinese beauty with a super model thin physique and straight black hair hanging past her shoulders. Typical of her somewhat cold personality, she wore only light make-up but had distinct eye shadow and eyeliner that emphasized her almond shaped eyes and angular cheek bones, matching perfectly with her strapless black dress.

Next to Joanne was my cousin, Min-Ji, who was the youngest of the group and still in college. Just looking at her it was obvious she was Gen-Z with her "idgaf" look and attitude. Her body was covered in random tattoos, she had a septum in her nose with multiple piercings in her ears, and she had toped it all off with purple-dyed hair. I rolled my eyes seeing she had her head in her phone, not paying attention to anyone else in the car.

In the front sat, Sruthi, my friend from college and the mom of the group who was making sure we all got home safe. Even so, the South Asian beauty was dressed to kill with a tight red dress that showed off her curves in all the right places. Karen, her hair done up in braided pigtails, was sitting next to me and Angela, in a dress with her ass nearly falling out, was with Joanne in the back row.

We finally pulled up to the bar and quickly jumped out. As we feared the line wrapped around the block, but Karen drug us to the front and showed the business card from earlier to the tough looking bouncer. He glanced at it for a moment, eyed each of us up and down, and then waved us in.

"This was definitely the right call," I said as I followed everyone inside and into the main room that was packed full of people dancing and drinking. "But this definitely isn't a speakeasy, more like a super club!" I shouted over the music to my friends.

"I know right?! Thank goodness." Angela yelled back and looked around the club that seemed to double in size once we entered through a set of double doors that lead us into the main floor. The décor was modern but also classy and I was really impressed by how everything looked so clean despite the number of people in there.

We approached one of the many bars to grab some drinks. A pretty young blonde bar tender gave us a friendly hello.

"How can I serve you ladies today?"

"Get us seven tequila shots!" I told her.

"Coming up." She replied, before grabbing a tray of glasses from the shelf behind her.

"Alright, so...let's try to stick together and remember, since it's my night," I said with a laugh, "I get dibs on whoever black guy here has the biggest cock!" I added jokingly.

Everyone laughed, mostly at my expense, as I turned around and scanned the crowd. There were quite a lot of sexy black men in there, probably a quarter of the people in the club.. I saw a few lucky ladies were already having their fill. Most of them were just grinding up on the guys, but I saw at least two girls in the booths sucking off big black cocks and there was an Asian girl on the dance floor getting railed from behind. Good, at least one black man in this club likes Asians!

"That'll be us soon!" I shouted to my friends as I pointed to the leggy Asian in the middle of the room bent over and taking a massive cock. There were two other women standing around her rubbing the man's arms lovingly, seemingly waiting their turn.

"Damn, look at these fine black cocks," Karen said as she took my arm and moved closer. "They're everywhere."

"It's hard not to notice!" Angela agreed. She was moving around, checking out all the men, while Isabella sighed happily. Min-ji of course was looking at her phone. The shots finally arrived and we raised them up in unison.

"To Grace and her lovely husband-to-be, Ryan!" Surthi cheered as we all downed the tequila. I grimaced at the burn, but felt the heat wash through my body in a way that told me the night was about to get so much better.

"Hey ladies! Looking good!"

We turned and saw a white guy walk up with three of his friends, two of which were also white and the last dude was Asian. They were objectively fit and attractive, but I wasn't in the mood to flirt with random guys in the club, plus half of us were taken, including me!

I nodded politely, but did nothing else as the lead white guy looked my way. Then his eyes noticed Karen and I knew exactly what he wanted when I saw that mischievous grin cross his face. These white dudes always had an Asian fetish and unfortunately for Karen, she physically fit all the stereotypes.

He came over and started introducing himself. His name was Ian. He said he worked in finance at some firm downtown. His friends started chatting up my group and we were polite but weren't about to play along. It was always so annoying when random boys started chatting you up at the club. Like come on! Why do they think we want them? The worst part about it, besides being hit on all the time, is that they never take no for an answer.

The group of us ordered more drinks at the guys' insistence (they were paying after all), and eventually my patience grew thin when one of the guys put his hands on my arm.

"Get the hint man, I'm not interested" I said as I flashed my engagement ring in his face.

He smirked. "So you say that now, until the drinks kick in."

I narrowed my eyes and looked him straight in the eye. "Just leave me alone." I demanded as my voice grew louder.

"Whatever... I mean all you Asian girls..." he started but was interrupted by a throat clearing from behind us.

All eyes turned to see two black guys standing there both looking extremely hot. I gulped but did my best to maintain my composure. One was a tall man (I would bet well over 6 foot 5!) with broad shoulders, thick muscular arms, and a chiseled face. His head was shaved bald, save for his neatly cut goatee. His jacket and colorful dress shirt were open revealing his hairy toned chest and chiseled abs. His crotch bulged slightly as he held a drink in one hand.

Next to him, stood a tank of a man. Not quite as tall, but he was thickly built, with wide shoulders, a strong chin, and a round face. He wore tight leather pants hugged tightly against his cock and his massive arms were covered in tattoos, giving him the look of a warrior. His hair was done in dreadlocks that reached past his shoulders.

My friends and I were staring at them awestruck (even Min-Ji was looking!) and the annoying guys who had been badgering quickly made their apologies and skittered away.

"Hope those guys weren't bothering you" the taller guy grinned apologetically at us as we finally broke our stare. I couldn't help but smile back at him. This guy was gorgeous. His face and body was a god-like combination. He looked like he might have played basketball in college or something.

"Oh don't happens a lot. It's nothing serious." I responded with a laugh


"Why don't we buy you lovely ladies some drinks?" The bulkier man said with a wink.

"We would love that!" Sruthi chimed in with a smile.

We weaved our way through the crowd and made our way to the bar for another round. We were almost there when I felt a tug on my dress and turned to see Min-ji grinning at me.

"You do know who those guys are right? They're huge on Tik Tok!" She whispered excitedly.

My cheeks burned as I tried to hide my embarrassment. I didn't even use Tik Tok, so I had no idea who these guys were.

"Haha yeah? Why are they famous?" I asked as I turned back towards the bar and continued through the crowd.

Her cheeks turned red, "Well umm... they've got over 40 million followers on Tik Tok...They...umm...well they're famous for...for...fucking K-Pop Stars!"

I gasped loudly and spun around to face her.

"Wait're telling me they're famous for banging Korean girls? Korean girls like us?!" I asked incredulously.

Min-Ji smiled sheepishly. "Yeah...I mean they just posted clips from their orgy with BlackPink like last week! Not that I care about Kpop, that music is think they're interested in you and me because we're Korean?"

I felt a warmth start to grow inside of me and it wasn't just from my tequila shot That is exactly why they're interested in us! Why else would they interrupt those annoying guys? Shit! They were totally going to fuck us!

"Ummm duh Min-ji! Why else would they have approached us. We gotta find Karen and let her know, this is going to be great!" I said excitedly as I looked around for Karen. I finally spotted her at the bar next to one of the guys. They were already chatting and he was smiling at her!

I rushed up to Karen and leaned against her ear. "You won't fucking believe what Min-Ji just told me!"

Karen smiled, "Tell me!"

"These two African-American guys...yeah, they're famous for hooking up with Korean girls...I guess like K-pop stars actually."

As soon as the words left my mouth Karen's jaw dropped. I could see the realization of what she was thinking setting in. Her hand flew to her mouth in shock.

"Oh my god..." She whispered nervously. "That's amazinnnngg! You're telling me they want to fuck us!"

"Yes Girl! Yes! YES!!! Now we gotta make sure we don't miss out on this one!" I cried out excitedly as I grabbed her arm.

I looked behind me and waved Min-Ji over to us. She joined us and smiled widely, her phone actually in her purse for once. The crew assembled, I made my move and got the attention of the tall man next to us.

"Hey! What's your name? My name is Grace, but of course my Korean name is Ji Woo if you prefer! And this here is my cousin Min-ji! This sexy little cutie you were talking to is Karen. Wait... Karen what's your Korean name?" I asked her, while still looking at the tall hunk.

Karen blushed and giggled, "Oh I never go by it, but its Sohee."

The tall black hunk just smiled as we all acted nervously around him. But he was really kind, gentle and very handsome and masculine. I loved his full beard!

"Ji Woo, Min-Ji, and Sohee...very pretty name is Isaac. This is my friend Miguel. We have some other friends back at our table, but you'll meet them soon enough. Soo, why don't you join us?" he asked casually.

"We'd love to!" I exclaimed, as the drinks arrived. The whole group grabbed a glass and I pulled our girl party into a circle.

"So here's the deal. These two stallions, Isaac and Miguel, apparently have a thing for Korean girls. So Karen, Min-ji and I are going to their table. Hate to abandon you all but you can't miss opportunities like this! Right?" I asked hopefully.

Isabella smirked, "Girl... say no more! Sruthi, Joanne, Angela and I can hold down the fort. Plus I saw some guys over by the stage eyeing us earlier. Go have fun! We'll be okay!"

I gave Isabella a hug and kissed her cheek. "Thank you so much." She smiled at me with that adorable gap between her teeth. The rest of the girls nodded knowingly and we headed off.

I turned back to Isaac and Miguel who were happily chatting, their drinks in hand, a beer in each hand. "Ok, we're ready whenever you are! " I announced. The two men just gave a knowing smile and nodded, motioning across the club. They made their way through the crowd and the three of us followed in toe, weaving past drunk dancers and more than a few tall hunks that I eyed up and down.

We finally made our way to the table and found ourselves face to face with a group of stunning black men...and a bunch of equally stunning Asian women. The table was large and could probably seat at least 20 people. There were several bottles of liquor and mixers, including a bucket of ice, and several pitchers of beer.

"Everybody, these sexy ladies here are Grace, Karen, and Min-ji," Isaac announced as he pulled out some chairs for us to sit.

The whole group nodded and said hi, smiling politely. One of the guys poured some drinks for us, and the conversation quickly resumed. I looked around the table and couldn't help but be shocked at how attractive everyone was. I mean Karen, Min-ji and I were hot, but some of these girls were like Victoria Secret models! The Asian girl right across from had a sophisticated look, with dyed red hair, and I was almost positive a designer dress. She was chatting with a guy next to her, and he had a strong jaw and a piercing gaze, with stylish piercings in both ears.

Next to Karen were two other Asian women, sitting next to each other. They had a different vibe. One was a gorgeous girl with darker skin, with long black hair, big doe eyes, and full, pouty lips. She was dressed in a short leather mini dress and knee-high boots. She had a small bust, but a toned stomach and a round butt. The girl was pale in contrast, with shoulder length blonde hair, and a more natural, freckled face. She had a tight athletic body, with a firm, round ass, and perky tits that pushed against her top.

As I was scanning the table I noticed one guy leaning back and my eyes grew wide as I saw a head of black hair bobbing on his crotch. There was a gorgeous Asian woman on her knees, sucking his dick, while his eyes were on me and he had a devilish grin. I felt my panties get wet and suddenly wished I was in her place. The alcohol in my system almost pushed me under the table to join her when I suddenly spotted a familiar face between Miguel and Isaac. The girl had luscious black hair, an angelic face, and a very thin body.

"Holy shit!" I whispered to Karen and Min-ji. "You'll never believe who's here! It's Tiffany From Girl's Generation!" I squeeled, nodding my head to the gorgeous woman.

I nudged Min-ji and Karen. "Do you see her?"

Min-ji's eyes widened and she gasped. "Oh my god, you're right! That's Tiffany!" she exclaimed.

"Oh my god, Tiffany is here?" Karen added, her eyes growing to the size of saucers.

I giggled and turned to the girls. "Do you think they're...they're shooting one of their video with her??" I asked hopefully.

"That would be amazing! Maybe we can get a cameo or something!" Min-ji squealed.

Just then, Isaac stood up and walked over to Tiffany. He leaned over and whispered in her ear.

She looked over and her face lit up. "Grace, Karen, and Min-ji! How amazing to meet you three!" she exclaimed as she jumped up walked around the table to greet us. We were shocked, and couldn't believe that Tiffany was approaching us. She was so down-to-earth and friendly, and she hugged us one by one.

"I heard from Isaac and Miguel that you guys are in need of loving. Let me tell you, I am so happy to have found these guys. They are so much fun, and have the biggest, thickest cocks ever! You guys will have the time of your lives tonight, I guarantee it." she winked at us, and I felt my panties get wetter and wetter.

Karen gulped. "Well, it's true. We're definitely open to it. It sounds amazing, especially after the guys we had to deal with earlier...."

"Ha! Isaac mentioned that. Some guys are so lame right? Think they can get with us just because they have a dick. No chance in hell! Well unless it's a black dick of course!" Tiffany giggled.

We all laughed and she continued. "And just so you know, we're doing a little shoot later for the boy's Tik Tok. You're welcome to join! I know they're always looking for more to join the fun."

The three of us looked at each other excitedly. "That sounds amazing! We'd love to! " I responded. "But I'm curious, what kind of video is it? Just want to prepare myself ya know!"

Tiffany laughed, "Well, they're calling it a Mukbang, I guess since I'm Korean, but its a gangbang!" she whispered, leaning in close.

My eyes widened and I gulped. "Wow! That sounds intense! I many guys are there going to be?"

She smiled. "Well, let's see, there's Isaac and Miguel, and then there's Jax, Kevin, Jordan, Kamal" she said pointing to guys around the table, "And I guess maybe some of the girls here will probably join in. You three too if you're open to it! It's a lot of fun and it's totally safe. These guys are professionals and they make sure the girls are well taken care of."

I looked at Karen and Min-ji and saw the same excitement in their eyes. We nodded and I leaned in. "Yeah, I think we'd love to try it. We're up for anything...right girls?"

Karen was beaming with excitement and her eyes were glazed over. "Yes! Let's do it!"

Min-Ji looked a little more hesitant, but then she giggled and smiled. "Why not?! It sounds fun!"

"Great! I'll leave you three to it. Just enjoy the music and drinks! We'll head back to the private room in a bit. See you soon!" She said as she headed back to her seat.

I was so excited! It was a dream come true! I was about to have sex with Isaac, Miguel, and several other hot black men! This night kept getting better and better! My mouth was almost drooling as I looked at all the men around the table. I was undressing them with my eyes my vision was going blurry, which honestly might have been the alcohol more than anything.

"Grace, are you sure about this? I've never done anything like this before." Min-Ji said, pulling me out of my trance.

"Don't worry Min-ji. It's going to be amazing. These guys are professionals. They know how to make a girl feel good. Just relax and let loose. You'll love it!" I said, putting my arm around her.

"But there's so many of them...what if I can' know, take them all?" she asked, a worried look on her face.

"Oh trust me, you'll be able to take them all. Those cocks are amazing!" Karen butted in. "Don't worry Min-ji, you're in good hands."

"Well, maybe I'll start off with one or two of them. You know, just to get used to it!" she giggled, looking over at the handsome men.

"Exactly. There's no rush. And you're allowed to stop at any point, ok?" I added, making sure she was comfortable.

She smiled and nodded. "Thank you, Grace. I'm feeling better already. Let's do this!"

We chatted for a bit over our drinks, shaking in anticipation of what was coming next. The black men around the table were talking and laughing, and I could feel the electricity in the air. They were looking us over, sizing us up, and I knew they couldn't wait to fuck us. Another round of drinks was set down in front of us and I suddenly felt the alcohol getting to me. I shook my head to focus and decided a quick trip to the bathroom would help.

"Hey girls, I'm going to head to the ladies room. Feel free to stay her or come with. I'll be right back!"

Min-Ji turned to me and nodded, getting up from her seat, but Karen was enraptured in a conversation with one of the guys, her hands roaming his chest and legs. I giggled and decided to leave her to it as Min-ji and I headed away from the table. We struggled with the crowd again and almost got lost but finally we made it to the hallway with the bathrooms.

Thankfully there wasn't a line and I pushed open the door. As we entered, the sounds and smells of sex hit us immediately. I couldn't believe my eyes as I saw a gorgeous black man standing in front of the mirror, a latina girl bent over the sink in front of him, and a girl behind him, her tongue lapping at the folds of his crack.

"Oh my god," Min-ji gasped, her hand flying to her mouth.