Guests of the Mapleseed Ch. 01


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Because following on the light's heels was warmth.

She could have swayed with relief. Her eyes fluttered open, and though spots still strobed in her vision, she was able to squint against them and make out what lay on the other side.

Standing in the doorway was another bunnygirl. This woman was blonde and quite tall, dressed in a very similar red leotard. Her arms rippled with strength, and instinctively Celia found herself looking for potential weak points if needed, or a potential exit. But the smile on the doormaid's face was radiant. "Penny!" she squealed, bouncing with excitement. "Oh my gosh, she's so pretty!"

"I know, Mitzi!" Penny gushed, bouncing behind Celia. "Can you believe I found her out in the mud?"

It took Celia a moment to realize they were talking about her. She flushed, rolling her eyes. "Do I have to buy a drink or something? I'm not staying long."

"Oh, yes!" The doormaid beamed, reaching and grabbing her around the waist with one muscular long arm before Celia could object. "Come in, come in! Divette, take her luggage!"

"Th-There's no need," Celia stammered, pulling away from the grip and sidling inside. Her vision was recovering enough to make out the petite redhead bunnygirl bounding towards them--she was literally smaller than Celia's burden, but her rosy freckled cheeks dimpled with a confident smile as she bounced in front of Celia. "I can--I'm just--" She looked to Penny for help.

"Shh!" Penny smiled soothingly, petting her shoulder. "Divette, just set it down next to her for now, okay?"

"Yes, Penny!" Divette chirped, and reached up expectantly. Celia reluctantly handed over the load. To her shock, the little bunnygirl took it expertly over one shoulder in a comfortable firefighter's carry and hopped over to set it upon one of the benches in the little lobby.

She paused, looking hard at the tarp-draped package, then back at Celia with a frown. "Um, ma'am?"

Celia plopped down next to the package and positively moaned with relief without thinking. She reached behind her, arched her back, and gave it a tremendous, thunderous series of cracks. "Fuck..."

She opened her eyes, blinked twice, and finally took stock of where she'd arrived in.

The little lobby she was in was lined on both sides with benches, and appealing paintings hung from the walls. Very appealing, she noted, ducking her head with embarrassment. Those were some... very immodest women.

Just ahead stood a counter staffed by, to her slight surprise, not a bunnygirl--a human woman, at least as far as she could tell, with shoulder-length silvery-blue hair and glitter speckling her uncommonly pale cheeks and blue-painted lips. Her blue-tinted glasses masked any expression, and she wore a tight-fitting tuxedo that covered her completely while also totally failing to hide her impressive figure.

Behind the counter were two branching paths, each blocked with heavy red curtains. Pink and golden moonlight filtered in through two crescent-shaped windows, and as Divette ducked under the right curtain to get the hot cocoa at Penny's request, Celia caught a glimpse of crackling rosy-pink lighting from beyond.

Music echoed from behind those curtains--grainy and metallic, swooping, swinging, music with instruments she didn't know the names of. It was beautiful, in its way. Music to tap your foot to, to swing your hips to even if you didn't know how to dance. But it sounded far away in a way that went beyond simple distance.

"This is an inn?" she asked, eyes narrowing. It seemed awfully... fancy for a roadside tavern.

"Oh, silly!" Penny giggled, half-sitting on the arm of the bench next to her. Her lashes fluttered. Celia tried not to look down. "It's sooo much more than an inn."

"Right." Celia eyed the curtains. Her uncertainties were starting to curdle into concerns again. "What's this place called, again?"

Penny's eyes sparkled. "The Mapleseed."

Celia swallowed. Penny was making her feel... looming over her like this, with her breasts right at Celia's eye level...

... fuck, how were bunnygirls always so good at defying gravity?

Celia was blushing hot as she tore her gaze to her hands. She heard the bunnygirls giggling all around her. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. She needed to think clearly, but she was too flustered for a moment to form many cogent thoughts at all.

She stopped her handwringing. She didn't need to think clearly to know her gut.

She stood up abruptly. "I have to go."

"Oh, but you just got here!" Penny protested.

"I-I have to go. Sorry." Celia shrugged, reaching down for the cargo.

The doormaid appeared at Celia's side, tilting her head down at her. Celia's heart fluttered as she looked up to meet the woman's gaze. Mitzi beamed down at her, blonde hair sparkling with little flecks of golden glitter. "What's the hurry?" she asked sweetly.

Celia squirmed. "I--I just, I was only going to stay here a minute--" She turned to go, but was blocked by Penny, who'd pranced around to cut off her path to the door.

Penny tilted her head up at her cutely. Celia's head spun at the contrast as she tried to keep tabs on both bunnygirls at once. They were both wearing the same thick sweetpea perfume. "What about your hot cocoa?" She pouted.

Celia backed up against the bench. Something was wrong here. These girls were too friendly, too flirty, too sexy, too hot and cute and bouncy and seductive and--fuck, why was she blushing like this? "I--I just have to--"

"Aww, don't worry, sweetie," Penny soothed, reaching up and running her fingers through a lock of Celia's hair that had slipped free from the hat. Celia flinched away. "You just have to wait for your hot cocoa, okay? Then you can go right after."

"But I--"

"You just have to relax," Mitzi purred. "Relax and let us warm you up a little!"

Celia bit her lip. Her eyes were on the knife at her belt. She wasn't one of those Bloodless types who didn't think it was okay to stab a hypnotist, but... she didn't want to kill anyone here, not on the tiny chance these really were just--just overenthusiastic barmaids, or really flirty ones. Not that barmaids usually ever wanted to flirt with her. Especially not barmaids this cute and...

No. Stop it. She pushed down the thought and smothered it with chloroform. "Fine. I'll wait for the hot cocoa." She sat back down, forcing herself to smile up at the pair. "Okay?"

She wasn't drinking a drop of whatever it was. That sweetpea perfume had her lightheaded as it was. She just needed to get them to lower her guard a little first so she could...

Their guard. She blinked rapidly. Lower their guard. So she could get out without a problem.

"Yay!" Penny's face lit up with such light it melted Celia's heart a little despite her best efforts. She sat down on the bench next to Celia and pressed in close. "We just want you to get warm before you leave, okay?"

"Yeah," Celia muttered. "Sure. Um... thanks." Her eyes darted nervously to Penny's, but those vivid canopies of autumn leaves overwhelmed her.

And unconsciously, her gaze drifted lower.

Penny's cleavage was beautiful. Soft, pillowy, glimmering in the faint rose-and-gold moonlight like polished jasper. Her chest rose with every breath, burgeoning against the tight low-cut black leotard.

The leotard hugged Penny's breasts close and tight, squeezing them together enticingly, tight enough that even the slightest movement made them jiggle.

Celia faintly heard Penny giggling, and wondered if Mitzi had said something. But then Penny's hands were under her breasts.


And letting them bounce.

Celia's lips parted.


Her head was swimming. She was so tired, and... did she really have to worry? These bunnygirls were being sweet to her. Everyone knew bunnygirls were harmless outside breeding season. She could leave anytime.

Penny squeezed her breasts together again.



"That's right," Penny was cooing, her voice echoing faintly as if from far off. "Just relax, Celia, sweetie. And watch... them... bounce!"

Bounce. Penny's head swam as the tits rose and fell seductively. Almost beckoning. She breathed in and smelled that sweet, wonderful perfume.

"Teehee! Good girl! Bounce-bounce-bounce! Aren't they sooo pretty?"

Mitzi's sugary voice chimed in from the other side, "Don't they look so full and soft?"

Full. Soft. Penny nodded dumbly.

"Gosh, I bet your head must be feeling so heavy." Bounce-bounce-bounce. "Maybe you should rest it somewhere~?"

Bounce-bounce-bounce. Celia found herself giggling slightly. Their dulcet tones filled her head like mulled wine, sweet and hot and heady. It made her head feel... heavy...

The sound of her own giggling snapped her out of it.

She blinked, flushed bright red, and tore her eyes away from Penny's breasts. "I-I have to go," she choked out, stumbling to her feet and pushing her way past the pair.

She swayed. Her head was still spinning. Her whole world was spinning. The air smelled so sweet, and the moonlight dazzled her eyes, and the...

She froze, eyes shooting to the crescent-shaped windows, the pink and golden light.

How the fuck were Ero and Desiere shining in the middle of a rainstorm?

Everything went still. She stared at the windows, then at the two enchantingly beautiful bunnygirls. Their eyes sparkled, reflecting the moonlight.

"Oh," she squeaked.

They smiled widely and pressed in from either side, forcing her towards the door.

"What's the matter?" Penny cooed.

"Don't you like it here?" Mitzi sang.

"It's so cold and wet outside~" Penny bounced in place, and it took all of Celia's dizzied will not to look at those beautiful bouncing tits.

"It's so nice and warm here~" Mitzi towered over her, smiling innocently as she rested a hand against the wall, not-so-subtly pinning Celia between the door and the two sweet-scented bunnygirls.

Celia's hand grasped the doorknob. "Yeah, well--"

"What about your package?"

She froze. Her eyes shot to the package, still resting on the bench. Cute, innocent little Divette stood there, bouncing from side to side, clutching a saucer and cup of hot cocoa topped with whipped cream before her ample chest. She smiled at Celia, eyes glittering wickedly.


Well, nothing for it. Celia lunged for her knife.

The bunnygirls were quicker. Her hand had barely grasped the hilt when Penny's hand was on her wrist, and she smiled, batting her eyelashes, as innocent as if she'd done it by mistake. But her grip was firm.

Celia had one hand free, though. She twisted to the side, not quite escaping Penny's grip, and yanked the door open--

--not to escape, but to hit Penny and Mitzi as hard as she could with it. She swung the door so fast the breeze sent her hat flying.

Penny dodged. Mitzi didn't. With a klonk and an "Eep!", the towering doormaid was knocked to the floor. Penny released Celia's wrist and tumbled clear with an almost terrifying nimbleness.

Celia didn't waste a second. She was already running for the package, reaching down to heft it over her shoulders once more. She was so stupid. This had been so, so stupid. She'd known it seemed too nice, too convenient, too--

Out of the corner of her eye, a little crystal bottle rose right next to her cheek. It was carved in the shape of a curled-up fox, and within swirled a strange pink liquid.

She'd forgotten about Divette.

With a single tiny motion, a delicate little hand with pink-painted nails puffed a cloud of that swirling sunset right above her face.

At the same time, someone grabbed her long, thick silver braid and yanked her head up. She gasped involuntarily, and heady sweetpea fragrance flooded her lungs.


Everything went... fuzzy.

Puff. She stared up, open-mouthed, into the pink clouds of perfume swirling over her head. Her mind swam. Badly. Puff. Puff...

"N-No," she mumbled, fumbling for her belt. "No, wait..."

"Aww, silly Celia!" cooed Penny's syrupy voice in her ear, and she felt hands at her belt, plucking the sheathed dagger away from her weak grip, undoing the buckle. "Gosh, we definitely can't let you go out there in this state!"

"W-What..." Celia shook her head weakly, trying to fight Penny's grip, but her strength failed her. She felt her belt slithering away from her, and her heart started to race. Penny was very close to her, now, and her body was so hot and... and soft...

"Have a seat," Penny cooed, and gave Celia's chest a little push.

Celia fell to her knees.

"Good girl!" Penny sang, giggling, bouncing in place as she leaned over Celia. Her tits were suddenly jiggling right before Celia's eyes, and Celia whimpered as she breathed in Penny's sweet perfume, Penny's intoxicating pheromones, whatever it was thicker than ever. "Oh my gosh, you're such a cutie!"

"N-No," Celia whimpered, but her protests didn't sound especially convincing at the moment. It felt so good to kneel. The hardwood floor wasn't especially comfortable, but she was so, so tired...

... and Penny's breasts were so, so nice andeasy to stare at...

Her mind felt cloudy. Soft. Mushy. She breathed in that scent deeper and deeper by the second, and her lashes fluttered involuntarily.

Fuck. No, no, no... She tried to push through the haze, but it was like shoving feathers through sticky berry jam.

"That's right," Penny purred, settling down so she straddled Celia's knees and her eyes locked with Celia's. Or, rather, they would have, if Celia's eyes weren't hopelessly trained on... on... "Stare. It's nice to stare! Good slutty bunnies loooove to stare."

"good... slutty..." Celia bit her lip, shaking her head slightly. "N-no, stop..."

She felt Penny helping her all the way onto her back. She wanted to resist, but all her willpower was busy trying to resist... staring...

"Just watch the pretty boobies, silly girl~" Penny's voice was a sultry dove's song. "That's all you need to do, and it's soooo easy, isn't it? Just watch them go up and down... baaack and forth..." She cupped her breasts and bounced them together, and it was like clouds of that sweet pink perfume rose up from them with every jiggle. Those perfect tits swayed back and forth, slow and steady, barely contained in the leotard at this point.

Back and forth. Back and forth...

"There's a good girl!" Penny said sweetly. "You just sit there and let my boobies do aaaall the hard thinking for you now, okay, babybun?"

"No," Celia managed. But her voice was small. Unsure.

"Like a goooood slutty bunny~" Penny purred. "Bouncy-bouncy-bouncy-bounce!" She bounced her tits together in time with the little singsong chant.

"no," Celia whimpered.

"Good bimbo bunnies say yes, silly!" Penny cooed.

Celia bit her tongue.

There was a pause. Out of the corner of her eye, Celia saw Penny pout...

... and then that gorgeous, innocent, adorable smile widened, and the still-resisting parts of Celia's mind quailed.

"Silly bunny!" Penny stroked Celia's hair. Celia felt her cheeks burning from the familiar, patronizing touch.

It didn't help that it felt really, really nice.

"You must be confused," the bunnygirl went on. "It's okay! Just take nice, slow, steady breaths. In and out. Innn..." She squeezed her tits together, so soft, so yielding-- "... and outtt~!" And she let them fall.

Celia whimpered as the perfume clouds washed over her. She could still faintly smell the sweetpea fragrance there, but she could also smell other scents hidden beneath, now, mating musk, forbidden toxins, things designed to turn her into an insensible suggestible bimbo bunnyslut the longer she breathed it in. She didn't dare breathe in a whiff, not until the fog from the last few breaths had cleared, not until she could think of a way out of this.

It was all she could think of to do right now to simply hold her breath.

And her heart fluttered as this act of resistance only seemed to amuse the gorgeous bunnygirl before her.

"Aww, sweetie," she cooed, "that won't do!" Her hand brushed over Celia's chest, and even through Celia's leathers and furs, Celia nearly gasped at the sudden sensation. "We want to see biiiig, deep breaths."

Her tits bounced to and fro as she swayed. Celia's mouth was dry. She squirmed as she felt Penny's delicate fingers grazing over a nipple, and even through her coat... fuck...

Penny giggled. "Gosh, so stubborn?" Her eyes glimmered, just out of the corner of Celia's gaze, with a dangerous reflected pink light. Her voice dropped to a sultry purr as she swayed slowly, elegantly above Celia. "Wouldn't it be so much easier to just... give in?"

Celia barely muffled her moan. Penny's whole body felt so hot, so soft. It would be so easy. That was why she absolutely, positively needed to not do that. She could feel her strength starting to recover, she just had to last a few more seconds...

But the bunnygirl jiggled and bounced against her as those nimble fingers slowly unbuckled Celia's armor. Celia whimpered weakly as she felt her last protection falling away from her. And there went Knives Two, Three and Five with it.

She was running out of air.

"Oh, my," Penny breathed, and she stopped jiggling for a moment to reach down and fondle Celia's chest. "Look what you were hiding, cutie~!"

Celia squirmed. She couldn't help it, even though she knew it only wasted precious oxygen. Penny's touch was electrifying. Celia was especially well-endowed, much to her inconvenience. Worse, keeping them contained tended to render them very... sensitive.

Penny gave her nipple a pinch through her shirt, and Celia had to bite her lip to contain a gasp.

"Gosh, you're so stubborn!" Penny's touches dropped away, to Celia's intense relief--and fear over what might replace them. "You're pretty tough, aren't you?"

Celia managed to muster all her rage into her eyes. Her gaze blazed with baleful promise. Her strength was beginning to return to her, and she could see a knife not far from the two of them. In just a moment, when the perfume was worn off completely--

Penny giggled. "I wonder what this would do~" she said sweetly.

In one graceful motion, she slid her slender hand right down Celia's pants.

Celia's eyes widened, and without even realizing it, her lips parted. Oh.

And she moaned as those warm fingers ran delicately along her sex.

She was barely conscious of taking the breath. Sweet perfume flooded her lungs almost instantly and kept it that way.

"Good girl!" Penny cooed. Her fingers stroked along Celia's lower lips. "Such a good girl. Just look at my bouncy bunny boobies and breathe in and out~"

"N-No," Celia whimpered, feeling her body heating up with more than shame. She squirmed helplessly. All that strength she'd recovered, all the tension in her muscles, it was all melting away.

And Penny's breasts were bouncing right in front of her, freed at last of the tight leotard pulled down beneath them.

Celia stared. Unconsciously, she ground her hips against Penny's fingers, breath catching, then smoothing evenly as those fingers played with her body.

"Thaaat's it," Penny cooed, caressing Celia's cheek with her other hand. Celia shivered. Penny's touch was so warm, so gentle. "Just watch them bounce. Bounce-bounce-bounce!"

Bounce bounce bounce. Celia heard herself vaguely giggling, and her humiliation was unbearable. The heavy perfume drowned her in sweetness, pinned her to the hardwood floor.

"Good girl!" The bunnygirl beamed down at her, clearly quite pleased. Celia found herself helplessly smiling back. "Aww, so cute!" She petted Celia's hair. "That's right, sweetie, you're being such a very good girl for me. Just watch the bouncy bunny boobies!"