H.O.T. Properties


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"I need to think, ladies," Rhonda admitted. "I will retire now, if you don't mind." Tanya grabbed her bags and showed her to the guest room, pointing out the bathroom and linen closets. They got her unpacked and settled in. Rhonda turned on the television and found a show she liked. She was fast asleep in just a few minutes. Her day had been horrid but enlightening.

Tanya curled up next to her lover and kissed her. She was concerned about how much her mother had hurt her woman. "Are you alright, sweetie? I know what she said hurt despite what you told her. I hate to say it but I'm almost immune by now."

"Honey, I'm fine. I hope she doesn't rebound on us in the morning."

"Yeah, me, too. If we find that she is fine in the morning, I'll take her in to work so she can see what we do." Tanya grabbed Hollie softly and started planting kisses on her mouth with ever-increasing passion. They both craved the other's kisses and more as heat was building in their groins. "I want you, Hollie. Let's go to bed and I'll calm us both down."

"I don't want calming, Tanya. Let me sex you up."

"OK, we'll think of something, Hollie. But I don't want Mom to hear us."

"I guess we'll have to stuff something in your mouth."

"You know, Hollie, sometimes you are the loud one. I know how to keep you quiet." Tanya grabbed her hand and led her as if she were a lamb going to sacrifice. They mounted the stairs to their bedroom. When they got there, Tanya undressed Hollie and placed her on her back on the bed. She disrobed with speed and climbed in to start Hollie's motor with kissing and caressing all the right spots. Hollie could not help but moan - Tanya had found hot spots that Hollie didn't know she had. Tanya was getting so wet from loving on her girl she needed no stimulation. Hollie tried to push the larger woman onto her back. Instead Tanya crawled up and spun about, stuffing her pussy into her lover's mouth while she did the same. The two stayed fairly quiet while they concentrated on pleasing each other. Only very muffled moans escaped.

Down the hall the flashing lights of the television woke Rhonda. She needed to relieve herself. The bathroom was off the hall. As she walked to it, she heard the sounds of passion coming form the master. The sounds were new. She had never knew that women could enjoy sex like this. She leaned against the wall and started to weep in self pity. Her entire life had been wasted so she had tried to deny this to everyone. Slowly she managed to collect herself and finish her bathroom business and return to bed. She also felt guilty for listening to her daughter's and Hollie's intimacy. Oddly, she also felt arousal so she felt guilty for that, too. Rhonda you are such a godawful mess. When sleep took her, she had what, for her, passed as an erotic dream. It was of that girl long ago she had tried to kiss. That was the only sensual memory she had. They had not done any more than just touch lips before they were caught.

As was the established schedule, Tanya rose and started breakfast while Hollie had her morning run. When Hollie returned, she found Tanya had been replaced by her mother, who was making pancakes, Hollie's favorite splurge.

"Good morning, Rhonda! Did you have a good sleep?"

"I left the TV on and it woke me. But that was OK because I had to use the restroom. I want to tell you something but I am afraid I will offend you."

"Worry not. Did we disturb you?"

"Not what I heard. Finding out I never had experienced passion with anyone kept me awake for a time. To be honest, I was left wanting something I don't even know. I guess I am a messed up woman now, Hollie. Breakfast is ready. Tany is getting showered. Please eat while the food is hot, child. Coffee is ready. Do you care for any?"

"Yes, ma'am! Can't start my day without it! Did Tanya tell you I splurge on pancakes?" Rhonda brought over a plate of breakfast pancakes and link sausage and a mug of coffee. "Thank you! I'm sorry about last night. It was rude of us - we are not used to company."

"Don't you ever be sorry to share love and passion with someone! It is a rare thing in our world, Hollie." Rhonda sat down with her mug and took pleasure in watching Hollie's expression as she ate. They were interrupted by Tanya returning from getting ready. She was happy to see Hollie eating her favorite. It appeared that there were no problems between the two. Hollie finished up as Tanya sat down and her mother stood to cook her breakfast. Rhonda brought her a mug of coffee, which she sipped as she waited. Rhonda made enough for both of them. Tanya was informed of what her mother had heard the previous night and was appalled. She tried over and again to appease her mother, who professed that no harm was done. Except by herself. Once this blew itself out, Tanya asked if Rhonda would like to see her office, which she did. Rhonda went up to bathe and change into clothing for the day with her baby girl.

Hollie and Tanya talked about the events of last night. Neither had sensed that Rhonda was hurt except for feeling left out of passion. Hollie went to work while Tanya called Miriam Palmero.

"Hello, Mrs. Palmero. This is Tanya Wilson, returning your husband's email. I will need some information as to where you are looking and the amenities you desire."

"Thank you for calling! Please call me Mimi, Tanya. Probably it is best if she is near train or bus lines on the upper west side. I think it would be nice if she had at least two bedrooms so my sister could visit her."

"Mimi, I did a cursory search yesterday. In that neighborhood prices range widely. Most places have at least two bedrooms and baths. Does she plan to cook a lot? Kitchens vary in quality."

"Tommy will be arriving tomorrow. Perhaps we could meet then?"

"I'm sorry. My mother is visiting and I'm not sure what her plans are. Would it be alright if one of my partners come if I can't?"

"I have no objections. Both their reputations are impeccable. May I hear from you as to plans, Tanya?"

"What is a good time for you, Mimi?"

"Let's see...her plane arrives at 10, so around noon we should be settled back here. How about one?"

"I will talk to you then, ma'am. Good-bye."

"Good-bye, Tanya. And enjoy your mother's visit." The connection ended just as Rhonda came down the stairs. Tanya saw she needed to take her mother shopping so she didn't look like a tourist. Tanya led her mother to the train station and they rode downtown.

Rhonda was enjoying the local flavor of the train. "Do you ride trains often, baby? I thought you would have a car for showing properties."

"The problem is finding a place to park, Mom. Renting a parking space near our location costs a huge amount of money. The agency has two cars we can use when we need to, but most of the time we meet our clients, and we use taxis." The ride was short and the station was only a block from the agency.

When they got to Tanya's work, Rhonda stared at the name with raised eyebrows. "Isn't that a little suggestive, Tany?"

"When I first saw the name I said the same, Mom. It stands for Hollie, Ophelia, and Tanya so I gave in." Rhonda nodded her acceptance of the explanation. When they went in, Tanya introduced her mother to Doris, who asked them if they cared for coffee or tea. Both mother and daughter chose tea and went to Tanya's office, followed closely by Hollie. "Hollie, they are looking upper west side near mass transit. Shouldn't be a problem to find something. The girl will be in town tomorrow. I was going to take Mom shopping. Can you make the meeting for me?"

"If it is OK with you two, why don't I take Ronnie shopping and you do your meeting. You are getting loyal clients, sweetie."

"Mom, is that fine with you? Hollie is a shopper extraordinaire."

"I guess I didn't know I was going shopping." Mother and daughter spent the day walking around and visiting some sites that Rhonda wanted to see. They met Hollie for the journey home. Rhonda again heard the sounds of loving - it excited her.

The next day they went in together on the train.

Hollie had seen the clothes that Rhonda was wearing, too - she was total tourist. "I thought everyone loved shopping, Rhonda. I'll even treat you to lunch! Tany, I emailed you some nice properties. Good luck today."

The day was easy for both lovers, once Hollie convinced Rhonda to let her pay at the clothing stores. Tanya showed Tommy and Mimi some of the listings she had gotten from Hollie. They picked out four that looked good and Tanya set up showings. When she got back to work, there was a voicemail that told her that she should go on home. They were still shopping. Tanya busied herself with making dinner. She decided on pot roast. It was a favorite of her mother. She browned the meat and started it simmering and sat down to read about the condo she was showing the next day. After an hour or so, Hollie and Rhonda returned with arms full of bags. Hollie got out of control again.

"Did you two leave anything in the stores?" Tanya quipped.

Rhonda's face went red. "I told her it was too much, Tany, but after she knew my size she kept bringing me more. They are all so pretty! But I have no place to wear them at home."

Hollie looked at Rhonda. "It's a done deal. Now you have to put on a fashion show for Tanya so she can decide if I did good." Rhonda picked out her favorite dress and went into the bathroom to change. Tanya had to admit her mother still looked good and Hollie's picks were spot on. Ronnie even modeled the lingerie, showing the scars of her youth. Both of the younger women winced at the sight.

"Mom, you have a wonderful body! The clothing hangs on you so well! Thank you, Hollie! I knew you would find some wonderful things for her."

"Really, Tanya. You were not ogling your mother, were you?" A red-faced Rhonda gasped aloud.

"It's just true, Mom, that I like to look at people and that is all. I'm gay, not a pervert." The conversation turned to the clothing and Tanya demanding to pay. She wanted to treat her Mother. Hollie demanded to pay and had already done so. Rhonda was embarrassed by the entire thing. She disliked taking charity. The lovers became aware of Rhonda's discomfort and stopped bickering. Tanya gave in to Hollie this time.

Tanya found Tommy a suitable co-op that Mimi signed off on after she convinced her niece to have it professionally decorated.

After discussions, Tanya convinced her mother to let her buy a house for her out on the island's north shore. Property here was less expensive but often needed renovation. In the end, it was Ophelia who found the perfect home. Tanya and Hollie took Rhonda out to view the property. To the older woman, the house was fine as it was. The two younger women disagreed. Hollie knew a contractor who also built custom furniture. After the sale was final, the three met Märta Ek at the home to plan needed improvements. Rhonda was struck dumb by the tall, very blonde woman with a Nordic accent and short hair. She appeared not to have an ounce of fat on her body but she did have muscles. This was extremely exciting to Rhonda. It was the one thing she liked about her two husbands.

Märta knew buildings in this community were prone to rot so she inspected the structure closely. She found some required repairs. The building inspectors would not allow habitation without them. Rhonda found her voice and asked about some new cabinets in the kitchen and baths. Everyone agreed to their need. As they were wrapping up, Hollie asked, "Marty, what happened to your beautiful hair?"

"Six months ago it got caught in a planer. If my shop foreman hadn't seen it happen, my neck would have snapped or my hair would have been torn out at the roots. So I got it cut off for safety. To be honest, this is too butch for me but it is safe."

Rhonda added, "I think the style suits you and your face very well." She blushed afterward, not knowing why she had said what she had.

"Thank you. I guess I got used to it long." As they drove back to Hollie's condo, Rhonda turned the conversation to the muscular Swede.

"How do you know her, Hollie?"

"She used to be really big in the LGBT world around here. That's where we met. Now she focuses on her building and craft work."

"Is she involved with someone?" This question surprised both the younger women.

"Not that I know of, but I don't get much gossip from out here. If you would like I can check."

"No, I'll ask her if I want to know," Rhoda replied. This conversation was leading down roads I'm not sure of. Marty took a while to handle the structural repairs but, when she was ready to do the remodel, she invited the three women back to consult on finishes and placement. Hollie kept her opinions to herself, as she had gotten to know Rhonda. She found her options to be extremely strong. Ronnie's style sense fitted the era of the home better than Hollie's or Tanya's. As a bonus, she and Marty got along very well. They both had a wicked sense of humor and loved to tease.

Rhonda also had come to grips with the girl's sexual orientation, even to the point of asking what kind of acts girls did. Everything sounded better than her own life had been. She was fascinated by cuddling and kissing, things that she had yearned for all her life. She even taught herself how to masturbate. She had her first orgasm alone in her daughter's house. The awakening was a glorious revelation. She, however, did feel guilty because she had fantasized about Marty as her partner. After the house was finished, Hollie and Tanya took Rhonda out to buy furnishings. When they went to measure for furnishings, they found the house was already furnished with Marty's custom work. Rhonda was happy with the choices. The builder had handmade every piece. It all complemented the home perfectly.

Tanya called Märta to pay for the work she had done and was informed that the furnishings were included in the renovation budget. Rhonda wanted to thank the woman and invited her over for dinner the next night. The three did go out to purchase a car for Rhonda. All she wanted was a truck so they bought her a crew cab Tundra. Rhonda asked a neighbor where people shopped around there after she introduced herself. The woman was very friendly and offered to take her as she was about to go herself. Rhonda and Jane got on well and had a good time shopping. Jane was helpful, reminding her new neighbor about things she would need. There so many staples. Both knew it would take weeks to remember them all. Rhonda bought the things she needed for dinner with Marty as well as some wine. Jane helped tote in the supplies. She was very impressed with the renovations and furniture. Tanya and Hollie went to a local store to buy linens. They returned just as Rhonda and Jane finished. They had many bags with sheets, towels, pillows, throw pillows. Anything they could think of. Tanya had bought her mother a set of All Clad cookware as well as a tea kettle, coffee maker, and other essentials, including cutlery. The women could put no more in the car. There would be other needs. Tanya would go with her mother to buy what she thought of on the weekend.

Tanya's connection with the Palmeros had brought in many of their friends and several large sales. She assured her mother she could afford setting her up with no problem. Rhonda was in a tizzy learning her new range. It was dual fuel but it was huge, 60 inches and, it seemed to her, should be in a restaurant. When Marty arrived, Rhonda was in tears. She couldn't figure the damned thing out. The cooktop was easy but the ovens were very complex. Marty knew this might happen. She took a long time to explain how to work every thing. Rhonda calmed down but was ashamed of her outburst and hoped the food made up for it. The dinner was simple country fare and both were very relaxed by the end. After they cleaned up, the two went into the living room.

Marty was aware that Rhonda was getting fidgety and asked her, "Are you upset? You seem upset."

Rhonda just up and asked what she wanted to know. "Are you in a relationship now?"

The question was unexpected at the minimum. "No. I haven't had one for over a year. Why do you ask, Rhonda?"

"I want to ask you to do something, but I wouldn't if you were seeing someone. That's not how I work."

"Ask away, but I can not promise anything, Ronnie." Instead of speaking, Rhonda removed her shirt and turned her back to her guest. She felt the soft touch of a calloused hand stroking her as there were gasps from Marty. "Who did this to you?"

Rhonda turned to face the tall, strong blonde and told her story through her tears, ending with "It all started with me trying out kissing with a classmate when we were 13. My Dad literally threw her out the front door. The girl, Marie, was scraped up badly. Her father beat the hell out of my dad when he saw her. All I wanted to do was to see what it felt like. Instead I got a life of abuse. I've seen my children and their partners love on each other. I guess I still want to know. Would you give me a real kiss? That's all I ask. I think once in my life is not too much to ask. I will understand if this is too weird. I don't trust a man to do it so a woman is my only choice." Rhonda was very nervous about asking. She liked Marty a lot and did not want to offend her. She felt a hand under her chin lift her face. She was looking into hazel eyes that were alive with emotion. The hand stroked her cheek and Rhonda's skin registered the difference. She had never been touched like this before. Then it happened. Marty's lovely face came forward and lips made a soft real contact.

Rhonda's body responded in a way she did not understand. Her fingers traced up and down the blonde woman's neck. The kiss deepened as Marty's tongue prodded at Rhonda's lips which slowly parted to allow deeper penetration. Rhonda was shaking. She didn't know why. She was losing control over her actions. Her hands slipped behind the Swede's head. She pulled their lips tighter. Her tongue was exploring. She was in a new place, as passion flowed over her. Rhonda had never wanted anyone before now. She craved her kisser. It was beyond anything in her experience. Marty was becoming aroused - it had been a long dry spell. She was trying not to take this too fast. Rhonda was a damaged soul. Rhonda wanted all Marty could give. She didn't know how to signal this. Finally she pulled the woman on top of her as she laid back.

The kiss went unbroken. Rhonda locked her arms around Marty's neck and held her in place. Marty was being devoured by the woman. Rhonda discovered the root of her evil. She was extremely sexual and had been suppressed all her life. Now she wanted it all at once. Rhonda would not take 'No' for an answer. This time she knew Marty could give her what she wanted and needed. Ronnie's legs locked around Marty's hips tightly and she started to grind. She was feeling things her body had needed but was denied. Marty had never had a lover do anything like this to her before. She was stronger and could have broken free. But the obvious need held her in place. She did, however, need to take a breather from the kissing. After what seemed like hours, she broke the kiss. Ronnie felt a hand snake behind her and unclasp her bra. Ronnie recaptured the mouth and started unquenchably kissing again. She did gasp when she felt two hands free her breasts. Fingers started to stroke her nipples, causing a sensation that she dreamed about but had never felt. Rhonda moaned into the mouth of Marty, driving up both of their passion.

Marty managed to say, "Bed!"

Rhonda replied, her voice muffled by the Swede's mouth. "I'm not letting go of you." This excited Märta more than any words had, ever. She managed to turn both of them so that she could pull the desperate woman up to sitting. The strong builder grabbed her partner under her rump and stood she walked to the stairs and ascended. There was no need to ask where the bedroom was - she had, after all, remodeled it. The couple slowly and safely made it to the large bed, where they reclined still locked in each others arms and Ronnie's legs. The sound of a zipper being lowered was the clue that Rhonda was losing her jeans. She felt her hips being lifted by the blonde. Now there was a decision needed from the Midwesterner. Let go with her legs to allow removal or hold tight. A slight caress to the top of her panties made the choice for her. Her need made legs let go. The touch did not stop. Rhonda was feeling things in her body that were making her shiver with lust.