Half Way to Paradise

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Brother and Sister’s holiday plans gone wrong!
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Everything probably would have been fine except that when I won a little over £40,000 on the Lottery I opened my mouth about it!

I just missed out on the jackpot – I got five numbers and the bonus number (damn the other number!) but £40,000 was more than enough to be a life-changing sum of money so after sorting out some essential financial matters (paid off my credit cards and bought myself a better car) I lined myself up for a holiday – for a good break.

Having stayed up in Cairns in Queensland, Australia when I took a gap year from Uni, I wanted to go back there for a holiday and with a quick search through the internet I soon discovered an adults-only resort just a bit further up the coast.

'Fine' I thought, 'Peace; I can take a break and try to find some time to write....'

I'm an apology for a novel writer by trade; I had one decent 'hit' and I was hooked. Hooked, because it was great to be in the spotlight – pampered and feted – and with lots of money thrown my way too. But it's been hard to recreate that success and a lot of my work seems to go unpublished these days. Yeah – I make enough to get by what with the royalties on my 'best-seller' but I need more success – another best-seller – so this break might give me a chance to rediscover my art.

And while I'm mentioning me and because I guess I'm half the theme for the story here's a bit more about me. So I'm Bobby (sometimes Bob) Fury although some of my mates do insist on calling me Billy – those with a penchant for old rock songs, that is. I'm single – too busy writing to marry; I've got my own house; I'm 35 this year and I think I'm ok to look at. I'm a few inches over six foot tall; weigh in around 175 and look reasonably fit because I have my regular work-out routine which I stick to. Not heavy stuff, but enough to keep my muscles in trim. I'm careful in what I eat – which is why I can occasionally allow myself to let go and have a bit of a binge! But that's more than enough about me for now, so here's the rest of the story.

As it happened I'd planned to visit my parents for the weekend a couple of weeks after I'd struck it rich so I made sure that all the family were around when I told them – Mum, Dad and my sister – but in retrospect, perhaps I should have just kept quiet.

So, having gathered them about me I opened my mouth and told them the news and I need hardly say that they were obviously mega-pleased for me. But it was when I told them what I was going to do that things started to go wrong....

Mum and Dad are now in their mid fifties, so at least they're respectably sensible beings and Dad has worked hard to make sure that the family were affluent enough to be comfortable so there was no problem with them accepting my good luck. They insisted that they didn't need anything – that I should just make the most of my windfall – although I did promise I'd get Dad a case of malt whisky.

But my sister Tina is still young and silly at times – she's still making her way in life and still living at home with our parents. Truthfully I've no idea what she does for a living except that it has to do with clothes and today she was sitting there in Daisy Duke shorts and a cute halter-neck top and she looked eminently edible – even to her brother!

I may have said that she's still young and silly but she's 27 now so she's fully grown with a tall slim figure topped with wavy auburn hair; a pretty face and tits to die for! Christ knows how she can be a size 10 waist and yet have 40 inch knockers but she does! Well, I don't actually know their size but they've got to be at least 40 inches! In a way it's a shame because all you see are her tits – you tend to miss her pretty face and her sweet figure.....

Of late I've often found myself wondering about my sister and her boobs – well, about all of her body really, but her tits in particular! Because I'm that much older, I'd left home for college and then university before she really developed; she was just a boring teenage girl when I glimpsed her naked in the shower one day and that's about all I'd ever seen of her now delectable body. Which is a bloody shame, because since she turned about 18, every time I pop round home she looks better and better and there are many occasions when I curse myself for not having got to know her better – perhaps a whole lot better! Dirty old man, I tell myself! Ahhhh – I'd still love her, tits or no tits!

Anyway, the moment I told them of my plans, my sister immediately bounced up and I mean bounced; happily buoyed by my good fortune. She was absolutely fully of it – shrieking and yelling as if she'd won the money, not me.

It took a while to get her to calm down and when she'd done so, I thought that would be the end of it, but that was just the start! Instead she came and sat on my lap, cuddling herself into my body; her arms quickly becoming wrapped round my neck and her breath warm in my ear.

"Bobby – you always said you'd take me with you if you went on holiday!" she crooned, gently rubbing her hand over my cheek, "Can I come with you this time?"

Now I never ever expected to win such goodies as I had, so my past "promise" to take her with me really applied to what I presumed a holiday might be – a week in a caravan on the south coast or something like that – but could I reasonably turn her down? Could I be that hard?

I tried to turn her down anyway.

I tried to explain why I needed this holiday on my own.

I tried to explain how helpful it would be in furthering my writing.

I tried to explain how much I was looking forward to the peace and how much it would help me to reminisce on my past.

"Oh but....." moaned Tina, slyly rubbing her body seductively against me, "It would be so nice – we could be together, just brother and sister – I'm sure I could help you, please....please!"

She kissed me warmly and wetly on the lips, such was her determination to get included and her breasts rubbed across my chest as she squirmed and being one who was always a sucker for a pretty pleading woman and a pair of big tits, I gave in without a fight.

"Oh yes – if it makes you happy," I said, "But I'm going there to try to visit my past and to write first of all and perhaps enjoy the tropical sun and the Reef and such as an afterthought – so you might well spend quite a bit of time on your own."

Mind you, I doubted that – every hot-blooded Romeo within miles would be buzzing around her!

Given that I'd pretty well said 'yes' to her holiday of a lifetime, it was hardly surprising that my sister would go loopy once more!

Tina was all over me with excitement, bouncing up and down, squeezing my neck hard, kissing me wildly, thanking me profusely and generally doing absolutely nothing to help my already aroused hormones to settle down. Fuckin' woman!

And all her squirming was doing absolutely nothing to help me physically either – all the feminine action and all the male sensations were ending up in my groin where my penis was now all scrunched up, foiling all his plans to do his elephant impressions. I had to push Tina off my lap or have a disaster though......

"Get off, you silly sod," I said, trying to play down the erotic aspect of her appreciation and Tina stood up from my lap.

But she immediately sank to her knees between my legs and wrapped her arms around me once more.

"You're an absolute darling Bobby," she said still bubbling happily, "I've always wanted to see the Barrier Reef – it'll be wonderful – oh I love you!"

She wasn't saying that sexually but the fact that her body was locked against my crotch made everything sexual! Especially the contact between her tits and my lower abdomen.....her tits that were now straining to escape from the little top she was wearing.

"Stop it, lay off," I groaned, "Mum and Dad might be watching...."

Well they weren't at that moment but it was a good cover story and Tina leaned back – but in doing so she released my coiled-up elephant trunk from his confines.

My delighted cock immediately stretched out down one leg of my trousers and created a long tent-like ridge. I groaned and Tina looked up at me to see not agony but relief on my face. Her eyes immediately did a quick scan of my body – down and up and down again – where they locked onto the protrusion that my penis was making.

"Oooh – you all excited too?" she questioned, her eyes glowing, "Put it away!"

"Well stop hugging me then!" I said, "It's your fault."

"How can it be my fault – you're the one who's got excited!" she said.

"Cos you're getting too close," I said softly.

"Hey – you're my bruv – can't I get close to you then?" she crooned, "Anyway – I'm just showing you my appreciation."

"That's not all you're showing!" I said, trying to sound serious but finding it hard to do so in the face of so much tit flesh on view.

"My body – I can show it to who I like!" she said with a big grin on her face, "How else can I thank you?"

I could easily think of some other ways but it might not be a good idea to detail them!

Tina laid her hand on my thigh, just a couple of inches away from where my penis was straining to meet her and I actually jumped at her touch.

"I'm sorry bruv," she said soothingly, "I can't help getting all worked up about the holiday of a lifetime, can I? And I guess you can't either! Perhaps we'll have to do something about that."

I looked at her to try to find some hidden meaning in her words but her face was seemingly innocent – although I doubted that her mind was so sweet!

I felt a bit naughty so I replied to her.

"Do something about what?" I replied, sending my own double-edged question back to Tina.

Tina knelt more upright between my legs, her arms and tits sliding up my body until we were more or less face to face.

"I don't know," she said seductively, "What do you fancy?"

My eyes just automatically fell straight down to her tits – I couldn't help it and Tina saw me looking.

As I said before, I guess that Tina is about a 40 inch bust although I don't know exactly what size she is but all I can say for certain is that something like well over half of her tits was being squeezed out of the top of her clothes. It was obvious that she wasn't wearing a bra because on one side her nipple protruded through the taut material like a pencil rubber while on the other side the brown crinkled skin of her aureole was exposed along with the top of her deep pink nipple itself!

"Ooops!" I said, but what's once seen cannot be unseen!

The vision had seared me to my cortex and an electrifying message went in micro-seconds to my cock, which lurched with excitement.

Tina wasn't slow on the uptake either as she quickly scanned her chest. Moments later her thigh was pressing against my renewed erection and I felt her body rubbing across me causing further seismic tremors to shake me. She looked up into my face – a look of wildness in her eyes.

"You like my boobs then?" she asked, giving them a little shake and I nodded and found myself licking my lips and although I may not have responded with words, my penis tried to speak for me – or at least he nodded his head too.

"What've you got down there?" she asked, "Is he spring-loaded?"

I shook my head, not knowing what else to do.....

"He is!" she said, her groin busy rubbing across my penis, "All ready to spring into action, isn't he?"

Again I had no idea what to say so I just nodded my head this time.....

"Shall I find out?" said Tina mischievously, "Can I see how ready he is?"

"No – no – don't!" I cried under my breath, "Dad – Mum – oh fuck!"

Tina looked over her shoulder to where our parents were – down in the kitchen getting themselves an afternoon pot of tea.

"They're busy," she said as her own hands suddenly became busy.

"Oh God!" I cried almost silently as Tina's hand closed over my hot horny cock.

"Oh God!" echoed Tina, "He's big – wow!"

She looked me straight in the eye as her hand explored my length.

"What's that – eight, nine inches?"

"Eight," I confirmed breathlessly, "Oooooh Tina!"

"Eager, isn't he?" Tina said quietly but still moving her hand on my shaft, "He's so hot! He's leaking too – I can feel the dampness."

"Oh God no," I groaned, knowing that once I started getting really excited, I'd be oozing precum like anything.

"This is exciting Bobby, isn't it?" said Tina gleefully, her fingers squeezing my knob and causing untold fluid damage to the material of my trousers, "You're so stiff and you're getting really wet down there."

"I know, I know – don't do it then," I groaned, "Stop it. No more Tina – please, no more!"

"Can't I find out all about my brother then?" Tina asked coyly, "I only want to play!"

Tina let go of me and stood up, her tight fitting shorts that covered her almost certainly delectable pussy were just in front of my face now. I could swear that she tilted her pussy towards me as I looked.

"Meet you in the bathroom," whispered Tina as she pirouetted and walked away, swaying her hips as she went.

'Should I follow her?' my mind was thinking. My conscience was telling me not to – but my cock was winning now she'd got him so aroused and I stood up. I managed to more or less hide my erection but it wouldn't go away as I turned to discretely follow Tina.

But as I did so I was saved; saved from my incestuous mind; saved from any further embarrassment perhaps; saved from the moment of a lifetime.

"Hey son – cup of tea? Got one ready for you," Dad called out to me – and gave me an excuse to break away from the somewhat – well, definitely amorous intents of my sister.

"Er, yeah sure Dad, thanks," I called back and quickly sat down again so my damp patch and my erection didn't show up so readily.

And a little later, down the hall I heard Mum say, "Is that you in there Tina? Well, hurry up – I want to use the toilet," so that effectively buggered up Tina's plans too.

Dad brought the tea and some biscuits over while he and I sat down too and soon Mum joined us and I was immersed in Dad's concerns that I get all the tickets and travel permits and passports and inoculations and money and so on and so on all sorted – which I'd obviously do anyway. But with Dad being Dad, everything needed to be checked off at least twice before he'd even leave the house! Tina kept a low profile and I guessed she'd gone off to her room.

But at least my cock wasn't interested in such things as journey planning and he quickly deflated – and the warm mug I held on my thigh helped dry out the damp patch, so by the time I'd finished my cuppa I was as good as presentable once more.

I proffered my thanks to my parents and told them I needed to get a story finished off to hit a deadline, which was partially true anyway and left them to their ruminations.

I went and hid myself in the spare bedroom – once my bedroom – locking the door behind me as I often did when I wanted to get some writing done – or when I wanted some peace for a wank.

Because that's exactly what I wanted – a damn good wank.

With my laptop beside me I stripped off and lay on the bed, my rapidly reinflated erection at the ready as I opened up a downloaded video of some good solid raunchy porn. Soon I was bringing myself to a rapid orgasm – it seemed to take almost no time to go from newly erect to cumming hard and I was fortunate to be able to grab some tissues to catch my generous eruptions, it was that quick and sudden.

I don't know what caused it; I do know that the video was hot and usually made me cum fairly quickly. But this time, flashes of my sister's tits kept appearing; memories of the feel of her hand on my cock kept arriving and unbidden dreams of sliding my cock into my sister's pussy kept taking over and I swear it was the thought of emptying my sperm into her hot body that brought me off.

One vigorous squirt escaped the tissue and splashed down the screen, just as the hero sprayed his own cum across the ass of his voluptuous partner.

Before it could slither down into the works I grabbed another tissue and cleared it up although it left a smear across the screen that I'd need to deal with later.....

I pulled my shorts back up, turned off the computer and in moments I was asleep – that post-wank contented tiredness that grabs you sometimes.

I woke up what turned out to be a couple of hours later, refreshed and hungry but not quite so horny now, thank heavens.

I cracked the door open and the smell of home cooking drifted in – too powerful a scent for me to retreat from, so I headed down to the kitchen.

Mum was there as usual, supervising her boiling cauldrons, so I merely stuck my nose in, made an appropriately appreciative noise and retired back to the lounge.

"Your sister's gone out, dear," said Mum from the doorway, "I think she's buying new clothes for the trip already!"

I laughed sociably and tried to concentrate on dinner but instead visions of Tina's dumplings kept floating past my eyes, but once again Dad saved me.

"Don't know about you but I fancy some wine with dinner," he asked, "Pick out a bottle if you do and don't forget to let it breathe if you're choosing a red."

Finding out that we were having roast beef, I indeed opted for a red wine and soon I had a nice Cabernet Sauvignon uncorked and ready for consumption later – and at least I'd been able to take my mind off breasts!

Tina came back after a couple of hours just as dinner was about to be served and joined us – having dumped several carrier bags in her bedroom. The meal passed uneventfully and at least Mum had provided a good repast; she was an excellent cook, as Dad's waistline testified. Soon we'd got the remnants cleaned away and we gathered in the lounge where we digested our dinner and also digested the forthcoming holiday.

Dad had managed to find some old maps of Australia and a brochure that I'd sent them from Cairns those years ago – they were of no use whatsoever really, but they did bring back some memories.

Memories of sun-drenched beaches and islands; tropical palms and fruits; the sun and the warmth; the pretty girls at the hostel where I'd stayed – and much more......and now I was aiming at reviving them all; refreshing my mind and hopefully, my body too.

I shook myself out of my reverie as Mum stood up eventually.

"Time for us old ones to get our beauty sleep," she said and Dad somewhat sleepily agreed. A few minutes later they'd retired to their bedroom, leaving Tina and I together and four pint cans of a six pack of lager between us.

"I can't believe this is really happening," enthused Tina, still all excited – not to say that I wasn't, "I've been and bought some great clothes for the trip," she added, "Hope they'll be suitable."

"I hope you've made sure they're lightweight and can let the air in," I said, remembering the occasionally stifling heat but forgetting what they would expose!

"You'll have to see them," she said, her eyes glittering, "I'll show you later."

We chatted amicably for some time, now discussing the finer details of our intended trip and although it would be sensible for us to visit during their winter, we were restricted, as it happens, by a series of conferences – one in May I'd just been to and then there were two in June and July that I'd been booked to speak at and a course that Tina was attending that wouldn't finish until late September.

So we aimed for a mid October to mid November four week long trip, just before summer arrived in Australia and hopefully before the rains arrived, which gave us some four or five months to get everything sorted.

And finally it was bedtime but Tina reminded me of her plan to show me her new clothes – so I went along with her.

Now, I suggest that the beer had dulled my mind because I seemed to have cast off the sexiness of earlier on; forgotten Tina's glittering eyes and I also hadn't considered what the clothes might be – so I tagged along and soon I was sitting on the side of Tina's bed as she made her cat-walk preparations.