Halloween Hell: Kim


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Despite being drunk, I try to get myself to do something. To scream, or yell or say something, but it feels like I can't. Having my breasts exposed like this takes the air out of my lungs, so to speak. I find I can only stay still and look at my exposed tits as I feel feelings that I shouldn't be feeling, such as how cool night air makes my nipples hard.

"Ouch!" I yelp as Goat Mask slaps my right breast. He slaps it playfully, sending it into the left breast, making both swing. He repeats this with a laugh but on the left one, making it swing the other way to strike my right tit.

And Goat Man slaps my breasts, the other two keep laughing, seemingly loving my yelps of fear and pain as I can't believe this is happening. For several minutes, he slaps at my breasts as if it is a game, making them sore and swollen. He doesn't hit hard, which I know he can, but he still slaps them and it hurts.

It's easy to see his goal is to make them swing and move, no doubt loving the visual of my large F cups breasts moving. Either that or he likes making me feel them move, as it makes them feel like cheap toys instead of the godly body parts I've always treated them as. In the end, I guess it really doesn't matter as he keeps slapping them and there's nothing I can do about it.

There's a playful scream nearby, alerting me that another group is about to come in. My face turns to the open door frame and then to Goat Mask, signaling that help is about to arrive. That my saviors are finally here. I even tense up as the seconds pass, preparing myself on how to act, knowing any moment people will come in to save me.

"OUCH!" I cry out yet again, only louder this time as Goat Mask grabs the waistband of my panties, right in front. He yanks up on the waistband, stretching my panties upward in the most painful manner. They bunch and go between the lips of my womanhood, sending unique pain all over me. It feels sharp and dull at the same time, only it's right on my most sensitive place, making me feel like a high school nerd getting a wedgie.

The evil bastard holds them like this, as if trying to lift me by my panties, making me feel the embarrassing and humiliating pain. It makes me feel like he's bullying my womanhood. That he's treating it harshly, showing how little he thinks of it or me. This is made worse when he pulls harder and I hear my panties' fabric ripping. Ripping apart right at what it is supposed to be protecting.

"NO!" I protest as the evil bastard rips my panties off, completely. They tear off, waistband and all, making me cry out again as they seem to snap right on my sensitive clit. And then my womanhood is completely exposed to this red light room. There's nothing to hide it at all as my jeans have been yanked off me, and now my panties ripped completely off.

The feeling of being completely naked and exposed stuns me again. The drunken haze that I'm in serves to make the feeling stronger as I find I'm unable to breathe for a moment. The humiliation of being exposed like this, of being naked in a cheap haunted house is too overwhelming for my mind to process. That these losers are getting to see something so precious and wonderful as my shaved womanhood. That they are getting to see what very few people in the world would ever even hope to see.

"Help me!" I yell as a new group finally enters the small room. I've turned to them and yelled my cry for help, but my words don't come out. At least, not as I mean for them to come out. Instead what I said comes out muffled and gagged to which I can't understand what I said at all.

Confused, my tongue moves about my mouth to find something. There's something in my mouth. Something all over the inside of my mouth, preventing me from talking. At this discovery my eyes flick down to see part of my own white panties are sticking out of my mouth and hanging down.

The bastard gagged me with my own panties. Balled them up and stuffed them into my mouth. I was so shocked and stunned, not to mention drunk, at being exposed that I didn't even feel him do it. I had prepared to yell for help like an idiot with my mouth wide open, giving him the perfect chance to do it.

"That's a bit adult, isn't it?" A woman in the new group comments upon seeing the scene. My drunken haze causes me to sway a bit, as this isn't how I thought she or any of them would react. For all they are doing is looking at me. I thought they would scream, or yell at them to let me go, or something similar. Yet they just look back and forth between myself and the evil bastards as if trying to figure what we are supposed to be.

I then put myself in her shoes, where this must look like another cheap scene in this crap haunted house. A scene of a killer rapist in a goat mask about to do as he wants to a victim. That he's stripped her and is about to have his way.

"Seems cheap and gross," The woman now says, with a somewhat disgusted look on her face as she looks at me exposed like this, showing she doesn't like what she sees. Only I get the sense she doesn't like it because her boyfriend is with her, and she doesn't like the thought of him looking at any naked women. Especially not one with larger tits than she has.

"Nah, it's ok. Besides, can't even see that much," her boyfriend says. He steps forward and then moves to his tiptoes, clearly trying to look over the partial sheetrock that must be covering my lower half. He gives the impression he's trying to be cute and funny by doing this, but it's clear he really does want to see my exposed pussy.

When he does this, the woman smacks him to which he laughs and covers up to protect himself. Then the rest of the group laugh as if having a great time. That they are a strong group of friends enjoying themselves and nothing could ever go wrong.

I yell for them to help me. I struggle against the one holding me and look at each of the group in turn, trying to get them to look in my eyes and see I need help. With all my might I scream and fight, telling them this isn't a display. That this is real. That I need help. That I'm being attacked.

"Meh. This is just shock value stuff," another woman in their group comments. She then moves past the couple, not caring for what she sees. The woman doesn't even give me another glance, not caring that another female has been stripped naked and is helpless to five crazy evil men.

To my horror, the group walks off. The boyfriend does give me one last look, but it isn't to check on me, but to look at my tits as that's where his eyes go. They make contact with my breasts where he smiles then walks off, following behind his girlfriend.

Then they are all gone. Moved on into the other doorframe to go to the rest of the house. Walked away from me, not caring to see the truth.

Horror moves over me as I realize they think I'm part of the attraction. How? I mean, when you by a ticket they make sure to let you know this is adults only, as there's lots of gore and nudity here, but this is different. Can't they tell that this is real? That I'm not part of the cheap props?

Owl Mask stops hugging my feet. He then curls up at my feet in a weird way, as his arms wrap around my right leg. The way the guy moves is so creepy. He's so jittery and stingy that it's almost like he's not human.

The weirdo starts to push my left leg with both of his feet, hard. His strength is crazy for such a stringy looking guy as he forces me to part my left leg open. Then I feel him pushing with his hands, making me start to spread my right leg as well.

As the alcohol really kicks in to make me extremely drunk, I figure what Owl Man is trying to do. He's spreading my legs open. He's parting them so nothing can stop them would reaching my pussy.

Knowing this, I struggle to close my legs. I fight hard to not let him do this to me. But his bare feet seem to wrap around my ankle as his hands push my other ankle, giving him leverage. He's able to overpower me to spread my legs more and more.

I pout as when he finally stops, my legs are spread extremely wide, making me feel even more helpless and vulnerable. My womanhood feels like a target now with a big bullseye. It makes me scared for it and what they mean to do to me.

Despite my struggling, I can't get free. I can't even move. All my struggling does is to make my tits jiggle and bounce, leading for the sickos to laugh at me. To laugh at my struggling.

A high pitched yelp comes out of me as Goat Mask slaps my pussy. Open hand slaps it with the same force he did to my breasts. It sends a brief and humiliating pain over my entire body that starts on my clit. My womanhood is very sensitive and him hitting it makes a wave of odd feeling move over me. It makes me go quiet to which I don't even cry. The feeling makes me pause completely as it confuses me.

Goat Mask slaps my pussy again, making me jerk and yelp louder. At this the other two burst out laughing. It's cruel, mean laughter too, directed solely at me and my pain. Their laughs are loud enough that I'm sure others outside the building can hear it. Loud enough that it becomes the only thing I can hear, outside of the clap sound his hand makes when it strikes my womanhood.

Another group comes into the room now. It's a much larger group than before as it has five or six people. They come in right after I yelp out from having my womanhood slapped, making me look crazed and scared as I breath hard.

I look at the group as they file in, my eyes wide as I deal with the strange feelings that I feel. My drunk mind is still in a haze as I can't think of what I'm meant to do now that I see them. So I just look at them, my womanhood tingling hard from being slapped.

Goat Mask slaps my pussy again, making me jerk and moan very loudly. For some reason, having other people see him do this to me makes it even more intense. Makes me feel even more helpless for some reason.

When he slaps me, the women in the group jerk as well, no doubt imagining the pain this would bring. The men just look on, either wearing an expression of being amused or confused. All look a bit confused at what they are seeing, like they don't know what to make of it.

Then the women hurriedly walk through, clearly uncomfortable with what they are seeing. And like the others, they think it is part of the haunted house. That I signed up for this. That this is some sick show the park is putting on.

The women then return, yelling at the guys to come on. To not be perverts. And so they all leave, with one guy going very slow as if wanting to see me struck one more time.

Against my will, my pussy is slapped repeatedly. Each time I jerk and each time I yelp in response. Only after a little bit, my yelps start to change. Instead of strange yelps filled sounds of pain, they shift to become moans of dark pleasure. I'm not sure how or why this happens, but it does. And the more he slaps my sex, the closer I feel that I may actually orgasm. That my body begins to crave him doing it harder and faster.

It feels like his slapping is making me more sensitive down there. That he's wearing me down and destroying my emotional protections. So each slap starts to feel better and better as my womanhood is nice and warm, not to mention wet from being helpless and exposed. Even the feeling of how my breasts jiggle with each hit seems to add to the pleasure, making me horribly conflicted. It makes me feel a weird helpless fear, where I can't do anything and it turns me on it a sick, dark way.

Goat Mask keeps slapping me with those playful slaps, going at a calm and steady pace. He never says anything, nor looks away from staring at me. Just keeps using his large, meaty hand to slap my pussy knowing I can't do anything to stop him. Except I can tell he moves his hand upward when he slaps, making sure my clit gets most of the blow.

The strange feeling of dark pleasure keeps building until I make a horrible discovery. I'm about to orgasm. I felt it building but thought nothing could actually make it happen. That it would take something major, like actually being fucked, to make me climax like when I am in bed, but no. The orgasm has built and now I feel it about to be released, in which I shake my head and protest to try and stop it.

I can't orgasm here. I can't orgasm like this. It's too sick. It's too horrible. So I fight to push it back. I fight with all my might, but it's like trying to stop a speeding bus by standing in front of it.

And then it happens. Dark waves of humiliating pleasure move over me as my pussy is slapped harder and faster. It's as if Goat Mask knew what I was feeling and wanted me to cum so he could have that power over me. Moans start to come out against my well as my pussy feels like it's on fire. It tingles so fiercely and feels so worn down from the abuse that every touch feels wonderfully beautiful. My most prized body part now feels cheapened and abused, as if it was nothing but a toy to use and discard.

Tears roll down my cheeks as I cum in front of these evil bastards. I hear the laughter as I do, with them knowing what they have done to me. Wave after wave of joy moves over me, making my body jerk and struggle, to which I'm held tight. The waves keep coming as my pussy is still slapped, making me moan even louder with each slap. And in the ultimate betrayal, my body makes my hips rock forward to meet the slap, where I let out a high pitch squeal of pleasure.

My orgasm is dark and intense, but it is also fast. It runs over me, bringing beautiful waves of joy, but doesn't last. Within moments of cumming, it's already fading.

My orgasm finally passes completely, leaving me sobbing in shame. Tears stream down my face nonstop as I can't believe I was made to orgasm off of something so horrible. From having my precious, sweet womanhood slapped over and over like I was some drugged out porn star. It makes me sob as I fear what damage they might be doing to my mind.

It takes my drunk mind a moment to realize that Goat Mask has stopped slapping my pussy. I'm not sure when he stopped, but I think it was once my orgasm finished. So with watery eyes I look up at him, feeling small, defeated and humiliated in his presence. And seeing those black eye holes staring back at me does nothing but fill me with even more terror.

Something is pressed against my pussy lips now. It makes me yelp and jerk again as I wasn't expecting it as Goat Mask hasn't moved. Whatever the object is, it's hard, very hard. I can feel that hardness as the tip of whatever it is, is pressed between my pussy lips, where they tease putting it inside of me.

Whipping my head down, I see Owl Man. Owl Man is still down there, making sure my legs are spread wide, only now he's using one arm to press something to my pussy from beneath. I have to lean over some to try and figure what in the world it is. But when I see it, I nearly pass out in embarrassment.

It's a coke bottle. A long empty glass coke bottle. The sort you could buy at a corner store. The solid type which are heavy and hard to break.

I beg and shake my head NO to beg him not to do it. To have mercy. To not put that where it should never go. And it seems like he is listening as he keeps the lip of the bottle between my pussy lips, but doesn't push it inside while he looks up at me.

Owl Mask suddenly laughs his horrid high pitched laugh as begins to insert the damn thing inside me. Presses on the bottle from below, forcing it to push inside me. Where it forces its way in me, pushing my insides apart in a horrible, humiliating feeling.

The glass coke bottle, which I'm sure they found lying on the ground nearby, is pushed inside of me. I feel the hard bottle spreading my insides open more and more, pushing my pussy walls back as it is forced inside. The feeling of it makes me scream as violating doesn't come close to how it feels. It feels like a new level of control and abuse, like a spiritual version of it, one that shouldn't exist.

Despite how humiliating it is, moans come out of me as the glass bottle is pushed deeper and deeper. When the larger part of the bottle comes, Owl Mask pushes on it harder to make sure it goes inside me where it spreads me open painfully. The fatness of the bottle makes my lips grip it as they've never had anything so large inside me before.

Laughter still rings out from all three of the bastards as I feel the bottle making its way inside me. Their laughter is loud again and it's clear it's at my humiliation. That they laugh at the fact I'm being violated by an object that should be recycled and not used as a sex toy.

Owl Mask pulls the bottle out of my pussy, making me moan yet again. I think that's the end of it, but he inserts it again, making all the betraying feelings happen all over. He pushes it in even deeper this time, making almost half the bottle go in me.

The bastard pulls it back again where the bottle exits me, then pushes it up again, parting me open just like before. But this time he pushes it even harder, making the bottle go even deeper inside me to the point I just squeal from the feeling. It makes me feel a humiliating control where my pussy is used as a toy.

I stare forward as I'm overwhelmed at what is happening, where I see another group enter. It occurs to me that people might have been passing this entire time and I didn't know. That I was focused on my orgasm and what he's doing to me that I forgot anyone might be passing by.

Owl Mask begins to fuck me with the coke bottle. That's the only thing I can call what he's doing. He shoves it in me fast and hard, then pulls back and reinserts it. Does it to the point that I can hear the wet sounds of sex as my wet pussy is violated with the damn thing. That he's using it as some sort of dildo.

Looking at the new people, I see a pair of women walking though the room as they travel through this haunted house. I look at one of them right in the eyes and another wave of humiliation hits me. It's not from the shocked look that she has from seeing a completely naked woman. Nor is it from me being fucked with a coke bottle, which I'm not even sure she can see due to the partial sheetrock in the way. It's from the fact that this isn't happening to her.

For the first time I ever, I feel like a freak. The woman I'm looking at is the normal one. This isn't happening to her. She wasn't forced to cum from having her pussy slapped, or was laughed at as her tits were slapped around. That's why she gets to walk through the haunted house without being molested or violated, unlike me. I'm being forced to be fucked with a coke bottle by these monsters, because I'm the freak that made fun of them.

The women walk on, mummering shocked tones to themselves. Goat Mask celebrates their leaving by once again slapping my breasts. He slaps one and then the other, making me yelp from it. The pain lasts only a moment as all I really feel is my pussy being fucked. But the slapping does serve to make me feel like I'm about to mentally lose it as I can't move.

As I knew it would, I feel another orgasm starting to build as the coke bottle begins to move furiously in and out of me. Tears keep falling as I feel this, knowing he isn't going to stop fucking me with it until I orgasm off it. So I pout as my womanhood tingles on fire as it is pushed and stretched like never before, giving me pleasure that I didn't know I could feel. Pleasure that makes me feel like a cheap toy to use and discard once finished.

My dark orgasm comes quickly now that I let it, making me moan into my panties that are still in my mouth. He's taken to pushing the bottle even deeper as he had only made it go halfway inside. Now he pushes harder and harder, trying to make the entire thing slide inside me. Feeling it brings a great amount of pain not to mention humiliation, which only makes me cum harder.