Halloween Surprise


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She was as honest as any woman he'd ever been with; bluntly so in some instances. The biggest drawback to him was the age difference, although it was easy to ignore because she didn't look any older than Chloe. He laughed to himself. Hell, he ought to appreciate the age difference. He was at his sexual peak and she was just reaching hers. They'd be a perfect sexual match, both wanting to fuck like rabbits all the time.

They were getting close. He stopped and both women almost bumped into him they were so engrossed in their conversations.

"Ella, close your eyes. I want this to be a total surprise. Chloe and I are going to lead you forward from this point. Chloe, take her other hand and don't let her fall or trip."

Ella closed her eyes and Chloe eyed him questioningly while she took one of Ella's hands. Matt motioned with his head across the street and Chloe looked. A skating rink; what the fuck was this all about. This was the big adventure? They started across the street.

"Step down," Matt said, "Street curb." When they reached the other side, he said, "Step up. Another curb."

Ella wondered at her blind acceptance of what was happening. She hadn't trusted a man as much as Frank in a long time. Perhaps it was because he had a friend like Chloe. Chloe didn't seem the type to be easily duped by smooth charm and false honesty or false modesty. If Chloe trusted Frank, it seemed she could too. She comfortably closed her eyes and let them lead her wherever he wished to go. She felt them enter a building as it got several degrees warmer when they entered. Ella heard Frank paying for tickets and wondered where she was. Was he taking her to a movie?

"Keep your eyes closed," Matt said. "We're going down a series of steps. I'll tell you when you can open them."

Ella nodded and she felt them leading her through another door and he warned her when they reached the steps. The farther they descended, the cooler it got, like they'd gone outside again, but not as cold. She heard music playing through loudspeakers and some other noise she couldn't recognize. There were lots of voices, talking and laughter, and her curiosity rose with each second they walked down the steps. They stopped.

"You can open your eyes now," Matt said. She opened her eyes and a look of surprise spread over her face. "I thought if you wanted to skate at Rockefeller Center, you should get a little practice with people who can keep you upright."

He brought her to a skating rink. She started crying and hugged Frank, then hugged Chloe, who still didn't quite understand what was happening, but was happy to accept the hug. She hugged Frank again.

"It's beautiful. What a wonderful gift," Ella said crying, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I can't believe you did this for me. My God, how beautiful. Thank you, Frank." She squeezed him even tighter.

"Okay, I'm confused," Chloe said, "it's just an ice rink. What's the fucking big deal?"

"I told Frank one of the reasons I was going to New York was to skate at Rockefeller Center in front of the big Christmas tree," Ella said, the tears still flowing.

"She mentioned she'd never been ice skating before and I thought she should practice with people who can skate so she doesn't bruise her magnificent posterior too much when she goes. That would be a crying shame."

Chloe pushed Matt's chest, saying, "You big, romantic doofus, you. You've never done anything this seriously romantic for me. I see where I rate. Apparently, my lack of cock-sucking skills leaves me at a serious disadvantage when it comes to affection."

Ella laughed through her tears. "I can't believe you two. I have to hear how the two of you met."

"That's easy," Chloe said. "When we were both freshman, I hooked up with this jerk in an effort to be normal. Unfortunately, my natural sexual inclinations put the kibosh on that whole scene. He caught me making out with a girl. Walked out of the room and gave me time to pull myself together and send her home. I asked if he hated me and he said, 'I had a feeling and no, I don't hate you.' Ma...Frank never held my sexual orientation against me and we remained friends. He's probably my best friend. More so than any of the girls I've ever paired up with. I can't hold his lack of the appropriate body parts against him."

"We came here to skate," Matt said, trying to redirect the conversation. "Hopefully, these skates should fit. I was guessing at the size since you're so similar to Chloe, but if they don't fit, you can bring them back and exchange them for the right size."

"What size are they?" Ella asked.

"Eight," Matt said.

"I'm normally seven and a half, but I'm not usually wearing big fuzzy socks, so I'll give these a try."

"Chloe's lived up North all her life, so she's a pro when it comes to ice skating and goes backward and forward with equal ease. I'm a relative novice and I'm doing well if I can skate forward without falling down several times. She's tried to teach me how to skate backward, but it seems I'm a hopeless klutz when it comes to that. I can manage to go a short distance, but I look ridiculous and my feet keep getting farther and farther apart until I fall down."

They sat down and put on their skates. Ella stood up and said the skates seemed to fit fine. Matt and Chloe helped her out on the ice, each of them holding a hand.

Chloe asked, "Have you ever roller skated?"

"A couple times, not enough to get good at it," Ella answered.

"The principle is basically the same. Unless you're doing a point push off like that budding figure skater there," she indicated a young girl on the front points of her skates accelerating down the ice, "you angle your back skate sideways and push off against the edge of the blade. While gliding on the one, you lift the rear leg and bring it forward, angle the new rear leg and repeat."

Chloe demonstrated slowly so Ella could observe, then gliding back.

"We're going to take your arms to try to keep you upright while you try it, okay?"

Ella nodded eagerly and stepped out on the ice with one of them on either side, holding her arms. She tried to do as Chloe instructed, and with a few fits and starts, managed to propel herself forward awkwardly.

"You look like you're going to catch on to this forward stuff somewhat quickly," Chloe said, "so let's talk a little about stopping."

"Stopping's good," Ella laughed. "Crashing's bad."

"If you look at the figure skaters," Chloe said, "you can see that they will drag their back toe to slow down. That's an experienced move. If your toe isn't on straight line with your momentum, it will make you spin and you'll end up on your ass. The hockey players will come to sudden stops by turning both skates sideways and sending a spray of ice up as their blades dig into the ice. That's actually a little easier to do and will be the first thing you learn on your own. The easiest way for you to stop will be to quit pushing forward and glide to a stop, usually slowing enough you can crash into the wall without hurting yourself. Practice gliding in the middle of the ice until you see how quickly you slow down before you try it against the wall. Come at the wall at an angle if you have to. That's better than crashing straight in. You don't want to be moving too fast when you hit it. If you have to, you can sit down. Your ass may not thank you, but the rest of your body will."

"I see," Ella said.

"The next thing I'll tell you is that as people skate, the ice gets grooves which is like cracks in the cement while you're roller skating. The grooves will tug and pull on your skates as you move. If it's fairly deep, your blade will attempt to follow it, even if you want to go another direction. Don't panic. Follow the groove until you're on your other blade and can lift the skate out of the groove. You can do a quick step if you're getting close to another person or the wall."

They each kept hold of her arm as she maneuvered herself forward.

"Now other people will recognize you're a beginner and try to give you a little room," Chloe continued, "but the farther you stay away from others, the better. Crashing yourself is better than crashing into someone else. The blades are relatively sharp and can give you a nasty gash and when you've got four or more blades flying around, it's worse than your two."

When she seemed to be going fairly well without a tendency to fall every other step, Chloe said, "Okay, we're going to let go of your arms now. You can keep going forward some, but try the gliding part, see how quickly you slow down so you experience it for yourself. We'll stay beside you, and try to catch you if you start to fall, but sitting isn't horrible if you can do it in a controlled way without your feet flying all over."

"Are you sure," Ella asked.

"You're already doing almost as well as I do," Frank said. "You'll be fine."

"On three. One...Two...Three," and their hands came off and Ella was skating on her own. She quit pushing forward and started gliding, not slowing quickly, but slowing. Her right blade went into a groove as Chloe said it might and her right foot started pulling to the left, but she kept her left foot parallel and stepped out of the groove, putting her skate down again when she was out of it. She came to a slow halt and looked around smiling, finding them both beside her, smiling back.

"I did it," she said breathlessly.

"You sure did, gorgeous," Chloe said. "Keep going."

Ella started skating again. She started to slip and Chloe and Frank grabbed her again until she was steady, then let go.

"Go toward the wall," Chloe suggested. "Do a controlled stop into the boards."

Ella nodded and turned towards the side of the ice, letting herself slow as she approached and grabbing the wall and easing herself in.

"Good one," Chloe said. "You've mastered the basics. The rest is just practice. Get out there and practice. You may want to stay close to the wall for awhile. Something to grab for if you feel yourself start to slip. If you're going to do this yourself at Rockefeller Center, you want to get used to skating alone."

Matt and Chloe stood there and watched her as she started slowly along the wall, Matt giving tiny gasps each time she started to slip, although she caught herself more often than not.

"You've got it bad don't you," Chloe asked, watching him watch Ella and the tiny winces he gave each time she sat down.

"Do I?" He asked.

"Seems so to me."

"What do you think of her?" Matt asked.

"I love her to death," Chloe said, "but she's got issues."

"I was thinking about them on our walk over here. Her age, for one, but she doesn't look older and I was thinking that our sexual peaks would be matching, if not now, soon."

Matt winced again as Ella fell. "She may need another massage when we're done here," he said.

"I wasn't thinking about her age," Chloe said. "I was thinking about the fact she sucks cocks for a living. A lot of cocks. How do you feel about that?"

"That bothers me; not so much the ones she's done in the past, but the ones she intends to suck in the future. That's kind of a stopper. I suppose I'm hoping that if we were to get together in a more permanent relationship, she'd seek a different profession. Even stripping would be better than what she's doing if she has limited job skills."

"It's hard to change what you are, Matt. You should know that from me. I wanted to be a normal girl and as much as I loved you, I couldn't stay away from other women."

"Isn't your sexual identity different from your sexual profession?"

"I suppose. But if she's been doing this for a long time, is it much different? If she needs some quick cash, she's readily identified a sure fire method for picking some up. She's her own woman. I don't think she'll bow down to the wishes of any man, or any person really. If she stops, it will be because she wants to stop; not because you want her to. She's lived too long on her own, had to survive hard. To surrender her independence won't be easy."

"Everything you say makes a mountain of sense. Still."

"Yeah. Still. That one word can bring you a whole world of hurt, Matt. You know how you felt because you're previous girlfriend wanted to break up to date other men. Imagine how you'd feel if Ella wants to continue sucking other cocks?"

"You're right. I know you're right. Still."

Chloe patted his arm. "Be careful, Matt." She pushed off and went to join Ella on the ice.

Chloe skated out and took both of Ella's hands, skating backward as Ella skated forward. Ella admired the effortless way Chloe skated backward.

"I want to do a little duo skating with you, Ella, if you don't mind. Don't worry, I'll do most of the work, and I think you'll enjoy it. I'll be perfectly honest with you. It gives me an opportunity to feel you up in various and sundry ways. Plus I can inquire about your intentions toward Frank. Is that okay?" Chloe smiled at her and Ella admired her honesty once again.

"Go for it," Ella said.

Chloe started skating beside her, an arm wrapped around her back, but soon swung around her back, holding her by the other arm. She lifted Ella's arm and slipped under it, twirling backward until they were facing each other, then back under her arm again to a side-by-side. From side to side, back to front and back again, sliding her hands down her arm until only their fingers touched, into her chest until they were eye to eye and breast to breast, then out. Ella wasn't required to do much more than keep gliding forward, and often as not, Chloe was pushing or pulling her so she didn't have to even take steps. It got easier and easier to keep upright and she found the time to glance at Chloe's legs and feet which were crossing and stepping and sliding in a dazzling array of movement. She started to laugh and Chloe joined her, still moving all around her. They were face to face again and she felt Chloe's hand squeeze her ass.

"I told you it was a chance for me to fondle you," Chloe warned.

"You did," Ella laughed. "I'm prepared."

Chloe released her ass and skated to the side, her hand around her waist again, although it crept up and squeezed her breast.

"Mmm, nice tits," Chloe said.

"Everyone seems to think so," Ella responded.

While their movements continued, Chloe asked, "What do you think of Frank?"

"I like him," Ella said. "If I wasn't in such a hurry to get to New York, I'd spend a little more time with him."

"Do you consider him boyfriend material?"

"For someone, I suppose, but not for me. I'm too old for him."

"What if I said he didn't care about the age difference?" Chloe asked.

"What if I care? I don't want to look like I'm robbing the cradle."

"Unless you choose to say something, I don't think anyone will ever know."

"Not now, perhaps. What about ten or fifteen years from now, when I'm starting to get gray and he's still in his prime." Ella reminded her. "And children. If he wanted to have children, we'd have to start fairly soon; maybe, before he's ready.

"That's why they make hair dye. If you always look younger than your age as you do now, it may never be an issue. As for kids, women are successfully having children into their forties. And you're in great shape. That gives him time to decide if he wants children."

"And I suppose he has no problem with what I'm doing for a living?" Ella asked.

"No," Chloe admitted, "He knows it would be a problem for him. He said even stripping would be a preferable alternative."

"I've tried it and didn't particularly like it. It's like selling sex without the sex. Seems more dishonest. Like I'm promising something and not delivering."

"That's an unusual way of looking at it. Do you ever do girls for money?"

Chloe was in front of her again, skating backwards, watching her, and Ella smiled.

"Are you making me an offer?" She asked.

"I don't know, yet. Are you any good?"

"Not as good as someone who enjoys it more than I do, but I've done it and no one's openly complained. I prefer young men because they cum faster and I can do more of them in a shorter period of time. I usually charge females more as a result."

Chloe made a few more circles around her, dancing in and out, closer and more distant. When they were face to face again, she asked, "How much?"


"That's an awful lot for a poor college girl who can get what she wants for free from other lesbians?"

"The very reason I don't do it that often. Frequently, it's someone who hasn't come out yet. They worry about someone outing them and feel safer paying me for my discretion than seeking sex in a bar or gay hangout."

Chloe started circling again and when she was back in front of her, Ella expected more questions. "Look down at your feet. See what you're doing now."

Ella looked down and saw she was skating smoothly with barely a hitch in her motion.

"I'm really skating," she said, gleefully. "Look at me. I'm skating."

"Sometimes, we overthink it," Chloe said. "It's not that different than walking or running. A little slipperier and a slightly different motion, but if you just do it without thinking, it gets easier. Part of the reason for the third degree. Plus, I wanted the answers and a chance to molest you. Thanks for that, by the way. You're on your own again. Kisses." Chloe skated away.

Ella continued around the rink with much more confidence. Chloe skated back to Matt and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I think you're dead in the water, partner. I don't think she wants to change careers."

"What did you do? She's skating much better now?"

"Took her mind off her skating."

"That dance you did with her was really beautiful. You really are a graceful skater. You made Ella look good and she could hardly stand."

"Thank you. Ella said she'd do me if I came up with a $100."

"Are you going to do it?" Matt asked.

"Not until or unless you've given up the idea of her as a girlfriend. I've already disappointed you once before. I don't want to do it again. Plus, the price is pretty steep. I'd give $20 to spend time naked with her. But she admitted she's not into girls and probably isn't as good as someone who enjoys it. It's hard to justify the cost of a half-assed lick job when I can get the good shit for free."

"Her fellatio certainly isn't half-assed."

"It seems to be the area of her expertise."

Matt checked his watch and realized it was getting later than he expected.

"We should eat lunch. Do you want to come with?"

"For lunch, but then I have to scoot. Why don't you go out there and take a couple spins around the rink with her. Fondle her ass and breast while you do and tell her it's from me."

"Two spins," Matt said.

"I'll be waiting."

Matt skated out toward the middle of the rink and waited for Ella to get to him, then matching her speed, he took her hand.

"Chloe suggested I come out here and skate around with you a bit before we have to go. She also suggested I should fondle your ass and breasts and tell you it was from her."

Ella looked toward her and Chloe waved and blew her a kiss.

"Of course she did. Since you were kind enough to bring me here and teach me to skate, I will let you fondle my breast and ass as long as you're not too obvious about it."

"I'll be discrete."

Matt wasn't nearly the skater that Chloe was, but he did hold her hand, and put his arm around her, and took a couple chances to fondle her breast or pat her ass. They went around the rink five more times, then leading her by the arm, they skated over to the chairs to remove their skates.

"I want to thank you both for doing this for me. I had so much fun. It was a wonderful idea. I can't believe I learned to skate in a couple hours."

"I thought we could grab a quick bite before heading back to the apartment. Maybe a pizza and coke. Chloe will join us, but then she has to split and my Anatomy book awaits me," Matt said. "I don't think you noticed, but we passed the bus station on the way here and we can pick up the rest of your stuff on the way back."