Happy Birthday to Me Ch. 03


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"Kam," I whispered, "Kam, I love you."

He leaned in a little and kissed me. A passionate kiss, lips crushing mine, tongue deep in my mouth, a kiss that went on and one while one of his hands slipped under me, slipped inside the v of my little black dress to cup one of my breasts. His lips drew back from mine, his eyes devoured me for a long moment before his lips returned to mine, his tongue eased into my mouth, met mine, danced with mine while his hand massages my breast gently but very thoroughly and his fingers remained inside me. And all the time, Jim's hands caressed my thighs, stroking, teasing, inflaming me but never touching me intimately. Kam did that more than adequately.

"I love you Isabelle," Kam breathed, between kisses.

His mouth lifted from mine, he looked up at Jim. "Undo the neck of her dress for me."

Jim did. My heart felt like it was bursting as his fingers brushed the back of my neck, the halter neck loosened, the front of my dress fell away from my breasts. Kam smiled. I gasped, wide-eyed, feeling a lot more than half-naked now. My little black dress was nothing more than a wide belt around my waist.

"Time's up," Fan's voice startled all of us but neither Jim nor Kam stopped what they were doing to me. And I, I made no attempt to move. "Isabelle's turn..."

I didn't look. Kam was kissing me. Kam's fingers were inside me. His other hand was teasing my nipple, my breast.

"I'll do Isabelle's turn for her," Fan said after a second, "at least, I'll pull her block for her." She did, teasing it out, then looking at me, holding it up. "Do you want to read it?" she asked me.

"You read it," Kam said, while I knelt over Jim, panting, my body burning. My pussy melting

"With your clothes on, simulate doggy-style sex," he read out.

Jim laughed. "She's just about doing that now."

Kam's chuckle made my insides twist. "Spin the bottle," he said.

Fan reached out and did just that. I watched, hypnotized, as it spun on the coffee table next to me, spun and spun and spun and pointed to ... heart attack time ... Jim's side of the coffee table.

"Well, just remember Jim, it says simulate, not actually do," Fan admonished.

Jim and Kam looked at me. I looked back, eyes wide. Kam eased his fingers out from inside me. I whimpered, wanting them back.

"Here Isabelle." He took one of my hands, "kneel here on the floor."

He wanted me to do this. My husband wanted me to kneel and pretend to have sex with another man when my body burned to have sex with him. I obeyed him though, I did, sliding off Jim's lap to my knees on the floor, holding the front of my dress up to conceal myself, collapsing forwards onto my forearms, my forehead resting on the back of my hands, my now unfastened dress falling away, exposing my breasts. Jim and Kam both watched me. I almost collapsed. I'd been naked in front of Kam. My husband. Never before had I been exposed like this before another man, my breasts uncovered. Jim's eyes burned into me.

"Your wife's breasts are gorgeous Kam." His hushed admiration made me shiver.

"Wait till you see her naked," Kam said.

My mind was a blank as I knelt, the front of my dress hanging to the floor. I knew Jim had already seen my pussy and those pearl thong non-panties, but this was now. My stomach was a pit of I knew not what sensations. Fear, suspense, excitement, sheer terror, the unknown. Everything.

"Stay like that Isabelle." I did. My hair falling around my head, hiding my face, hiding my burning embarrassment. My breasts felt so full and firm, swollen, my nipples hard and aching. Kam had moved around beside me, one of his hands snaked under me, cupped my breast, caressed me, teased my nipple so that I gasped.

"Gorgeous breasts," Jim said again, reverently.

"Come on Jim," Fan said impatiently.

He stood, I saw his feet, his legs, moving, disappearing from my sight.

"Hang on," my husband said, kneeling beside me. His shirt floated to the floor, all he wore were his boxers. "Jim, if you're going to simulate this, take your shirt and trousers off. Fan, you help him."

"Okay." Fan sounded breathless. I could see Jim's feet. I saw his trousers pool around them, saw him step out of them, saw his shirt land on top of his trousers. I closed my eyes, feeling faint. Oh. My. God. What was I doing. What was my husband thinking. But then he slid down to lie on the floor beside me. I saw how hard he was and I knew what he was thinking. My heart lept, my excitement soared. Kam. I smiled, a tremulous little smile. He smiled back, he brushed my hair with his hand.

"Wait, Jim," he said, and then he was lifting my arm, sliding under me, lying on his back beneath me so that I knelt over him, my nose touching his, my eyes looking into his, my naked breasts now pressed where they belonged, against my husbands chest.

He reached up and took my head in his hands and then he kissed me. He kissed me hard, crushing my lips against his, his tongue deep in my mouth. I moaned into that kiss, moaned with all my need and desire and excitement, moaned as my naked breasts pressed against my husbands chest. Moaned as Jim's hands flipped my skirt up to waist, gripped my hips and his erect cock pressed up against my now naked butt. Separated only by the thin cotton of his boxers, his cock pressed firmly up against the wetness of my sex. Pressed against me where only Kam's cock had ever pressed before.

My moaning into Kam's mouth intensified, my body juddered as Jim began to press himself against me in a steady rhythm I had only ever experienced before with Kam. I was so wet. So wet and excited from that contact, that rhythmic pressure. Excited, but also very very scared. One of Kam's hands slid away from my head and under me, brushing down my stomach, further down, down to my pussy where he cupped me.

"OOOOHHHHHHHH." My head jerked up, I cried out as his finger slipped into me where I was so wet. Jim chose that moment to release me, a release I barely noticed as Kam's finger tormented me.

"You want it, don't you Isabelle?" my husband breathed. He pushed a second finger inside me, joining the first.

"NNNUUUUGGGHHHHHHHH." I jerked, my eyes wide, wanting what he was doing.

"NNNNNUUUUUGHHHHHH." Fan groaned from beside me.

I looked. She was kneeling beside me, her head on her hands, her dress gone, naked, breasts quivering, body jerking. I looked around. Jim was kneeling behind her, hands holding her hips the way he'd held mine. Except that it was clear he wasn't simulating sex with Fan. He was in her, fucking her right next to me, fucking her in the same position that I was in. I must have gasped, she turned her face to look at me, her eyes wide, her head jerking as he moved in her. She tried to smile, but her smile was more of a moan.

"Uuuughhhhh ... Ughhhhhhh ... ughhhhhhhh." Her little breasts quivered with each groan.

"I want you Isabelle." Kam's breathe was hot in my ear, his finger caressing me, stroking the inside walls of my pussy. I loved that, loved the feel of his finger in me where I was wet and tight. I didn't want to make love here though. If Kam turned me over onto my back, they'd see me. See us. No. No I didn't want that. But the thought excited me too.

"Here? They can see us." My voice was a high-pitched gasp, timid, scared, scared and excited.

"Oooohhhhhh." His thumb played my clitoris, played me like a violin, so that my back arched. I wanted Kam. I wanted him in me, taking me.

"Uuuuughhhhhh." I heard Fan's gasping groan. Her gasp formed a duet with a grunt of satisfaction from Jim. A slight pause was followed by a steady series of little sobs from Fan. I knew what was happening without looking. I knew and the knowledge rippled through my body, tightening me on Kam's finger, bringing a silent gasp from me, my mouth forming an "O" as I looked down at my husband with glazed unfocused eyes.

Kam said nothing. He said nothing but he removed his finger from within me. His eyes on me, he moved me off him, onto my back on the floor where my eyes could see Jim kneeling right next to us, taking Fan, looking down at me as Kam jerked my dress downwards over my hips, down to my knees, then off me. I sobbed for breath, lying there unmoving, naked but for those little black-pearl panties that hid nothing.

His hand returned to my pussy, to where I was so wet, so swollen and open. His fingers teased me, teased me so that I moaned softly, my hips jerking as his fingertip teased my lips, teased my slit. Beside me, still kneeling, Fan sobbed steadily, Jim's grunts equally as steady, his eyes on me.

"Please," I whispered to my husband, "please Kam ... Oh please." My hand found his cock, so rigid, so hard. I stroked him hesitantly, my heart fluttering. I knew I was going to let him. I was going to. I eased my legs a little further apart, feeling his hand cup me, gasping as his finger eased into me once again.

"Please what, Isabelle?" Kam was teasing me now, teasing me with his words as his finger teased my pussy. He knew. He knew I'd surrendered, that I wanted him so much. That I would let him have me here, now, where Fan and Jim could see us.

"If you want," I whispered, my heart beating like a birds, feeling like it was somebody else talking, someone else in my body. "Uhhhgghhhh." I gasped as he pushed a second finger into me, stretching me. Making my body react to him of its own accord.

He moved over me, his knee pushing my leg aside, his other knee forcing my other leg to part, exposing me, opening me. Over my husband's shoulder, my eyes met Jim's, watching him watching me. Slowly, he smiled. I bit my bottom lip, trying not to make any noise, failing abjectly as Kam slowly entered me. Those involuntary little gasps and soft wordless sounds of excitement escaped me even when I was trying to remain silent. My slippery tightness of my channel engulfed and clasped Kam's cock as he penetrated me, easing himself deeper and deeper within me as I jacked my legs back, opening and surrendering myself to him, my hands clutching at his back as he buried myself inside me.

Kam's face looked down at me, alive with a mixture of excitement and hope. It was a look I'd seen before. The first time I'd been naked with him, the first time I'd worn a bikini on the beach and being looked at "that way", in the bar when those guys had danced with me, the first time I'd gone out wearing that revealing dress. And now, now I was naked with Kam, acutely aware that Jim was looking at my body, blatantly eyeing me even as he fucked Fan.

Kam continued to move inside me slowly, sliding easily backwards and forwards within me. My mouth worked soundlessly, he knew I wanted to say something. He waited, still moving in me. At last, I took my courage in my hands and whispered, "Do you want to fuck me in our bed beside them?"

He smiled. "I'd like that, would you mind Isabelle?"

"If you want me too honey," I whispered timidly, feeling his sudden enthusiasm. I held him tight, my heels riding his hips as he moved in me. Over Kam's shoulder, I could see where Jim was looking now, his eyes directed at where Kam and I joined, where I was totally exposed as Kam eased his cock in and out of me. The knowledge drew a soft moan from me, a moan and a flush of embarrassed excitement.

"Oooohhhh." Kam withdrew from me, I missed feeling him inside me instantly. He moved back onto his knees, stood, rampantly erect before my eyes, extending his hands to take mine. I came to my feet, naked but for those little black pearl non-panties. Jim watched, enjoying my nakedness. I blushed, I burned but in my excitement, my need for Kam, my desire for Kam, I made no move to conceal myself. I stood there naked, holding Kam's hand, my body burning with embarrassment and with desire for my husband.

"I'm taking Isabelle to our bedroom to finish fucking her," Kam said, "would you and Fan like to join us." He grinned. "It's a lot more comfortable on our bed."

He didn't wait for an answer. He led me by the hand away from Jim and Fan, towards our bedroom. Towards our bed. I padded after him, naked, scared yet still eager, through our bedroom door and onto our bed. Onto my back on our bed, drawing Kam down with me, onto me. Into me. Opening myself, drawing my knees back, feeling him enter me, moaning happily as I felt him inside me again.

"Did you see get excited by them watching us?" he asked, his cock buried inside me.

"Uuughhhh," I said, crossing my ankles behind his back and moving myself on him slowly. "Sort of." I was non-committal, "I wasn't paying too much attention to them."

Kam chuckled, his hand stroked my hair. "Liar, I saw you looking at them." He smiled at me. "I wanted them to see us," he breathed. "That was so exciting." He looked down at me. "You don't mind if they join us here Isabelle?"

I drew my knees back further, my feet riding his hips, moaning as he moved inside me slowly. "If you want them too honey." Honestly, I'd rather Kam just fucked me, but if making love with Jim and Fan there too got him more excited, okay, I was learning to handle that. "If you want them to see us honey, I'll do what you want."

Kam moved easily within me, riding me slowly, easing himself in and out of me. I wondered if Jim and Fan would join us. But I thought that they would. I'd seen Jim looking at me. He'd been enjoying watching me with Kam. He'd come and he'd bring Fan and he would watch me while Kam fucked me. I hoped that would excite Kam more. God knows seeing Jim and Fan had excited me.

Watching Jim taking Fan right next to me, in the same room, close enough to reach out and touch, that had been even more exciting, adding a frisson of the forbidden to our love-making. Was that how Fan had felt, watching Kam and me? Was that how Jim had felt? How did Kam feel about that?

I wanted to know.

"Kam?" I gasped, "Kam honey?"

"Yes?" He buried his cock in me again. Hard. Beneath him, my body was quivering, straining up against him, my body was begging him to move, to take me hard, to make love to me.

"Did you like Jim watching when ... you know ... you had your finger in my pussy ...he was looking at my pussy..."

Kam's cock moved in me, slowly, very controlled. Ooohhhhh, ohhhh god. He smiled. "Oh yeah, Isabelle, that was so exciting seeing him, seeing your pussy right there for him to look at, that was so fucking sexy and you, your pussy Isabelle, it was so wet. Like now..." He moved in me, sliding easily, sliding wetly so that I gasped with the sheer pleasure of his movement in me, sliding into me, pulling back slowly, easing into me again, his cock sliding into me until his body pressed up firmly against mine where we were physically joined, making me moan again.

"I could feel how wet you were when he was pretending to fuck you." My husband looked down into my eyes. He smiled. "I know you were excited Isabelle."

"That was all you honey," I breathed. But I knew it wasn't. Jim pressing up against me had been exciting. Scary. But exciting.

Kam smiled. "Liar," he said, fondly. "I know you're doing this for me Isabelle, I know you love me." He kissed me, very gently. "I know it's got you excited." He smiled again. "Just like its got me really excited." He moved slowly inside me. "You're naughty Isabelle, really, you know that don't you," he breathed in my ear as he stroked slowly inside me. I moaned softly again.

"I like being naughty for you honey," I breathed. "Not for anyone else. Just you."

"So if Jim and Fan come in here, you'll be naughty for me with them watching you? Us?" He was breathing hard, I could feel his repressed eagerness as he waited for me to reply.

"Kam, honey," I moaned at last. "I love you." I knew once he started fucking me hard I'd do whatever he wanted. I always did. Just, never in front of anyone else. But it wasn't the answer my husband wanted from me, I knew. I knew and just like that, I gave in. "I'll be naughty for you if you want me too."

"Good," he gasped. He smiled. "Fuck, I love fucking you Isabelle, I love you." I moaned as he thrust hard up inside me. "Because they'll be in here soon looking at you."

"Just how much more do you want Jim to see?" I was still scared.

" I want to fuck you hard while he watches you," he breathed. "Like this." He pistoned his cock rapidly in and out of me half a dozen times.

"Ohhhhhhh," I gasped, my squeezing his cock as he pump-fucked me. That felt so good. And I knew I was going to do what he demanded of me. "Everything ... You can show him everything ... I want him to see everything you do to me. I want you to use me in front of him."

All of a sudden I did. If my husband fucked me like that, I wanted it.

"Like this?" Kam teased me, "I want him to hear you begging to be fucked hard?"

"Yes ... Oh yes," I moaned, "Do anything you want to me ... fuck me hard ... use me ... Tell me you want my cunt to service your cock ... anything you want." I looked up at him as he began slamming his cock into me. "If that's what you want, Kam," I gasped, "if you want him to hear me begging you to fuck me hard, I will ... I will." I knew I would. I loved it when Kam fucked me hard. Our bed was nice and solid, built to take hard use. Not that Kan had ever used me hard enough, but maybe tonight. Maybe with Jim watching he'd get carried away?

I hoped so.

* * * * * * * *

So first, a BIG thanks to everyone whose taken the time to comment online or drop me those wonderfully supportive comments thru the Feedback form about the first couple of chapters of "Happy Birthday to Me". You've ALL (except for a few entertaining trolls who, on the other hand, are always good for a giggle) been so supportive and just plain nice about my stories. So thanks again for reading my little tales and providing me with the motivation to keep writing and learning how to do it better (writing I mean...).

I'd also like to say thanks to Zamm, whose "Dinner Party at Jing's" more or less inspired this story even tho "Happy Birthday to Me" is nothing like. I asked Zamm for his permission to rewrite from a female POV using his story as a starting point, which he graciously granted. I actually started by reworking Zamm's "Elaine" into Isabelle, and then she kind of ran away with me, the whole story morphed rather dramatically and took on a life of its own, as I find my stories often do and it's nothing at all like Zamm's, altho it was meant to be... So thanks Zamm for inspiring me to get started on this one.

And a last note: This chapter is long. I'm wordy at the best of times. Far too wordy! This chapter exceeded even my own fears as to wordiness - and I did edit and cut heavily and now it's split in half, with Chapter Four coming as the second half. So, sorry, it is lengthy. But I do hope you enjoy reading it ... and before you ask - it may be a few weeks - I'm working to complete this as well as Chapters Four and Five of "Chinese Takeout", and I have a couple of weeks' vacation coming up which won't be spent writing. So anything new will be out towards the end of March. My apologies to anyone who suffers withdrawal symptoms in the meantime. But rest assured, Isabelle WILL be back! So will Jay-Lin. And Hayley. And Strawberry. Maybe even Penny and Eric...and definitely I have a couple of new stories in the works too, "The Temptation of Sammi Woo" among them.

And yes, there will be a Chapter Five... and a Six and more than likely a Seven ... Chloe

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Your writing is absolutely beautiful. I can easily place myself in the scene and feel what Isabelle is feeling. It’s a wonderful exercise to gender swap with her and feel what a woman feels and thinks while she tries to please her husband.

mcrr2225mcrr22259 months ago

Your Loving Wives stories are great Chloe. Please write more of them.

HighBrowHighBrow10 months ago

We’re getting there, but the journey’s the thing. Great erotic writing. Love the female POV.

Licklover67Licklover67over 1 year ago

It's definetly not to wordy. Just an extremly hot and naughty well written chapter. It will be a big hard pleasure to read the next for sure. Thx a lot.

Jlyn1Jlyn1over 1 year ago

Oh my so hot 🔥

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