Happy Valentine's Day


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Over post-prandial smokes and bourbon, Nell decided she wanted Chris to know certain things. "You are not the kinda guy you bring home to Mom," she began. "If you were, I would marry you on the spot, because you are damn sure the fuck of a lifetime!"

They both laughed. Nell was bold to go on. "That's why I'm with Brad and not with you. He's exactly the kind of guy you bring home to Mom. I know you fuck around a lot and are definitely not the type to be a kept man; men like you are never meant to be. You're much more rare and precious than that."

As far as Chris was concerned, as between he and Brad, he was getting the best end of the deal. "That's how I am, Nell. No apologies. You knew before you got involved."

"I did. So, instead of pining about what can never be mine in that way, I'm going to have everything else and mark time until I can make all those other bitches wait their turn!" she laughed. "And speaking of turns, it's very much mine today, so..." she took one last drag, stubbed out her smoke, then swigged the rest of her whiskey in one gulp and smacked her glass down on the table, hard and loud. "Finish that drink, cowboy. Because now...now you're gonna fuck me again. You're gonna give me a good, long, hot, hard fuck." She cocked an eyebrow. "Understood?"

Chris said nothing; he simply smiled in that way he had that made Nell go watery in the knees and thankful that she was sitting. Then he mimicked her actions with his smoke and drink, pushed his chair back, and stood up bare inches from her face: his magnificent six foot four inch frame in all its glory bathed in the dying afternoon sunlight, warmed to an orange glow by all the haze.

Nell actually felt tears forming at the corners of her eyes for this beautiful man who had given her so, so much, and was about to do so once more. "Christ," she thought. "He's already getting hard!" And indeed, Chris' cock was presently rising, thickening, lengthening, and stiffening as he cupped his hand under Nell's chin and pulled her face up for a long, lingering kiss, with lots of tongue and tasting of what she had just eaten and drank and Nell's wetness was already violently washing over her womanhood as she felt herself lifted bodily and so easily out of her chair and gently cradled in his strong arms, her incredible five foot ten inch frame curling up like a little girl and melting into Chris as he slowly stalked them both over to the sofa.

Her head was cradled on his neck as he began growling in an ominous low voice. "I'm gonna fuck you, baby. I'm gonna fuck you like you've never been fucked before."

Nell buried her lips on his neck for fear of screaming her vocal cords hoarse. She simply moaned.

"I'm gonna stick my hard cock in your filthy whore cunt and fuck you and fuck you and fuck you some more, you naughty fuckin bitch."

Nell was making soft mewling sounds intermixed with stifled sobs and half screams now.

"You're gonna cum for me, you hear me, whore? You're gonna cum so much and so hot and so hard I'm gonna turn you into a living orgasm. It's gonna be so intense you're never gonna forget it long as you live. The next time you're with what's his name, and every time, from now till forever, you'll be dreaming, and thinking, and fantasizing about ME. You got that, whore?!"

"Oh, Jeezus God!" she shouted. And then suddenly she was on her back, on the sofa, and Chris' incredibly strong hands had already gripped her legs, and then...


Just for her. On her special Day. He stretched out her legs to the maximum. He did this by taking one leg just below her foot, wrapping his right hand firmly about her lower calf, just above her heel, and pulling it up then pushing it back, all the way back, so that the top of her foot was pinned firmly against the top of the back of the sofa.

Nell knew what was coming, and cumming, and what it portended. "Take em down, baby: all the way down!" Her pussy was already so wet and her clit so stiff that if she began playing with herself she was sure she would cum. Right there. Right then. On the spot. But what Chris was setting up was looking to be more like a hydrogen bomb than an orgasm. So she began praying: "Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh-my-fuck-in-Gahhhhhhhd..."

Chris recognized the signs, and moved his left foot, which was planted on the floor, forward. Way forward. So that the front of his left knee met the back of Nell's right knee and pushed hard towards her head. She moved her foot out on her own, all the way out, holding her lower leg straight at the knee, stretching all those nerves and synapses to their limit, and tightening them in their origins right around her pussy, opening herself up fully. Those wonderful nerves would very quickly have their own reward. Now Chris leaned forward into his knee, so that it slid out onto Nell's thick calf, trapping it out there and forcibly holding her legs open in an incredibly long and very shallow V; her thighs were very, very far apart now. Then he slid his other leg, the one on the inside of the sofa, all the way back so that it was fully stretched out.

Her prayers continued unabated, increasing in intensity. Her breathing was already rapid and she felt perspiration moistening her upper lip.

"Look at me, whore. Look at me," Chris commanded. Nell fixed her rapt attention upon him, waiting.

He blew her a kiss.

She felt her heart nearly stop. "Oh God," she moaned. "Oh my God, baby...I love you so fucking much!"

Chris had heard it all before; not just from Nell but from many, many women. And you know something? It didn't matter: every time he heard it, it was like the first time, the power of it. To hold a woman so closely and own her like that in such a sexual way...there was no greater aphrodisiac known to him. The feeling was indescribable.

"Look at my cock, baby: look at my fuckin cock!"

Nell did as she was bidden, and tore her eyes away from his to stare down past her heaving breasts to see his fully erect cock hovering just over her soaking tunnel. Her mouth was open.

"I'm gonna rub my cock on your clit now, whore, and you're gonna cum for me, got it?"

All she could do was nod vigorously; she had not a sliver of doubt she would climax a few seconds after he started. If she touched herself right now she was going to explode.

"Look, whore. Are you looking?!" And with that, he picked his dick up at the base, pulled it up towards his belly then quickly reversed his motion, whipping the heavy head straight down at her clitoris.


Nell's reaction was immediate, and guttural. "OOH!"

WHAP! Again: "OOH!"

"You like that, baby, huh? You like it when I beat my dick on your pussy, don't you?"

"OH!" she wailed. "Fuck YEAH!"


"God, I love you!"


"Make me cum, baby! Please!"

He placed the bottom of his cock right against her stiff clit and began rubbing it up and down. He may as well have touched her with a high tension line.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Chris placed the tip of his dick down in her outer lips and got it nice and wet, and then slid it all the way up her canal to her clit. Once there he began slowly washing her clit with the collected juice in a circular, lubricated motion. After a few brief seconds, this did it.

"Cumming! Cumming! I'm cumming! Holy shit!"

All over his still-swirling manhood she came, and then she came some more. He didn't stop. She didn't either. Her teeth were clenched so hard that someone looking at her through a window would assume she was in severe pain. She wasn't in pain; this was the beginning of her ecstasy.

"Hohhhhlee shit!" she repeated. "Oh God, fuck me! Please baby! Don't tease me: FUCK ME! Fuck me baby...oh God!" This last was when she saw him slip his cock home, then felt him bottom it immediately and hold it. Chris could feel her pussy wrap gratefully around his dick, enveloping it, gripping it, spasming. Felt her throbbing. From the inside.

He looked down to see her mouth wide open. Her eyes were glistening. Her lips were quivering. Her pussy gripped his dick like grim death. Nell was taking short, sharp inhalations. Chris shifted his hips a fraction of an inch forward, and heard her inhale still more sharply, holding her breath. "There?"

All she could do was nod her head so rapidly it threatened to snap off at the neck. What had transpired was that Chris was trying to put the shaft of his stiff cock on her clit, so that as he pumped in and out he might stimulate her clitoris while he aimed his dick straight for her Spot and hammered it into submission under his tender ministrations. And he'd better get started so that Nell could breathe again. There was one last detail to attend to before he did that.

He leaned over, touched her lips so, so tenderly with his, slipped his tongue into her aching mouth, and then moved his head aside hers so that he could whisper into her ear...

"Happy Valentine's Day, baby."


Nell was so happy at that moment she thought she would die, and then her joy impossibly increased still further as Chris dropped his hips, all of his weight crushing his stone-hard cock straight down into her, all the way to the hilt. She was so wet it felt like there was an overflow for lack of room in her stretched pussy. Then he backed out and did it again. He was simply swinging his pelvis like a door pivoting on its hinges, his hips dropping in one easy motion, like bombs falling from a Stealth fighter over Baghdad, up and down, up and down, in and out, in and out.

Easy motion.

Her screaming began almost immediately and didn't really stop...not really...until he was good and done with her ass. The first orgasm arrived with such speed and force that she thought it might rattle her teeth out; her hand flew down between her legs to find her clit and start rubbing it during those times when it wasn't firmly attached to Chris' piledriving, pulverizing steel shaft. Her other hand went straight to his ass and gripped his glute as though it were a life preserver and she were drowning (her nails drew blood and left a lot of scratch marks). Now that she had a firm grip, Chris could really go to town.

He increased the intensity of his easy motion, his tempo a little quicker now. He was making Nell feel that he had all the time in the world and that her capacity for shattering climax was limitless. Between him hitting her Spot on every deep downstroke, his steely shaft rubbing and scraping along her Button, and her whirling middle finger supplementing the few brief moments his cock wasn't actually in contact with her screaming, rock-hard clit, the orgasms really began happening. They got more intense, and were being packed more and more closely together. Chris rode on. The space between climaxes was disappearing at a rate Nell never heard about and didn't even know was possible. She thought she might die; no one had a right to feel this good and live through it. Perhaps this was what they meant by Heaven...

"Oh God! Holy shit! Oh God! Oh my God I'm gonna cum so fuckin HARD!" she screeched, trailing off into a dying wail.

And she did, indeed, cum extremely hard.

Chris' steady pistoning (never flagging, never wavering, motoring on at the same up-tempo) eventually drove her into a state of meta-orgasm, a place where the time between the beginning of one and the end of another decreased to such an extent that, practically speaking, her orgasms became one long, continuous climax. Never ending. Nonstop. Her mind was coming unglued. Her tunnel and clit had become a thing alive, vibrating with an intensity that took her to other realms entire: angels were singing while Chris simply rode on. Her pussy was spasming out of control, grabbing at his dick. He slid home again and again and again and again and again.

Nell was so far gone that all she could do was scream "Jeezus God!" over and over, her neck muscles bulging, the veins in sharp relief and threatening to explode, her face flushed. And still Chris rode on. He reached down and picked some drool from her mouth by dragging his middle finger and forefinger down over her lower lip, then slapped the warm spit over her nipples, never stopping his easy, fluid, quickened pelvic motion. Five minutes. Ten minutes. Twelve minutes. Nell was still cumming: on and on and on she went, from glory to glory, with no end in sight.

Finally, when he had decided she'd had enough for one session, even this very special session, he announced that he was going to cum, then did so, leaning over so that she could grip his other ass cheek in a matched set of deathlock as he pumped his hot man gravy deep, deep inside her. One shot. Twice. Another. Heaving. Bucking. Spasming. Exploding. His release was of such exquisiteness that he felt as though he squirted his whole being into her, if such a thing were possible. He knew he'd given her the very best, and felt the intense pleasure and pride any expert craftsman gets when his job is over and extremely well done.

He melted into her, as thoroughly spent as she. Nell could barely drag one hand from his ass to place on his head and run her fingers through his hair. Her lips next to his ear once more, Chris heard her breathily whisper "Jeezus God" one last time. Apparently her prayer session was finally at an end. As she slowly and softly tousled the hairs on his head, she said, "God damn. You are so fuckin good. The best. That was the best, the best fuck, the best fuck ever..." She paused a moment, then said:

"I love you...I love you so fucking much, baby. I love you. I love you. I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you..."


Chris liked his whores to finish up by giving his cock a nice, hot tongue bath, mopping off and lapping up all that good, precious, sticky cum and sweet man gravy. Nell had absolutely no problem with that. She was his whore to do with as he pleased and if it pleased him, she made it her business to be absolutely certain she licked off every drop. She loved the taste of his cum.

So it was that Nell was working most assiduously to clean Chris off with her mouth, carefully mopping, kissing, sucking, and licking all the parts of his manhood as he stood before her when Brad unexpectedly arrived home ahead of schedule. He'd left work early in order that he might obtain some amorous affection from the woman he so loved on this most romantic of days, before a romantic dinner and perhaps, if he were lucky, some more amorous affection later that night.

So what he saw as he walked through his front door was most disturbing, as you might imagine. His best friend Chris, completely naked and sheened in sweat, had his back to him and was standing proudly in front of that fine Italian leather sofa in the living room. And on that sofa, facing Chris with her head at about his waist height, sat his beloved Nell, also completely naked.

Her incredibly long legs were spread wide and her feet were flat on the floor, far outside Chris' big feet. Even from this distance, he could see her smoothly-shaven pussy wide open: the perfect pink of her exploded inner lips was literally glistening with her fresh fuck-juices to such an extent that they were almost dripping all over the costly upholstery. Both her beautiful hands were strongly gripped on Chris' firm ass: the long, shapely fingers tipped with blood red nails buried so deeply into the hot skin and tight muscles of Chris' cheeks that Brad could see shadows in the indented flesh. His nostrils flared: the air was ripe with the distinct aromas of cigarette smoke and fine Kentucky bourbon and very hot, ultra-satisfying sex.

When he sufficiently overcame his utter shock at arriving in the midst of such decadent pleasure and carnal stink and raw naked flesh, nominal boyfriend Brad had only one short query:


Nell stopped her tender, meticulous work, kept her clutching hands firmly wrapped in Chris' ass, and very slowly and deliberately moved her head all the way outside his hip. That sly half-grin, composed of equal parts sheer joy and debauched wickedness, the very same one she wore after she'd heard Chris' voice on the phone earlier that morning, slithered slowly across her face. Her womanhood throbbing, she paused expectantly, leering savagely, savoring the tingling deliciousness of it all. Then she growled in a rumbling, tar-coated, screamed-hoarse, throaty low tone...

"Happy Valentine's Day."


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RanDog025RanDog025over 1 year ago

Always go to the Comments. The first clue was the score.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Re: Is she cheating and do I confront her?

Brad should have grabbed a bat or a chair and went over and beaned Chris with it and crushed his fucking skull and laid a licking on Nell as well and then grabbed Chris and through him outside in front yard naked and then tied up Nell and then give the nastiest fuck he could muster up and then threw her outside nude and happy valentine's day cheating slut and let Chris take care of hercGb6Db and then called his lawyer and divorced her little ass

SampkyangSampkyangabout 8 years ago
WOW 1* well deserved!

A cheating whore story is NOT a romance idiot!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
The most boring, stupid story I've ever read

It's like you cut and pasted the whole damned thing--over and over and over again.

HamsterHamsterover 12 years ago
What a Cunt

Yeah, I would agree that this should not be in the "Romance" category. Should be in the "Harpy from Hell" category. Hubby will sooner or later figure out that he has married a slut. And all of her shit will land right on her head. Nobody in this story to like, only to pity.

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