Hayley's Party Ch. 02

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Chinese girl loses her boyfriend and goes on a double date.
4.8k words

Part 5 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/31/2015
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Hayley 02 - Hayley's Double Date

"Hi Hayley, did you enjoy the sleepover?"

My Mom was as chirpy as she always was when I walked rather stiffly into the house early Saturday afternoon. Now I knew what Joe had meant when he talked about fucking a girl so hard she wouldn't be able to walk for a week. On the plus side, I was still feeling a fading euphoric glow that somewhat offset the aches and pains.

"Yeah, it was great Mom. I'm gonna take a shower and a nap. We didn't get much sleep last night."

"Sure looks like you didn't but you're only young once. I'll call you for dinner."

"Thanks Mom."

Safely back in my room, I took a long hot shower, threw on some tracksuit pants and one of my black fcuk t-shirts that my Dad disliked and my Mom laughed at and collapsed onto my bed, closed my eyes and slept the sleep of the exhausted. I didn't even think about Steve. I didn't think about anything at all actually. Mom woke me for dinner, I ate and crawled back to my bedroom and my bed.

"Must have been some sleepover," my Dad grinned as I left the table.

If he'd known what had really happened, he'd have hit the roof and grounded me for the rest of my life so I didn't even make a snarky comeback. Back in my bed, staring at the ceiling, that euphoric glow long since evaporated, I realized that now, in hindsight, I was actually more than a little upset with the way things had worked out last night. I did like Steve, I really did and I hadn't meant to hurt him at all. I'd planned the whole sleepover thing so that we could spend the night together and make love to each other. It'd been a romantic dream, a romantic bubble that Joe had popped along with my popping my virginity.

Perhaps I didn't precisely love Steve but I definitely liked him a lot and I was sure that watching Joe fuck me had hurt him badly. What made it worse was that I'd never intended to cheat on Steve, if you could call what I'd done cheating. I really had been intending to make love with him. I'd walked into that room with him last night with only one intention. I mean, we'd been dating for two years and there was so much about him that I liked, so many ways we just gelled. I didn't want to lose that. Did I?

Thinking about it more, I realized that in reality I was as upset with Steve as I was with Joe. I mean, Joe had definitely taken advantage of my innocence and my excitement. He'd known exactly what he was doing, how to hit my buttons and lead me step by step in the direction he wanted. He'd known how to pressure Steve into acquiescing to his taking of me. He'd known how to get me so excited that I'd done everything he wanted me to do. As for Steve, I was upset with him for being such a pussy and letting Joe do what he'd done to me. When it got down to choices, he'd picked his best friend over me and he'd let Joe take my virginity rather than end his friendship with him.

For me, that was a big deal. I mean, I was Chinese, my family was both conservative and Catholic and a girl's virginity was something precious. It had been instilled in me from as far back as I could remember that there were some things a girl didn't give up until she had that ring on her finger. Giving myself to Steve had been a big step, an irrevocable step, a betrayal of my cultural and familial conditioning, a step that I'd thought about for a long time before making the decision that this was what I wanted. To have instead lost my virginity to Joe was both infuriating and upsetting. So yes, I was also angry at Steve.

But if I was honest with myself, I knew I wasn't exactly blameless in what had happened either. I mean, thinking back over what had happened; it had been me who said it was okay for Joe to stay in the room. It had been me who had acquiesced when Joe had whisked the duvet off us. It had been me who had let Joe tongue my sex while I gave Steve a blowjob. It had been me who had stood up and left Steve where he was and walked to stand in front of Joe when he had pretty much told me he was going to fuck me. I was as much, if not more to blame than Steve when it got down to it. I mean, Steve had even tried to leave with me before Joe had intimidated him.

I knew within myself that I could have stopped the whole thing with Joe at any time, right from the start. But I hadn't and that realization saddened me and left me feeling embarrassed at my behavior. I lay there blushing in the darkness of my bedroom, thinking of what I'd done and what I'd said both to Joe and to Steve. No, I wasn't just embarrassed, I felt humiliated as well. I'd behaved like a white girl, like all the girls I went to High School with, not like a good Chinese girl should. Worse, I'd humiliated Steve and that made me feel really ashamed of myself. How could I have done that to him? How?

Well, that was a rhetorical question really. I knew how. I'd got totally carried away by my excitement. And Steve hadn't exactly helped stop that, I mean, he'd knelt right up behind me and made me ride Joe's cock and I knew that he'd been excited about it. And he'd fucked me as well, even if he hadn't lasted for more than a couple of minutes. I knew I'd enjoyed what Joe had done to me, I'd enjoyed every moment of it and even now I couldn't stop replaying in my mind what it had felt like, especially when he came inside me.

Oh Fuck! He'd come in me. Both of them had come in me. I hadn't been to the pharmacy. Oh Shit! Oh Fuck! Oh Sweet Jesus! All of which didn't stop me from fingering myself to a rather delightful orgasm while I replayed in my mind the feeling of Joe exploding inside me, his cum spurting out within me, filling my sex. After I'd got my breath back I looked at my watch. Only ten pm. The local drugstore was open to midnight. I rolled out of bed, threw my clothes back on, grabbed a light jacket and dashed downstairs.

"Dad, can I borrow the car, I need to go to the drugstore."

"Now?" my Dad checked his watch.

"Umm, I need, you know ....." I looked embarrassed.

My Dad actually blushed. It's great being a girl sometimes. All you need to do is figure out how to embarrass your Dad and fake him out and you get what you want.

"Okay, but it's late, I'll drive you down."

"Really Dad! I'm eighteen!"

It took a few minutes but I got the keys.

Half an hour later I was back home, morning after pill safely swallowed. Worries set to naught. At least I hoped they were set to naught, but according to the packaging the failure rate was low so that the odds were heavily on my side and all going well I wasn't going to bring disgrace and shame down on the family. By ten thirty I was back in bed, relaxed and happy. Or at least, as happy as a girl can be whose probably lost her boyfriend, definitely lost her virginity and who's hoping the morning after pill works as advertised.

The next week seemed to drag on for far longer than normal. Nobody at High School gossiped about me, although there was plenty of talk about Joe's party. I guess no-one had noticed my absence with Joe, but then, I was never the life of the party anyway. By the end of the week, that particular worry had evaporated. I was almost worried about Steve though. I hadn't heard a thing from him and I hoped he was alright, even though I was still mad with him for being such a pussy. I hadn't heard from Joe either, but I'd expected that and to be honest, I didn't really care. I was still upset with him too.

Another week passed. The morning after pill had done its job so chalk another success story up for the pharmaceutical industry, bless their avaricious little souls. That was another worry alleviated. There was still no message from Steve. No email, no text message, no call. Rather sadly, I came to the conclusion that Steve and I were through and that he was my boyfriend no more. Claire sympathized. That's what friends are for after all, and Claire was a good shoulder for me to cry on. She always had been. She did ask what had happened of course. I didn't tell her the truth. I just told her Steve got upset with me and walked out on me at Joe's party.

"Well, why don't you come out on a double date with me and Mike, that'll take your mind of Steve. I'll ask Mike to bring one of his friends, he's a got a few hunky ones you might like."

Claire had never really liked Steve. She thought he was a nerd and a bit of a pussy. She was right of course, but I'd liked him, I'd liked him a lot. But she was right, if he wasn't going back, I should start looking around. I might as well have some fun. The next day she called me up while I was heads down in my homework. Maintaining that straight A record was hard work. She cut right to the subject matter.

"Okay, we've got a double date on Friday night with a friend of Mike's. His names Brad and he's cute and we're all going clubbing, okay? Tell your parents you're staying overnight with me."

"Okay, sounds good, I'll come round to your house after school Friday."

"Great. See you at school tomorrow. Ciao....."


Back to homework. I had no idea who Brad was but hey, I trusted Claire not to come up with a complete dick. She didn't. Brad turned up with Mike at Claire's house on Friday night and god, was he cute. He looked like he should have been a Chippendales guy, all six feet and two hundred pounds of chiseled features, muscles, blonde hair, blue eyes and a tan.

"Where did you come up with him?" I whispered to Claire, "He's just gorgeous."

"I thought you'd like him as soon as Mike told me about him," she giggled back. "Isn't he just a hunk? I'm feeling jealous now."

I knew she wasn't, she was head over heels with Mike but I could see why she'd say that. I already wanted to be held in those strong looking arms and he wasn't even through the front door yet. As it turned out, in person he was just as attractive as he looked. The four of us went out and had something to eat, then the guys took us to a club and we had a couple of drinks and talked and danced until midnight. Brad was everything I'd ever thought I'd wanted in a guy. Not quite incredibly good looking, but all the girls looked at him and I got more than a few envious glances checking out the girl the good looking guy was with. I never got those looks when I was with Steve; that was for sure.

A lot of guys were checking me out as well, one pretty much drunk guy tried to put the make on me. Brad just looked at him and something happened to his eyes, they narrowed, just a little but very visibly, icy and alert. And menacing. The guy looked at Brad and kind of smiled nervously and backed off right away. Brad's look even made me shiver a little, but more with excitement than anything else and then when he looked back at me that icy menace was gone and his eyes were soft and warmly friendly. Joe was tough but he didn't scare other guys off just by looking at them. Brad did, and he had the confident self-assurance that went with the look.

I loved dancing with him to, on top of everything else he could dance really well and with him, I felt a confidence that I'd never felt when I danced with Steve. It was just a wonderful night and when we finally left, Brad's arm wrapped around me, protecting me from being jostled by the lineup waiting to get in, I almost floated down the pavement towards the carpark. Back in Mike's truck, I nestled into Brad's arms in the back, feeling petite and delicate and cared for next to him. By the time we were on the road home, I was happily seated on his lap, seatbelt laws ignored, kissing him with a passionate enjoyment that promised a lot more.

Mike parked close to Claire's and in the front seat, the rustles and movement and little noises encouraged me to do what I'd been thinking about since I'd felt Brad's erection pressing against my butt. I slid off his lap and onto my knees on the floor and smiled up at him as my hands unbuckled and unzipped his jeans, lost in the excitement of taking the initiative with him.

"I don't believe this." Brad looked down me where I knelt before him on the floor of Mike's truck's back seat. My hands had been busy. His jeans were already undone and his cock was out, standing up stiffly before my face and my gaze as fixed on it, positioned as it was just a few inches before my nose. It was...well, quite frankly, it was way larger than I'd anticipated, perhaps even larger than Joe's.

"Yeah...me neither." I heard my own voice chirp, sharing the same tone of mixed disbelief and excitement as Brad's. In the front seat, Claire giggled as she looked at me over Mike's shoulder. From the wet sounds and the gasps and moans and grunts that were coming from the front, it was pretty obvious that she was already seated on Mike's cock and that he was busy. I didn't wait any longer. I moved my head forward, towards Brad's cock, my mouth already opened, my eyes closing as I took his cockhead into my mouth. For only the second time in my life I tasted a cock that wasn't Steve's. I heard Brad give an instant hiss of contentment as my mouth closed on him and my tongue slipped under the head and swirled a little.

The back seat squeaked as Brad adjusted himself on it, spreading his legs wider so that I could work my lips around his cock shaft better. Before long I had a fist wrapped around that shaft, which was growing slick from my saliva and which was throbbing from his rising excitement. I wanted to give Brad a good blowjob.

He was such a hunk and I definitely wanted to date him again. And as every girl knows, men do most of their thinking with their cocks so I wanted his thinking about me. I did my best, using all the techniques I'd learnt from the Internet and from Steve, although in hindsight Steve probably knew far less that I did seeing as he had about as much experience as me and I was the one doing the actual cock sucking.

I wet his cock shaft with my saliva so my hand slid on him, swirling my tongue around him, teasing the underside of his cockhead with my tongue, making sure that I delighted the most sensitive parts of his cock, moving my lips on his length, stroking him with one hand and balancing myself against the seat with my other. His cock had a taste different to the taste of Steve's.

It was actually rather nice although it was very apparent to my taste buds that it was not, in fact, the cock I had grown accustomed to servicing with my mouth. Knowing that it wasn't Steve's cock, knowing that I was sucking on a new cock somehow made me even more excited, and despite my initial nervousness I could feel the wetness returning, feel my pace quickening.

"You're good," Brad breathed his appreciation, one of his hands stroking my hair.

Anxious to prove him correct and to reinforce his praise, I began to bob my head up and down rather more quickly on his cock. The sound of my wet stroking and sucking began to fill the truck, accented somewhat randomly with Brad's gasps and my own muted and somewhat ashamed but definitely excited moans. A bit to my surprise I was actually really enjoying this. Before too long I could feel Brad's hands on my head, his fingers threading through my hair, now guiding and lightly controlling my bobbing head.

"Fuck you're good Hayley," Brad grunted, his hips started to jerk forward, his cock growing even thicker from the excitement.

He was a lot thicker than Steve. My jaw was aching a little from stretching wide around him. He was longer to, at least another inch longer than Steve's cock. He was excited now, excited and hard. Hard for me. The thought excited me and in my own growing excitement, I was servicing him more and more enthusiastically. I popped my mouth off of his cockhead and lowered it below my fist so I could tease his balls with my tongue while I continued to stroke him. I'd never done that to Steve but Brad's excitement made me want to try it.

His groan of pleasure was my reward. "Fuck, that guy Steve doesn't know what he's missing out on!"

He knew Steve? I wanted to ask about that but my mouth was busy and my question came out as a sort of giggly snuffling moan because I was licking my way up the underside of Brad's shaft at the time. He heard the noise I made though.

"What's that Hayley?" he asked indulgently.

I lifted my mouth for a moment. "You know Steve?" My hand diligently stroked Brad's cock as I talked. I'd always been good at multi-tasking. It was one of my many talents, at High School anyway. I was discovering there were other things I could multi-task at.

Brad shrugged. "We were in a class together last year, I kind of vaguely remember him, nerdy sort of a guy. Claire told me you guys used to date."

"Used to," I said, rather emphatically.

"Good to hear." Brad chuckled.

My mouth was already back on his cock shaft, my head had resumed its bobbing motion and his chuckle seeming to travel down his cock and into me, vibrating through my body. "Enough talking Hayley, just suck!" Before too long both of his hands were controlling my head in a possessive manner that Steve had never used with me. He lifted my mouth from his cock and pushed my face down, guided my head from side to side, forcing my tongue and my lips to dance over his balls and his cock shaft, smearing my saliva over my lips and cheeks and even my nose and chin, making me sloppy and messy.

I stretched my mouth wide open as Brad encouraged me to lick his balls with my tongue, something I'd never thought of with Steve. I could tell Brad was definitely enjoying himself with me and I liked that. Which was when Mike piped up from the front seat, which I noticed was now silent.

"Hey, you guys wanna finish up? We gotta get the girls back home Brad."

"No problem," Brad grunted, adding, "I'm gonna finish in your mouth Hayley, you okay with that?"

"Mmmmmm," I agreed, not lifting my lips from his shaft. Steve had always finished in my mouth, right from the very first time I'd given him a blowjob.

Brad lifted my head and pushed my mouth back down on his cock again. His hands on my head, his fingers in my hair, controlled me completely now. I was no longer in charge, moving my mouth on him, happily bobbing my head up and down. I was no longer sucking him off. Brad was fucking my mouth now, pushing my head down on his cock, his hips jerking, fucking my face, fucking my mouth, only stopping when he stuck resistance, his strength totally dominating me.

The sounds of my teasing sucking and slurping segued quickly into choking gags and muffled squeaks. At the same time his cock shaft was rapidly coated in the saliva that I was unavoidably dribbling onto him, although it did lubricate the movements of my hand as I stroked him.

Steve had never been so rough with me, never so controlling and it was something I hadn't expected. In that brief couple of minutes that followed I experienced many different sensations as Brad fucked my mouth. Initial shock and fear as he began forcing my mouth down on him, his cock plunging into my mouth, fucking my mouth more and more deeply on each thrust. My jaw was already aching from my mouth stretching around Brad's impressive girth. Brad's deep thrusts had my mouth stretching even more than before. I'd even coughed once or twice as his cock pushed deeper into my mouth, but Brad seemed encouraged when my little moans of enjoyment were mixed with noises of discomfort.

My bare knees dug into the floor of the truck as Brad continued to fuck my mouth. At least it was carpeted. I could feel his excitement growing, his breathing now loud and fast and when his peak came he wasn't gentle like Steve had always been. Brad suddenly pushed my head down hard onto his cock, pushing himself into me. I struggled and tried to push free as his cock struck the back of my throat, deep-throating and half-choking me as he came. But his hands held me in place easily.

I could feel the thick spurts of his semen erupting inside my mouth, pouring down my throat as I gulped frantically, sending my hands flailing before clutching at his knees as I desperately tried to both swallow and breathe at the same time, my eyes watering with the discomfort. Brad didn't care, he held my head down on him until he'd finished coming. When he lifted my head up, my mouth popped off him sloppily, trailing saliva and cum even as I continued to choke and swallow.