Hayley's Party Ch. 04


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"I'm sorry Hayley ... it was an accident ... I'm sorry..."

I sniffled. "Okay ... okay ... but if you want to do that just tell me first okay ... that fucking hurt Steve..."And his cum was still trickling out of my butt onto the rug. Yuck!

"Why don't we have a shower and take a break and watch a movie together?"

"Yeah, let's do that," I sniffled as he cradled me in my arms and stroked my hair.

I also remembered that he'd called me a slut and he seemed to be really getting off on Joe fucking me. We took a quick shower, not together but me and then him, found our clothes and dressed, although I didn't bother with my bra or panties, I figured they'd just get in the way soon enough. If I worked on him he'd maybe get over that fixation about Joe fucking me. Steve picked a movie, he wanted hard-core action, which always amused me because he was a totally non-action kind of guy. Hell, I trained in Tae Kwon Do and I could beat Steve up if I really put myself to it. I'd tried to talk him into coming with me back when we were both at High School but no dice.

Anyhow, he wanted action and I wanted a chick flick and we settled on soft-porn, Jane March in "The Lover". We cuddled up together on the couch and as he held me in his arms I'd already forgiven him that little mistake in targeting. I mean, guys get impatient and it's not like a cock is self-aiming and that soreness had dissipated pretty quickly. I wasn't so sure about the Joe thing but I was pretty sure we could get past that. I smiled. I'd give him an hour and then give him a blowjob to get him hard again and then I fully intended to give him another chance to fuck my brains out.

I did plan on telling him to leave my butt out of it though. That had frigging hurt! Mind you, I was a bit weirded out by his obsession with Joe fucking me but I figured that was just something we'd work through together. We'd got past the first couple of sex scenes in the movie, the one where Jane March gets fucked for the first time by Tony Leung and that seemed to have given Steve a few ideas. At least, he'd pushed my t-shirt up to my armpits and he was playing with one of my breasts as I lay half across his lap and I was purring happily.

The doorbell rang, a long peel as someone held their finger down on the button.

"Who the hell's that?" Steve sounded puzzled. He looked at the clock. "It's after nine for god's sake."

"Don't answer the door," I said, "who cares."

After watching Jane March and Tony Leung Ka-Fai making love on the big screen, I was rather more interested in making out with Steve than finding out just who was ringing the doorbell, which was ringing again, this time for even longer. Steve removed his hand from my breasts and stood up.

"Jesus Steve!" I grabbed my t-shirt, which had been up around my armpits, and pulled it down quickly as he headed down the hallway. There were voices from the front door, talking indistinctly, then coming closer. I hit pause on the movie just as Steve walked back in with Joe and another of their friends, Barry. Steve was smiling happily. Joe was looking all apologetic and serious.

Barry was just being Barry, which was to say he was going with the flow. Barry was one of those easy-going guys, as tough as Joe, just about as good looking, but with none of Joe's attitude. He'd asked me out a couple of times back a year or so ago but by then I'd been dating Steve. If I hadn't, I'd have said yes like a shot. Barry was a nice guy even if he did shoot his mouth of about everything.

"Uhh, hi Hayley," Joe said, coming over to me and taking both my hands in his. "I just wanted to, you know, apologize for how I behaved at the party and when I called your house, your mom said you were over at Steve's so I came over. I mean, I know I was totally out of line and I'm sorry for that. I just hope you and Steve can forgive me."

Barry was looking puzzled. I was quite happy to leave him that way. This was embarrassing enough without motor mouth knowing about it. I looked sideways at Steve, standing there happily smiling. His look said that he was elated that his best friend and his girlfriend were making up. Well, if he was okay that Joe had taken my virginity in front of him and fucked me all night, who was I to complain?

I'd enjoyed it at the time after all and it certainly seemed from his comments earlier this evening that Steve got off on it. Anyhow, apology given and accepted, I'd rather Joe and Barry just left so I could get back to making out with Steve. We had unfinished business and my lack of any underwear was reminding me constantly just what that business was.

Which reminded me, where were my panties and bra? My eyes glanced away from Steve, looking around. I couldn't spot the bra but I saw my panties lying right in the middle of the sheepskin rug where I'd dropped them, white on white so they didn't stand out much. Joe's eyes followed mine. I knew he'd seen them from the slow smile he gave me.

"Uhh, okay Joe, if Steve forgives you, I do." I probably sounded terse. I felt that way although just seeing Joe again was making me tingle with memories.

"Steve and I talked," Joe said, turning to Steve. "I'll say it again Steve, I'm really sorry about what happened man, I guess I must have drunk way too much."

Yeah, right. He'd had about as much to drink as I'd had which was what, about two cans of beer and a shot or two. Enough to get me tipsy but it wouldn't have even put a dent in Joe. He drank like a fish. Steve sucked it up though.

"I told you Joe, I understand, let's just let it lie huh? The past is the past. Hey, you guys want a drink?"

Shit Steve! What was he thinking? Get rid of them for god's sake!

"Sure, love one Steve." Barry jumped in, oblivious. "Whaddaya got?"

"Come and take a look."

The three of them headed for Steve's dad's liquor cabinet, he had a couple of them around the house plus a bar downstairs in the basement. He drank like Joe. In fact, Steve's Dad probably had a lot more in common with Joe than he did with his own son. When they had barbeques and Joe was there, he and Steve's dad would spent hours together with Steve's dad telling stories about his youth while Joe encouraged him. Steve's Mom just laughed and said he'd never grown up. Anyhow, the end result was that they all came back with glasses of whiskey over ice, along with the bottle, and a cooler for me. The guys started talking and drinking while I listened and sipped on my cooler. They were drinking hard, Steve doing his best to keep up, which was silly. He had nowhere near the tolerance for alcohol that Joe and Barry had and he was knocking them back. I was onto my second cooler and I'd stopped frowning at Steve and was getting a bit giggly myself when Barry put his foot in it.

"Hey Joe, did you score with that chick at your party, the mystery one you told me you were going to get into?"

Joe looked sheepish. I blushed hotly. Steve laughed. God, he was really drunk.

"Uh, sorry Hayley, I forgot you were here." Barry had no idea.

"That's okay Barry." I smiled at him. "I know you guys, don't mind me."

Steve had downed another glass of whiskey just like that, his other arm around my shoulder where I sat next to him on the couch. He was looking pretty glazed. "Yeah, well, Joe sure scored at his party Barry, take it from me."

"He did huh." Barry grinned at Joe. "Gotta give it to ya Joe, you sure know how to spread 'em and bed 'em. Hope she was good."

Joe glanced at Steve, then at me. Steve giggled. I blushed but Steve was bugging me. He thought it was funny? And he'd called me a slut earlier when he was fucking me. And he'd told me watching Joe and I had been exciting. Now I was getting annoyed.

"You can tell Barry, Joe, Hayley won't mind. She's been around us long enough." He glanced at me and grinned. I blushed and looked away. Steve was drunk alright!

Joe looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I shrugged, still blushing. I didn't want to hear this. And then again, I kindof did want to know. My stomach was doing little flip flops.

"It's okay Joe, you can tell Barry, I'm not going to get all uptight on you." I said it.

He turned back to Barry. "Yeah, she was good alright, nice tight little cunt, once she got going she fucked like a bunny on steroids."

My cheeks were fiery red. "Ewwww Joe, keep it a bit cleaner."

"Ah, sorry Hayley." But I knew he wasn't.

Barry chuckled. "You're a fucking animal Joe. She must've been good though, I didn't see you all night." He looked at me, then at Steve.

"Hey, did you two finally get to do the deed or you both still being good little boys and girls."

"Barry!" That was me, blushing again.

"So you did!" Barry was laughing. "How is she Steve?" God, they were all drunk.

"She's great, lemme tell you," Steve slurred. "Come here Hayley," and he patted his lap. Well, at least if I was sitting on his lap I could shut him up. I slid around and up onto his lap. "She likes it, don't you Hayley?"

Well, I hadn't managed to shut him up and now I wanted to kill him right then there instead. God, how humiliating. His cock pushed up against my butt where I sat on him. Jesus, he was hard and feeling him made my heart pound. I closed my eyes. "Steve!"

"Ahh sorry Hayley," Steve slurred as he gulped down another half a glass of whiskey before putting the tumbler down.

Barry did his best to change the subject again. "So that girl you scored with Joe, she good enough to go another round with? Or was she a pump and dump?"

Joe had the grace to look embarrassed. I looked at him almost curiously. How was he going to answer that one? Damned if he did, damned if he didn't? Steve laughed. My cheeks burned. Steve thought I was a slut. Let's see what Joe thought. Instead, it was Steve who spoke.

"Hey Hayley, you know that girl Joe scored with, whaddaya think about her? She good enough for another round with Joe or was she a pump and dump?"

His hand slipped under the loose skirt I wore as he spoke, sliding up my thigh. I squeezed my legs together, trapping his hand. The last thing I wanted was Steve touching me up while Joe and Barry were in the room watching us. My thoughts turned to earlier this evening, to Steve telling me that he'd loved watching Joe fuck me. I found myself turning my head to look into his eyes, seeing the excitement on his face, feeling his erection pressing hard under my butt. I shivered. Steve was acting kind of strange.

"Whaddaya think about her Hayley?" Steve asked again. He was watching me, his eyes bright and I was getting angry with him. Angry and excited at the same time.

"That probably depends on Joe," I said, my eyes locked on Steve's. "If Joe treated her like a pump and dump, I think that'd be the end of it."

Steve shrugged. "Me," he smiled, "I think she was a bit of a slut, Joe scored with her pretty easily."

What the hell was he doing? He'd just called me a slut. Again! I was starting to get mad with him.

"Steve." That was Joe.

Barry jumped in. "Joe's one of those lucky bastards that always scores easily." He sipped from his tumbler. "There's only half a dozen good looking chicks from the old High that I know whose panties he hasn't gotten into. Wish he'd leave some for the rest of us. How good looking was she anyhow?"

"Hayley's just as good looking as that chick Joe scored with," Steve was burbling. This time it was Joe that laughed and shook his head.

"Soooo." Barry sounded intrigued. "All three of you know who she is and she sounds like a hottie and nobody's telling me who she actually is. What's the big secret about her?"

"No big secret," Steve slurred. "Just, Joe didn't want to embarrass her, did you Joe?"

"Naaahh," Joe shook his head, his eyes meeting mine. "She's too nice a girl to embarrass Barry ... But she was a great fuck. Good looking too." I shivered with the intensity of his look.

"I bet Hayley's just as good looking as that chick Joe scored with," Steve was burbling again.

"Steve." Barry sounded serious.

"That's okay Barry," I managed to say, "Steve's just drunk a bit too much."

"More than a bit," Barry shook his head, then grinned. "So," he looked at Joe, "maybe you can introduce an old buddy when you're done. I haven't scored for a few weeks man."

Steve stirred. I could feel him breathing faster in my ear. I closed my eyes. He was going to say something that would embarrass me, I knew he was going to. It was one of those moments when you just know what's going to happen.

"Hey Hayley, you know her, you think that chick Joe scored with would fuck someone else?"

I opened my eyes and glanced at him. His face had that weird excited look, the one he'd had when he'd told me he loved watching Joe fuck me. I shook my head.

"No, I don't think so Steve."

He looked disappointed. Barry shrugged. "Ah well, it was worth asking I guess."

Joe shook his head, his look half mocking, half serious. "Bad luck Barry."

"Yeah, I guess." He stood up. "Hey Joe, we better get going, leave these two to it."

Joe stood up as well. "Yeah, we better get going. See ya on Monday Steve, see you later Hayley. We'll let ourselves out."

I looked at Steve. He was way too drunk to drive me home and all those innuendos and comments had really annoyed me. "Hey Barry, can you guys drop me off home, Steve's drunk way too much to drive me back tonight." I stood up.

"Have not," Steve slurred, standing as well and then promptly swaying and falling to his hands and knees where he just as promptly threw up onto the floor. Gross! I looked at Barry. Who looked at Steve. Barry didn't like Steve that much, I knew. Tolerated him because he was a friend of Joe's, but he didn't like him.

"I think we better."

"Thanks," I said, picking up my jacket from the floor. Well away from Steve, thank God! My bra was underneath it. Neither of the guys said anything as I stuffed it in my pocket.

Joe was helping Steve up and sitting him on the couch. "Take it easy man, we'll drop Hayley off home for ya."

He stooped and picked up my panties and passed them to me. I blushed. He grinned and winked. I stuffed them in my other pocket. I was going to say goodnight to Steve but he was out of it.

Joe shrugged. "He'll be fine, leave him to sleep it off. He can clean up his own goddamn puke!"

"Okay." I'd been about to say the same thing.

I was that mad with Steve I didn't really care if he slept it off or not. In fact, I was hoping he had the hangover from hell in the morning and that he spent the night rolling around in his own puke. Joe's truck was parked in the driveway. Barry sat in the back, I climbed in the front. It wasn't a long drive, but it was a silent one. For once, Joe didn't say much.

Outside my parents, he helped me out of the car. "Sorry about that Hayley," he said, "I guess I did get carried away back at the party."

I looked at him. "That's okay Joe, it wasn't just you." I shook my head. "I mean, I could have stopped you anytime right? If I'd said no, you'd have stopped?"

Joe looked at me and nodded. "Yeah, I would've. But you know." He took both my hands in his. "Just looking at you gets me hard Hayley." He took one of my hands and placed it right on the front of his jeans. I felt his bulging hardness through the denim.

"Jesus Joe!" But I didn't pull my hand away. We stood there looking at each other.

"You're damn hard to resist Hayley, you know that? Why in hells name did you ever date Steve though, I mean, I know he's my friend but honestly, he's a dick!"

There was no real way to answer that. I wasn't even sure myself anymore.

"Why'd you do that to Steve? With me, I mean?" I didn't ask why he did it to me. Looking at his face, feeling that erection of his, there was no need. I knew he'd wanted to fuck me. He probably still did from the feel of what was under my hand. In a moment of sudden clarity, I told the truth then. "You could have fucked me anytime you wanted without doing me in front of Steve like that. He's your friend for goodness sake."

Joe looked at me like he was thinking for a long moment. "Yeah, he's my friend." He paused and I could tell he was thinking about something. "Hayley, seriously, are you in love with Steve?"

I looked up at him. "Seriously? No. I've been thinking about that after we, you know, since the party and I like him a lot, but I don't love him and I was thinking about breaking up with him, I mean, after what I did to him at the party, it wasn't fair on Steve Joe, I don't want to hurt him more. I thought maybe we could work it out but tonight, before you guys came, he was getting a bit weird with me."

"Weird? How?"

"Um, I don't know. It's embarrassing, Joe."

"Yeah well, I think we've all been there Hayley." His grin was wry. I giggled.

"Yeah, you're right, and why should I be shy with you Joe?" My hand was still on that bulge in his jeans, his hand on mine, not so much holding mine there as resting on mine as I touched him now. "Just, tonight, when Steve and I were, you know, Steve told me that watching you fuck me really got him excited."

"Jesus." Joe shook his head. "He didn't? He said that to you?"

"Yeah, he did, he was fucking me when he told me." I was blushing now.

"Yeah, well, I probably shouldn't tell you this," Joe was looking sheepish. "I mean, I feel like a real asshole. I mean, I've been a real asshole Haley."

"What Joe?" I'd never really seen Joe looking sheepish before.

"It was Steve that put me up to joining you guys at the party."

"What?" I felt stunned. Like somebody had kicked me in the head in a tournament.

"Uhh, yeah, he talked to me before the party, a few days ago, he was a bit drunk, he said what really turned him on was thinking about watching somebody else fuck you and he wanted to get you drunk and then he wanted to get some other guy in the bedroom with him and do you. He wasn't sure if you would though. And when we had the party, I found out he was serious so I figured better me than some asshole."

"Jesus." I shook my head. "How could he even think something like that? How could you, Joe?" I was almost crying.

"I dunno, but he wanted to do the same thing tonight. He called up Barry and me and asked us to come over, said you were coming round, said he wanted to do the same thing we did at the party with you."

"What did you say?"

"Fuck, I was worried about you Hayley, he's been acting weird since after the party. So I said we'd come round."

"Jesus." I felt shocked, like all of a sudden things weren't at all what they seemed. I shook my head, wanting to sit down, feeling a bit faint, like the world was spinning around me.

"Did you say anything to Barry?"

"Not a thing."

"You got anything to drink in the truck?"

"Of course." He looked shocked that I'd even asked. I half giggled. That made me feel better.

"Mind if we go park somewhere. I need a drink. I need to talk."

"Okay, come on then, we'll go park down by the river. What about your parents? They expecting you back soon?"

I checked the time on my cell. "Nope. Not for another two or three hours."

"Jump in then." He opened the truck door for me.

Barry looked at me as I climbed back in.


Joe stuck his head around me. "Hayley needs to talk about Steve, we're gonna go park down by the river."

"Sure. No problem." He sat back. That was one of the good things about Barry. Laid back described him to a tee. Motor mouth. But a laid back motor mouth.

I waited as Joe walked around to climb in on the driver's side. Just another fucked up night with Steve. I had no idea what I was going to do about him. This whole thing just sucked big time and as for Steve, I was fuming inside.

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kiwiplumkiwiplum8 months ago

But do I believe Joe?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Okay, now I'm feeling better about the whole thing. Lol

EriktheAwfulEriktheAwfulalmost 7 years ago
Clever girl

So I took your advice and pressed on in. Probably go back and do the same with "Happy Birthday" as well. I'm starting to get how your brain works.

I've yet to read anything of yours that wasn't a good story. I've also granted Joe a reprieve pending appeal lol.

Thanks for the hard work Chloe.

RhodneyRhodneyover 7 years ago

I see where it could go, but then again, this one could go a lot of places. Chloe is as talented a writer as the best but know one is perfect. I'll wait til the end of the story for my final comment.

zammzammalmost 9 years ago
Holy smokes

Wow! Steve is a real piece of work. Great job weaving the story, Chloe! I definitely did not see this coming. Nice pleasant Steve has this other side buried inside which Hayley nor anyone else had seen before. Amicable Steve calls his girl a slut. And Joe, whom we thought was some pussy-hungry jock, turns out to be not the skirt-chaser we thought he was. Very interesting turn of events. Well, it sucks for Hayley. She needs to get away from Steve like the plague, but how can she trust a guy like Joe? And then there's the third guy....Hayley has gone from virgin to agonizing over lovers in a heartbeat. I'm glad there's a fifth installment.

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