He Couldn't Say No Ch. 01


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First thing Monday a Home Depot truck showed up and dumped a big load of lumber in our driveway. I was standing in the driveway contemplating the huge pile of materials I would eventually have to move to the back yard, when Mrs. E came out the front door of her house. She was dressed like I remembered her always dressing. A long loose-fitting white dress that came down well below her knees. There was virtually no sign of the body that had so excited me a few days earlier.

"Hello Andrew. Wow! You really have your work cut out for you. Are you going to move all of that lumber to the back yard today?"

"No. We're going to let it sit here until we need it as we build the fence. My Dad said all I need to do today is to get these bags of ready mix into the garage so the sprinklers don't get them wet. Then I'm back to wrestling out fence posts."

She was standing by her car now. One of the back doors open, and she was leaning over it as she talked to me. Even with her conservative dress I could see the shape of her large breasts resting on the top of the door. I felt my cock begin to stir.

"That looked like hard work you were doing yesterday," she said.

The hardest thing wasn't the work, I thought. Once you came out in your swim suit the hardest thing was my dick. "God, that's no way to think," I told myself.

"Well it's a chore that's got to get done," I responded trying to bury my lewd thoughts. She was smiling as she leaned over the car door with her big tits resting on it. Okay the dress wasn't hiding everything. "Otherwise that old fence is liable to blow down in the first wind storm, and then we won't have anything between our yards."

She smiled, "Yes, it's kind of like that now."

"There's still the hedge."

"Oh yes, but it doesn't really hide everything, does it?"

Oh shit, I wondered. Did she see me jacking off through the hedge yesterday? Maybe she could see me after she went in the house. Or maybe she saw me the next day when I thought she wasn't home.

She smiled again. "I'll probably be out there tanning myself again this afternoon. I hope I don't distract you." She winked. With that she stepped around the door and slid into the driver's seat. Somehow, she managed to pull her long dress up and show me a lot of leg as she got in. Then she carefully pulled her dress down, closed the door and drove off, waiving to me with another smile as she left.

As I moved the ready mix into the garage, I couldn't help thinking about Mrs. E. She wasn't acting like the Mrs. E I had always known growing up. She pretty much ignored me then. Now she was paying attention to me and she was . . . Was she flirting? That last bit with pulling her dress up to show off her legs. How should I take that? And leaning over the car door so her dress was pulled tight against her big boobs. Was that just for my benefit?

I finished moving the ready mix just before the morning sprinkler setting went off and then went back into the house to fix myself a late breakfast. After breakfast I went back out to start wrestling with the old fence posts again. They were a lot harder when I didn't have Dad there to help me. By about 11 it was getting hot, so I went in and grabbed a couple of glasses of cold water and tossed my T-shirt, which was soaked by now, in the laundry. When I went back out I was down to working in my old cut-off sweats and work boots again.

I had just begun wrestling with the next fence post when Mrs. E came out of the house. She was still wearing the dress she had been wearing earlier in the day, but I noticed that it had buttons up the front, from the hem to her throat. She had undone the buttons other than the bare minimum at the waist required to hold it together. She was covered—I mean her tits weren't hanging out or anything, but as she walked across the yard I noticed that her boobs were swinging freely under the loose-fitting top of the dress and on each stride plenty of leg was exposed. I had been trying to put her out of my mind all morning, but that was clearly a waste of time. I could feel my dick stirring as I watched her breasts dancing freely beneath the loose fabric, obviously unrestrained by a bra. Her long sexy legs emerged from the dress at each step as she walked across the yard.

The post I was working on was immediately opposite the lounge chair. When she got there, she looked up and saw me. "Oh, Hello Andrew. I didn't realize you were out here yet. You must have moved the concrete pretty easily."

"Oh yeah. It wasn't hard." What was hard was my dick which had jumped to attention as I watched her sashay across the yard.

She was standing next to the hedge now and I was looking straight down at her. With her dress unbuttoned as it was, I could see a great deal of her breasts. I was a battle to keep my eyes focused on her face as opposed to her tits. My cock was making a tent in my sweat pants.

She looked up at me and smiled. "See this hedge isn't really a visual barrier is it?"

"Uh, no. I guess not." Was she referring to the fact that I could look down at her tits or was she able to see the tent in my trousers through the hedge?

"Well I'm going to stretch out here and read this book I bought in St. Barts." She held it up. It had a salacious cover and appeared to be in French. "We can't buy books like this here (it was late in the 70's and mommy porn was still a thing of the future), but the French are much more open about sex than we are."

I had no idea how to respond to that, so I just stood there listening and watching as she stretched out on the lounge chair. She bent a leg at the knee, hooking the heel at the end of the chair. Her dress fell away to both sides so virtually all of her long legs were uncovered. She began to read, but only got a little-way before she spoke up again, "Oh these people are so deliciously nasty," she said.

"Really?" I responded, trying to encourage her to tell me more.

"Yes," she said. "This chapter is about how a woman goes about seducing a young man who lives next door to her. She is so wicked. I mean it's not like she is in love with him or anything. She just realizes that he has suddenly grown up into a very attractive young man, and she has decided she wants to have sex with him. She is not sure she should and she even asks her priest in confession. He tells her it is wicked and she must not do it. . . but she decides to ignore the priest."

"How does she do it?" I asked.

"It?" She smiles pretending to misunderstand my question. I only meant how does she seduce him, which was a pretty bold question for me, but Mrs. E took it to be a much earthier question.

"Oh, she's so bad," Mrs. E continued. "They do 'it' in just about every position you can imagine. Even some I never heard of before." As she talked, she released the remaining buttons on her dress and let it fall away. Now I could see all of her big soft tits. They were smooth and the same olive tone of the rest of her body with no sign of a tan line visible, her nipples were big, a dark brown, and surround by large tan areolas. Her belly was a bit plump and soft looking. Below that was a thick curly black bush, the same shade as her hair.

Fuck! My dick was like an iron bar. I had given up on the fence post removal and was lightly stroking my prick through my sweat pants.

"You know," she said. "The French are so much more civilized about sex than we are. We Americans are practically Puritans."

"Yeah," I agreed, not having the faintest idea what French sexual mores were, but hoping to learn more from the naked woman stretched out below me.

"Yes, she said. "For instance, here in California it's illegal to be naked on the beach. But in St. Barts most of the beaches are at least topless and on a lot of them people are completely naked." She giggled. "So, I guess I'm committing a crime. Do I look like a criminal to you, Andrew?" She looked up at me with a sexy pout as she let her bent knee fall to the side insuring me a full of her pussy.

"Uh, no," I said. "Maybe the rules don't apply in your own back yard."

"Even if the neighbor boy is watching? I'd like to think I'm committing a crime. Just a little one. It's not like I'm robbing banks, is it Andrew?" again with the pout.

I really had no idea what to say, so I just stood there and stared while one hand stroked my dick through my pants.

"And then there is the issue of monogamy."

"Monogamy?" I asked. I knew what it meant, but I was enjoying this conversation and I wanted to stretch it out.

"Yes, monogamy—this puritanistic idea we have that married couples have to restrict their sex partners to just their spouses."

"And they don't do that in France? I thought it was a Catholic country?"

"Oh yes, it is," she said. "But one of the key tenets of the Church is forgiveness. Confess your sins, do some Hail Marys, and you're good to go."

"Oh. Sounds better than being a Baptist."

"Are you a Baptist?" she asked with real concern in her eyes.

"No, I'm not much of anything," I responded with a smile.

"Oh good. I was afraid I was going to get in trouble with you. I mean I am laying here without much on." As she spoke she cupped both of her breasts and held them up towards me. Her nipples were swollen and jutted out from her like erotic peaks. My dick jumped in response.

"So, I guess this lady in the book has decided that monogamy is not for her?" I asked. "I mean now that she has decided to seduce the young man next door."

Mrs. E giggled. "Oh she had abandoned monogamy long before we got to the chapter about the boy next door. I guess by American standards she was kind of a slut. But she really had a good time in the first half of the book. Now she wants her neighbor's son who is young and innocent and just about to go off to University. It's deliciously wicked."

"And what about her husband? Does she have a husband?"

"Oh yes, but he is almost asexual. He travels all the time and when he is home he shows no interest in having sex with her. His lack of interest is her excuse for her slutty behavior." She was playing with her breasts as she told me about the book. I was fascinated by her large, tan areolas and engorged, dark nipples. The book had fallen on the ground along-side her. As she talked she used both hands to pull on her nipples.

I was thinking about what it would be like to suck on those nipples. Where did that idea come from? None of the girls I had been with had ever let me get that far.

She giggled. "I peeked ahead and it turns out that her husband was just as bad. He was just ignoring her because he was getting all the sex he could handle while he was traveling, and . . . this is the really naughty part; having an affair with the young boy's mother. But all that part of the story comes out later. The French are so naughty."

"Sounds like fun. I think I better find a way to do a year of college abroad in France."

"And another thing about Americans," she said, apparently about to change the subject. "They have this hang up about masturbation."

Whoa, I thought as I pulled my hand away from cock.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "I thought everyone masturbated." I couldn't believe I was having this conversation with Mrs. E.

"They do. But no one admits it. And we make up these ridiculous old wives' tales about it. Tell me Andrew, did your mother tell you that if you masturbate you would go blind?" She had her legs spread apart and had a hand cupping her mound.

I was silent as I let my hand return to my cock. This time inside my sweat pants.

"Aha! I thought so. But, I'll bet you do it anyhow."

"Actually, my mother never told me much of anything about sex." I said. "And my father didn't either. Sex is a topic they just don't talk about."

"Around you," she said. "They probably talk about it plenty when you aren't around."

The conversation was beginning to creep me out. I didn't really want to know anything about my parents' sex lives.

"But if you're like me you don't want to know," she continued. "That's odd isn't it. I can have a lot of fun trying to imagine what my neighbors' sex life is like, but I don't want to know anything about my parents."

"Me neither," I said.

"Okay. We won't talk about our parents—yours or mine."

"So, I take it you do masturbate?" she asked, backing up the conversation a bit. She was using one hand to fondle her breast while the other was slowly sliding two fingers between her pussy lips. Her pussy lips were dark brown, large, and crinkly. I could see a gleam of wetness between them and pink flesh behind the outer lips as she pulled her fingers away on each stroke.

I stared in silence and continued to stroke my cock.

"Andrew, you didn't answer my question. Do you masturbate?"

"Uh, sometimes."

She laughed. "Oh, for god's sake Andrew. Don't lie to me. You're 18 years old. Most 18-year-old boys would masturbate continuously if they could, and I've heard of some that damn near can."

"But wait!" she interrupted herself, her voice suddenly losing its flirtatious tone. "You are 18 aren't you?"

"Yes. I turned 18 last month."

"Good. . .I mean I wouldn't want to . . . Not if you weren't 18 . . . I mean we just shouldn't. . . shouldn't even be having this conversation."

"But I am 18, so it's okay." I said it, but somehow there seemed something probably not quite okay about having a conversation about sex with my very naked and very married next-door neighbor while I stroked my dick. No there was something very not okay about this, and something so nasty, . . . and so good. Fuck this is fun, I thought.

"Andrew are you masturbating?"

"I said I do sometimes." I swirled a drop of precum across the head of my cock as I answered. My cock was out of my sweat pants now, enjoying the open air.

"I mean now Andrew. Are you masturbating now? It's okay. You can answer. After all you're standing there watching me masturbate so why wouldn't you be. It's a simple question Andrew. Are you masturbating? Right now, while you stare at your naked next-door neighbor who is playing with her pussy and her tits?"

I let silence hang in the air for a long time before I answered, "Uhm, . . . Yeah."

"Good. I wouldn't want to think I had gotten so old and fat I couldn't drive an 18-year-old boy to masturbating." She chuckled. "Why don't you come down here Andrew. There is a hole in the bushes. It's right there where you were working, or should I say wanking, last week. Yes, I saw you. It's no big deal. In fact, I enjoyed it. Now come on down here I want to get a better look at you. Well really a better look at your dick. I've lived next door to you for years and I know what the rest of you looks like. Besides, if both of us are going to masturbate, as we obviously are, it's a lot better if we can do it while we watch each other and right now you can see me, but I can't see you. Does that seem fair to your Andrew?"

"Uh, no. I guess not."

"So, are you going to come down here, or shall I just go back into the house?"

"Okay. Da, da, don't, don't go back inside. I, I, I, I'll, I'll come down." She had me stuttering now, but she was kind enough not to say anything about it. I tucked my cock back into my sweat pants, as best I could, and walked down to the hole in the shrubs and stepped down into Mrs. E's yard. What else could an 18-year-old boy do after a sales pitch like that. Looking back though, I think that may have been the beginning of my inability to say no to women that wanted to have sex with me.

When I emerged from the bushes, she had pulled the back of her lounge chair up and was sitting on it completely naked (not that she wasn't about as naked as you could get before, but now her dress was lying beside her). Her legs were straddling the lounger. I could see now that she had trimmed her bush. Her lips were swollen and protruded through the remaining dark curly hairs. I could just begin to see the pink flesh beneath them.

"Take your clothes off Andrew." I started to push down on my shorts and she said, "Including your boots. You are going to look like an actor in an old-time porn movie if you leave those on." I shucked off my boots and the socks I had on, and stood there in silence.

"And your pants too," she said.

I quickly shed my sweat pants. My rigid cock bobbed in the fresh air.

"Now turn around Andrew. I want to see all of you."

"Oh, what a cute butt you have," she said. "I can't wait to get my hands. . . Oh, but we are just masturbating now, aren't we? Sit down in that l chair and let's do it."

I pulled the chair over so it was just off the end of her lounge chair giving me a perfect view of her as she played with herself. I sat back in the chair and stroked my cock, using the free hand to occasionally massage my balls.

"I don't suppose you will last long, being only 18," she said. It wasn't a question. Just a statement of fact. And she was right. I was hanging on the edge.

"It's okay", she said. Her voice was strained. Her legs were bent at the knees and spread as wide as she could get them. Now she had three fingers of one hand shoved into her cunt while the other hand was slowly massaging her clit. "I'm pretty close myself. I've been day dreaming about this ever since I saw you out front this morning. Oh fuck, this is good!"

She was quietly groaning as she masturbated, her eyes closed and her head thrown back. Then her head popped up and she looked at me with a lewd smile. "Andrew there's something I want you to do for me. Are you really close to cumming?"

"Fuck yes," I said, gasping.

"Good. Come over here and stand beside me. . . Yeah, that's it. Just like that. Now point your cock at my tits. I want you to coat them with your hot, slippery cum when you finish. . . . But don't hold back. . . . Oh fuck, I'm getting so short," she groaned.

She pulled both hands away from her pussy and held her big tits up towards me and that did it. I felt a gusher of cum shoot up through my cock and then burst out at Mrs. E. It was so fucking intense I groaned. It was almost a growl. My first shot was high, splattering her face but the rest of them (I didn't count but there had to be four or five plus a long dribble) were on target as I coated her tits. As soon as the last dribble fell into the pool already on her tits I dropped to my knees alongside her.

She had her hands back on her sex now and was frigging herself mercilessly. "Andrew," she said in her stained voice. "Now use your hands. . . . Oh fuck! . . . Oh shit. . . Use your hands to smear your cum all over my tits. You know what your cum feels like. That can't be a problem. Do it Andrew. Do it now. Oh Fuck. I'm going to cum. Do it Andrew!"


I took my hands and smeared my cum all over her tits, although it was hardly necessary as I had pretty well covered them to start with, but she was loving my massaging of her big boobs.

"Oh yes. That's it. That's it. Don't stop". . " Wait, wait, Now pinch my nipples."