He Planned a Secret Ch. 02


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"No, silly! You three in a big one and us in a not-quite-so-big one!"

Diane asked, "Where will we go?"

I pointed at a map of the USA and Canada on the wall. I said, "Anywhere in the map! There are lots of places I've never seen, things I've never done. We could do them."

"We could see Disney World or the Grand Tetons! Jose' added.

"We could spend this winter somewhere warm." Ann said.

"What about our military retirement pay and benefits?" I asked, facing the man at the front of the room.

"Your record of military service will be transferred to your new identities. As soon as you have bank accounts checks will be automatically deposited. You and your ladies will be fully covered for retired health care."

"All of us?" Ann asked. The man nodded.

A few more questions and we were ready to make some decisions. We would stay together and in motor homes. We would wander and then settle somewhere. I asked about getting motor homes and the man led us out of the room. Parked where the black GMC had let us out were two used motor homes. A good sized class "C" and a bus. He said, "They are fully loaded with dishes, food, linens, and the water tanks and fuel tanks are full. The class "C" is registered and insured to Jose' Chavez." He pointed first to the class "C" then to Jose'.

He pointed at the bus and said, "The class "A" is registered and insured to Ben Svenson. Inside your new homes you'll find packets of new identities, credit cards, driver's licenses, triple-A cards and other things to help you settle into new lives. Your covers are that you both retired from the Air Force and decided to wander. Ann and Diane are sisters. Spend some times getting the details of your stories straight before you start telling people much." He paused and said, "You were found because you're too good as hunters. Shooting one of those elk in the butt would have been better and two kill shots to the bear was a bit much."

We shared a glance. Being a poor shot never occurred to either of us. I'd fired three rounds and brought down three elk. Dumb. That dumbness could have gotten Ann or Diane killed!

We stayed in the motor homes inside the building that night. We got familiar with how they worked and practiced hooking up to water, power and sewer so that anyone watching would think we'd been doing it for at least months. The class "A" bus had been modified. It came with a queen-sized bed that wasn't fully queen-sized. It had been removed along with the two nightstands built into the wall next to it. A king-sized bed took it's place.

The new bed and our new home were good. After the man in the grey suit left us Diane and Kasumi looked in the small refrigerators and put together dinner for us. A search of the outside storage found two folding tables and six folding chairs. We extended the awning and ate outside the motor homes.

By ten I was ready for bed. Jose' and I put the chairs and tables back into storage while Kasumi and my wives cleaned up dinner. We closed all the shades and closed the door. Ann started getting undressed for bed and Diane noticed that the huge windows at the front of the bus allowed anyone outside to watch whatever was happening inside.

We figured out how to draw drapes across the expanse of windows. Then all three of us got naked and went to bed.

I kissed both women and started settling in for eight or nine hours of hibernation when Ann said, "Thank you for not dying. Thank you for saving our lives."

My mouth opened, but before I said anything Diane said, "Next time either of you goes hunting it better take five shots to kill anything bigger than a squirrel!" We broke up laughing and touching and that led to more laughter, more touching, more kisses and... well, we were noisy and reinforced our affection and commitment to each other.

We woke at nine in the morning, local time. I know that because the man pounding on the door to the bus said, "It's oh-nine-hundred! I need this room! You need to get these things out of here!" He said it loudly.

He kept pounding until I answered, "Yes, Sir. Soon as possible I'll get this bus on the road. Sorry we over slept."

Fifteen minutes later I sat in the driver's seat and found an envelope taped to it. A note inside gave me an address in Texas to go to. The GPS was programmed to take us there and we were to attend a Good Sam's Gathering. I handed the envelope to Diane, started the bus, looked over to see Jose' sitting in the driver's seat of his RV and put the bus in drive. I pressed on the accelerator and after a slight hesitation we were moving.

A female voice of the GPS guided me off the base and to the Interstate. I got on and headed south. Diane made a breakfast burrito for me and made coffee. Ann started to help but the motion of the motor home kept her hanging on for dear life so Diane had her crawl up front and seat belt herself in.

She found a two-way radio and called Jose'. She got Kasumi who answered like she was in a Burt Reynolds movie about Smoky and the Bandit. She said, "Breaker, breaker, good buddy!" All three of us laughed and it took some practice for Ann to get used to the push-to-talk button on the radio. Using Ann and Kasumi as mediators Jose' and I discussed our travel plans. Jose' said he had something he needed to show me. I saw a rest stop a few miles ahead and I let him know we were stopping. Kasumi said she was glad we were stopping, because she needed a bathroom.

Ann said to her, "There's a bathroom in your motor home!"

Kasumi asked, "Don't we have to stop to use it?" We got to laugh again. We stopped. Kasumi ran to the public restroom and I went to Jose's vehicle. He showed me the note he found when he sat in the driver's seat. The note he had told him our job for a month was to become full-time RVers. Learn how to fit into the community of people who live in RV's. Then our job was to spend a few months living like we were part of that community while we looked for what's-next. The note specified that we should not settle until at least May of the next year.

I went back to the bus and shared what I knew with Ann and Diane. Diane saw another bus pull into the rest stop and two adults and two teens got out and started walking. She said, "I think we should start right now. Let's go for a walk."

The three of us got out and started walking around the edge of the rest stop. Pretty soon we were caught by the people from the other bus. The man said, "You've got a nice bus."

I thanked him and Diane asked his wife about something to do with cooking and they were off. The woman loved to cook and had lots of ideas to share with Diane. Ann joined in and the man and his sons kept walking with me.

One of the boys asked where we were headed. I told him and they were headed there as well. Dad and sons were leading a few sessions for RV owners on repairing plumbing and electrical problems.

When we got back in our bus we had agreed to caravan to the RV gathering and Mack promised to get us a primo parking spot. We traded riders in all three motor homes for the rest of the trip. When the boys rode with me they taught me a lot about both the plumbing and the electrical systems. When Peach rode in with Diane and me they talked about how to have four people live in a motor home and they talked cooking. The trip to Texas took three days from where we met the Cobblers. Peach called her husband Pit. For the whole first day I thought it was a play on Peach Pit, then it hit me that it was a Peach Cobbler Pit. His actual first name was Barry. His parent must have been strange.

The second night, after we parked, did the hook-up and the ladies served chicken and dumplings the boys asked if the could sleep under our awning. I looked at Pit and he nodded, just enough to let me know it was Ok.

I said it was Ok with me but they needed to be quiet. The younger of the two boys, Brian, said, "It isn't our noise that is the problem!" The he and his brother laughed and Dad blushed. Peach put her hand on Pit's shoulder and said, "He snores."

Later that night I found out that Dad had an interest in having sex with Peach and the boys didn't want to listen to the noises. We were parked twenty feet away and we had to listen to the huffing and puffing and other noises from their bus.

The next day Ann rode with Kasumi and Pit. Diane rode with Jose' and Peach and the two boys rode with me. Before noon Brian asked, "There are three of you. Do you make up the dining area every night?"

"Nope." I answered. A full minute passed and he asked, "You sleep with both sisters every night?"

I nodded. Brian's older brother said, "Don't ask, Brian. Just don't ask."

He had to ask. "Do you have sex with both of them?"

I was so tempted to ask the question I asked at the barn raising, "If you could, wouldn't you?" But, I didn't. Brian was sixteen. Instead I said, "When your parents do it, you know about it. Your Dad doesn't come to breakfast and say, "Last night was incredible! Thanks Honey!" The reason is that there are some things that are best kept quiet and private. You have a girl-friend at home. There's a place she likes for you to kiss her. If you're smart and wise you'll never tell anyone where that is. It's private, secret, secret information. I'm not answering your question."

That evening we arrived at the fairgrounds where the gathering was being held. Pit got us primo parking spots. Close to all the exhibits, near enough to trees to get some shade and easy to handle the hook-ups. By the time the gathering got really going there were over fifteen hundred motor homes, 5th wheels and trailers parked side by side.

All five of us got the schedule of events and planned our sessions. We figured where to meet and what times. Jose' and I carried the two-way radios. On the second day we wore our "I'm with HIM" and "They're BOTH with ME" t-shirts. Got lots of comments and a few questions. The questions were different depending. Depending on if I was alone or if either Diane or Ann was with me.

We talked to lots of people. Some told us all about their favorite places to camp, their favorites during the summer and their favorites for the winter. On the last day of the gathering Jose' and I met with the ladies and he asked, "Where to next?"

I made a list. I heard, "Disney World", "Atlanta", "St Louis", "L.A." and I heard "Canada". Ann voted more than once. Diane said, "These first few months we should be just traveling and having fun. I have an idea. Let me get a map." She got a map of the USA and a piece of paper. She tore five small pieces off the big page and wrote the numbers, 1, 2, 3,4, and 5 on them. She got a clean coffee cup and put all five slips of paper in it.

"Each of us draws a number. The person who draws number one picks where we go first. Number two picks where we go second."

Kasumi said, "And so on, and so on." I said, "Person number two doesn't need to choose until we have been to the place number one picked, Ok?"

Diane held the cup and each of us got our number. Kasumi got number ONE.

She said, "I pick Disney World! We can see lots of Florida and the Kennedy Space Center too!"

Jose' and I planned the route we would take. The ladies planned meals and fun. We decided we had enough food to last another day or two so we wouldn't attempt going to a local market that would be feeling the brunt of over a thousand RVers leaving in the next twenty-four hours. The Cobblers let us know they were headed for Portland Oregon and gave us their email address.

When we arrived at the gathering we only knew the Cobblers. Leaving we had at least twenty-five email addresses and many invitations to come visit.

That afternoon we were packed and ready to go. With hugs, handshakes and promises we parted with some of our new friends and headed out of Austin. One of my ladies had taped a small sign near the speedometer of the bus. It was a reminder to me. It read, "We're not in a hurry."

The woman inside our GPS got me headed in the right direction and four hours later we were entering Houston. We had a map of where the various "Free Parking" sites could be found. The one we found in Houston had quite a few RV's in it when we arrived. Many of those had been in Austin with us.

That evening I got out the new BBQ I had purchased at the gathering and I cooked up some hamburgers for us. The two neighbors we invited to share the fire. I'd learned that if I felt like lighting my BBQ it was generous to offer to let my neighbors use the fire to cook their food too. That way we only have one BBQ to clean. Our neighbors cooked corn on the cob, some summer squash and a few chicken breast slices. Kasumi made some guacamole and we were having a feast.

That night as we were getting ready for bed Diane got a fresh sheet out of storage. I asked, "What's that for, Honey?"

"I'm sleeping on the couch tonight. Ann wants some one-on-one with you and I'll be fine on the couch."

We each tucked her in and then Ann and I went to bed. The bed felt strange with just two of us in it. I gave Ann a massage and lots of foreplay before we joined. As we snuggled together in the after-glow Ann said, "Any other time your hair is just there but after we've been loving, like this, your hair tickles."

"I'm not shaving."

"Oh, I don't want you to shave. I know Diane doesn't want you to shave anything but your face either."

She shared with me things she had learned at the gathering. Many of them were things to benefit all of us living together in our motor homes and some of what she shared was about what she learned from the women she had met. It was a little difficult to listen to her because every time she moved she was rubbing her wonderful body against mine.

She and Diane had attended a session in Austin and when asked Diane had said they were sisters. Some of the women asked how it was with both of them living with one man. Diane said, "I sleep on his right side. Ann sleeps on his left and we share what's in the middle." Ann was surprised that Diane had said it and she was surprised at the reaction from the women in the room. They seemed to like the idea.

"You both get a best friend to share the work, someone to talk to and your man has no chance of ever winning an argument!" One of the women had said.

"Don't I share in the work? Can't you talk to me?" I asked.

"She was talking from where she sits. She's obviously married to a traditional man. He believes the chief jobs of women on the planet are to carry around a pussy for men to use and to open beers for them. You aren't like that at all. Neither is Jose'."

"Then what is the benefit that has living like this Ok with you? Sharing is not something most women do well. Men almost never do it well."

"Most women are in a competition with every other woman. They see that other women want their man. I saw that I could either share and be loved by both of you or I'd probably be alone for the rest of my life. Diane and I had been taking care of each other for a couple of years when you moved to town. When you proposed that we share we both thought it was a great idea. We got to keep loving each other and we got to love you, too."

She might have said more, but I fell asleep. Ann stayed snuggled against me and when I woke up she was right there. I opened my eyes and she said, "Don't you agree?"

I said, "Agree?"

She said, "You haven't been listening to me? What's the point of talking to you if your not going to listen?"

I opened my mouth to say something. Nothing came out and Ann started laughing. "I waited till you woke up and then accused you of not listening. I'm sorry."

"Oh, sorry? You should be. I usually wake up wanting to pee, but this morning I really want sex. Would you like sex too?"

"Noisy, monkey sex or gentle, mushy sex? How do you want it, Mister?"

"Cave man sex!" I used my hands and spread her legs as I pinned her between me and the mattress. She resisted and said things like, "Oh please be gentle!" "You're so strong!" "OH! Are you sure that big thing will fit in there?"

I was sure it would fit. It did fit and I was not gentle. We pumped together for a while and I felt my juices starting to build. I lifted her legs high and pulled completely out of her. I leaned forward and my cock touched her back door. Her eyes opened wide and she whispered, "I want you to have me there. Take me."

I pushed and slowly entered her. When I was half buried in her ass I pulled back and pushed in again. She looked into my eyes and said, "Fill my ass, Honey!"

I stroked into her as long as I could, feeling her grip on me and seeing the surrender on her face. When the urge to slam in deep and deposit my seed was all there was to do I pushed in as deeply as I could and filled her.

As I started to wilt and my pulse rate started back towards normal Ann pulled me down on her and whispered, "I know I'm strange, but I love having you be my cave man and love feeling you unload back there."

"You never said anything."

"My last relationship ended because he thought I was a freak, wanting that. When you went there this morning I wanted to sing!"

At that moment I popped out of her. She grabbed some tissues and as she bounded from the bed she said, "Don't move a muscle!" Half a minute later she was back and I was cleaned with a warm, wet wash cloth. She got me us and into the tiny shower. She washed me and made sure I was very clean.

When I came out of the shower I stood in the hallway to dry off. Diane and Ann were in the kitchen kissing and cooking breakfast. I walked to them and kissed both good morning.

Diane asked, "Do I get to meet the cave man tonight?" I kissed her and said, "I'll teach Ann to drive the bus and we can introduce you to the caveman today!"

Ann stepped back and said, "Like I could concentrate on driving with both of you joining right behind me! No, thank you."

We left Houston just before nine in the morning headed for New Orleans. Both Jose' and I had been there before. I wanted to spend at least a day or two there. The big attraction for me was food. Three different times during the day I was reminded that we were not in a hurry. As I drove I was pampered by both ladies. I was fed snacks I never touched with my hands. I had a fresh beverage held so a straw was right at my lips often. I was kissed on my neck at least ten times in the seven hour drive. And, whichever wife was sitting shotgun sat with either her shirt open or no shirt.

Kasumi called on the radio just after we left Baton Rouge. "Breaker, breaker. Are we parking in a RV park or a Wal-Mart in New Orleans?"

Ann picked up the mic and said, "An RV place. We want the hook ups."

Kasumi said, "Lead foot here knows where one is. Ok if you follow us?"

Ann answered, "Sure, you lead we'll follow, good buddy."

He passed us and I pulled in behind him. The back wall of his motor home had a mural on it of a bear. I asked Ann to call Kasumi and ask, "Bear, we eatin Cajun food tonight?"

She did just as I asked. Kasumi came back with, "Wear your loose jeans tonight. We're eating Etoufee!" I think I drove that whole day with a big smile on my face.

New Orleans was two things for us. Food and education. We stayed two days. The first day we walked around and sampled different foods. The second day we attended a school where we took classes in Cajun cooking. When we left New Orleans we had lots of cook books and spices, rubs and things to help us make great Cajun food.

Three days later we were at Disneyworld. Three days of Disneyworld and Kasumi had had enough. We sat together and number two got to pick. Jose' was number two. He said, "I spent an hour on-line yesterday. We have eight days to get where I want to go. Getting there before next Sunday is even better. I have tickets for all of us to attend a New England Patriots game! We need to be in Massachusetts in eight days!"