Hell Week Ch. 01-03


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"Good," she said. "We can continue."

She continued reading. "Unlike our sisters who were kidnapped and gang raped two years ago, you will be given three opportunities to quit the process; once before we start tonight, once before tomorrow's activities are started, and again after tomorrow night's activities are completed. If you agree to participate in tonight's activities, you will not be allowed to leave until we are through with you, just like our sisters two years ago. The same is true for tomorrow's activities. If, after tomorrow night's activities are completed, you give up your final opportunity to quit, then you will be required to complete all the activities necessary to complete your week of hell.

She asked us if we understood and if there were any questions. There were none.

She continued reading. "You will each be given a safe word. If you use your safe word during the night, you will automatically fail the activity you are performing and suffer the appropriate penalty. All penalties will be performed to completion. If you use your safe word three times during the night, you will also earn a demerit. On Saturday night, there will be a series of competitions pitting the sorority pledges against the fraternity pledges. The winners of each contest will earn points. The loser will receive a penalty. Each pledge must earn 10 points to be eligible to be inducted into their sorority or fraternity they have pledged. If the pledge received any demerits during the week, they will be deducted from any points earned during the competition."

"For example," She continued. "If you earn one demerit during the week, you will need to earn 11 points on Saturday to be inducted. Are there any questions?"

"What happens if we make it through the week but don't earn the required number of points to be inducted?" I asked.

"That's a good question." She replied. "There will be ways to earn additional points after the competition is finished. You will be given the details if and when that time comes."

She asked if there were any other questions. There were not any. She asked us if we chose to show our dedication to the Alpha Fraternity by submitting to the Mu Sorority for the evening. We all said we did. She handed us each a copy of the statement she had read. She had us remove our blindfolds, read and sign the document.

I signed the document as did my 5 comrades. We turned the documents into the woman and for the first time looked around the room. There were about 30 women assembled and sitting in a semicircle around a raised platform. We were told to get on the platform and place our hands behind our backs.

"Clasp your hands together." The woman said. "Don't release them or you will fail the first test."

A moment later a group of women entered the room. There were nearly 20 of them and they all wore the skimpiest swimsuits I had ever seen. There were two tiny triangles of cloth with a string attached that went around their backs and another that tied around their neck. The bottoms consisted of a narrow strip of fabric that covered their sex and disappeared into the crack of their ass. It emerged from their ass and tied to fabric that stretched around the waist.

The women were of various sizes. Some petite while others were robust. Some had trouble keeping their breasts covered, either because the patches of fabric were too tiny or because their tits flopped around without the support of a bra. The same could be said for their bottoms.

"This is the pledge class of Mu Sorority." The pledge master said. "Although they are pledges to the sorority, tonight they are your superior, just as all women should be your superior. I would also like to introduce you to our faculty advisor, Professor Hanna Jorgensen. She is a professor in the psychology department and will monitor tonight's activities to ensure that the rules are followed."

I looked the pledge class over. 18 pledges. That was a ratio of 3 to 1. It also meant that there were now about 50 women watching our every move. Some of the pledges were hot and given other circumstances, would be high on my target list. Others were six packers. They were the ones that required you to drink a six pack of beer before they started to look good. One or two fell into the "not" category. No amount of beer could make them look good.

Prof. Jorgensen was a woman in her late 40's. She was not a bad looker if you were into older woman. She had blond hair and a solid build. She was tall and looked to be Scandinavian. She talked with a slight accent and seemed amused by the proceedings. I think she enjoyed our predicament. She sat in the back of the room and was wearing a halter top that barely corralled her ample bosom and pants that appeared to be riding britches. I found out later that she was an accomplished equestrian and coached the women's equestrian team. She had just come from an evening ride.

The group of pledges stood behind us so all of the sisters had a good view. They were ordered to strip the male pledges down to their underwear. Fortunately we were all wearing something appropriate. I had on a pair of white briefs, as did most of our group. Tom was the exception. He wore boxers. I noticed that the pledge standing behind me brushed her hand against my cock as she lowered my pants. She paused there for a minute before continuing. I head a little giggle as she did.

"OK Alpha pledges," the pledge master said. "On your knees. Back straight and head forward. Put your hands on your head and leave them there."

She told the first six Mu pledges to stand facing us with their crotch as close to our face as possible but not touching. Soon there was a pussy in each of our faces. The female pledges were told to maintain that position for 5 minutes. When the time was up they were told to turn and bend over so their asses were in our faces. They spread their legs for added effect. Another 5 minutes passed.

The positions had to be embarrassing for the nearly naked females. For me, it was stimulating because I had drawn one of the best looking pledges there. She was a strawberry blonde and had a nice body. Her suit, or lack of one, showed off all of her curves. She had a flat belly and ample breasts. Most important to me was the bubble butt she presented before me. I loved women who had enough ass to fill out their jeans properly and I was sure this girl would fill hers perfectly. She probably weighed about 110. She was lean and trim and it was obvious she worked out regularly. By the end of the first 5 minutes my erection was rising, at the end of the next, it was dripping and my undies were tenting. My state was obvious to all who cared to look, and many were.

"Girls, turn around and grab the cock in front of you." The pledge master announced. "If it is erect, the pledge has failed. All males must ask permission prior to getting an erection. The penalty is a paddling. "

We had been set up. They had picked their first six pledges well. All were beautiful girls and succeeded in earning us our first exposure to the paddle. They wheeled six devices onto stage. Each device was made from two plywood sheets mounted on a frame. The sheets were about 4 feet long by 4 feet wide. The top edge was hinged. The panels were opened at the bottom until they were about 3 foot apart. A bar locked the panels in the desired position. The resulting device looked like a 'Figure A' when looked at from the end. There were eyelets along the lower part of the sides that could be used to secure someone into place. A stool was placed beside each of the devices. Each of us was required to mount one of the devices and straddle it. When in position, the stool was removed and we realized the purpose of the device.

As we straddled the device we realized that our genitalia would be trapped between the hinged edge of the panels and the weight of our bodies. Since the panels formed an inverted 'V', it quickly became painful to straddle the device. We were told to bend forward and our arms were attached to two eyelets on the panels, pulling our torsos down and securing us so we couldn't move. The stool was removed and our legs were similarly attached. Our ass was prominently displayed and available for the upcoming paddling.

"This device is known as the pony." The pledge master explained. "We call it the pony because it's just like riding a horse. As you can see, the longer you are attached to it, the more painful it becomes."

Each of the Mu pledges had their way with us. We each received six strokes, one from each girl. When it was over we were released told to get back into our kneeling position on stage. The next set of pledges were about to get into position. The scenario was repeated. This time, I drew one of the larger girls. Her bottom didn't cover her sex well. There was pussy hair hanging out and it was obvious she had a full patch of thick curls. Although she smelled of arousal. I managed to keep my cock in check for the first 5 minutes. She turned around and bent over. I could see more of her now. I could smell her increasing arousal. When the 10 minutes were up I had managed to avoid another trip to the pony.

During the third round I drew a red head. I have always found red heads to be sexy, and tonight was no different. I knew my ass would take a beating because I knew my cock would soon be responding to this girl. She had nice sized melons that didn't want to stay in their halter and her ass was full and round. When she bent over to shove it in my face I was tempted to stick my tongue out for a taste. Discretion proved to be a smarter move.

I earned my second trip to the horse. I bent over the horse while waiting for the pledge master, whose name I had learned was Sandy, to pronounce the penalty.

"This is a second offense." Sandy said. "So we will double the punishment. Two strokes from each of the pledges in this group. That's a total of 12."

The second activity had the males lying on benches which were placed on the platform. The benches raised us about 30" off the floor. We were secured on our backs with straps around our chest, waist and legs. Our arms remained free but we were unable to get up without removing the straps. A portable toilet was placed over our heads with our faces sticking up through the seat. I had heard of queening and could guess what the next activity would be.

"I'm sure you have all heard of musical chairs." Sandy said. "This is our version. We will play music. The pledges will begin circling the toilets. When the music stops, each pledge will pick one of the toilets and sit on it. Her goal will be to get the male under her toilet to submit. She can do whatever she likes, but cannot use her hands or feet. She will have 60 seconds before the music resumes and she has to get up. For safety, the male will keep one of his arms raised while being smothered. If he drops his arm, it will signal his submission or that he has become unresponsive. Either case will earn him a point. The Mu pledge will immediately get up so the male's welfare can be evaluated. If a male does not submit, the female earns the point. Three points earns the pledge a penalty. Each round will consist of 6 matches and the points are accumulative."

This was more sexual than the first event and everyone knew they could use their safe word, but since no one was naked, everyone chose to participate.

The first heat started and the girls walked around the toilets. When the music stopped the girls quickly found a seat. I couldn't see what was going on because I had a cute ass sitting on my face. She was doing all she could to smother me. It was the same strawberry blonde who had caught my attention earlier in the evening. I was actually enjoying her efforts and stuck my tongue out for a taste. She started rubbing herself on my tongue and nose. If I didn't know better I would have thought she was trying to get herself off. It was difficult to breath, but I managed. After about 30 seconds I could smell her arousal. My cock was rigid. With about 15 seconds left the pledge spread her cheeks and pushed hard against my nose. I could smell the aroma from her asshole. The music started and she had to get up. One point for her. None for me.

The second match was more difficult. The pledge was a massive woman who probably weighed at least 300 lbs. As she sat, her ass covered my mouth and her belly rested on the rest of my face, effectively smothering me. It was like I was in a vacuum each time I tried to breathe. I panicked. Being in a position where you can't breathe was something I had never experienced. I tried holding my breath but after 45 seconds I was totally done. I lowered my arm in submission. By the end of the first round I had earned 4 points, enough for a penalty.

Each match became more and more difficult. The second round was made up of the larger pledges. Several were over 200 lbs. but none were as large as the girl in the first round. I managed to finish with 4 additional points. By the last round we were all trying to catch our breath. These women were not as large as the preceding women, but we had been worn down. In the end I received 4 more points for a total of 12 points. That earned me a total of 4 strokes from each of the pledges.

We were placed back on the ponies for our 72 strokes. This time we were not secured but were told we would receive bonus strokes if we moved during the punishment, 5 for each occurrence.

We each straddled the pony to receive our punishments. After about 30 strokes the pony had taken its toll on my balls. I had to get some relief and moved to rearrange my package.

"That will cost you 5 bonus strokes." Sandy said. "And you still have over 40 to go from the pledges. Girls, I think your strokes will be more effective if you slow them down a bit. How about one every 20 to 30 seconds?"

I ended up repositioning 4 more times earning me a total of 25 bonus strokes. Several of my comrades had earned bonus strokes as well. Sandy asked for volunteers from the audience to administer them. Walking up behind me was Hanna Jorgensen. She was indeed a tall woman, standing over 6 foot tall. I couldn't help but notice how strong she looked. Her upper chest and arm muscles were well developed, but what really caught my attention was her ass as she circled me. There is something about a woman wearing riding britches that is so sexy. The way they stretch to support a woman's butt is an instant turn on. Prof. Jorgensen was no different. She had added a few extra pounds of padding back there over the years, but she was definitely hot for a woman of her age.

"Whap", the first stroke landed and my ass was on fire. It had been thoroughly warmed by the pledges. None of them hit with the power of this woman. Whap, Whap, Whap. Three in a row then a pause. She continued with the unpredictable strokes until she reached 15. I dared not move, although she left me there contemplating my thoughts for a few minutes.

Suddenly I felt the sting of a riding crop. It swished through the air and landed like a swarm of bees on my ass. Nine more times she landed and when she was done, she had me thank her by kissing her ass.

The final activity of the night had us lined up on stage facing the crowd. In front of each of us was a basket full of clothes pins.

"This is a timed event." Sandy said. "The goal is to attach as many clothes pins to the male's body within 6 minutes. At the end of the six minutes the number of pins will be counted. Girls, you can attach them to any exposed skin, but you can't use your hands. Instead, you must pick the pins up with your mouth. Whoever attaches the most pins in each round will get the privilege of removing all of the pins from each boy using Hanna's crop."

We were standing with our legs spread and our arms tied behind our back. This left us exposed to the torments of the women. All we had to do was manage to endure those biting pins until they were removed. We could use our safe word, but if we did, we would receive further torment.

During the first round a cute dark haired girl managed to attach 8 pins to my body. She went for my ears, nipples and even managed to get one to stay attached to my belly button. She didn't win the round as one of the girls placed 12 pins on my buddy Tom. She got to whip all of the pins off each of us. Tom was last to feel relief.

The girls of the second heat must have paid attention. They focused on the ears placing three on each of my earlobes. My lower lip was next, with four placed there, and by my upper lip followed with 4 more of the biting creatures placed there. One was placed on each of my nipples before time ran out. Sixteen in all made her the winner of the heat. She whipped the pins off each of us saving mine for last. The ones attached to my lips took several swats before they released. My eyes were watering by the time the last pin had been removed.

By the end of the third round my nipples were on fire. I had two pins attached to each nipple. Each nostril had one attached and three on each ear. 12 pins in all. Not enough to win the heat. The winner relieved my pain first, which was fine with me.

By the end of the night we had suffered the humiliation and pain we had been promised. None of us used our safe word. I had actually enjoyed parts of the evening. Some of the pledges were really cute and I would consider asking one or two of them out despite the torments they put us through. We were asked if we wanted to continue tomorrow. We all agreed that we did. We were told that Tuesday was our night to serve two sororities. We had been told we would have to do this at some point, so it was good to get it out of the way now before committing to the entire week.

Sandy placed six envelopes on the table. She said the cards inside the envelopes had the name of the sorority we were to serve printed on them. The envelope I picked had a card with Lambda Sorority printed on it. Tom and Rob did as well. We were each given a package and told to wear it during the day on Tuesday. We were told that any of the Mu sisters could stop and inspect us to see if we were wearing it. We would earn a demerit if we weren't. She also told us it was all that we would be allowed to wear tomorrow night.

"Be sure to wear it if you don't want to go naked." She said.

Chapter 3: Tuesday

Tuesday was a light day for me. I didn't have any classes until 11 am so I was able to sleep in for a while. I needed the rest after last night. My body was a little sore, but none the worse for wear. I opened the package I had received from Sandy. It was a pair of woman's panties. They were pink in color and had white lace trimming the small triangle of fabric that made up the front. The back side had a thin piece of fabric that met at the waist line and I then realized that these were thong panties. The package said one size fits most. I was sure it didn't mean men.

I put them on and they barely covered my package. They were tight fitting and the thong immediately ran up between my ass cheeks. My ass felt naked and my cock and balls didn't feel much better.

During my first class I noticed a girl glancing over at me. It was the strawberry blonde from last night. After recognizing her I blushed a little every time she looked my way. She was with a group of three other girls when she walked my way after class. We exchanged greetings. She told me her name was Beth. I recognized one of her friends as another Mu pledge but the other two girls didn't look familiar to me. Beth invited me to have some lunch with her which I gladly accepted. Her friends said their goodbyes and Beth and I headed off to the student lounge to get something to eat.

As we walked across campus to the student lounge Beth grabbed my butt. She felt it for a minute and said she just needed to inspect me. I blushed again. She said I had better get used to it as I might be wearing them often as she liked a guy who wore panties.