He's not a Cuckold - A BTB


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As she walked to the door, I said firmly, "Would the man you married be a cuckold? Remember him. The one who flattened the monster who tried to grab you on the dancefloor. The one who caused Francis to piss himself. Is he a cuckold?

"I've tried speaking rationally and reasonably to you, to try and find the woman I married. The woman I loved. I'm sorry you see that as being weak. If you only want action man, I can come to your office and beat him to a pulp, will that work? Will that be the manly thing to do!"

She looked shocked.

"I'm beginning to think the woman I married no longer exists. Be aware. You are playing with fire. I'll burn everyone involved.

"Your final choice. Leave or Burn with them!"

I stormed out.

That evening, she came home and stayed in the bedroom. I downloaded the videos. Francis was a large piece of excrement.

He'd spoken with Gillian who was upset at our row. She told him, I would burn them all. I'd flattened a six foot six rugby player who had grabbed her. I'd caused him to piss himself just by speaking with him. I would come to the office and beat him to pulp. I would do it. Francis wasn't happy.

I wasn't happy, she should have left or better still not gone in.

Francis came back later with another girl and a man, I hadn't seen before. He introduced the man as a client manager for another firm. He had put business their way and now he was being rewarded. The girl blew him and then mounted him and fucked him. The man left.

Francis spoke, "Shelley gets £1000 for that. I'm keeping you for myself until I get you pregnant. Then I'll loan you out."

Gillian spoke softly, no conviction in her voice, "You can stuff your job. Mike will kill you, I'll cheer him on. I should have listened to him."

Francis laughed as he locked the door. He grabbed Gillian and kissed her repeatedly. "You want me, what I'll do for you. Cucky will go along."

He soon had her breasts out and played happily with them. Shelley removed Gillian's knickers and began tonguing her pussy. Gillian was soon writhing in ecstasy.

Francis fucked her bareback.

He finished in her, "No sex for hubby until you're pregnant. He'll fall for it being premature. Cucky."

Shelley and Francis left. Gillian cried all afternoon.

Now it was war. My marriage was over. Maybe had she come home and told me everything, we could be salvaged but she didn't. She went back to work the next day.

Each day, Francis fucked her in the office unless they went to the hotels. He fucked her there as his business partners fucked the other girls. He boasted, they would get her when she was pregnant with his child and cucky would raise it.

I downloaded everything. I was taking the nuclear option. I traced all the men and women involved, their positions in the companies and who ran those companies. I found all their home addresses and their marital status.

The caterers contacted me regarding another party so I went back to his house. I found and photographed his book of passwords. I downloaded the contents of his hard drive to an external one. I put hidden software on his home computer which meant all his subsequent actions would be downloaded to mine. He spent a lot of time on it when at home.

I found a lot of very interesting and highly illegal activity. He downloaded his own copy of the sex parties. There were over six years of such videos. I also learned solo working is highly challenging. I had no one covering my back, telling me if someone was coming up on me.

For the last two weeks, Gillian has been shared with the others, some from the party, some clients. She's been double teamed, Shelley and a couple of other girls have made her bisexual as she has eaten them as well.

Francis had been telling her to tell me for the last week she was pregnant. He really is clueless. An accountant can count.

The next morning as Gillian was preparing to leave for work. She was still very upset. Mike had known everything, how she was a slut and a whore. How had she come to this? Mike had left her as he said he would. What could she do?

The doorbell went. She answered it, hoping it was Mike asking for forgiveness even as she knew, it was she who needed to ask for forgiveness. It was the postman with a recorded delivery for her.

She signed and took it with her to the office. She looked so down, Shelley went into her office and asked her, "what was wrong?"

Gillian spoke sadly, "Mike's left me. He knew the baby was Julien's. He's going to burn everyone. He told me and he will."

Gillian emptied her bag and looked at the envelope. She opened it and began crying. Shelley looked at it and ran to Julien.

Julien came in angry, "What's cucky done now?"

Gillian looked up, "I told you he wasn't a cuckold and you wouldn't believe it. He's left me. These are the divorce papers. Cause: Adultery with you and the others. He has all your names, addresses and spouses."

Julien looked even angrier, then Shelley screamed, "Fuck!"

They looked at Shelley. She sounded shocked, "This addendum has a list of all the clients, their firms, positions and roles played. Their spouses and kids. Dates, times and places. There's an SD card."

Julien put the SD card in the computer. It had all their recent activities.

He was beside himself with rage, "How the fuck did he get all this?"

He called his security manager. "How could he get all this?"

The security manager looked. "This is way beyond an accountant's expertise. You said he parked beside Smith's accountants. His car was there."

Gillian said, "He doesn't work there. He works at A J Roberts."

The security guy exclaimed, "Fucking hell! You're dead!"

Julien said hopefully, "Cucky's got lucky. We'll be fine. He won't go public and expose Gillian."

The security manager spoke as he read the addendum, "If anyone had thought to tell me he worked there, I'd have said leave him alone. Leave Gillian alone. They're the company you go to, to sort out problems which are company destroying. Internationally renowned for getting the job done. They take down organisations, cyber ransomware, espionage. They have no boundaries.

"Every company on that list will have copies. Every board member will have copies. Every spouse will have copies. I wouldn't be surprised to read all about this in the Sunday papers.

"His phone will be going. Many of those companies will want to buy his silence. How many government contracts will they lose? How many other companies won't work with them if this comes out? Ralston is toast. He'll sue you Mr Francis for everything you have and more.

"From the way he's phrased this, he has all the evidence needed of you operating a prostitution ring for the purpose of your business to give to the Police and how you threaten the girls to control them.

"He has you over a barrel. He's no cuckold. He's a pissed off man, very angry you screwed his wife and now he wants vengeance. If he works for Roberts, he has the skills to do exactly what he says.

"I hope you have a funeral plan in place, not that they'll find your body. Whoever fucked Gillian, will be looking over their shoulder for the rest of their lives, however short that may be."

Francis slumped to a chair. After ten minutes, he stood, "I have two of Robert's board involved. It was they who demanded I get Gillian involved as they wanted to fuck her. They have. I'll tell them to sort this out."

Shelley was crying, "He's named all the women. Our husbands will know. Our marriages won't survive. We'll lose our children if they want them. Most won't as they're not the fathers."

Gillian was half listening. She was reading the papers through the tears. She signed on the dotted line. She accepted the terms.

She called the local family planning clinic to arrange an abortion. She gave the reason as rape. She'd no husband and Francis wouldn't be around long. She'd never felt such despair but knew it was her own fault. She would always wonder why she did it. She knew Mike wouldn't be a cuckold. She loved him so why did she do it?

Mike was indeed fielding a lot of calls from some very highly embarrassed companies. He had given them a contact number which had nothing to do with Roberts, so they wouldn't be able to have his bosses put any pressure on him. He knew they would learn quite quickly.

His demands were quite straightforward. Those involved, fired and not employable in that field. No further dealings with Ralston's. For those companies who had people involved sexually with Gillian, either watching Julien fuck her or fucking her themselves, he added a further demand. A large payment to an offshore account. The men involved, he would see himself later.

As far as Ralston's employees, he ensured the husbands of the women had all the evidence of their involvement and the probability their child or children weren't theirs.

Three weeks later, the Sunday tabloid newspaper ran an exclusive on Ralston's and their business practices. It named and shamed Francis and the other senior partners, detailed their orgies at his home and how they groomed their female staff to become prostitutes for them. It included photos of many of the local big wigs at a Francis orgy. The paper hypothesised that these relationships explained why he had never been charged, yet, with operating a prostitution ring.

A month later the court granted the divorce. No alimony was set. The actual divorce cited Francis as the other adulterer. I had enclosed the addendum to screw with them. I did send all the recordings to those involved, especially their wives. The courts are very busy.

I have had a number of visits from the local Constabulary as senior members of Ralston's have suffered some terrible attacks on their person. They have never told me how serious and I haven't asked. I had rock solid alibis for all these events.

Francis was showing signs of extreme stress. He was paranoid someone was out to get him. Brake failure, a break in, an angry husband assaulting him. (The Police gave him a caution.) The business was shut down by the Regulator due to the information which had landed on their desk. I had a lawyer friend sue him for breaching multiple acts including care for staff and failing to provide financial support for his children. He successfully argued, the firms accounts and Francis's personal accounts be frozen until a settlement was reached. Francis wasn't happy as his secret offshore accounts were included. He used his home computer for those. There was over £500 million in them. HMRC somehow received a tip off regarding his tax evasion.

Within days of the shit hitting the fan, Roberts were contacted by several companies to find out who was responsible. The two board members had already spoken with Francis. I laughed watching them trying to work out what to do. If they told my boss Alan, they would have to admit their role in what had transpired. It took about three months before I was officially found out.

Alan came to me furious. "Mike, you know we don't allow cowboy operations. All hell has been let loose. Why?"

I replied, "Alan, Francis went out of his way to fuck Gillian. I'd warned him and her. At first, I was just going to deal with them. Then he began badmouthing me, demeaning me and I learned about his prostitution ring. When he decided he would get Gillian pregnant and have me raise his child, it was war."

Alan looked at me, "What's next?"

"Alan, as far as those companies are concerned, I have finished with them unless they try something. I have set stuff up so that if I disappeared, the other stuff I found out will be released.

"Some ex-personnel will have serious accidents. I'll toy with Francis until I break him completely.

"If you want me to leave, I'll do so."

Alan looked at me sadly, "It would be better if you did. What do I tell those companies that asked us to investigate what's turned out to be you? I'm surprised you didn't hide everything far better.

I smiled, "Tell them what you want. Their secrets are safe as long as I'm safe. As far as getting caught, it was deliberate. I'm sure Francis called two of our board members to tell them. They couldn't give you the heads up without revealing everything. You'd tell the board. Those two members will be shitting themselves. They played in Ralston's games and wanted Gillian. They'd met her at the summer dance. They knew she was my wife. Bernie and Ted told Francis to employ her so they could fuck her. Both have. There'll be openings on the board soon for you.

"Alan, I'll forward my intelligence on Ralston's. Some may impact some of our other cases as he was blackmailing clients and selling that information to others. You can forward the standard fee if I'm correct."

Alan shook my hand, "Good luck! I'll be at the next board meeting on Tuesday. I won't miss out their part in this. The fact I know will ensure they know, you know. I'm sure my report that no other action will be taken against those companies will be well received."

I gathered my few possessions and left the office.

I spent a few days putting the stuff I wished to retain into storage units before boarding a flight to Croatia for a well-deserved holiday. I hired a boat and went shark fishing. Firstly, I needed some bait. It wasn't a problem. Francis had booked a holiday on his home computer. He was hiding on a small island but liked to swim in the sea in the morning. The downside was that due to the way a river and other currents interacted, there was often a dangerous tide. I used scuba gear to come up behind and below him. I didn't let him drown but he did pass out. When he came round on my boat, he was terrified when he saw who it was. Maybe the large combat knife in my hand had an effect! His disappearance would go down to being caught in a rip tide according to the local papers.

When I was about sixteen miles from shore, with not another boat in sight. I sliced and diced his genitals and put a rope around his legs and dragged him through the water. The blood attracted a few Mako sharks. He screamed when the first shark attacked him. By the third he was dead. I left him for them.

Don't tell the animal charities as they may think I was being cruel to the sharks.

I had a lovely month in the sun.

Since my return, there have been changes in Robert's boardroom. Bernie and Ted have apparently disappeared. Their wives reported them as missing. Alan has been promoted. There's only three left on my non-existent list but they will be dealt with.

John Dewar cried watching what happened to Francis. He choked on his little cock. Like the rest, the missing persons files keep growing.

As for Gillian, I believe she had the abortion and after she recovered, she returned to her hometown. We haven't had any contact.

I have decided on a change of career. I'd medical hypnotherapy and counselling to deal with my feelings of anger and despair. It was consuming me. It helped so much, I thought I would train as one. It's interesting.

I do a lot of free work for genuine people. Roberts gave me a sizable retirement bonus. My research had helped a number of our clients. Along with what those companies paid me and what I had pilfered from Francis's offshore accounts, I wouldn't need to work again. I left enough in Francis's accounts to settle all claims. His estate is now paying support to between twelve to fifteen children established as being his if reports are correct. They are waiting for the official word he is dead before executing his will. As children they will be entitled to a sizeable sum.

You may wonder why I didn't show Gillian my evidence before she succumbed to Francis. I've asked myself that a lot. The same reason keeps coming up. She made the choice to work there, she had to make the choice, our marriage was worth fighting for. She didn't. If I had, what would have prevented it happening again? It had to be her choice!

I still wrestle with that decision every day even as I know it was the only sensible one.

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bacchant2bacchant29 days ago

Brutalbut fun, a pity it ended. Of course she was stupid, there wouldnt be a story if she wasnt so who is most stupid the woman or the people who complain.

WargamerWargamerabout 2 months ago

Good BTB but she was just too dumb for any sense of reality, too fantasy like.

The story was too stupid for words. So 3/5 for that reason.

willyk1212willyk1212about 2 months ago

i like btb but you really made her look stupid real stupid

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

@MountainMan1336 As the MC explained in the last paragraphs, it has to be her choice to do all the things she did. As they say "Her body, her choice" He can't tell her what to do and expect her to make decisions based on his desires and not hers.

MountainMan1336MountainMan13363 months ago

Okay after I read this story for the third time I upgraded my rating to 3 stars. I still don't understand why he didn't try to save his wife but that was his decision.

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