How I Became a Breeding Bull Ch. 03

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All three women get anally fucked, Laura first by Phillip.
17.8k words

Part 3 of the 31 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 04/01/2022
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Before Brick goes to San Francisco, all three women are anally fucked for the first time, Laura by Phillip. Phillip agrees that his legal assistant, Becca, can go to San Francisco with Brick. Brick admits to making his business plans to avoid Laura's fertility for another month. This chapter contains oral, anal, lesbian, interracial, and group sex, including FFM threesomes. This is a cuckold story. Don't read if you don't like them, just to make demeaning comments. I'm deleting comments if they have nothing of value to add. There is no COVID in this fantasy. My thanks to JohnnyGalt for editorial assistance.

How I Became a Breeding Bull, Ch 3 - Three Asses Taken

Sunday morning, I was awakened by Laura sucking my cock. Good, she wasn't waiting for my direction. As soon as I started swelling, she had to abandon sucking anything but the head. I fucked her hard for an hour, the other two women eventually waking upon listening to Laura begging for my cock, and then sucking on her magnificent tits to add to the sexual debauchery. When I climbed off her, Phillip was standing outside the door, watching, dick in hand again. I suspected someone would have to clean up some cum in the hallway.

I said to him, "Hey, Phillip, you're welcome to fuck your wife again today. I leave you to it."

Taking the other two women to the bathroom, we showered together so Phillip could do what he wanted with Laura without us crowding him.

As we washed each other off, I told Sharon that I was planning to fuck her ass today.

"Are you sure I'll enjoy it?"

"Reasonably certain. You're wearing a three inch plug now. That's slightly wider than I am."

"Except you're thick all the way down, the plug is only that thick at its widest point."

"True, but you know I'll stop if it hurts. I tell you what, the next time I fuck you, we'll let Becca play with the plug a little to simulate an ass fucking. Kind of a practice run. I'm going to fuck you in front of everyone, because Laura's going to take it up the ass today too, from Phillip, and I want her to see she can take mine too, when the time comes."

"The things I do for your dick."

"Becca, how would you like to go to San Francisco with me?"


"Fly down on Wednesday morning, see a football game on Sunday, fly back on Monday."

"I have to work, including Saturday."

"Let's ask your boss, shall we? Having you along will keep me from having to find someone else to fuck."

"Why didn't you ask me?" Sharon said.

"You have to work."

"So does Becca, from the sounds of it."

"She will be working, just remotely."

"What do you mean? I can't work remotely," Becca said.

"You can if you're working on an acquisition for your boss. I'm looking at an investment opportunity in San Francisco. I'm going to hire Phillip to handle the legal paperwork. If you come with, you can take copious notes for your boss so he can do the contract. Sunday is just for fun, Wednesday and Monday are travel days. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, you work your tookus off in boring meetings all day and get fucked half the night. Of course you can expect fucking the other days too. I have huge sexual appetites. Maybe we'll pick up another woman. Who knows, right?"

"Do you think he'll let me?"

"That's where the asking part comes in. I don't know what he'll say, but hopefully, he's in a good mood. I'm sure he's enjoying a lot more orgasms than he usually gets."

"His wife is enjoying more," Sharon said.

"Women always enjoy more. Mother Nature handled that little detail when she gave you cunts and gave men cocks that have to get hard enough to fuck one. Even I can't fuck all day without resting, all appearances to the contrary. It's a good thing he also gave me fingers, a tongue, and electronic sex toys."

They both laughed. "I think you are an electronic sex toy," Sharon said, massaging my dick. "I just haven't figured out where the batteries go yet."

"No fuckie, no suckie yet, Sharon. I want to be comfortable and with enough room for Becca to join us so she can diddle your ass with your plug."

"That sounds interesting," Becca said. "I want Sharon to diddle my ass the next time I fuck you."

"There goes the morning," I said. "Good thing I'm an electronic sex toy."

When we left the bathroom, Laura was changing the sheets. "Too many cum stains," she said by way of explanation.

Phillip was reading the Sunday paper when we reached the kitchen. "Did you have a good time with your wife, Phillip?" I asked.

"Fine. Her pussy was a little loose."

"If you fuck her right after me, that will be a problem, but she'll tighten up as the day goes on. Perhaps you should fuck her first the next time I'm ready. You'll see. I'll make sure she exercises her Kegel muscles daily to keep her cunt nice and tight."

I started making breakfast, a meal I could handle. Becca and Sharon helped. They remained naked, so I was frequently petting and caressing them as we worked.

"You don't have to do that," Phillip said. "You're paying for your stay."

"Laura's housekeeping will start to suffer if I don't help around the house, Phillip. I am keeping her naked in the hopes of fucking her often. You know how long I take each time I fuck her. I don't want your home to suffer because she doesn't have the normal amount of time to clean. I'm a grown man. It's not a big deal to me since I have so much spare time. Might mean less time on the treadmill, but it's good exercise. Plus, your wife will be doing a lot more laundry. She was changing the sheets due to the cum stains."

He nodded his acquiescence.

"Phillip, I have a favor to ask," I said as I fried up some bacon. "My meeting in San Francisco, I'd like to borrow Becca for it. If I end up buying the company, I'd like you to do the legal work for it. If she attends with me, she can take lots of notes so you can do up the contracts. Of course, I also enjoy her company. She'll be working Thursday through Saturday, at least eight and possibly as much as ten hours a day. Wednesday and Monday for travel, Sunday for relaxation and the football game. I know she's your legal assistant, but I'm sure you have some contingency plans for when she's on vacation, and she will be providing you with more business."

"I'll check on Monday to see if I can let her go that long."

"I appreciate it, Phillip. If not, I suppose I can find a Temp, but Becca would understand the information you need better than a Temp would."

Laura had finished with the laundry and saw us making breakfast. "You don't have to do that," Laura said, "you're guests."

"I just explained to Phillip that I'll be taking up a lot of the time you usually devote to housekeeping and your house would suffer if I don't help out. It's no big deal. Why don't you sit on his lap and smooch him up a little. Tell him how much you're looking forward to him opening your ass for business later."

Laura straddled him on his chair and started kissing him. "Are you looking forward to fucking my ass, honey?"

"Yes," he said.

"He should," I said. "It's a beautiful ass. Would you like scrambled, poached or fried eggs? If you want a breakfast sandwich, I recommend fried, over medium. Becca can start the toast."

"Breakfast sandwich sounds good," Phillip said, resuming kissing his wife.

"You heard your boss, Becca, start toasting some bread as soon as I crack the first egg." I patted her ass.

"What should I do?" Sharon asked.

"Set the table. Only four place settings. Laura will be sitting in my lap. She can eat off my plate. Orange juice is in the fridge." I loved giving Phillip little reminders that Laura was my fuck toy. He should enjoy the reminder if he was a cuckold.

"You got it," Sharon said.

I finished up the bacon and started the eggs after pouring off the excess grease. Becca started the toast and as soon as the first two eggs finished, I made up a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich for Phillip.

"For the man of the house," I said. "Give this one to Phillip, Sharon."

Sharon winked at me, took the plate and gave it to Phillip. Laura abandoned his lap so he could eat. "This tastes great," Phillip said after his first bite.

"Yeah, I'm pretty much only good for breakfast, Phillip. I think I'll let Laura do the main meal of the day."

The next couple eggs got done and I said, "For my lovely assistant, Sharon. Thanks for your help, darlin'. The next one will be for Becca, Laura. Would you mind taking over the toast?"

"Not at all."

I gave the next sandwich to Becca and she sat next to Sharon, leaving the head of the table for me and Laura, right next to where Phillip was sitting.

I fried up four eggs for the next two sandwiches, while Laura made the toast. After they were made, I sat down and pulled Laura into my lap, facing Phillip. I took my first bite of my sandwich and yolk spilled out and ran over Laura's right breast. I licked it up of course, then sucked on her nipple until she moaned.

"Delicious," I said. "Have a bite," holding the sandwich to her lips.

More yolk spilled on her other breast, which I also licked up. "Tastiest sandwich I ever had," I quipped.

I fed Laura and myself without further fanfare. She had one arm around my shoulder to help her balance. I'd also hold the glass of OJ to her lips so she could drink.

Our sandwiches done, I said, "Time for dessert." I inserted two fingers into her cunt and slowly finger banged her to a couple orgasms. When Laura climaxed, she kissed me, breathless, her other arm going around my neck as she humped my hand. She kept kissing me through the second orgasm. I pulled my fingers out and licked her off my fingers.

"M'mm, M'mm good. I'll leave the clean up to you, Laura, since I cooked. Becca, I believe it's time for your fucking. Come along, dear. You too, Sharon. You're playing with her plug, you know. Let's go out by the pool."

I figured some more open fucking would precipitate more watching, and lusting. After I shed my clothes and got another four condoms, the three of us went outside, found a tanning mat and put it next to the pool. I had Becca mount me and while she rode me, Sharon tugged, twisted and pulled on the anal plug in her ass. Becca was going crazy. She liked the double fucking and made sure everyone knew it. I waited until Laura and Phillip came outside to join us and had watched for fifteen minutes before I allowed myself to cum.

"Oh, fuck, that was amazing," Becca said. "I couldn't believe how much I enjoyed that."

"We're hitting a lot of the erogenous zones when you're being fucked in the ass and cunt," I said. "Stands to reason it would feel good. Becca, be a good girl, remove my condom, clean me up and get me hard for your fuck buddy."

"Yes, Brick. Thanks for asking if I can go to San Francisco with you." She was pulling off my wrapper.

"You're welcome. I'd hate to have to train a new slut."

Becca grinned and started sucking my cock.

"You're driving Phillip crazy, you know," Sharon said quietly. "I mean, he's enjoying everything, but the looks on his face while you play with is wife are beyond lust."

"I'm fueling his cuckold fantasies. I don't understand it myself, but I can see from Phillip that they're very real. After Laura, Becca is probably the most important woman in his life at the moment, so when I fuck her, it's like a double whammy. Since I can't bring Laura to San Francisco, having him imagine me fucking his legal assistant will help him while I'm gone. Even if he can't afford to let Becca go, he will probably let her go anyway. He can't fuck Laura's cunt each day until I do, but since her ass will be available after today, I'm sure he'll make frequent use of it, and her mouth while we're gone."

"I think you're right. His dick has been hard since he came out here," Sharon said.

"Do you think Mr. Smith wants to fuck me?" Becca asked, pausing in her duties.

"Everyone wants to fuck a cute slut like you," I said. "He may not be able to because of his marriage and company policy, but he's thought of sticking his dick inside of you. All men think sexually about women they're around, except gays. If a man has thought about a woman for more than five minutes, he's thought of fucking her. Controlling those impulses is civilizations impact on our libido. I'm less civilized, so I try to fuck as many women as I can. If I didn't have to pay for any resulting children, I'd probably be trying to knock up most of them. It's a genetic imperative to spread our seed far and wide to ensure our genetic material gets passed to future generations."

"What about women?" Becca asked.

"Your genetic imperative is protecting your genetic offspring to ensure your genetic material is passed down. You're normally looking for someone who can protect you and your children. In the past, that often meant surrendering yourself to the biggest bad ass around, who'd kick the ass of anyone who'd harm you or your children. With the advancement of civilization, physical prowess has been replaced by power, fame and money. If I have power, whether it's political or economic, I can protect my women and my offspring from predators. It's why the rich, famous, and politicians attract women like bees to honey. It's why I can fuck almost any woman I want. I have both the old school power, the physical presence to make you feel physically protected, and new school power, economic power, to keep you fed and a roof over your head, send our kids to good schools to give them a leg up in society. And, I can also satisfy that itch between your legs. That doesn't hurt either. Keep sucking, Becca."

She laughed and dropped over my cock.

"What about me?" Sharon asked. "I don't want kids yet."

"Modern society has increased opportunity for women. Theoretically, through economic power, you can now protect your own children without the help of a man. You can afford to be choosy about who you have sex with and have children with. If you're only looking for a good time, like you are with me, you take birth control and don't let just anyone breed you. You can pick someone who's not necessarily a good provider to give you children. There may be other qualities you look for in a breeder, kindness, affection, the attention they pay to you or would pay to your children, mutual interests, intellectual compatibility, etc. You wouldn't see me as a breeder despite what I might consider my advantages, because you don't see me sticking around to help you raise your children. I'm not steady. That doesn't mean you don't find what we're doing as fun, and a good way to cut loose, but you'd want a different daddy for your children.

"Phillip can't have kids. He's already lost the genetic imperative to Mother Nature. His seed isn't being spread. He still loves and cares for his wife, but he wants for the children he raises, to have some genetic benefits. Some of those will come from Laura, intelligent and beautiful, so when he's looking for a father for his children, he wants certain things. I provide some of those things. I'm not looking to take away his wife, or any of the children I produce. I'm smart enough, and good looking enough, to produce children he can be proud of. I'm not a different racial mix, so no one will necessarily know they aren't his kids. The fact I can also feed some of the kinky fantasies he has, is icing on the cake.

"While I've tended to leave known married women alone, due to the bro code, fucking Laura and other women like her, married to men like Phillip, gives me advantages. She's beautiful and intelligent, and will be a good mother to my children, without me having to raise them. I can have as many children with women in her circumstances, as I want. Someone else will raise them, and they don't want to marry me, or for me to hang around and look after the kids. They've got a husband for that. Running across them has given me the idea to become a breeding bull, someone who can knock up your wife when you can't. The husband won't be upset I'm fucking her, they get their kids, I get my kids, that I don't have to care for. I'm not going to steal their women, and will disappear out of their lives when they want me to. I'm free to fuck you two beauties, fuck Laura, fuck anyone I want, and still get genetic benefits.

"As soon as they see fit and trust me enough, I'm going to be asking Laura for the names of other women who can't have kids with their husbands, but want children, particularly if they have submissive husbands, who are willing to let the wife step out of the marriage momentarily. I'll be asking Phillip if he knows of other men, such as himself, who have his particular cuckold kinks, who wouldn't mind another man breeding their wives, whether or not the husband can have children. Going by Phillip's and Laura's response, the men will like it, the women will like it, and I'll like it. It has benefits for everyone. That's good, Becca, my dick is hard enough for Sharon to fuck now. You play with her plug, like she played with yours. If she likes it as much as you did, she'll have no problem surrendering her asshole to me later."

"Damn, Brick. Isn't that cold hearted?" Sharon said, though she was mounting my pole as she asked.

"I don't know. Does anyone seem unhappy to you? Laura and Phillip are getting a child they want, Laura's getting some wild ass fucking she can't otherwise get, Phillip is getting to enjoy the slut I'm turning Laura into, including sex he's never had with her before. I'm encouraging him to take advantage of it. They're probably fucking four or five times as much as they used to. And Phillip's dick is still hard enough to fuck her again. I'm getting children I want without having to change my lifestyle. And I remain on the open market where you can fuck me to your heart's content until you're ready to find your own husband material. I fail to see the downside for anyone here."

"I'll admit I'm enjoying the open market part of that equation, Brick. God, you're a brilliant fucker. Start playing with my plug, Becca. If you do a good job, I'll lick you to a couple of orgasms."

Becca laughed. "As if you weren't going to anyway, bitch."

She started moving the large plug around in Sharon's ass, which I could feel, and was tremendously stimulating to my cock. It was a big plug and I was filling her cunt. Sharon loved it as much as Becca had, going a little bit nuts in the process.

"Holy fuck!" Sharon moaned. "That feels amazing."

"Laura," I shouted back to her. "Come here and ride my face. You can play with Sharon's breasts at the same time. I'm sure she'd like that."

Laura didn't waste any time planting her pussy on my face, nor did I waste time shoving my tongue as deep as I could in her honeyed nectar. She rubbed her cunt on my face as she leaned forward to play with Sharon's boobs. When Sharon climaxed, it was a gusher.

"Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Fuckety, fuck, fuck, fuck," she murmured as our joining grew awash in fluids.

"Did you just squirt?" Laura asked.

"Yes! Fuck, yes! I've never felt anything like that. It was like a vaginal orgasm and anal orgasm collided and lit some kind of fuse to a nuclear orgasm. I've never squirted before. I swear to you, Brick, I'll never complain about you turning me into your big cock slut. You want to fuck my ass, my ass is yours. You own it. You can have my pussy, my mouth; I don't care what you want, it's yours."

Since it I was going to be fucking her ass later, and didn't want her bung too sore when I did, I orgasmed after fifteen minutes so she could give it a rest until I did.

"I'm going to suggest you go sit in the hot tub and soak a little after your ass playing with such a large object," I told Sharon. "After all, I'm going to be using it again later."

Both she and Becca climbed into the hot tub, while I pulled Laura down to her back and continued dining on her moistness. I brought her off to four more orgasms. When I finished, I was picking pubic hair out of my mouth.