How I Became a Breeding Bull Ch. 01


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Every time she orgasmed, it was, "Oh, fuck, I'm cumming again." "Fuck me with your big cock." "Fuck me with your thick prick." "Pound me, you fucker." "Fuck me harder, deeper, longer, faster." Fill in the blank with your own words, and you'd get the idea.

Laura was surprised at the volume of cum I left in the condom. She licked me clean after removing it, like a lollipop, unwilling to even try stretching her lips around my dick. She was also surprised I got hard again shortly after cumming. Apparently, Phillip was a one and done sort of guy, needing an hour or more to recover after sex. That had never been one of my problems. I could usually get it up three or four times before I needed more than fifteen minutes of down time. As soon as I got another erection, I put on another condom and fucked her for another hour, with the same result. Lots and lots of orgasms for Laura, very vocal ones. When I finished, she was exhausted and started nodding off.

I picked up her phone. "Are you still there, Phillip?"

"Yes," he whispered hoarsely.

"Laura is a little worn out and needs to sleep right now. I'll send her home in the morning after fucking her again. That okay with you?"


"Good night, Phillip. Sleep tight."

"Good night."

I hung up her phone and plugged it into my charger. That had been a long damn phone call and she was at less than 20% charge remaining. I added my name and phone number to her phone. When I put my arms around her, she sighed and wriggled her ass against my groin, nearly giving me another hard on, snuggling almost as if I were her husband.


Laura sat up with a start, waking me as well. It took her a moment to comprehend she was in my hotel room and she wasn't in bed with her husband.

"Oh no, I was supposed to go home last night."

"You were a little tuckered out and I told Phillip that you'd fallen asleep and I was sending you home this morning after fucking you again. He said it was fine."

"He listened to us the whole time we had sex? My God, what a whore he must think I am."

"I didn't pay you for sex, so whore is incorrect," I laughed. "I think the proper term you're looking for is slut."

"You think this is funny?"

"I do, yes. Although more funny in the sense of funny business instead of ha-ha. I bid him a pleasant good night, and he responded in kind. He didn't raise a stink when I said you were sleeping over and I'd fuck you again this morning."

"What did he say, exactly?"

"He said, yes."

"Yes to what?"

"Yes, that it was okay for you to spend the night and get fucked again this morning. Then I bid him good night, and sleep tight, and he wished me good night as well."

"He said nothing else?"

"Well, I asked him if he was still there when we were finished and he said 'yes' to that as well. It was a brief conversation. Perhaps he was tired as well. We didn't finish until midnight. I put your phone on my charger."

Since I was up anyway and had a naked goddess in my bed, my prick was once again begging to enter something. I pulled her against me and tried kissing her.

Laura turned her head away. "I can't kiss you. We fucked. Isn't that enough?"

"Then fuck me again. Phillip said it was okay."

"I can't. I need to go home and fix him breakfast before he goes to work and beg his forgiveness for the way I behaved."

"He works on Saturday?"

"Every other one. Today is his turn."

"What time does he go to work?"

"He leaves for work at eight."

"And what time is it now?"

She looked at her watch. "Fuck, it's after nine."

"So you really have nothing to do at home, but sit around waiting for Phillip to get home, filled with recriminations for the way you enjoyed our fucking last night. He already thinks you were going to fuck me again this morning, and if you don't, and he asks about it, and you deny fucking me after the way you were begging me to fuck you last night, he won't believe you. He'll think you're lying to him and trying to hide something worse, that you don't want him anymore. I say, fuck me, and tell him what happened this morning so he doesn't think you're hiding anything from him."

"That's a very convoluted and devious argument for getting me to fuck you again."

"True, but it makes a certain amount of sense, doesn't it. Is he going to believe you just slept late, or is he more likely to believe you were fucking me again this morning? He knows how much you enjoyed it last night."

"He's going to hate me. Did he sound as if he hated me last night after that depraved display I made last night?"

"He didn't sound like anything last night. Not enough for me to go by, anyway. Two yeses and a good night is not much to work with, for a person I've never spoken to before. Maybe tired. He was very soft spoken, almost whispering."

So Laura ended up fucking me again. I started with the oral sex once more to get her warmed up for the main event. She tried to be a little more sedate this time around, which made no sense because Phillip wasn't listening now, and she wasn't particularly successful anyway. After I'd been fucking her for another half hour, she pretty much opened right up again.

She started crying when I grunted and really laid the wood to her as I was cumming, realizing she'd done it again; totally letting loose as I fucked her senseless. I convinced her to shower and put make up on so she didn't return home looking like she'd just fucked another man.

Laura glared at me when I said it, but she did it. I left her alone. After all, I only told Phillip I was going to fuck her once more this morning, not make a day of it.

"Look, Laura. I don't know what's going to happen when you get home, but Phillip told you to do this. For several years of your marriage and again last night, even after knowing what I was going to fuck you with. Feel guilty if you must, but he bears equal responsibility for what happened. It's not all on you. So you enjoyed it more than you thought you would, giving it up for husband and children, but that's the risk he took when he sent you out to get laid.

"If this is it for us, I want you to know how beautiful you are and how much I enjoyed it. If you decide to go through with it, having a kid; I would love to father that child. I put my name and phone number in your phone so you can contact me if you want to be bred. I'd like to know how your husband took it, no matter what you decide about the kid."

"Shit, I never even asked your name. I fucked a total stranger!"

"And did it well," I laughed. "My name is Bryce, but my friends call me Brick. That's the name I stuck in your phone. Think Brick Layer and getting laid. Just on the off chance you decide to proceed, I'm going to get that medical exam done. I'll be able to present you with a clean bill of health. Call me and let me know what your husband did and said when you see him. Don't lie to him. Tell him you're going to call me to tell me how he reacted."

I think Laura was embarrassed to be leaving in the same clothes she wore last night. Seemed like she slunk out of there like she didn't want to see anyone. I set a reminder on my phone to make an appointment with my doctor on Monday. I then spent the next several hours learning everything I could about willing cuckolds, from fact to fiction and online forums. That was some pretty strange shit. It definitely gave me some ideas though. It might depend upon Phillip's reaction when Laura told him. I wondered if I'd hear from her again.


I'd worked out for two hours in the hotel gym Sunday morning, and run into a lovely, young lass, named Sharon, who was in town on a business trip. Not as lovely as Laura, but then who was. Work was calling tomorrow and she'd wanted to get some exercise in before the stress of the work week got to her. Since she didn't have a wedding ring on, I'd helped her relieve some stress another way, for a couple hours. She'd been intrigued with my stress relief method, and asked for an encore performance when she got back to the hotel around nine Monday night, after wining and dining a potential client. Since I had nothing better to do, I readily agreed to relieve her stress until she was a limp noodle.

I was watching a pre-season Seattle Seahawks football game, hydrating after my day's exercise, when I got a phone call from an unknown number. I routinely gave my number to women all the time, including this morning's lover, so didn't think much of it.

"Brick here. It's your nickel."

"Brick, it's Laura."

I sat up a little straighter and felt my cock start to stiffen. "Yes, Laura, how can I help you?"

"You wanted to know how my meeting with Phillip went."

"I did. Is he with you now?"

"No, he's in the other room. I asked for some privacy."

"Does he know you're talking to me?"

"He does. I told him you wanted to know if everything was all right between us."

"And how are things between you?"

"Good, I think. Despite listening to everything we did last night, he still had a million questions about what we did, what you were like, how much I enjoyed it. He asked about Saturday morning. You were right. He wouldn't have believed we didn't have sex again. He asked if I still loved him. I told him that I would never love anyone else but him. That sex with you, as good as it was, was no substitute for the emotional connection I had with him. He asked if I wanted to fuck you again."

"What did you tell him?"

"That I wouldn't have sex with you again unless he wanted me to, and only until I was pregnant."

It was time to assess the type of cuckold Phillip was according to all the reading I did yesterday.

"Did Phillip have an erection when you talked about our sex?"

"I think so," she replied.

"Why do you only think so?"

"We were dressed for one thing, but it did seem that he had to adjust his trousers as if he had an erection, but when he tried to make love after our conversation, he couldn't get an erection. He said it was because he'd masturbated so many times Friday night listening to us have sex, he didn't have anything left to give me."

Or that he didn't want to be unfavorably judged in comparison to me.

"What about this morning?"

"He still couldn't get an erection, but we had some great oral sex."

"He did, or you did?"

"I did. He didn't want me sucking his cock because he was embarrassed he couldn't get an erection."

"Is it okay with you if I talk to Phillip now?"

"You're not going to humiliate him, are you?"

"That's not my intent. I just want to see how he's doing. Bros before hos, remember."

Plus I had a lot of questions for him. Laura might guess, but only Phillip would know what kind of a cuckold he was, and now I wanted to know.

"I'll put him on," Laura said.

"Thank you."

About a minute later, I heard a mild voice say, "Hello. Phillip speaking."

"Phillip, my man, how are you today?"


"Are you sure, Phillip? You heard how I made your wife cum Friday night, right? No second thoughts, no concerns she might want more of a man than the one she married?"

"Did Laura say something to you about leaving me?"

"No, nothing of the kind. Your wife loves you, Phillip, but I'm a little concerned you couldn't fuck her last night or this morning. After an evening and morning of wild monkey sex with a big cocked savage such as myself, you should be re-staking your claim to that hot pussy, Phillip. You definitely don't want your wife thinking the only way she's going to get laid from now on is from some other guy. You do realize that don't you?"

"I suppose."

"Suppose nothing. She needs to know you can give her what she needs or she will stray, Phillip. Do you mind answering a few questions for me?"

"I guess."

"You guess? Be assertive, Phillip. Will you answer my questions or not?"

"I'll answer them."

"Good man. How many times did you masturbate while you listened to me fucking Laura on Friday night?"

He was silent, thinking about whether he should or would answer that question. He finally said, "Five times."

"How many times after I told you she was spending the night with me and I'd fuck her again in the morning?"

He didn't take quite as long to answer this time. "Twice."

"How much work did you get done on Saturday thinking I was sticking it to your wife again Saturday morning?"

"Not much."

"Were you nervous about whether she'd come back to you?"


"How did that make you feel?"

"It's the worst feeling I ever had in my life."

"I can imagine that. Laura's a pretty special woman, isn't she?"

"The best. I love her dearly."

"Phillip, the good news is; I have absolutely no desire to take your wife away from you, even if she were so inclined, and I don't believe she is. She was devastated thinking about how you might feel after you heard how wild she became during our fucking. That was just sex, great sex, granted, and I loved fucking her. Laura is a beautiful, beautiful woman, and so fucking passionate. I loved how she climaxed on my big cock. It was special.

"The reason I'm not going to even try to take her away from you, is I'm not the marrying kind. I just ended a short marriage because I fucked around on my wife three times in the less than six weeks I was married to her, once with her best friend. No, as much as I enjoyed fucking Laura, I'd end up cheating on her too, and she's too nice to screw her over like that, so you're safe from me, but if you don't fuck your wife, Phillip, someone else will come along and take her away from you. She knows what good sex is like now, and if you don't give her a little something, something occasionally, she's going to start thinking about it.

"The thing is, Phillip, you masturbated seven times thinking of me fucking her, and you can't fuck her once. That's not good. Are you hard now, thinking of how I made your wife scream?"


"Then as soon as we hang up, you need to give Laura a good fucking. If you start to lose your erection, think of me stretching your wife's cunt while I fucked her. That should keep you hard enough to do your husbandly duties, but I have another suggestion for you if it doesn't."

"I'm listening."

"If you and your wife choose to use me as your sperm donor, I'll happily fuck her as much as it takes, but you know, you won't be able to watch, to see me breed your wife. You'll have to let your imagination go to work, but I'm thinking, you might want to see your wife fuck me; see how much she enjoys herself. How much she can cum when a big dick like mine fucks her. I doubt if Laura would let you tag along when she comes to my place for her breeding. But what if I came to your home for her breeding? She can't kick you out of your own bedroom when I fuck her, can she? You can make that happen."

This is when I made the suggestion that was going to forever change my life, Phillip's, Laura's and a whole bunch of other people. I almost felt sorry for suggesting it, but I knew, it was what Phillip wanted anyway. I was going to give him exactly what he wanted, plus peace of mind.

"What are you suggesting?"

"I'm getting my medical bill of health tomorrow. If you do decide to go forward with it, I'll come to your house when Laura has hers, so I can show you mine and Laura can show me she's medically cleared. I want you to invite me to stay at your house until we're sure she's pregnant. I'll need you to vacate your bed and let me take your place until she's knocked up, but any time I'm fucking her, you can watch. In fact, we might even fuck her together. If I'm living with you, and you can't perform, at least Laura won't have to look outside your home for what she needs, and since I don't want to marry her, you don't have to worry she'll ever leave you for me. She'll get all the fucking she needs from me, and all the emotional love, attention and devotion that you provide her. Laura will never want for anything.

"I'll continue having sex with other women, wearing condoms, so you know I'm not becoming emotionally attached to your wife. I'll encourage you to continue making love to her and give you lots of mental images to keep your cock hard when you do. We'll try to involve you in our sex so you can be part of the process of your wife becoming with child, as the romance novels call it. You'll be giving her the emotional support she needs to step outside her marriage and have children with another man; support I can't give her.

"I don't expect you to make a decision now. I know it's a big step for you. If you decide to go forward and we exchange our bills of health and you don't invite me to stay, we'll just proceed with her coming to my place for her breeding. If you do invite me, I'll know you feel that this is the best plan for all of us. I'll move in within a couple days of my invite, and we can get started on your child. Think about it and I'll know what your decision is when we meet, by whether or not you ask me to join you in your home. It may be you don't even want me giving you your child. The decision is totally up to you. You take care, Phillip, and go fuck that gorgeous wife of yours."

I hung up. I wondered if he'd be able to have sex with Laura, worried about the comparative size of our cocks, or the thought of me plowing his wife on a regular basis would be what he needed to put lead in his pencil. Seven times, that was a lot of orgasms, even for me, but they all were wasted, going somewhere other than where they should.


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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago
Not a bull BUT…

I never considered myself a bull but when I was younger I NEVER pulled out or used condoms. I loved getting as deep as I could 7+ as I came in her.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I finished " WBDP " and " TASTE " / twice and have chosen this SERIES next. DEAR AUTHOR, I really like how it is starting out. So far BRICK has elements of a BDSM MASTER. My favorite. You write with a lot of detail. This keeps the story interesting. Also, there is your trademark sense of what will happen next ? Very deserving of 5 stars !

dommasterjimdommasterjimabout 1 year ago

AMAZING.. Love to hear MORE of it again..!!

OGHMNWOGHMNWalmost 2 years ago

I really enjoy your Wonderful Hot Erotic Stories! Yes, I was able to read “The Bet” and view the links to the photos. I’ve been busy read other series and now with the one up to 15 chapters I have some work to do. Thank You and the excellent writing of characters and descriptions.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Interesting take from the bull's perspective. I am turned off by the wimpy cuck trope. It's just something that I can't wrap my head around. IME loss of respect destroys relationships, and who could respect such a person? I am going to enjoy the rest of the series.


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