How I Became a Breeding Bull Ch. 14


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"I'm so fucking full," Roxanne grunted. "If it didn't feel so good, I'd swear you were splitting me in two."

I kept Roxanne's time limit in mind and fucked her ass for twenty minutes, then emptied myself in her bowels as she orgasmed again. I rolled off her when my cock stopped pulsing. Roxanne kept fucking Phillip through another orgasm. Laura had another washcloth ready and washed my cock and Roxanne's rear entry. Roxanne pulled the strapless out of her cunt and gave it to Phillip to lick both sides clean, then wash it and put it on the charger. More of Phillip's semen had been massaged out of his prostate and Laura cleaned that off Roxanne's belly and licked Roxanne's cunt from the numerous orgasms she'd enjoyed.

Phillip was told to sleep in the messy bed, while the rest of us took showers and got ready for bed. Phillip slept alone in his bed. I slept between Roxanne and Laura, fucking Roxanne normally before I went to sleep.


D'Jon was there on time to pick us up. Laura stayed in the room naked while Phillip, Roxanne and I made the trip down to Redwood City. We met with different lower level teams within the company, during the morning, listening to them pitching how their group could best improve the company or cut costs, and in the afternoon, met with the executives in charge of the various divisions. By the time we'd gotten to the CEO, I'd fired the marketing director, the head of product development, and VP of Operations, putting lower level wonks in charge who'd showed initiative in the morning team meetings.

The time came to meet with Brett, current CEO.

"Hey, Bryce, Ms. Martinez. You did quite the house cleaning so far." He handed me a list of the things he planned to do to turn the company around. "Those people were on my list of items to take care of. We apparently think alike."

I glanced down at his list. Sure enough, they were written on there, although I had no idea how long ago he'd composed his list.

"Why didn't you, Brett?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you've been CEO of this company for four years, and knew changes had to be made to turn it around for the last six weeks. Instead of waiting for me to come in here and be the bad guy, why didn't you make these changes weeks ago, if not months or years ago?"

"They're my friends."

"If they are your friends, take them out to dinner, have them over to your house, go on vacations with them, anything really, but don't keep them in positions they are unsuited for. Hell, even move them around to something they'd be less able to fuck up, make it seem like it's their decision. Don't drag the fucking company into the ground for your friends."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"If you'd done that weeks ago, it would have saved your job. Keeping that in mind will have to be your next job, I'm afraid. I'll have some new guy here next week, Brett. Clean out your office. Security will escort you out. Have IT pull his user name and password, Phillip."

"Yes, sir." Phillip got on his phone.

"You can announce your resignation because you disagree with the direction new management is taking the company, or wanting to spend more time with your family, or I'll announce you were fired, your choice."

"Please, Bryce, I can do better."

"You'll have to prove it somewhere else. You lost your chance here. Do you have any children, Brett?"

"Yes," wondering where I was going with this.

"How old?"

"Daughter eighteen, son, fifteen."

"If your children began hanging around with other kids who were a bad influence, using drugs, drinking, promiscuous, would you let your children hang around with them because they were friends, or their families were your friends?"


"This company was your child, Brett, and it was hanging around with people who were bad for it, essentially ruining your child. You let those people ruin it. You didn't protect your child from bad influences. You let the relationship thrive, to the detriment of your child, because they were friends. You didn't protect your baby, Brett. You let it suffer. Sometimes, you piss people off. Your kids would be pissed if you made them quit hanging around with the lowlifes. But you'd do it anyway, because keeping your children safe is more important than their friends. This company should be worth twice what I paid for it. It was cheap, because you weren't a good steward to your overall family. You let your kids, drink, use drugs and get arrested, in the name of friendship. You put the friendships over your family. Can't do that."

Brett looked down at the floor, then at me. "I'll announce I want to spend more time with my family."

"Good man. Have your secretary draft something up. That's what I'll announce to the press. Roxanne has got some paperwork, including an NDA for you to sign. It also includes a non-compete agreement for anything currently in development here, but other than that, I don't care if you take a job elsewhere in this field. You might want to take some time off to spend with your family, make the whole thing more plausible. There's a severance package that should give you six months or so to consider what you did wrong while you were in charge here, to give you a head start in your next job. Don't make the same mistakes twice."

"Yes, sir. Who are you bringing in to take my place? Someone from here?"

"Someone from the outside. Someone who managed one of my previous tech companies. He's already agreed to take over here."


"Jack Browne."

"I've heard he's a womanizer," Brett said.

"You heard right, but he knows not to shit where he eats, and last I heard, he was thinking of settling down. He met a nice lady he likes a lot. He can make the hard decisions that you couldn't make."

Roxanne went through the paperwork he needed to sign while I made a company wide announcement that Brett was leaving the company to spend more time with his family, who'd been neglected in his rise up the ladder.

"Phillip, please see Brett back to his office and see to it he has everything he needs when he departs."

"Yes, sir."

"Good luck, Brett," I said, holding out my hand. He took it.


After another nice dinner at The Grill, we were in the room. Since Laura would be going back with me, Phillip''s cock cage was removed and he and Laura were given free rein to fuck one another. I'd had sex with Roxanne, and we were taking a break. I got a phone call from Jeri.

"What can I do for you?" I asked.

"Do you have time to talk?"

"Anytime for you."

"I talked to my Mom, then my Dad, and you know what I talked about. Who else is with you at the moment?"

"Roxanne, Laura and Phillip."

"Has Laura taken her pregnancy test yet?"

"She did, and it was positive."

"Put me on speaker."

I did and Jeri said, "Congratulations, Laura, Phillip, on your pregnancy."

"Thank you, Miss Jeri," they both said.

"Anyway, I asked Mom about her hitting on you. She said it was before she knew I wanted to marry you. So I asked her if she'd ever cheated on Dad before. She said she didn't cheat on Dad; that Dad was in agreement that Mom could take other lovers if she wanted to. I asked if he was allowed to do the same. She said that sex with other women, was not one of Dad's fantasies. My father is a cuckold, Brick. He likes to watch Mom have sex with other men if they allow it. He confirmed it when I talked to him. I had my own source of information about cuckolds, and I didn't even know it.

"I asked if it were possible Dad wasn't even my Dad. She said there was about a 20% possibility he wasn't. In the middle of her ovulation, she'd fucked another man several times, each time Dad fucking her afterward. She said Dad had the slightly smaller penis, but he'd fucked her more often, but the other man put his sperm deeper. Jesus, Brick, how do I not know this about my own family?"

"Because people don't talk to their own children about their sex lives. Will you tell your children everything you've done?"

"Fuck, no!"

"There you go. Did she ask how you knew to ask her if she'd come on to me?"

"I said something to Denise about seeing you to help with something, then Denise said something to Mom, so she knew I'd seen you, though not that we were fucking again. I told her I had. I hadn't gotten enough of your cock when we were married, and I'd spent about three weeks fucking your brains out. She had the nerve to ask me if she could fuck you, and if you'd let Dad watch."

"What did you tell her?"

"That if I'd agree, my maybe father would need to take some tests for me, and that I'd watch you fuck her so I could observe Dad's reactions to Mom getting fucked by another man."

"Kinky," I said.

"If he's not my father, I'm going to fuck him in front of mother. That's the other part of the deal. We're taking DNA tests on Monday. If he's not, Mom has to tell me who my real father is so I can meet him. That's the deal. They're thinking about it."

"Phillip, is there anything in Washington statutes that would keep Jeri from fucking her mother's husband if they're not blood related?" I asked.

"I'll check, Sir," he said.

"I'm going to start studying cuckolds, maybe do a paper," Jeri said. "I'd like permission to give Phillip the same tests and questionnaire I'm going to start giving to other cuckolds."

"You have my permission," Roxanne said.

Phillip said, "There would be no incest if Jeri's father is not a blood relation as long as she is over the age of eighteen. Washington recognized non-blood relationships as dependents as long as the child is a minor. If not, then it's legal."

"Then I guess you could fuck your maybe father in front of your mother."

"If she cucked my maybe father, I'm going to cuckquean her."

"How Oedipal," I laughed.

Jeri laughed too. "It is, isn't it. I can't believe I'm just finding this shit out."

"How's the relationship with Tom?"

"Are you asking if I fucked him?"

"None of my business. Just wanted to know if you're going to continue seeing him."

"I am. I like him. He's good people."

"We'll talk to you later. Take care. Let me know if I'm going to fuck your mother."

"You're a pervert."

"Your mom suggested it and you agreed if you could watch, and you want to fuck your maybe father if he isn't. Who's the pervert?"

"I refuse to answer on the grounds it might incriminate me."

"Plead the fifth all you want. It doesn't keep anyone from knowing who the pervert is."

Jeri was laughing as she hung up.

"You know, Sir; it makes me feel a little bit better knowing there are more people like me out there," Phillip said.

"I don't know how much of her research Jeri shared with you, Phillip, but apparently, over fifty percent of internet savvy heterosexual men in America, who took a survey, had fantasized about their wives or girlfriends having sex with another man. Not all men convert fantasies into reality, but you are maybe in with the majority of Americans."

"How many people took the survey, Sir?"

"Over 4200. The man who did the survey is called Justin Lehmiller. He wrote a book based on the survey. There's also a book out entitled 'Insatiable Wives: Women Who Stray and the Men Who Love Them', by David Ley. Now Laura wasn't an Insatiable Wife when you told her to find someone to fuck, but she became one. Someone who would have been willing to prostitute herself for sex. You created the monster because you were one of the Men Who Love Them. Reading that might help you understand why you wanted that monster in bed beside you."

I fucked Roxanne again.

"I should be up in Washington almost permanently in two more weeks," Roxanne said, panting, sated for the moment.

"I'll be living in Tacoma by then, banging another cuckold's wife, trying to give her a white child this time."

"Damn. Well, Tacoma isn't that far away. I suppose one of us can make the jaunt for sex."

"Becca is apparently sharing Jamaal. Laura seemed to like him. He was a little surprised I could outfuck him."

Roxanne chuckled. "I suppose that could be embarrassing if you prided yourself on your ability to fuck. Do you want to see the space we picked out for our law offices before you leave tomorrow?"

"No, it's your company. Just let me know if you need money. I'll loan the money at a point below Prime."

"If I don't know how long it's going to be before I fuck you again, I suppose I should get another good one in."

Roxanne lowered her mouth over my cock and started sucking. In ten minutes, I was fucking her again.


I made sure Laura was wearing a Lush again, so she'd be strip searched. She was so excited, she wanted to fuck on the plane, since she'd gone without me yesterday. Instead, I let the toy run for an hour. A flight attendant leaned over me about halfway through her hour run.

"Is she climaxing?" she asked. Laura was softly moaning at the time.

"It certainly seems so. Is that prohibited?" I asked her.

"As long as she's not naked and she's not bothering the other passengers," she said, "I guess there's nothing wrong with it."

"No one seems to be complaining, but that fellow on the other side of the aisle seems to have an erection. I don't suppose your service includes taking care of one of those."

"Not on your life," she smiled, flashing a wedding ring. Her name tag read Karen.

"Karen, I've found out wedding rings don't always mean that much," I replied. "For instance, the young woman beside me is married to someone else, but she's carrying my child."

"Does her husband know."

"It was at his instigation. He's infertile. In fact, at the current time, I'm looking forward to breeding my fifth wife, and I've recently slept with a couple of others who don't want children, all with the permission of the husband, except for one, who knew about it, but probably wasn't all that eager to permit it, but he'd been cheating on his wife for two years so she didn't much care. A surprisingly large number of men fantasize about their wives having sex with other men."

"You're kidding!"

"Not at all. Do you have a layover in Seattle tonight?"

"Yes," she said reluctantly.

"When you land, call your husband and ask if he's ever fantasized about watching you get screwed by another man. If he says he has, and over fifty percent of American men surveyed have, tell him that a man has offered to screw you, and record it for him so he can see it. Ask him if he wants you to do it. If he says yes, I invite you to her home for some great sex. If he says no, you go on your merry way."

"Oh, sure, great sex. That's rich."

"The best sex you ever had," Laura said. "Since my husband encouraged me to start having sex with other men, I've fucked several, including a nine and a half inch cock on Thursday night. Sir is the best fuck I ever had."

Karen's eyebrows shot up. "What if I don't want to do it? Maybe my husband is only looking for an excuse to screw around himself?"

"Ask him. Tell him you won't do it if he's only looking for an excuse to cheat on you. Tell him you're only doing it for him if he wants you to, and otherwise, you're not interested."

"You really think he's going to tell me to have sex with you?"

"I figure there's about a 25% chance. If 50% have fantasized about it, I'm guessing only half of those would be interested in turning fantasy into reality. Does your husband watch porn?"

"Don't all men watch porn?"

"Yes, apparently, it's one of the reasons men watch so much porn. It's something that's been bred into our DNA. Men who got excited watching another man and woman have sex were more likely to have sex themselves, thereby propagating his genes, even if it was with the woman he just saw having sex with the other man, and even if it was his own mate. What does he watch?"

"Mostly interracial porn."

"Well hung black men fucking white women, or white men with black or asian women?"

"The first."

"My, my. I suspect there might even be a more than 50% chance he'll say yes. What size is his cock?"

"Average, I'd guess, perhaps six inches. Why do you ask?"

"Because the heterosexual men who fantasize about their wife having sex with other men the most, fantasize about their wife having sex with a black man the most. I'm sure some of it is tied to the big black cock myth, that more black men are blessed with larger than average cocks. They don't want their wife cheating on them with a small cock or similar sized cock. They want some big cock fucking their wives. Give him a call when we land. Maybe I'm wrong. If I am, I'll give you a thousand dollars by way of apology, for impugning your husband. Even if he says he wants you to, you don't have to do it. I'm not forcing you to do anything. Mostly, I'm curious, because I know several men who like to watch their wives have sex with other men."

"A thousand dollars, if I don't have sex with you?"

"Yeah, if he says no fucking way does he want you having sex with anyone else, the cash is yours. You can go on a shopping spree and buy some sexy lingerie for your husband to enjoy because he wasn't one of those guys who likes to watch his wife have sex with another man. My ex-wife just told me her mother wants to have sex with me while her husband watches. She also learned he may not be her father."

She stared at me in amazement as I pulled out my well stuffed wallet and counted out ten one hundred dollar bills.

"You're crazy," Karen said.

"Crazy rich. I can afford it. I feel it's better odds than I'd get in a casino. Do you know Diana Nash?"

"I've met her a few times."

"I fucked her on Wednesday night. She's in an Ethical Non-Monogamous marriage with her husband. She doesn't exactly ask his permission first, but he knows she has sex with other people. I've seen the texts. You can call her and ask about me if you want. I've got her phone number if you don't have it."

She walked away without giving me an answer. Not that I blamed her. It's probably the strangest request she ever heard, but now, she was probably curious herself. Even if she didn't take me up on the offer, she might ask him if he's thought about it. Food for future discussions. I turned off Laura's Lush. It might be nice if she was a little hungry when we landed.

Before the plane landed, Karen asked if I needed to hear her make the phone call.

"I trust you. If you tell me he said no, I'll hand you the thousand dollars, no questions asked. I'm sure Alaska Airlines doesn't hire liars as a rule."

Karen shook her head and walked away again. Like I said. Thinking about it.

As we were getting off the plane, Karen said, "If you'll wait at the gate, I'll check on that thing for you."

"I'll wait forty-five minutes, no longer."

She nodded and said goodbye to the next passenger as we got off. We went to the gate and had a seat while waiting.

"Do you really think there's a better than 50% chance her husband will say yes?"

"Pretty close, anyway. I'm nearly a hundred percent sure he's in the group that's fantasized about it, and the type of porn he watches is telling. Don't you think Phillip would have had an easier time paying attention on Thursday if it were me fucking you instead of D'Jon. The interracial sex thing is pretty strong with most cuckolds. The taboo factor is stronger I think, with black men than white men. It might up the humiliation factor. The couple in Tacoma, the wife has only had children with black men before. It's more humiliating for Rodney if his wife has a biracial child. The whole world then knows he's a cuckold. The only people who know about Phillip are the men who've had you, and the women who've seen it. His management knows he's a submissive to Roxanne, but not necessarily that he's a cuckold. It will be fairly easy for him to pretend your child is his. Rodney can't do that. Everyone knew she fucked a black man."

It took about thirty-five minutes before Karen came out. She looked as if she'd been smacked in the head with a two by four. Stunned and dazed. She saw us and came up to where we were sitting.