How to Cuckold Your Husband

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Woman's guide to making a husband submit.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 01/16/2008
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Turning your husband into a cuckold can be one of the most rewarding things you ever do. A successfully cuckolded husband will be completely submissive. He will satisfy all your sexual cravings, manage all the mundane chores of your life, allow you to sleep with whomever you wish, subject himself to any amount of humiliation you desire, and of course, love you unconditionally.

But be warned, cuckolding can also be one of the most challenging things you ever do. The process is long, complicated, energy consuming, and by no means sure of success. The strain on your marriage will be unbelievable, and it may be weeks or months before you succeed. In the end though, it will be worth it.

Hopefully this will help educate women on how to begin the wonderful journey of female domination and to hopefully relieve some of the apprehension that might prevent a woman from ever trying. After reading this it will be clearer that cuckolding your husband is not as hard as it seems, and that accomplishing this feat is more possible than you thought.

The most common reason a women doesn't cuckold her husband is that she thinks he'll never go for it - that he's not the type. This is such a myth that it must be dispelled immediately. Many cuckolds begin as ordinary husbands. Your husband may even be as manly as men come, but don't worry, cuckolding is often a just a matter of helping your hubby discover his submissive side. Take heart in the fact that underneath all his machissimo and pride, there is a cock loving wimp that is begging you to force him to do all sorts of nasty things.

First train yourself

Think of cuckolding as an expertise. For the wife who decides to cuckold her husband, she must have complete mastery of certain skills. Much like in any profession - she must go to school, read, and practice. So like a professional, before you ever begin training your husband, you must first train yourself. You're about to go on an incredible journey; you want to be prepared, right?

The world of cuckolding is unlike the normal world. It has various rules and customs that are different from everyday life, of which you must be aware. You must immerse yourself in this new culture. To begin, start reading erotic stories that deal with cuckolding. Many women before you have cuckolded their husbands and recorded their experiences. Also many men have written about their decent into female domination. Learn from them. Reading stories will acquaint you to the new world of cuckolding and will prevent you from having to reinvent anything. Beyond stories, you may want to read books on female domination, and buy videos of dominatrixes humiliating men.

You must also train yourself to be sexually independent. If you want to control your husband you need to not need his penis. In the future you will need to deny your husband the pleasures of your body and this will be only possible if you are strong enough to abstain from sex. Sex between you and your hubby is probably pretty vanilla anyway if you're thinking about cuckolding him, so it shouldn't be too hard. Masturbate often. Splurge on vibrators, dildos, lotions, clothing, and pornography. Have fun! Visit your local sex shop and ask for ideas. You may also want to think about buying toys that, after using on yourself, you can also use on your husband once he's properly trained. The key is whenever you really have the urge for a fucking, train yourself to seek satisfaction from a source other than your husband. For example, when you're horny, take out your vibrator.

A good way to help your training along is to change your appearance. Make it your goal to become a hotwife. The prime focus of a hotwife is expressing her sexuality in all manners, from the type of shoes she wears to the way she shaves her pussy. A hotwife wears tight fitting clothes as much as she can. She wears short skirts, perfume, and high-heels all the time. She does her hair and wears makeup daily. At night she wears sexy lingerie. She goes to the gym often. When she goes to the grocery store she doesn't wear underwear. If you start doing thing like these, not only will you be sending a signal to your husband that you've changed, but you'll be sending a signal to yourself. Because you look like a hotwife, you'll think you're a hotwife, and then you'll be a hotwife! The advantages to being a hotwife are numerous. You're husband will lust for you much more, even if he doesn't show it, other men will croon over you (this will increase your confidence), and your sexual energy will increase, all of which you can channel into power.

Also feel free to start flirting. It's probably been a long time since you've flirted with another man, so you'll need practice. Look men in the eyes and smile. If you drop something in the office, bend over without bending your knees. At night go out with girlfriends that like to party. Make it a goal to flirt with at least one man a day. The key is to increase you're confidence. Not only will it be very satisfying to know that there are other men out there who are interested in you, but in the back of your mind you can use this knowledge as leverage against your husband.


Once you've properly educated yourself in the art cuckolding, freed yourself from your husband's dick, and increased your confidence, it's time to begin.

The first submission of your husband is the most challenging phase of the process. Even if he wants to be your slave, he will resist. There are many reasons he will do this like gender stereotypes and the years of routine between you, but first and foremost will be that he wants to save-face. Not only can he not admit to you that he wants to be your bitch, but he can't admit it to himself either. He will never just give you power over him even though he wants to. This would violate his manhood. You need to take it from him - it's the only way.

During this time, the power in your relationship will be in flux. Neither of you will be sure where the other stands. This uncertainty will be uncomfortable for both of you because it is human nature to order the world. You will have doubts such as, "Am I being too hard on him?" "Was this a good idea?" "Did I ruin our marriage?" These are completely normal thoughts, but you must never share them with your husband. It will have to be your own private burden. Sharing thoughts of uncertainty will only insert doubt in his mind and show weakness. His uncertainty will be twice that of yours, so you must be the guiding hand for him.

Broaching the Subject

You'll definitely want to let him know what's going on. If he doesn't, how can he play along? Remember, you husband wants to be cuckolded. You only need to break the ice. For example:

Has your husband ever mentioned how you'd feel about a threesome, swinging, or anything extramarital? This may be a good place to start if he did. First make your husband really hot in a way that still allows you to talk to him, like by giving him a hand job. Once he's near orgasm ask him, "Hey honey, remember that time you mentioned having a threesome? Do you still feel the same about it?"

Judge his reaction. His eyes may light up or his heart may start beating faster. He'll try to hide his excitement of course.

He'll ask, "Would you really consider it?"

And you can say, "Well I've been thinking about it. It might be fun to make some changes."


If you suspect your husband masturbates often, try to catch him in the act. Then you can give him hell.

"Honey, I've had it with you! This is the last time I catch you masturbating. It's disrespectful and disgusting. Things are going to be changing around here!"

These are just a few examples of how to broach cuckolding with your husband. Note the range in ways. Also note cuckolding was never mentioned. At this early stage there is no need to be specific. The only thing you need to be concerned about is the main message: "Things are going to be changing." Of all the stories you've read about wives cuckolding their husbands, choose the method you are most comfortable with.

Being Mean

After you've let him know that things will be changing around the house, you have to follow through. Remember, he won't just give you control, you have to take it from him. Basically you're going to have to be mean to him. If you were raised right this will probably not be easy for you. You were taught to treat everyone with the same respect you wish to have. This is one of the hardest parts of cuckolding because you'll be breaking the golden rule, but once you get used to it, it becomes natural.

Start by taking aspects of his life away from him. One of the first things you can do is to take is his identity away. For example, feminize your husband's name; Jack can become Jackie, Dan can become Danielle. Or childize his name; John can become Johnny, Bill can become Billy. You're main objective is equate him with weakness - historically women and children. Actually have a conversation with him about this. Let him know that you will be calling him something new from now on.

Also don't let him call you by name anymore. Only equals can call each other by name. Force him to refer to you as "Mistress" or "Goddess." When you ask him a yes or no question, make him respond with "Yes, Mam" or "No, Mam." This will help condition him as a subordinate.

On the same lines, you can call him nicknames like, "Little One" or "Tiny." And refer to his penis as a "dicklet." This will strike his insecurity with his penis size, and if he never had an insecurity, it will create one.

Other examples of being mean to your husband are to take his free time away by giving him chores, his money and possessions away by demanding he be frugal, and his sex life away by withdrawing sex. Start small, but be firm. You want him to get used to submitting, and you used to dominating. For example, make him make the bed every morning from now on instead of you. Even something as inconsequential as making the bed will have a submissive effect on him and it will be something to build on later. For example, when you feel the time is right you can add to his responsibilities, "Honey, since you're doing such a great job making the bed everyday, I'm going to have you clean the entire bedroom every morning from now on too."

Take you time being mean. It's more important that you are comfortable with the process than the actual process. You are training yourself to be the beautiful and terrifying wife whose husband begs to please you. Be strict with the rules you make. If your husband doesn't take out the trash let him know your displeasure. Punish him with real consequences if he messes up.

Punishment may be many different things depending on your style. You can be passive aggressive by withdrawing sex. You can be very aggressive and spank him. You can force him to do something perverted like eating his own semen. Just make sure you communicate with him at the time of his infracture that you are displeased with him, and that there will be consequences.

Being Nice

The beauty of being mean to your husband isn't in its direct benefits, but in how it redefines being nice. Things that used to be normal for him are now special treats. He used to be able to have sex with you whenever he wanted, but because you've withdrawn sex from him, you've made it a rare event - something to behold. By being constantly mean to you husband, you'll lower his standard of what is considered nice.

Use this concept once you've established a baseline of meanness, which will probably take few weeks. Once being mean has become the norm you can start. For example, let him know a reward will follow his future good behavior. You can say, "I've decided today that if you're a good boy all week and do all your chores, I'll give you a blowjob at the end of the week." A blowjob only a few weeks ago was not worth doing an entire week of chores for, but because you're mean now, a blowjob's value has greatly increased. Being "nice" like this you give your husband an incentive to follow your rules -- further deepening your control.

It's all about sticks and carrots. Reward him for good behavior, punish him for bad, and most importantly, remind him that he's lessor to you.

Your Pleasure First

Once you've mastered being mean to him, you can progress to a new lesson. Train him to subordinate his pleasure to yours. His new reason for being will be solely to please his mistress. Let him know this. Things like the new car he was planning on buying make off limits. Nights out with his friends, no -- he has to stay in and clean. Fishing? Nope, he's got to do laundry.

Not only will this degrade him, but it will give you more free time. Take advantage of this and enjoy it! Go to the pool and relax, go out with your friends at night, go on dates with other men. You won't have to worry about the kids anymore because your husband is watching them. And because you've forbidden him from buying that big ticket item he's been saving for, go shopping! There's plenty of money now, right? This the time to be a hotwife -- go for it.

If you don't do these things by deciding you'd rather be nice to him, it will be to your determent. It's up to you to fill the void of your husband's powerlessness. If you only force him not to buy the car, but then don't spend the freed money, you're sending him an incomplete message. Spend the car money on yourself, and let him know, "I, your wife, don't care about your pleasure because mine is more important." Make sure you fill the void; you don't want all your hard work wasted.

Changing the definition of sex

This lesson is especially important. Definitely no more blowjobs. The blowjob is the epitome of giving him pleasure. Don't even have sexual intercourse with him. Intercourse equates both of your pleasures, not exactly the message you want to send him either. If he insists on sex, have him fuck you with your favorite dildo. Make sure to mention how much bigger it is than his penis and how much you enjoy having a "real cock" in you. If you absolutely must have sex with him a good idea may be to make him wear one or two "long lasting" or numbing condoms. This will greatly reduce his pleasure. The best thing you can turn sex into is him eating you out, period. You may want to squat on his face and force him to eat your pussy, or lay on your back and make him beg to eat you. Either way, he should soon learn what you mean when you say, "Let's have sex." For him, at most, let him masturbate afterwards and only if he did a good job.


From here you can take things further. A good way to do this is with conditions. A condition is basically a trade. For example, "Okay wimp, I'll let you cum tonight, but you have to cum in your hand and eat it afterwards," or "Alright bitch, I'm going to be nice tonight and let you fuck me, but afterwards you're going to have to eat your cum from my pussy." By using conditions, you can bring him to higher levels of submission voluntarily. This is more than worth the momentary pleasure you trade him.

Once you've gotten your hubby to do a degrading act for the first time with a condition, the subsequent times become much easier. Let's say it had been a month since you let you husband stick his dick in you. Then one night you offered him the chance to fuck you as long as you got to fuck him afterwards. He was so desperate to feel your soft, warm pussy, he jumped at the chance. That night you give him a good cum, then put on your strap-on dildo and stuck it in his ass for the first time. You've now made it much easier to fuck him in the ass for a 2nd time by breaking that initial barrier. You probably won't need to bargain with him again, just force him. Using a condition at every major cuckold milestone is recommended. For example, when you bring another man into the relationship. This is a big step for him, so you'll have to coax him along with rewards.

Don't use conditions forever. They are just a tool to use in the beginning stages of taming your husband. After a while you will have amassed so much power, there will be no need for them. You can just make him do whatever you want. Once you've reached this point using a condition will actually make you look weaker.


Sometime around this point you will have reached a milestone in which you can say you've officially conditioned your husband to be your cuckold. Usually it occurs after you've forced your husband to do something so depraved that he has no self respect anymore. It may be the night you take his anal virginity, the night you come home from a bar and make him eat another man's cum from your pussy, or the time you force him to suck another man's larger penis. All the hard work you have done training yourself and your husband culminates here. For afterwards the change in your relationship will be so apparent that both of you will never be able to go back. He will be stricken with terrible shame and embarrassment, and you will have finally tasted the ecstasy of pure power.

Also remember that with great power comes responsibility. You are now responsible for another human being. You will have to make many more decisions because he has deferred authority to you, his dominatrix. You have changed his life purpose from the pursuit of happiness to the pursuit of your happiness; you must give him every opportunity to fulfill this new mission and he will be grateful to serve you.

Now relax, you've made it! Enjoy the lifestyle perks that cuckolding has to offer. Live a life of leisure. Have you husband take care of all the mundane things. Make him do all sorts of nasty and perverted things. Sleep with other men and bring them home to play. Whatever you choose to do with your cuckold, enjoy the luxury of having the choice...:)

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Wow, how incredibly ugly can you get? If you really believe this, you've got some serious mental problems and should get help. And recognize that the mental problems are usually only a symptom and a sign of a heart that's badly bent and diseased....

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Well, aren’t you precious.

To people who read this submission, and are now check comments to see if anyone confirms it working: it doesn’t.

The author is either putting out satire (a joke, in this case, a bad one), or is delusional. No relationship like this is worthwhile. If a spouse has to resort to these kinds of manipulations in a marriage… just divorce. Get out. This is the sane option. What’s outlined here? Not sane. For either spouse.

Lovecucks has written nothing here but a method for destroying a person, if that’s your goal, we’ll, now you have an extra method, that’s sure to fail, but will succeed in speeding up the end of a marriage.

This was awful.

brungus100brungus1007 months ago

I was on this path through porn, and you saved me by revealing how the end goal is to make a literal slave handing out paychecks while receiving nothing. TY!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

There are a lot of nuggets of wisdom and these series, especially when it comes to the psychology of a cuck.

BrutalBuddhaBrutalBuddha7 months ago

I do not believe this is written by anyone with any genuine experience in the hot wife/cuckold lifestyle. At least not someone with any successful experience. I've been a bull for going on 30 years. Every couple I've been with had solid communication and the focus was on the wife's happiness. Whenever there was humiliation play, it was always consensual. Hot wives don't behave like this towards their husbands. In some cases the husbands used the cuckolding kink to help them accept the fact they were no longer able to perform sexually. In others, the wife just wanted to be fucked in a way that her husband simply couldn't bring himself to do. Sometimes she craved the thrill and adventure of a romantic liaison. If you want to cuckold your husband there are better ways to go about it. Men are very eager to accept an open relationship and as a woman, you can have a great deal of fun once he is on board with swapping or swinging. Also, it's a best practice to sleep and be sexually intimate with your husband. For the marriage and the relationship bond to survive you must have affection between you. Maybe you don't allow him to have sex with you unless he wears a condom. Or you do some variation on chastity. But at the end of the day you must show the spouse some affection and sexual release with you facilitating that release. The last thing you want is a broken husband who breaks under the abusive gaslighting tactics that are described here. If you want a happy cuckold who eagerly serves you, then skip the cruelty and the abusive tactics. Involve them in your pleasure. Make them feel like they are contributing to your happiness as a hot wife. I've been with about a dozen married women, all of the successful cuckold hotwife dynamics were loving, sweet, and affectionate. Yes, there was some humiliation and degradation play that was negotiated by all parties (with aftercare). But it wasn't the reality, it was a fantasy scenario that was acted out.

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