I Know Who You Did Last Summer Ch. 07


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Immediately she slipped off of the table and onto her knees as she still faced away from me. She raised her hands up and looked up as she began to pray.

"Oh dear Lord in heaven I need you to save me. Please remove these wicked sins of Satan from my unholy body and purify me in your image. Please save me from eternal damnation and deliver me to heaven. Please remove all of Satan's urges and desires from my body as I dedicate my life to you. I beg you for your forgiveness as I pray in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit, Amen."

Just then Trista's mother began to stand up. I quickly and quietly turned around and raced to the partially cracked opened door leading into the basement. I raced across the basement to the stairs and went up them two at a time. I managed to slow down enough to walk calmly into the kitchen.

"What took you so long?" Trista asked as she looked at my empty hands.

"I couldn't remember where it was at," I said as I sat down next to Trista.

Just then Trista's mother emerged from the basement carrying the two bottles of wine. Trista got up and took the bottles from her mother. She opened one bottle and began filling our glasses. Her mother began slicing the roast beef before turning around to set the platter on the table. Finally we all sat down and bowed our heads.

"I think we should let the boy say grace tonight," Trista's father said with a grin on his face.

"Lets see if public education teaches that," he said with a smirk on his face.

"Oh Charles hush, I'll say grace," Trista's mother said with a stern look on her face.

"No, that's all right, I'll say it," I said as I stared right back into her father's eyes.

As I bowed my head I glanced back at Trista's mother, noticing her slightly flushed face. I thought for a moment and then spoke.

"Dear God we thank you for this meal you are about to bless us with. We are put here to serve you and worship you and you reward us with this bountiful meal, Amen."

As I lifted my head I stared directly into her father's eyes as I knew that he wasn't satisfying his lovely wife. As I said grace It was Trista's mother that I was talking about. She was the bountiful meal that I wanted so desperately to eat.

We began to pass the food back and forth. We each loaded up our plates and began to eat.

"Mmmm..." this is great, I said as I looked into Trista's mother's eyes.

"Thank you Justin," she said as she continued to eat dinner.

I glanced over at Trista as she glanced over at me. I knew she was uncomfortable because of her father and I really wanted to get under his skin.

"So how long have you been a minister," I asked her father as he stopped chewing for a moment.

He just sat there with a fork full of potatoes as he began to finish chewing what was already in his mouth. He swallowed and then sighed.

"Don't disturb me while I eat," he scowled.

"Charles, stick a sock in it," Trista's mother yelled.

I decided to keep my mouth shut during the rest of our dinner. Trista was quiet as her father continued to make her nervous. Dinner was so good I just had to have seconds. Trista opened the second bottle of wine and topped off our glasses.

Finally we were finished eating and we just sat there for several minutes.

"Well, just because we have company doesn't absolve us from our jobs," her father said.

Instantly Trista and her mother jumped up and began to clear the table. Trista scraped the scraps into the trash before she handed her mother the plates and silverware. I got up to help with the clean up and her father stopped me.

"Sit down boy," he said with a pissed off look in his eye.

"That's their job," he said as he pointed to Trista and his wife.

Reluctantly I sat back down. I was beginning to understand how Trista could feel so uncomfortable. I saw first hand how he was so controlling and demanding. I just sat there as I sipped on my wine and watched the women work.

Finally the women were done. They joined us back at the dinner table and we began to make small talk. We sipped on our wine and Trista topped off our glasses with the last of the second bottle.

Trista again got up and picked up our empty wine glasses and carried them to the sink. Her mother jumped up and quickly washed them before placing them in the cupboard. When they finished and turned toward the table her father stood up.

"Lets go into the living room," he said as he turned and pushed in his chair.

We all pushed in our chairs and followed him into the living room. I sat down on one end of the love seat while Trista sat on the other end. Her mother sat on the sofa while her father sat in his recliner. He reached for the remote and turned the television on.

We engaged in more small talk as Trista still showed signs of being uncomfortable. As I looked over at her mother I began to look at her in a whole new light. Under that dress wasn't a middle aged house slave, but a vixen that needed to be satisfied. As I looked at her face I saw features that were beautiful. As she sat there watching television I replayed the events that just transpired not more than an hour ago.

We watched show after show. Finally the news came on. I decided that I had to get going soon so I told Trista that I had to leave when the news was over. She nodded her head and excused herself to go use the rest room.

When Trista came back from the rest room I excused myself to use the facilities. I had to let the wine out that I drank earlier and the thoughts of the main event began to run through my mind.

When I walked back into the living room I looked down at Trista as she watched television. She saw me standing there so she stood up. We looked over at her father who was sound asleep in his chair

"Thank you for the wonderful evening Mrs. Kennedy," I said as she stood up and hugged me.

"No thanks needed, just come over any time," she said as she pressed her breasts into me as she hugged me.

"I'll walk him out to his car," Trista said as she led me to the front door.

"Good night Justin," her mother said in a hushed voice so her husband wouldn't wake up.

Quietly Trista pushed the screen door open and we stepped out onto the porch. She carefully shut the door so it wouldn't make a sound and she immediately grabbed my hand.

We walked without speaking as we made our way between the overgrown bushes. We walked down the sidewalk until we reached the driveway. Once we made it to my van I opened the driver's door and sat down. I rolled down the window and looked into Trista's beautiful eyes.

"Thank you so much for coming over tonight," Trista said as she leaned in and kissed me on the lips.

I kissed her back as our mouth's once again opened and our tongues met. The scent of her hair and her breath was almost intoxicating as we continued to kiss.

"Did you see what I meant by my dad being so damned controlling," Trista said as she leaned her forehead on mine.

"Yeah, he's a total ass," I said causing her to chuckle lightly.

"One day I will be out of here and I'm going to live my life totally different," Trista said as she smiled.

We just stayed in this awkward position for a few moments before I remembered to tell her about my dad giving me this van.

"Oh, guess what," I said as I pulled my head back from Trista's.

"What?" she asked with a curious look on her face.

"My dad gave me this van today," I said as I had a grin from ear to ear.

"Really?" Trista said with a huge smile on her face.

"That's better than riding that bike all over town," she said as she leaned in and kissed me.

"Congratulations,' She said as she leaned back down and kissed me more passionately.

We kissed a few more times before Trista stood up and backed away from the van.

"I know you need to get going," Trista said softly as she stood there looking more beautiful than ever.

"I can't wait for you to come see me in the morning," she said as I started up my van.

"I wouldn't miss it for anything in the world," I said as I put my van in drive.

"Good night Justin," Trista said as she leaned in for one last kiss.

Our last kiss lasted for an extended period of time. Our tongues explored every facet of each other's mouth's. Our tongues traced over each other's teeth and lips. Finally our faces parted and Trista stood up.

"Good night sweetie," I said as I slowly began to pull away.

"Goodnight," Trista shouted as I drove away.

Looking in the mirror I could see her standing in the street as she waved at me. I honked the horn lightly and stuck my arm out the window and waved back. I turned down the next street and was out of sight.

Suddenly my mind began to focus on the main event. I found my pulse rapid and realized that I was driving too fast.

"Slow down," I said to myself as I eased off of the gas pedal.

I turned down the next street and wondered what Kate had in store for me tonight. I never saw a main event before and here I was about to be on center stage with Kate.

I turned the next corner and drove down the alley behind the Sea Side Diner. There were cars everywhere and I had to search for a parking space. Finally at the other end of the alley I found a space big enough for my van. I parked and just sat there for a few minutes. Finally I pushed the door open and got out of my van.

As I began to walk toward the door I pulled my wallet out and looked for my key card. I pulled it from my wallet and walked up to the door. I slid the key card into the slot and it made that familiar buzzing sound. I pulled the door open and walked up to the next door where Ted was sitting.

"Hi Ted," I said as I handed him my card.

He didn't even look at it as he just handed it back to me. He looked both ways down the hallway before turning back to me.

"Kate wants you to come to her office, its that door over there," he said as he pointed to Kate's door down the hallway.

I eased past Ted and began walking to Kate's office. I could feel my heart beating even faster as I neared the dark wooden door. I reached out for the knob and turned it. The door was locked so I knocked lightly on the window. A couple seconds later I heard the same buzzing sound that I hear when I enter the club.

I turned the knob and pushed the door open. I stepped into the nearly dark office and saw Kate sitting behind her desk. A small lamp on top of a book case was the only light in the room and it was really dim.

I walked toward Kate's desk and sat down in the chair in front of her desk. Kate just stared at me as I sat down, eyeing me from head to toe. She reached for her cigarette and took a puff before snuffing it out in the ashtray.

All I could see of Kate was from her stomach up. Her legs were under her desk and her hair was put up. The shirt she was wearing however caught my attention as it was just a cut off tee shirt which only covered part of her breasts. As I sat there across from her I could see the bottom's of her bare breasts.

"Hello Justin," Kate said softly as she continued to gaze into my eyes.

"Hello," I said softly as my gaze shifted back and forth from her eyes to her magnificent breasts.

"I asked Ted to send you here because I need to talk to you about something that could change both of our lives drastically," Kate said as a slight smile crept across her face.

"Like what?" I asked as I had a slightly puzzled look on my face.

"Turn your chair around and watch," Kate said as she pulled a desk drawer out and reached inside for something.

Since I was sitting on one of those cushioned desk chairs I was able to just swivel the chair around. Suddenly a television set turned on. It was no ordinary TV, rather it was huge. It had to be at least sixty inches. What I saw next totally caught me off guard.

My mouth dropped to the floor as I saw myself on the television set. It was a video of Kate tying me up to the stage for my test. As I sat here watching myself, I began to get incredibly aroused.

"You, you recorded us?" I asked as I continued to watch myself on the big screen TV.

"I record everything that happens on the stage," Kate said as I heard her scoot her chair back and stand up.

"I have nine camera's positioned all around the stage so I can capture virtually any angle," Kate said as I could hear her begin to walk as her heels clicked on the floor.

"I have microphones hidden in the floor of the stage to record all sounds from moaning to heavy breathing, she said as she came into my side view.

I paused from watching the video for a moment to look at Kate as she now stood right next to me. She looked incredible as she wore a pair of denim cutoff's that were cut way too short. My cock began to strain in my pants as I looked at Kate's ass as her cheeks were totally exposed. I slid my eyes down her long luscious legs until my eyes rested on her feet which were perched high atop a sexy pair of open toe heels.

"Like what you see?" Kate asked as she quickly swung one leg over my lap and sat down, facing me as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Oh God Justin we can become rich," Kate said as she leaned in and kissed me passionately on the mouth.

"How so? I said as I now became the aggressor and leaned in to kiss her.

Our mouth's came together and our tongues met as I could feel her warm breath as it cascaded down my face. I could feel Kate squeeze me tighter around my neck and around my legs with her silky thigh's.

"Look over my shoulder," Kate said as she turned her head and looked at the action on the television.

I looked over her shoulder and watched myself on the television just as Kate slid her long slender toes across my lips. I could see the look of lust in my own eyes as I sucked her big toe into my mouth. I became incredibly aroused as Kate turned back to me and kissed me again passionately.

I felt Kate lean against me and reach behind me for something on top of her desk. She leaned back and held a video tape up for me to see. I wicked grin flashed across her face again as she set the tape back down on the edge of her desk.

"Baby we can make it big," Kate said as she again glanced back over her shoulder to look at the television set.

On the television set I was now in a heated sixty nine with Kate. Her breasts were hanging down and I could see them as the camera angle changed. Kate again turned back and faced me.

"I have a buyer that is interested," Kate said as she leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips.

"What kind of buyer?" I asked as our tongues met in mid air.

Our breathing grew heavier as I could feel Kate pressing her crotch against the bulge in my pants. A slight moan escaped both of our mouth's as our faces grew apart.

"What are you talking about Kate?" I asked as I was growing more and more curious.

Kate reached back over my shoulder and picked up the remote control for the TV. She spun around and stopped the tape for a second and fast forwarded it. She looked so incredibly hot as she continued to sit on my lap. As we sat there I couldn't help but wonder how wild the main event would be.

Suddenly Kate pressed play on the remote. The picture came on the set and my jaw nearly dropped to the ground.

"Oh My Fucking God," I said out loud as I watched myself reaching up Mrs. Graph's dress and slide her thong down her legs.

"That's right Justin, I have that scene on your copy too," Kate said as she whirled back around and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Baby all we need to do is to put one more hot and wild scene on this tape and we can sell it to one of my contacts and make a lot of money," Kate said with a twinkle in her eye as she pressed her crotch into my bulge even harder.

"You mean other people have looked at this?" I said with a quizzical look on my face.

"Yeah," Kate said as she kissed my forehead.

"And they love it," she said as she cupped my face with her soft lovely hands and kissed me full on the mouth.

"I don't know about this," I said as I looked past Kate and watched myself eating out my teacher as she was helplessly shackled to that small black bench.

"Just think of the money," Kate said as she glanced back at the action.

"All it takes is three scenes on a tape and we can sell them for an outrageous price," Kate said as she looked back into my eyes.

She felt incredible as she sat on my lap. I continued to watch the action as Kate began to slowly grind her pussy against my cock.

"How much money are we talking?" I asked.

"We'll split it fifty fifty. You perform and I'll edit and produce the tapes," Kate said with a huge smile on her face.

"How much is fifty fifty?" I asked cautiously.

"One hundred grand per tape so fifty thousand each," Kate said as she kissed me over and over.

I leaned back with an astonished look on my face. I couldn't believe that I could make so much money just from having sex. I suddenly began thinking about Trista and how it would be nice to be able to buy her everything she ever wanted.

Looking down into Kate's eyes I said, "Where do I sign?" as I reached in front of Kate and cupped her virtually exposed breasts.

Kate kissed me and pushed my hands off of her breasts, causing my fingers to slide over her nipples and nipple studs.

"Save that for the main event," Kate said as she lifted her sweet bottom off of my lap and stood up.

I watched as Kate walked around to the other side of her desk. I turned back and watched myself begin to cum all over Mrs. Graph. Looking back at Kate, she stood next to me with a paper to sign.

I turned my chair around as the video on the television ended. Kate had a pen laying on the form for me to sign. With a shaky hand I picked up the pen. I scribbled my name on the paper and looked up into her eyes.

"Now lets go make that hundred grand," Kate said as she picked up the paper and placed it back in the desk drawer.

She walked over to a closet door and opened it. Inside I could see a variety of outfits. Several pair of sexy shoes lined the floor of the closet. Kate reached in and pulled out a a bright red dress.

She turned and held up the sexy dress in front of her. It was a full length gown with a slit that went high up the side.

"Do you like?" Kate asked as she looked at me and tilted her head to the side.

All I could do was nod my head as I couldn't wait to get to the main event. My cock was rock hard in my pants and I needed to have it released soon for fear of breaking my zipper.

I watched as Kate turned her back to me and hung the dress back up in the closet. Just then she reached down and pulled her shirt up and over her head. From my angle I could see the sides of her breasts as they hung freely. Before I knew it she unbuttoned her denim shorts and dropped them to the floor.

I couldn't believe that Kate was standing before me naked as she changed. She looked over her shoulder at me and smiled as she picked up a red thong. She opened the waistband and stepped into it, pulling it completely up to her waist. I watched in astonishment as the thin strap disappeared into her ass crack.

Kate reached over and picked up her dress and quickly slipped into it. She adjusted the thin spaghetti straps evenly on her shoulders before turning to face me.

I watched as she bent down and picked up a sexy pair of shoes before turning around and walking toward her desk.

"I have a wild main event planned," Kate said as she pulled her desk drawer open and pulled out a pair of pearl earrings.

I grinned as I watched her push the earring studs through her ear lobes. She tilted her head slightly as she placed the second pearl on her other ear.

"Baby were gonna be so fucking rich," Kate said as she reached down into her desk drawer and pulled out a pearl necklace.

"God that's going to be so fucking wonderful," I said as I reached up and caught the sexy shoes that Kate just tossed at me.
