I Know You Want Me Ch. 02

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He and Aunt Trisha revisit their old high school.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/07/2004
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It was autumn and roughly thirty years ago. My Aunt Trisha had come to live with me and we had found each other after secretly wanting to since early childhood. For any who are interested, you may read the original story of how this came about. The short version is that we were both eighteen years old, Trisha being only two months younger than me, and we were living in my first home. The night that we discovered we both wanted the same thing was one I’ll never forget. Other similar nights followed, but I want to tell about one that was different.

Near the end of September my sister wanted to go to her high school’s open house night. Around here, open house meant that there would be displays in the hallways with a teacher at each one representing the different departments. The books used for each grade level, the curriculum and special projects planned would all be there for parents to examine and ask about. There would also be some teachers in the classrooms to speak with parents who had concerns about their children. The teachers traded duties at intervals so none had to spend the whole evening either at a table or in a classroom. My parents couldn’t go, so Vicki, my sister, asked me to take her instead. She wanted to meet up with her friends and hang out, which meant that she really just wanted a ride. I agreed to take her, even though I knew I wouldn’t see her there until she was ready to go home again. But, this had been my school, and Trisha’s, the year before and we thought it might be fun to see some of the people we had spent so much time around for the four years previous, especially since they were no longer in a position of power over us. The night arrived and we got to the school at about 7:00 p.m. As expected, Vicki soon found her friends and they were off to do whatever it is they do. Aunt Trisha and I walked the halls, which seemed to be so much smaller than they had been only a few months before, looking for familiar faces.

We found several of our teachers were still there, of course, and we stopped to talk to some while avoiding others. We usually had to wait for parents to leave before we could visit with a favorite teacher. We had seen three or four by the time we came to the gym, where we found a small crowd of people gathered around the gym teachers. We could tell that it would be a while before we got to talk to anyone here.

Trisha said, “Come in here with me,” pointing to the door of the girls’ locker/shower room. Well, I looked around and, not seeing anyone looking our way, we both ducked inside. Then she said, “I’ve always wanted to do this in here,” as she reached for my zipper.

I didn’t object, so she slowly pulled it down and reached inside. Her hand was cool on my limp dick, but they both heated up quickly. Her fingers were soft, rubbing my cock and balls, and it felt good. I began to harden immediately, so she grasped me firmly and began to pump within the confines of my pants. Soon there wasn’t enough room inside and she pulled it out, unfastening my belt with her other hand. When she popped the button my pants fell down around my ankles. I don’t wear underwear, not since I was fourteen, so now I was standing there pretty much naked from the waist down. Aunt Trisha kept stroking me, looking up into my eyes, and reached around to grab my ass and rub it too. I reached up to grab one of her big, soft tits and she said, “No. I do everything here. If you want to do something, you have to pick your own place.”

I said, “OK, I’ll do that,” and gave myself over to watching and feeling the sensations of what was being done to me.

This was not at all a problem. What she was doing to me was great and Trisha was, and still is, very easy on the eyes. She was about five-foot-four and very curvy. She has blue eyes and long, brown hair, the kind of brown that comes from being born blonde. It has kind of a glow to it in the right light. She has the kind of lips that women today pay for, full plump lips that seem to be made for what I hoped she was about to do. Her face had the kind of smooth, flawless beauty that doesn’t require makeup, but she liked to use it anyway. She would use pale blues around her eyes and something that would sparkle on the rest of her face. I know it sounds flashy, but it wasn’t, it was very subtle. If you weren’t looking directly at her you wouldn’t notice it at all. Her frame was small, and she was neither skinny nor plump, but that place in between that causes all of a man’s feelings to go straight to his crotch. They weren’t openly on display, but she had very large breasts, a d-cup, and they had smooth, pale skin without a blemish. Even with skin like that I never saw a sign of a vein beneath it. The areolas were big and pink, fading outward from the center until the color blended into the rest of her skin. The nipples, when she was excited, would stand out almost as big as the end of my pinky. They were firm and round and heavy. I wouldn’t call it sag, but they were so full that the bottoms would lay on her upper ribcage, so she seldom went without a bra even though that was popular at the time. Often you could still see her nipples poke out there, bra or no bra. There was just enough meat on her that you couldn’t see her ribs unless she was stretching and her waist, while slim, seemed even more so because of the rack she carried up above. Her ass was firm and round and had that side-to-side bounce that made you think it was winking at you when she was walking away. Her legs were round and smooth and firm; not very long, but gorgeous all the same. When they were wrapped around me it was like heaven. When she dressed plain she was enough to stop traffic, but tonight she had worn a red sleeveless sweater with a deep-cut neckline and a short, black skirt with pleats. If she turned quickly enough it would fan out and you could see a flash of black panties underneath, just above the tops of her thigh-high stockings. A lacy black bra and a pair of open-toed black shoes completed the picture.

I had already noticed the way men’s eyes followed her wherever she went and tonight was no exception. Teachers, parents, it didn’t matter; they all looked at her with hunger in their eyes. Little did they know that I was standing in the girls’ locker room, half-naked, with her lovely hand stroking my cock while they were, some of them, standing less than twenty feet away on the other side of the door. The thought that someone could easily walk through that door at any minute made the whole thing that much more exciting.

While I was reflecting on this and savoring her with my eyes, since my hands could not, she had pressed her body up against me and was rubbing herself up and down in time to the motions of her hand on my hard, throbbing shaft. I could feel her tits pressed against me with her nipples scribing lines from just below my own down to about my belly button. She had one stocking-clad leg wrapped around one of mine and a firm grip on my left ass cheek. All the while she hadn’t stopped looking into my eyes. She said, “Why don’t you take this off?” and glanced downward to indicate my shirt. I did as she suggested and she began to lick my chest, untangling her leg from mine while she worked lower, licking and kissing each newly revealed patch of skin as the buttons were undone. When it was fully open and I stretched to pull it off my arms she sucked on my nipples, still squeezing and pulling on my cock, which was by now hard and red with the veins standing out and the head full and purple.

She pushed me back a little and I felt the backs of my legs touch a bench. She kept pushing me gently, so I sat down and she followed. She rested her knees on my discarded shirt as she settled between my legs and said, “Think of all the pussies that have sat where your balls are right now while I suck you off.” Then she started licking me, first the head, then the bottom side of my shaft, then down to my balls and back up again. She didn’t stop or move on until I was completely covered and I could feel her saliva running down to the crack of my ass. She grinned up at me and then wrapped her full lips around my head and softly sucked. It felt so good that I reached out to place my hands on her head and she reached up with one hand to wave me away. She sucked me in a little, then pushed me back out with her tongue pressed against the top of my cockhead and sucked me in again, over and over, each time taking a little more of my meat inside her hot, wet mouth. Each time she would come back to the head she would swirl her tongue around it and I could feel it moving back and forth against my shaft as she slid her mouth down.

While she was doing this she had one hand rubbing and squeezing my balls, still wet from her earlier attentions. Her other hand she kept on my cock while she sucked, until she reached it with her lips. Then she kept her grip with just her thumb and finger making a ring around the base and the rest of her hand flattened out against my belly. The effect was like a cock ring, holding the blood within my member and causing it to swell even more. I felt a great pressure within it and I could see the veins along the shaft bulging out and pulsing whenever she drew her mouth out toward the head, just before it plunged back in and sank towards her throat. I finally felt a place where there was some resistance each time her head came down, but she didn’t give up. After a few more tries I felt the resistance give way and the head of my cock popped into her throat where she held it for a moment and swallowed, or tried to anyway. Upon withdrawing she immediately plunged again, taking a deep breath in through her nose at the top of the stroke. Her nostrils flared and her face was flushed with her exertions. When she went down again she went all the way down until her face was pressed tightly against my lower belly. I felt her swallowing again and I felt her tongue pushing to the very bottom of my shaft, down where it’s hidden by my ball sack. It was enough, it was too much. I started to cum and I could feel the large vein underneath pulsing against her tongue as she gulped it down. I felt my body jerk and I had a death grip on the bench I was sitting on. She came up gasping for air before I was finished and a shot of cum hit her on the cheek before she took just the head back into her mouth and sucked me dry.

When she stood up she took my hand and brought it to her face. She used it to scoop off that shot of cum that was running down her cheek. I didn’t know what she wanted me to do with it until she raised her skirt, and then I caught on, almost. I reached out and she spread her legs so I could reach her pussy. I tried to push her silky panties aside, but she said. “No, on the outside.” So I wiped my cum-covered fingers on her panties and began to rub it into her already wet snatch. I was trying to really get into it, but she pushed my hand away and reminded me that I had to find my own place to do any more. With that I got dressed while she peeped out the door. When we had a clear shot we scooted out and left the gym. As we walked along the hallway she leaned in to whisper, “I feel so wicked, walking among these people and knowing what we just did. None of them know that I’ve got your cum in my belly and soaking my panties. I almost want to tell them, just to see their faces.”

I was at a loss as to where to go just then, so we resumed our visits. The second place we went was to Mrs. Dooley’s algebra class. Mrs. Dooley was one of those teachers who didn’t like having her desk at the front of the room, next to the door. She didn’t care for all the people in the hall looking in at her while she was trying to teach a class. And they did look in at her, a lot, until she moved her desk to the back of the room. Mrs. Dooley was a young teacher, just out of college when Aunt Trisha and I had her class. She was a redhead and very petite. She wore mostly clothes that looked good on her. They showed her to be a young, well-built woman. Her blouses were usually solid-colored cotton or similar fabrics with buttons down the front. Sometimes they were just the right mix of color and thickness to let her bra show through. Her skirts were cut a few inches above the knee and were often a little tight. I never saw her with bare legs, always stockings. Her hair was cut so it fell down her back and just covered her shoulder blades, say about even with her bra line. Some might say that her nose was just the tiniest bit too long for her face, but I wouldn’t. When I was fifteen I was completely enamored of her and saw no flaws at all. She had very fair skin and a few light freckles on her face. She had a habit of sitting on her desk sometimes during classroom discussions and, when she did, her skirt would ride a little higher and show off her legs even more.

I guess it was those legs that first really grabbed my attention. About the middle of the second week that I was in her class I saw her do that for the first time. She was standing facing us and leaned back so her butt was against the edge of the desk. Then she put one hand on the desk and gave a little hop backwards. As she came to rest I saw that the hem of her skirt had pulled up to about mid-thigh and I was mesmerized. So, that day I told her that I had a hard time seeing the things written on the chalkboard. She moved me to the front row, center aisle, and I was deliriously happy with the arrangement. Many days I don’t think I heard a word she said, but I believe I can give an accurate description of every move she made. In fact, she once complimented me on being so attentive in her class. Little did she know… Oh, the fantasies I would weave while being so attentive. It was me, standing between her drop-dead legs and fucking her while she sat on that desk with her skirt hiked up around her waist, teaching the rest of the class. Or I’d step up behind her at the chalkboard, pull her panties to her knees and shove my cock up her juicy cunt from behind, pressing her face against the symbols she had just written there. Or I’d be sitting under her desk, lapping at her dripping pussy while she tried to keep a straight face and not let on to the other students. Yes, I very much enjoyed algebra. If I didn’t have a natural talent for mathematics I guess I would have failed that class. Come to think of it, that might not have been the worst thing that could have happened.

Well, we were there, just getting to talk with her when another teacher poked her head in the door to tell Mrs. Dooley that it was her turn out in the hall. Mrs. Dooley told us that we could come back or just wait for her, since she had to be out there for about twenty minutes or so. I gave Aunt Trisha a questioning look and told Mrs. Dooley that we would wait for her. I watched her sweet ass wiggle as she walked towards the door and, as her trailing leg disappeared through the doorway I got my idea. I turned to Trisha and said, “Here. It has to be here!” Then I went and closed the door and turned off the light. There was enough light coming in from the hall and through the windows from the parking lot to see what we were about, but to anyone passing by it would appear to be a dark, empty classroom and they would most likely just walk on by.

When I got back to Trisha she asked, “What are we going to do?”

I said, “I’m going to fuck you right here on this desk. I know it’ll have to be a quickie, but I’ll make it up to you when we get home.” With that I reached up under her skirt and grabbed the front of her panties. I gave a yank and they split at the seams, coming away from her body.

She said, “Ouch, that hurt.”

I told her, “I’m sorry, but that’s always been part of the fantasy.” And I picked her up and sat her on the edge of the desk. I flipped her skirt up to reveal her quim and got down on my knees to lick her. In no time at all, she was wet with my tongue lashing and her own juices and I was hard, so I stood up, dropping my pants around my ankles for the second time that night, and placed my cock head at the entrance to her cunt. She lifted her feet and wrapped her legs around me as I began to push into her, then she leaned back and grabbed the back edge of the desk to brace herself. When she did I raised her sweater up above her tits and grabbed her bra between them. She looked at me and I saw her grit her teeth, then I yanked again and the fasteners in the back gave way. This wasn’t right according to my fantasy. In it, the bra broke in the front and fell away to each side, but the truth turns out to be that a bra is a lot stronger at the front, so I just had to deal with it. Now that it was loose, I pushed it up with her sweater and watched those wonderful melons bounce while I fucked her on Mrs. Dooley’s desk.

I had a hold of her hips as I pounded in and out of her and the desk was shaking quite a bit. Luckily, it had been mostly cleared for tonight’s event, so there wasn’t much we could disturb. I couldn’t see the clock because it was in what would normally be the front of the room, so I asked Trisha, “How much time do we have?”

She said, “I think about ten more minutes.”

I knew I’d never manage to cum that fast without some further stimulation. I said, “You don’t know what a thrill it is to fuck you here. I had so many fantasies in this room.” I was hoping that talking about them might give me a little push.

Trisha picked up on it and replied, “Oh, I think I do. Remember, I sat in here with you. I saw the way you looked at her back then. I saw the way you looked at her tonight, trying to sneak a peek up her skirt, with your cum still wet on my panties. How about this? Pretend that it’s her you’re fucking right now. Can you see it? Your prick is running in and out of her red-haired pussy.”

I said, “Yes, Aunt Trisha, that’s it. Tell me more.”

She continued with, “All the people you went to school with are sitting dumbstruck, at the desks behind you. Each of the guys is wishing it was him up here fucking her, instead of you. And each girl is wishing it was her that you’re throwing the meat to. Many of them are sitting there with their hands rubbing their crotches while they watch you. A couple of the girls have pulled their panties aside and are working their fingers in and out of their pussies. One of the guys has his cock in his hand and he’s furiously pumping.”

I moved my hands up to Trisha’s waist and asked, “What about Mrs. Dooley? Tell me about her.”

Trisha leaned up and put her arms around my neck. Then she said, “Mrs. Dooley is holding onto you very tightly. Her lips are next to ear and she’s saying, ‘Oh, fuck me, fuck me. You were always my favorite student. I was so hot for you. Why do you think I wore these short skirts? Why do you think I sat up here where you could look up them? Oh, why didn’t you fuck me every day when you were in my class? I could see your cock standing up for me. It looked so inviting, so hard, so young and strong. It was all I could do not to get on my knees in front of you and pull it out right there in front of everyone. So many times I wished that you would come up here and take me, like you’re taking me now.’”

Well, she kept it up, feeding my old fantasies as if she had read my mind. In just a little while I felt my balls lurch and I sprayed the inside of Aunt Trisha’s cunt while visions of Mrs. Dooley flashed through my head. I leaned forward and said, “Thanks, Trisha. You’ve made me very happy.”

She said, “You don’t have to thank me, we’re family. But you do have to fuck me right when we get home.”

I could hear the click-click of heels coming up the hall, so I told Trisha to go turn on the light while I put my clothes in order. She pulled her sweater down and wiggled to adjust her broken bra as she raced to the other end of the room. I was just tucking in as Mrs. Dooley entered and said that she was sorry, but she had to leave. She invited us to come and visit one day during school hours so we could talk. She said that she has last period free most days if we could manage it. We said our goodbyes and left. We located Vicki and took her home. She rattled on about the doings of all her seventeen-year-old friends as we drove. As I let her out of the car I couldn’t help but notice that she was quite a dish herself. Maybe in a year or two…