I Will Love You Forever Pt. 2 Ch. 10

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Decisions are made.
12.6k words

Part 10 of the 20 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 02/27/2012
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Jacob walked from the site of Lawrence's death with slow but deliberate steps to the warden's building. He knew that he was still there because he could see him looking out of the window as he approached the building. He felt no fear as he approached the building. He had been granted the only thing that he had wanted since his family died- the death of the men responsible.

He walked up to the guard at the door and spoke softly.

"I need to see the warden."

To his surprise, the guard didn't question him but led him to the warden's office where Ellis was waiting for him.

"You can wait outside." Ellis said to the guard when he went to take his post by the door.

"But sir..."

"I said wait outside. I don't believe that Mr. Lincoln is going to be a problem... are you?" Ellis asked.

"No sir."

The guard stood by the door unsure of what to do but then left the office closing the door behind him.

"You got something to tell me?" Ellis asked after a few seconds passed.

"Yes sir, I do." Jacob replied. "I'm turning myself in."

"What did you do?" Ellis asked.

"I burned that son of a bitch Lawrence Goodman to death. I'm confessing so that the other black prisoners aren't penalized for it." Jacob said.

There wasn't a tremor or even a hint of remorse in his voice as he said it. Only the calm acceptance that he was going to die showed on his face as he waited for the warden's response. The sounds of men shouting interrupted the quietness of the prison.

Ellis stood up, walked to the window and swore. Somehow, the word of Goodman's demise had already gotten out. If he didn't do something fast, there would be a riot on his hands and that wouldn't help his political ambitions.

"Guard!" he yelled, as he looked Jacob in the eyes.

"Yes sir!"

"Shackle this man." he said as he picked up the phone and called for two more guards.

"Yes Sir!" the guard replied.

Ellis took his gun from the top drawer of his desk, loaded it and put it in his shoulder holster. He looked at Jacob and couldn't help but admire and respect the way in which he was accepting what was going to happen. When the two extra guards reached the office, Jacob spoke.

"Warden, if you please, I would like to say something before I die."

He was going to refuse the request but thought better of it. Allowing Jacob to speak would accomplish two things. One, it would calm things down if the whites knew that Goodman's killer was in custody and two, it would give the illusion of fairness.

"You get one minute." Ellis snapped.

Ellis followed the guards and Jacob to the balcony from where he addressed the prisoners. The guards already had the prisoners under control and lined up in preparation for him. The guards pulled Jacob off to the side to allow Ellis to pass by and held onto him in case he tried to escape by jumping over the balcony.

Ellis stood out on the balcony and looked over the sea of faces for several seconds before speaking.

"It has come to my attention that Lawrence Goodman is dead..."

"A nigger killed him!" someone shouted out.

Ellis continued talking as if there had been no interruption.

"The man who did it has confessed...."

"Where is he?" someone else shouted, "Bring his ass down here!"

"You know that I can't do that but he will be dealt with accordingly. You are also aware that I'm a fair man and that I believe that everyone should be allowed to say a few words before they die. I'm giving Jacob Lincoln one minute to say what he wants to say. I don't care if you listen or not, but you will keep your mouths shut. Am I clear?"

A moment later, Jacob Lincoln was standing where the warden had just been. He looked over the crowd; his eyes lingered on Saul's for just a second before moving on.

"I'm not going to stand here and tell you why I killed a man who was a friend to some and evil personified to others. I am standing here to take full responsibility for my actions because I am not ashamed of what I did. I also want to say that many of you will be meeting your friend again in hell and you know who you are. The rest of you, get right so that when you leave here you can help our people in this time of inequality. The warden here thinks that I don't know that he's using me for his own ends. My friends..."

Jacob was yanked back before he could say any thing more. Ellis was incensed but he realized his error. He had underestimated Jacob Lincoln. Jacob Lincoln had used him as much as he had been used.

Saul blinked back tears and then let them fall freely. Duke put an arm around him to comfort him believing his tears to be for Lawrence when they weren't. They were for Jacob Lincoln. Saul decided that when he was released, he would take Jacob's words to heart. He was going to get right and help people whether they were black or white.


No one moved for several minutes after Jacob was taken away and the warden went back inside.

Ellis fumed at his mistake and debated as to what he should do about it. Lincoln had to die and hanging him would accomplish that but it would be without a trial. The best-case scenario would be for him to try to escape but that wasn't going to happen. The man wanted to die in front of the prisoners; in essence, he had made himself a martyr.

"Damn it all to hell!" Ellis muttered under his breath and decided to stick with his decision to hang Jacob Lincoln. No one would believe the blacks and the whites were screaming for his blood. As far as he was concerned, it was a win-win situation. He went into his office confident that he had made the right decision.


"Come on boy." Duke said leading Saul back into the barracks. "I got something for you, it's from Lawrence, he loved you like a son."

The something turned out to be Lawrence's bible. In the very back was a slip of paper with an address and money. There was a note on the back of the paper.

"Kenny, when you get out of here make your way to California. The address is on the paper. Use the money wisely, because it's all that I can spare. May god grant you a safe journey.


Saul looked at the note, counted the money already knowing how he was going to use it. All he needed was for the warden to keep his word.

The next morning, the inmates were taken to the far end of the yard where the gallows waited. The sun was shining and a light breeze blew across the yard. The day seemed more appropriate for a picnic than it did a hanging.

Jacob Lincoln walked out proud with his head held high. As he turned to face the crowd, he smiled, nodded at his friends and stepped forward. He kept his eyes open as the noose was placed around his neck and began to hum softly, 'It is well with my soul'. Ten minutes later, it was over.

All of the black prisoners mourned his death and none of the whites save one. Later that day, Saul was called into the warden's office.

"Well son, you did good." Ellis said. "Not only am I fair but I'm a man of my word. Get ready to go home."

"Today?" Saul asked.

"Today." Ellis confirmed as he picked up the phone and arranged for Saul's ride. "I don't need to tell you that this is your one chance. Don't fuck it up. Now get out of my prison."

Saul practically ran out of the door giving the guard a run for his money. Once outside, he sprinted for the barracks and to his cell. He quickly packed making sure to grab the bible containing the money and the note. He spoke to no one as he left, his mind on one thing- getting home.

Ellis watched Saul leave and wondered if he should let him reach home. If Saul didn't have a family to feed, he would have decided otherwise but he couldn't take away the family's only viable breadwinner and not feel guilty about it Not only that, he had sanctioned one murder and had committed another. It waIt was a calculated risk but he let it go believing that Saul would be so grateful that he would keep his mouth shut.

For his part, Saul thanked god and planned to make good on his promise to Jacob. He just didn't know how he was going to do it.


News of Lawrence's death didn't reach California until two weeks after it happened. Tyrone had Becca cleaning the house and baking all of the things that he knew Lawrence liked. He seemed to have little regard for her growing stomach and difficulty in getting around. To make matters worse, his demands for sex hadn't decreased but seemed to be increasing. Whenever Becca complained about it, he gave her a warning glance and out of supposed deference to her, made her sit in a chair while he stood in front of her.

"Do what you do best." he said.

Becca didn't bother to object. Ty had been in a good mood lately and it had everything to do with the arrival of his friend and fellow felon. This day had been no different with the exception that Ty was almost considerate. He was home early with sandwiches from the deli. Becca was in the extra bedroom getting it ready for her unwanted guest.

She groaned and got to her feet ready to apologize for not having dinner started.

"Hiya darlin'" he greeted.

"Ty... you're home early, what happened?" she asked.

"Nothing, can't a man come home early to his beautiful wife?"

Becca didn't answer, it sounded too much like one of his trick questions.

"I brought sandwiches at the deli that way you don't have to cook... sit down! You look tired."

Becca sat down and got ready to do her duty as she now called it. She was surprised when instead of unzipping his trousers; Ty set the table. She watched him as he moved around the kitchen whistling and wondered what was happening. She found out after dinner.

"My friend will be here in about a week and I expect you to be the perfect hostess."

"Next week?" Becca asked.

"Is there a problem with that?" Ty asked his good mood diminishing.

"No, I mean ... no. Next week is fine." Becca said softly.

"Good, just make sure that the room is ready." he said as he cleared the dishes. "Go on upstairs and get some rest, I'm going out for the evening."

Becca knew better than to ask him where he was going, he wouldn't have told her anyway. Part of her hoped that he was doing something illegal so that he could be arrested for and thrown into jail. She steeled herself not to cringe when he bent down, kissed her cheek and rubbed her stomach.

"Take care of Ty Junior." he said as he patted her stomach.

"I will." she replied wishing that he would hurry up and leave.

"I'll be late so don't worry" Ty said and waited for the appropriate response.

"I won't, wake me when you come in." Becca said with as much feeling as she could muster.

As soon as he was gone, Becca let out a sigh of relief. The oppressive feeling that was always in the air when Ty was home departed with him. She got up from her chair and looked outside puzzled as to why he didn't take the car. It occurred to her that she could take the car and leave but the issue remained of where she could go. She thought about her friend Susan and wondered if she meant it when she said that she could help. Then there was the issue of money. Ty kept a close watch on the money and gave her only what she needed to prepare for Lawrence's arrival.

Tears of frustration ran down her face as she absently rubbed her stomach. The only real way out of this was the path that she should have taken a long time ago- her parents. Before she could change her mind, she grabbed her sweater, ran outside and got into the car before she realized that he had the only key. She also realized that he was teasing her by leaving the car.

She got out of the car, started to go back into the house and stopped. She looked in the direction where her parents lived and then in the direction where Susan lived trying to decide who lived closer. Susan lived closer by a few blocks but her parents would protect her-she hoped, she took a deep breath and to walk toward her parent's home and safety.


Ty was as excited as he had been when Lawrence assigned him the task of finding him a place to live in Los Angeles. That he ended up with a wife and a baby on the way didn't faze him. He had completed his mission and it had gone much better than anyone could have anticipated. He knew that Becca both hated and feared him and as far as he was concerned, that's how it was supposed to be. His father had ruled their home with an iron hand and he would rule his in the same manner.

One more week and Lawrence would be a guest in his home. He ran over details in his head down to the dinner that he would help Becca make for him. She was a fair cook but he wanted more than fair for Lawrence. He was even going to go to the store with her to make sure that she got the best of everything.

"So Ty, how soon will we meet Brother Goodman after his arrival?" Otis Clemens asked.

Ty looked over at the big man and forced a smile. The man asked him the same question every time he saw him.

"He has some people that he wants to catch up with first so it will be sometime after that." Ty said barely concealing the impatience in his voice.

The only reason that Otis was even around was because he was a good lap dog and he had contacts that Ty didn't. Fortunately, it didn't take much to make him feel important. He had been beside himself with excitement when Ty asked him to pick him up at the house. The other thing that Ty didn't like was the way the man looked at Becca. After that first time he saw the greedy look in his eyes, Otis wasn't allowed to come into the house.

Ty lied when he told Becca that he would be home late. He hadn't entirely believed her when she said that she hadn't seen or talked to that bitch Susan. He was hoping to catch her in a lie. What he would do if he did, he didn't know. He would deal with it when and if it happened.

"One more week." he murmured as he looked out of the window of the slowly moving car.


Will was sitting at his desk going through some briefs when the phone rang. Thinking that it might be Sally, he answered it.

"Hi honey...."

"Why Will! What a nice greeting for family!" Ellis said laughing.

"What do you want?" Will asked.

"I liked the other greeting better." He said not at all bothered by Will's change of attitude. "I called to give you some news that you might find interesting."

"What's that?" Will asked. "And what do you want in exchange for this news?"

"Nothing." Ellis replied. "Will, we don't agree on a lot of things especially on the race issue, but you're still family. Now, do you want the news or not?"

Will hesitated and then remembered that Ellis had never lied when asked a direct question.

"Tell me."

"Our mutual friend Lawrence Goodman is dead." Ellis said and then waited for Will's response.

"Dead? When?"

"Two weeks ago. One of the n....black inmates had an axe to grind with him and killed him."

"How could that have happened?" Will asked.

"When there's a will, there's a way." Ellis replied.

"How did he kill him?"

"Killed him the same way his family was killed, he burned him to a crisp." Ellis said.

"Burned him? Teddy, where did he get the supplies? Did you have something to do with this?" Will asked, his heart pounding.

"I thought that you would like to know." Ellis replied and hung up.

Will struggled with mixed emotions. He was glad that Goodman was dead but he didn't want him murdered. In his shock, he hadn't asked about the black man who killed Goodman. He reached for the phone and then sat back. He already knew the answer. The man was dead.

He put his briefs away and called Nick who was still in his office.

"Can you come in here?" he asked.

Nick came in a few minutes later.

"Shut the door." Will said.

"What's going on?" Nick asked as he closed the door and then sat down.

"Lawrence Goodman is dead."

"What? How do you know?" Nick asked.

Will told him about the conversation with Ellis.

"Wait." Nick said. "A black inmate managed to get enough material to burn a man alive? How?"

"I asked the same question and I got no answer. Nick, I think that the inmate had some help." Will said.

"Are you saying that your cousin had a hand in this?" Nick asked.

"That's exactly what I'm saying but you and I both know that there's no way that we'll ever be able to prove it."

"No, not unless there are witnesses. Do we know what happened to the inmate who killed him?" Nick asked.

"My guess is that he's already been hanged." Will replied. "I don't know what I should be feeling. I mean, I wanted him out of our lives but I didn't want him killed either."

"I understand but Will, as much as I hate to say this, I think that his death was the only way that we would truly be safe. Personally, I'm glad that the son of a bitch is dead. He's one less issue to deal with."

Will considered Nick's words.

"You're right but you know we may not be out of the woods yet."

"I agree." Nick said. "He has a contact here and I believe that's whose been watching our houses. My question is this; does he know that Lawrence is dead? I haven't seen any strange vehicles in the past couple of days, have you?"

"No but maybe he's busy planning something else."

"Possible... I know that you don't want anything to do with your cousin, but do you think that he could tell you what Goodman was up to?" Nick asked.

"He could, but it would be at a price." Will asked. "Why don't we have the police pick up the man watching our houses? If nothing else, we would have a name for him and Charles could check him out."

"Sounds like a plan." Nick said.

"Good, where are we on Andrew Kelley?" Will asked.

"No where." Nick replied. "We have people who think that he's capable of murder but none of them have ever seen him with a gun."

"Has anyone spoken to his folks?" Will asked.

"Not that I'm aware of which surprises me since he's a person of interest. It's late but I'll call Detective Briscoe and Charles in the morning.


Andrew held the gun in his hands and stroked it before putting it back in its box. He had been looking for bullets for it but was having no luck. Finally, he concluded that he needed another gun whose ammunition wouldn't be as hard to come by. The new issue was they type of gun and the amount of money needed to obtain it. The second problem was where he could get it. What really surprised him was that no one had come looking for him yet but he considered that a good thing. It meant that no one had gone to the police. But what if they had? There was no proof that he had anything to do with Milt's death.

He put the box containing the gun under the bed when he heard his mother calling him for dinner.

"Be right there!" he called back.

He stopped in the bathroom to wash his hands. He gave a fleeting thought to the "melting pot" and swallowed his anger. They would be dealt with soon enough and now there was Ernie who seemed to have joined their ranks.

"Damn it!" he swore as he saw the error in not allowing Ernie back into the group sooner. But he didn't think that he would go running to the "melting pot" either. Something that Ernie said occurred to him. Ernie told him that the only reason he was apart of the group was because of him-Andrew and that he had never really believed what the group had believed.

He had to wonder how many of the others were false believers. Then the question was what to do about those who were. If half of them were, it would still leave him with approximately thirty men.

"Andrew!" His mother called. "Dinner!"

He quickly rewashed his hands and headed down the stairs with thoughts of his group on his mind.


"Nick and Will want to come over." Kenji told Patricia as they finished washing the dishes from dinner.

"What's happened now?" Patricia asked.

"I don't know." Kenji replied softly.

Patricia stopped what she was doing and looked up at him. She was worried about him. He missed school, all of them did but it was harder on him than the rest of them. She looked out of the kitchen window and saw that the other adults of the house were entertaining Ralph and Marie. It had been almost a week since they had moved in with Hiroshi and Dai and longer than that since they had had any real time alone.